MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 585 Classmate reunion

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Song Helu was also shocked and happy, feeling incredible.

In the last days, she is more accustomed to losing, and reuniting like this is like dreaming.

"Jiang Zhuying, where did you go after the last days? I didn't see you at school. I was really sad at the time. I thought you ..." Song Helu pulled Jiang Zhuying in excitement, his eyes circled red.

At the beginning of the last days, most people became zombies, and Song Helu thought that Jiang Zhuying had also become zombies.

Jiang Zhuying was also very emotional: "I was thinking at the time, I do n’t know how the schoolmates were doing, but there were too many zombies at the school, and I was too weak at the time to go back. Right, what about other people? What about the people in the community? Is there no one else? "

At Jinling University, Jiang Zhuying and Song Helu both belonged to a community and often participated in community activities together. The girls with similar interests soon became close friends.

Song Helu is Jiang Zhuying's school sister. Jiang Zhuying remembers that she joined the club and was invited by Song Helu. Later in the club, Jiang Zhuying asked Song Helu what she didn't understand.

Since her parents died early, the economic conditions of the Jiang family were not good. After knowing this, Song Helu knew that at that time there was a scholarship in the college, she recommended Jiang Zhuying, and finally Jiang Zhuying got the scholarship.

In fact, at the time for Jiang Zhuying's tuition, Jiang Liushi still dared to ask his relatives to borrow money, and at this time Jiang Zhuying told him that he had received a bursary, and also mentioned Song Helu's help. Jiang Liushi was very impressed with Song Helu.

"Anyone in the community ... it's gone now." Song Helu seemed to remember something, and his expression suddenly slumped. "Unfortunately, Gan Wei had no chance to see you. If she could see you, she would be very happy."

Jiang Zhuying heard the names of familiar people and heard Song Helu's implication. She asked sadly, "Is Gan Wei here before?"

"Well, yeah. You also know that Gan Wei was a bit frail. She was born so well before, she had so much money at home, and she had never had any hardships. But in the last days, she could n’t sleep well. If you ca n’t eat well, you will soon fall ill. If you do n’t have anything to eat, she will not leave for a long time. Then she will leave. She is a girl like a porcelain doll, but in the end she is fragmented. ”Song Helu said, could not bear it Lived tears.

If Gan Wei is still there and their three little sisters reunite, it would be very happy. It's a pity that one is missing now.

Hearing Jiang Wei's departure, Jiang Zhuying couldn't help but have some red eyes. Her former sister was actually sick and starved to death.

Looking at Song Helu again, she is also thin and weak. Even under the condition of malnutrition, even the original beautiful skin has become tarnished and her hair has become dry, like the same flower has no moisture.

"It turns out that you are a bamboo shadow classmate, I have heard of you." Jiang Liushi said at this time.

"I was very grateful to you for the previous scholarship. As the brother of Zhu Ying, I should have expressed something." Jiang Liushi said.

"No thanks, no thanks, I'm a school sister, taking care of the bamboo shadow should be." Song Helu said quickly.

"Xi Yu, tell them to take ten pounds of meat and come down with a bag of rice," Jiang Liushi said.

After looting Luo Jiafeng's warehouse, this thing is really nothing to Jiang Liushi. And Jiang Liushi has always been a man of clear grudges and dislikes humility.

"OK." Ran Xiyu said.

Song Helu was overwhelmed at this time: "Ten cats ... too much, really don't need to ..."

At this moment, Ying had stepped out of the bus and came to this house.

She easily carried two bags and dropped them on the ground.

"You're welcome. Open it and see." Jiang Liushi said.

Jiang Zhuying held Song Helu's arm and said with a smile, "Helu, you can take it!"

Song Helu was pushed to these bags by Jiang Zhuying. She hesitated, and opened one of the bags with some restraint.

Suddenly, a bag full of meat appeared in front of me. The meat was tender and not only did not have any fishy smell, but also exuded a sweet smell. Still the taste of raw meat is so good, you can imagine the taste after cooking.

These meats are mutant animal meats.

Seeing so much meat, these survivors were stunned.

This bag contains at least ten pounds of mutant animal meat!

With so many mutant beasts, they really don't even dream about it.

"Ah ... this, this is too expensive, I ..." Song Helu said, looking at the meat, she was hit hard. Seeing so much meat in their camp, she would think it would be impossible before today.

Her father still plans to go out today, but even if his life is lost, he may not be able to get these things.

But Jiang Liushi casually took out so much meat just to thank a girl for helping his sister in the past.

"No need to quit, take it," Jiang Liushi said.

It's no exaggeration for Jiang Liushi to take out this meat.

"Bamboo Shadow, Brother Bamboo Shadow, I really don't know what to say ... Thank you so much ..." Song Helu shed a tear of joy and said with a choke.

These things, she can't refuse, this represents the hope of these people, to continue to survive.

"Can I eat with my companions?" Song Helu asked hopefully.

"Of course you can. This is already for you. You can do whatever you want," Jiang Liushi said casually.

"Great! Thank you!" Song Helu said happily.

Middle-aged men, as well as those survivors, thanked him very quickly.

Jiang Liushi took out these things, not for them, but because of Song Helu, but also because of Jiang Zhuying.

So although these people watched the meat involuntarily swallowed, if Jiang Liushi did not nod his consent, they would not dare to touch it.

"Well, let's talk about what I told you before." Jiang Liushi looked right and said to the middle-aged man.

As for Jiang Zhuying and Song Helu, they still have a lot to say about their experiences and encounters after the end of the world.

"Captain Jiang, what do you want to ask, just ask, as long as I know, I will say it in fifteen and ten." At this time the middle-aged man had already patted his chest to ensure that his interest was very high. People like him have nothing to help Jiang Liushi, and can only repay Jiang Liushi in this regard.

"I want to ask about 'Shenhai.'" Jiang Liushi asked.

"'Shenhai'?" The middle-aged man froze.

"Well, am I not looking for them to buy diesel?" Jiang Liushi smiled slightly.