MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 608 Waka Safety Zone

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The streets are so clean, which proves that the powers here are relatively strong, so that the main roads in the city can be cleared. When the base car completely enters the city, Jiang Liushi sees a wall that is four or five meters high and endless.

Safe place!

In the last days, there are only safe areas where ordinary people can live safely.

The size of this security zone is not large compared to the original Shenhai security zone, but the Shenhai security zone was established by the army, but it was only established by a gang.

The island gangs were originally much larger than Huaxia. Before the founding of China, the gangs of China were born, because the government had weak control over the country, only large-scale gangs such as the Qing Gang and Hong Gang were born. The boss can even see the head of state and is known as Emperor Shen Hai.

But into the 21st century, these have long become history, and throughout China, the gangsters whose names can be remembered are almost extinct.

However, island nations are different. Local islands have more capital than the central government, and civilians control more capital than the state. Capital determines power, and it is easier to promote the birth of powerful gangsters. The world ’s largest gangster is the island nation ’s Yamaguchi group By the beginning of the last days, it was more than 100 years old. The Mafia, a fighting nation known as the world's second largest gang, earns only a fraction of the Yamaguchi group, which is totally incomparable.

The island nation's gangsters have such a limelight because the island nation is the only gangster legal country in the world. The triad society can set up its headquarters fairly and even privately raise funds for some local political personnel to run for elections. Mainly in the island countries, the law provides for freedom of association, and triads also associate. You can never think that triads may commit crimes and arrest people.

In this way, those who lead the Daogugan triad can, like those engineers, lawyers, and doctors, fill out the words “triad” [Yakuza] in the occupation column in their account books.

As for the work of the underworld, of course, it is impossible to see the light. Obviously, obeying the law and doing serious business, in fact, after all, it is inseparable from collecting protection fees, gambling, pornography, drug trafficking, smuggling, but occasionally they also make a guest appearance on the police. Maintain law and order on your own site.

Of course, sometimes these criminal acts will be suppressed by the government, and many gangs are trying to wash them as white as possible, but that is only a last resort. When the end-time government dies, these gangs will naturally restore their nature and even become brazen.

The current island nation triad is a triad that has completely lost control. The island nation before the end of the world is probably the most polite and highest-quality country in the world. However, long-term banned and rigid life will suppress the character. Once it rebounds, it will be more powerful. After a year of end-time fermentation, it is very human. The ugly side inspires.

Ordinary people live in safe areas organized by triads. Although they don't have to worry about becoming food for zombies, their lives are definitely not easy.

When Jiang Liushi entered the safe zone, he did not even check. There were only a few island gang members posing in the door of the safe zone, and the traffic was unimpeded.

No one is allowed to enter the safe area of ​​the sword killing commune, but if you want to live in it, you must buy a house in the safe area. Because the safe area has a curfew, no one can stay outdoors at night. The tattooed man promised Xia Mei the right of residence, but he only found a shack for the three of them in the slum. Even so, the three were grateful to Dade.

At this time in the base car, Jiang Liushi was learning the island Mandarin with Ran Xiyu. As early as Jiang Liushi's first evolution, he chose brain domain evolution. Now Jiang Liushi's learning ability has far surpassed. Learning to learn is simple. Island Mandarin can be easily communicated in as little as a week.

"Jiang, look ..."

Ran Xiyu suddenly pointed out the window, and Jiang Liushi turned his head to look. At this time, Jiang Liushi had seen many residents of the safe zone. Some people had yellow skin and thin clothes, and some people were well-groomed and red-faced. The area gathered at the entrance of the safe zone is because there is a big market here.

The entry to the safe zone is the market, very gangster style.

Jiang Liushi looked around. Most of the well-dressed people in the market were trading mutant nuclei and mutant beast meat. Large pieces of mutant beast meat were placed in the most prominent position in the center of the market. A mutant pig and a mutant cow. Just like the original pigs and beef cattle, they were hung on iron hooks. These animals were ripped open, and some were still stained with blood and dripped into the blood basin. There was a power or A butcher-like man with a large ox knife in his hand cuts large pieces of meat.

Next to the mutant animal meat, there is a grain and vegetable market, bags of rice, flour, dried vegetables, and even a small amount of fish.

Almost all those who patronize these markets are those with power, and those who are poorly malnourished can only look at the drool. These people are afraid that they have not eaten a full meal a year.

Most of them came to the market to sell some agricultural products. In the last days, simple agricultural production has been restored in many areas. Although the output is not high, it is enough for the poor people who work day and night in the safe area to barely suffer.

There are also poor people who are not here to sell, but to be sold as commodities.

Jiang Liushi saw a large-scale slave market in the east of the market.

Various male and female slaves are listed for sale. Generally, the price of male slaves is marked low, and those beautiful female slaves are mostly from a hundred pounds of mutant animal meat.

Looking at the female slaves who were undressed and selected as goods, Jiang Liushi was so moved. He remembered the scene of the old society who was selling grass and weighing people. "One hundred pounds of mutant animal meat, a woman, It's a pound of meat. "

Jiang Liushi shook his head. The trafficking of female slaves also occurred in China. This kind of thing was really common in the last days. Sometimes, even some female slaves voluntarily sold themselves as slaves for various reasons.

In front of these female slaves, there was a big man with a fat body. He was naked, with green-green tattoos behind him, and looked like he weighed two hundred and several hundred pounds.

In island nations, triad tattoos are no longer common, and they have become a kind of culture. Even tattoo designs can show the triad status of a person.

This fat man is holding a leather whip in his hand, and is introducing twelve carefully selected female slaves to the customers. These female slaves are all about 20 years old, they have just been arrested without any violations. , You can buy it back for good training, even a little girl looks only fifteen or six years old, very immature.

"Jiang, there are dragons among them!" Ran Xiyu looked a little complicated after hearing Dahan's introduction.

The twelve female slaves are islanders, Europeans and Americans, and Chinese people. Among them, there are only one European and American girl, but Chinese girls account for six, more than island girls.

And these Chinese girls, without exception, come from Longteng organization, and even a few of them have abilities, but the abilities they have have nothing to do with combat capabilities.

Although Long Teng has retreated to Tyumen-cho, but the team is out, once encountered, small-scale fighting may still occur. In this way, there are captives.

Even if there is no battle, there may be beautiful girls who have been hijacked and sold as slaves. In the last days, there is no human rights. If you have no strength, you will fall into the hands of others. That means you are a slave.

"Jiang, we ..." Ran Xiyu couldn't bear to say that when he saw his compatriots being sold as goods in a foreign country, of course Ran Xiyu was uncomfortable, not to mention that before joining the Shiying team, Ran Xiyu was also a female slave and was held by Red When she was inside the cage, she was almost bought by Bai Zhanshan. If that was the case, she would really die.

Think about it. In the sword killing commune, I do n’t know how many psychopaths. After buying these slaves, they do n’t know how to torture them. If this happened in Huaxia, Ran Xiyu would not be so tangled, but It happened in the island country, she really couldn't stand it anymore, and she felt uncomfortable when she thought about it.

"Brother ..." Jiang Zhuying also called Jiang Liushi, who was also a girl, and Jiang Zhuying was uncomfortable.

Most of the girls in the car looked at Jiang Liushi.

Jiang Liushi was silent for a while, sighed, and said, "Shade, stop."

The base car door opened, Jiang Liushi got out of the car, and took Jiang Zhuying and Ran Xiyu to the slave market.

Seeing a customer coming, the obese man grinned and revealed a slobber of teeth, saying that slap, it was because most of his teeth were inlaid with gold teeth, it seems that half of these teeth were brutally beaten.

In this respect, guests with poor psychological qualities are scared away when they first arrive.

"Buy a woman?" The obese man asked.

"This, and a few more ..." Ran Xiyu pointed out all six Chinese slave women.

When Ran Xiyu gave a mouthful, the obese man raised his eyebrows. He already heard Ran Xiyu ’s accent. He was not a native of the island country. In addition, all the girls Ran Xiyu wanted to buy came from Huaxia. Fools could guess that. Already.

"Longteng people?"

The obese man frowned. After all, he belonged to the sword killing commune. Although these Dragon Slaves were hunted by their squad, and their fighting ability was not strong, they really sold the business to Dragon Teng. Of course, he was not reconciled.

Of course, the obese man is full of hostility towards Longteng.

"Sell or sell?" Ran Xiyu asked, she resisted the urge to punch a punch on the obese man.

"Hey, you want to buy back your own people, you dare to come to the sword killing commune, Long Teng's courage is getting bigger and bigger." The fat man touched his chin and looked at Ran Xiyu with impunity.

Jiang Zhuying's eyes flashed cold, almost touching the knife, but Ran Xiyu quietly stopped.

After all, this is the site of the sword killing commune. Although the Shiying team is not afraid of the sword killing the commune, Ran Xiyu does not know whether there may be a "creation" behind the sword killing commune.

If they are related to "creation", things are not so simple.

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