MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 573 Meaning of bleeding

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The screams sounded, and Zhang Mingze's team had already been killed half before they actually started!

In the original teamfighting, it was important to start first. Once losing the first opportunity, the teamfights lost half.

This is especially true for the Shi Ying team, because there are two supergroups, Ran Xiyu and Jiang Zhuying, and together with the two super outputs of Ying and Zero, as long as they get the first move, the team fight is simply ruined. Not to mention the huge gap between the two teams.

"wait wait wait!"

Someone in the Power Squad begs for mercy.

However, Yinghe Zero ignored his complaints directly. He then made a scream, and with a spark in his hand, his body had lost his vitality.

At this time, Zhang Mingze was awake from the mental puncture and electric shock, but as soon as he was awake, the whole person fell into shock and sluggishness.

He is almost alone in his team! At his feet, the corpses of his men, and a few who were not dead, had completely lost their combat power.

At this moment, Jiang Liushi suddenly raised his gun. The long AMR-2 in his hand seemed to point at an angle at random. Jiang Liushi just swept his eyes and then pulled the trigger!

呯 ——!

After the gunshot, Jiang Liushi's muzzle was fine-tuned and the trigger was pulled again.

呯 ——!

Second shot!

People were stunned and wondered why Jiang Liushi shot suddenly.

People looked at the shooting direction of Jiangliu Stone in puzzlement, but they were surprised to see that there were two villas not far away from each other nearly 100 meters away, and blood had been spilled on the roof of the villa.

On the top of one of the buildings, there was a man with a gun. His chest was completely smashed. He didn't hum. He planted his head and fell to the ground like a sack.

As for the other villa, although no one was planted on the top of the building, the blood light had shown everything. One person was shot and killed by Jiang Liushi, but the body did not fall.

Those are two snipers ...

People realized this, and they felt chills in their hearts. Originally, they thought that Jiang Liushi just fired two shots at random, but he did not expect that he killed two snipers!

The sniper, which was nearly a hundred meters away, was still ambush on the top of the building. It was almost impossible to be found, but was directly killed by Jiang Liushi. When he shot, he hardly aimed!

What kind of insight is this, and what marksmanship, such a person is really terrible, making people want to assassinate him can not afford courage.

Zhang Mingze had no blood on his face at this time, and the two snipers were also arranged by him.

He knows that Jiang Liushi is very strong. His biggest reliance on Jiang Liushi is the more than 10,000 troops behind him. The combat power of 10,000 troops is not comparable to that of an ability squad. However, he did not expect that he could not make it. Favorable situation, start the army, their own people have died.

Just then, Zhang Mingze saw Jiang Liushi's sniper gun barrel and pointed at himself!

What's it like to point at a killed muzzle? Zhang Mingze once pointed his gun at others and claimed the lives of others, but today, he himself has tasted this kind of dying.

For a while, Zhang Mingze's breathing was almost frozen, and cold sweat continued to flow down his cheek.

In the current situation, no one believed it when he went out. More than 10,000 troops surrounded a squad. According to common sense, the squad must be extremely panic. They could only use their hostages as a threat to find a way to make a living.

If you encounter such a ruthless person like Zhang Mingze and completely ignore the safety of the hostages, the surrounded team can only be killed by random guns.

But here in Jiang Liushi, Jiang Liushi didn't care about Luo Jiafeng as a hostage at all, but pointed his gun at the commander of 10,000 troops!

For others, it was a death, but such a ridiculous thing happened.

Jiang Liushi completely ignored 10,000 troops!

"What are you going to do? I'm the Deputy Commander of the Joan Naval District. Now I'm the Supreme Commander. If you kill me, you will start a war immediately. Don't you think you will have an army of 10,000?"

Zhang Mingze's momentum has been completely crushed by Jiang Liushi, and he can only use his 10,000 army as his hole card.

"Deputy Commander of the Military Region?" Jiang Liushi sneered. "You are nothing more than a local warlord. To put it plainly, you are a bandit, and you still call yourself a military region?"

Jiang Liushi said here, looking at the many soldiers present, his voice filled his strength, and in this empty villa area, it was extremely loud-

"Most of you present are soldiers before the end of the world! What kind of profession should soldiers be? When you take a gun in troubled times, you should defend your country. If the regime is disappointing, you are homeless, even if you are Forcing Liangshan and falling grass to become pirates, you should also eat meat with a big scale! "

"And you? Are you defending the country? As far as I know, you are only working for a mysterious organization. What is the origin of the organization, you do n’t even know it? There are rich and rich, but have you eaten meat and drank in large bowls? As far as I know, the entire Qionghai City's drinking supply is still monopolized by the son of Qin, because he has a relationship with the commander of the military region. You should also You know? "

When Jiang Liushi talked, he walked over and kicked Qin Hongfang to the ground.


Qin Hongfang screamed and suddenly fell into a mud.

Jiang Liushi's foot was too strong, his lips broke, his teeth were full of mud and blood, and his face was all bruised.

The monopoly of Qionghai City's beverage supply was just bragging with Jiang Liushi on the road. The purpose was to make this kid stand out, knowing his background, and it would be better to share him a little bit. I didn't expect to be caught by Jiang Liushi now. One point, I brought the flag.

What Jiang Liushi said was extremely inflammatory.

Soldiers have a sense of honor. If you abandon the sense of honor, that person's nature is also yearning for a happy life. Like these soldiers now, they have not only lost the honor, but they are so hard-working. They naturally have a very strong feeling for Jiang Liushi. Great sense of identity.

"Don't spray people with blood. What kind of warlord bandits? We have a regular organization. We have the most powerful storm armor regiment in the entire Jiangnan region. Do you say the organization behind us is the warlord? Hey, then tell me, who is the government? You tell me where the government is? You say we are warlord bandits? That's ridiculous! I tell you, our organization is the future government! "

Zhang Mingze suddenly found a loophole in Jiang Liushi's dialect and began to attack Jiang Liushi.

Jiang Liushi looked at Zhang Mingze like a fool. He slowly took out a piece of paper from his arms: "You said that the Storm Armor Regiment ... forgot to tell you, the Wu regiment of the Storm Armor Regiment entrusted me to the military area. Bring a resignation report. Simply put, the Storm Armor Regiment no longer wants to be bandits with you, they will be their soldiers. "

Jiang Liushi said that he would start his resignation report.

"It should have been a veteran report, but the leader Wu did not consider himself a veteran. He was still a soldier, but he did not work with you. He felt that the relationship between you and the employer was an employment relationship, and he resigned."

The resignation report is in the hands of Jiang Liushi. All of this is not false, not to mention that the storm armor did not return for a long time after leaving Qionghai City.

"Leader Wu is gone?"

"After the Storm Armor Regiment is not our Qionghai City?"

The soldiers on the scene were frightened. In fact, Zhang Mingze was not a soldier at all before the end of the world, and his prestige was naturally not high in the army.

Before the end of the regiment, Wu was the instructor of the Army Armored Forces Academy and a fifth-level non-commissioned officer, which naturally won the respect of soldiers.

Moreover, the Storm Armor Regiment was originally the backbone of Qionghai City, and it was the pride of Qionghai City. But now I heard that the head of Wu is gone. How can they not be sorry?

Jiang Liushi said again, "I said this today, not because I was afraid of your siege! The 10,000 army is really strong, but I have my car. I was able to break through under the siege of the storm armor group, and I was able to break through with the commander Wu. It ’s not like you do n’t know each other. I ca n’t destroy you against your 10,000 troops, but it ’s not a problem to kill the siege! ”

"I just don't want your blood, it's meaningless!"

Jiang Liushi's words silenced the soldiers.

Zhang Mingze felt the atmosphere, and his heart began to tremble.

As soon as he was about to speak, he heard the voice of someone in the army.

"Everyone, he's right! We are soldiers, not tools in these people's hands, we should bleed, and we should not shed for such things!"

"Leader Wu is gone, then why are we staying?"

Zhang Mingze looked at the sound, talking to an ordinary officer.

At this time, more officers came out one by one.