MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 567 audacious in the extreme

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At this moment, the look of Jiang Liushi changed slightly, and he left the window.

Jiang Liushi went straight to one of the two bedrooms of the base car.

This is a girl's room. After the girls' processing and decoration, the atmosphere inside becomes fresh and elegant, adding a lot of delicate details.

After the base car was upgraded, Jiang Liushi had not yet entered this room.

As soon as he came in, he smelled a faint fragrance and smelled a little familiar.

It doesn't look like perfume or air freshener, it's very light, but it can't help but want to smell it carefully.

Jiang Liushi first stunned, then thought, this may be the scent of the girl in the legend. He used to smell this smell when he was sleeping in the same room with these girls.

Ran Xiyu and Jiang Zhuying were both in the room, while Xiang Xuehai was lying on the bed at the moment, and beside him was a little tired Li Yuxin.

"Yu Xin, you have worked hard." Jiang Liushi said.

Li Yuxin smiled and shook her head.

At this time Jiang Liushi walked to the bedside and looked at Xiangxuehai.

"You're awake." Jiang Liushi heard Ran Xiyu's spiritual voice and knew that Xiangxuehai had woke up before he came over quickly.

Xiang Xuehai looked very weak. She looked at Jiang Liushi without saying a word. After a while, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"It's been a long time." Xiang Xuehai's voice was very soft.

"Well, it's been a long time."

Jiang Liushi suddenly reached out and held Xiang Xuehai's hand.

"Just rest assured, I will do my best to help you with the matter in northern Jiangsu."

A hint of light emerged from Xiang Xuehai's eyes.

For some reason, Jiang Liushi has always given her a very reassuring feeling, and the words of Jiang Liushi have a special comforting power for her.

Even compared to a base city like Qionghai City, Xiang Xuehai believes in Jiang Liushi more. If he promises, he will definitely do it.

"You take a rest first, and when you have rested, tell me about North Jiangsu." Jiang Liushi said.

But at this time Xiang Xuehai didn't let go of his hand, she shook her head: "I'm not so vulnerable. Dr. Yu Xin has helped me clear all the toxins, and I can say now."

"You should already know that northern Jiangsu is now spreading a plague." Xiang Xuehai said softly.

"This plague will make people look like zombies."

"Ah? Like zombies, isn't that a zombie virus infection?" Jiang Zhuying blinked and asked a little bit inexplicably. It sounds completely different.

"Some people think so, but they are very different from zombies." Xiang Xuehai continued.

"The infected people of this plague will not lose their consciousness in the beginning. Although their bodies have become like zombies and their habits have begun to change, their brains are still awake and they know they are personal."

"But gradually, their bodies started to rot, and they finally watched as they slowly turned into a carrion. By comparison, they became much better than this."

Li Yuxin couldn't hear this at all. She just heard Xiang Xuehai's description and imagined that picture, she couldn't bear it.

Jiang Zhuying also felt some scalp tingling, even frowning.

"This situation has been going on for a long time?" Jiang Liushi also felt a little uncomfortable listening, watching his body gradually rot. This is basically a physical and psychological double torture. I am afraid that the human spirit will be the first to be finished Collapsed, it is estimated that many people committed suicide in despair before they died.

"It didn't take long, but ... too many people have died."

Xiang Xuehai seemed to recall those horrible memories as she spoke, her face paled and her lips trembled gently.

Anyone who has witnessed such a death, and still many people die in front of her, is unbearable.

Because of this, Xiangxuehai ventured so far to Qionghai City for help.

"Miss Hong, take a rest first. Yuxin, take care of her."

Jiang Liushi said, standing up, at this moment, the base vehicle has reached the gate of Qionghai City, and the tall city wall came out of a long shadow under the setting sun, covering the base vehicle.

The base car has now transformed into a bus.

"I'm fine. I've recovered a lot. Where are we from?"

Xiang Xuehai felt the light was dimming. She turned to look out the window and saw a section of the city wall. In the last days, where there is a city wall, it is naturally a big city.

"Qionghai City."

Jiang Liushi said faintly, Xiang Xuehai listened to her heart, Qionghai City?

She froze for a while. The original hunting order issued by Qionghai City, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Liushi came to Qionghai City. For Jiang Liushi, it was a dragon cave.

Although Xiang Xuehai knew that Jiang Liushi was strong, he didn't have to go straight into Qionghai City. This is the army's base camp. Is Jiang Liushi going to war with the military?

"How come you here, you know it's ..."

"Come to kill."

Jiang Liushi said of course that this time he came to Qionghai City for revenge, so the people of the Storm Armor Regiment, Jiang Liushi just let them leave.

The people in the Storm Armor Regiment did not refuse. They naturally wanted to return to Qionghai City, but they were almost coming to Qionghai City, but they already thought about it.

They brought back their enemies after the defeat, and they had violated the rules of Qionghai City. More importantly, the warlord rule like Qionghai City was not what they agreed with at all.

This battle has made them understand this. In this case, why insist on returning to Qionghai City.

Maybe they will go to a small town and set up a new camp to accommodate some ordinary people struggling.

Of course, their departure is a very big loss for Qionghai City. In fact, there are not many tanks in many military regions. Qionghai City is an exception. Except for a small number of tanks that they had before the end of the world, most of them were obtained after the end of the world.

But these things, they will not think about it anymore.


Xiang Xuehai heard it for a moment. Such a **** word, spoken in Jiangliu Shikou, seemed so calm and normal.

Before she could say anything, Jiang Liushi had walked out of the door.

"Stop! Stop!"

Seeing the base vehicle approaching, the soldiers at the gate of Qionghai City came over with guns.

Qionghai City is a trading center. Many teams with oil and water will come to Qionghai City. There is a lot of oil and water in the gates here. There are some difficulties and you can collect some tolls.

"stop for inspection!"

The small captain of the defender of the city kept a double-headed character. He touched his chin and inspected the bus. The look was not like a soldier doing a routine search, but looking for something valuable.

After the end of the world, the army system here has too many people, and many soldiers are no longer the same.

The Captain Hu Zhahu has been down for such a long time, and he has also developed a pair of wise eyes. At a glance, he can see that Jiang Liushi's bus is an ability team and not weak. Otherwise, how could he drive such a large car? Fuel consumption is too exaggerated.

And this car is so pretty, right? I do n’t think there is anything from the outside, but looking from the windshield, Captain Bazihu ​​found that the car is extremely luxuriously decorated, it turned out to be an RV, and sitting The driver in the driving position is still a pretty girl, and there are few such beautiful and clean beauties in the last days.

Captain Bazihu ​​felt a little bit tickled for a while: "Get off! Get off and check!"

Captain Bazihu ​​doesn't offend these powerful phantom squads too much, but just lets the beauties get off the car and watch them up close. It's also very refreshing to experience eye addiction.

"Drive the door."

Captain Bazihu ​​raised his gun in his hand. How can such a luxurious RV not be visited without a visit? The beauty of the fragrant car, such a pastime in the last days, made him very jealous of the kid on the car.

But whatever he said, Jiang Liushi didn't drive the door, and it was just the other person's angry look that made him unhappy.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

At this moment, Zhang Hai's voice came from behind. Zhang Hai was usually called Jiang Brother. Now that he has arrived in Qionghai City, he has changed his name. Now Jiangliu ’s signature buses have changed a lot. Someone would think of Jiang Liushi from this bus.

As for the word "Shi Ying" on the bus, it was temporarily covered by Jiang Liushi.

Of course, even when Jiang Liushi came directly to the gate of Qionghai City, it was very bold.

And Luo Jiafeng certainly would not have thought that he would have such boldness. In addition, now is the last days, the warlords here will not respond as fast.

Until now, what Liu Liushi ’s car looks like, and what he looks like, I ’m afraid that Qionghai City ’s warlords do n’t know.

Therefore, Jiang Liushi swayed and came directly to the gate.

"Oh? There are a lot of people, like you, get off."

Captain Bazihu ​​tilted his head and said to the car behind him, but before he finished speaking, his voice got stuck in his throat.

He watched with open eyes, a heavy tank came along with a rumbling sound.

"Tank ... Type 99 main battle tank !?"

Captain Bazihu ​​was dumbfounded. What happened to the Phantom Squad to get a tank open? It is still the most advanced model of active equipment, which is too outrageous!

The mighty power squad, Captain Bazihu ​​has heard a lot, but he has never heard of a tank driver.

The tank thing, the psionic team cannot really play, not to mention the issue of fuel consumption, ammunition supply alone is an impossible task for the ps team.

The main gun of a tank has a small amount of ammunition, and it will be gone after the fight. How can there be ammunition supply without the support of the army?

So even though Qionghai City had an armored regiment, they saw that a team of psionicists actually had tanks, and the Captain Hu Zhan was shocked.

This team is too cruel!

And the guy who drove the main battle tank actually called the captain in front of him? Is he just a subordinate?

For a moment, Captain Bazihu ​​was a little stunned.

"What's the matter, let's not let it go?" After seeing an in-town inspector for so long, Zhang Hai stunned, "Hey! Say you."

Zhang Hai held a 81 bar and knocked on the 12.7mm antiaircraft machine gun on the main battle tank.

Captain Bazihu ​​swallowed: "How can you open the main battle tank, this is all military property! Did you grab it or pick it up? You must return it to the army!"

Captain Bazihu ​​finally reacted. It was enough to drive a tank. How much is a tank!

"You must not leave, follow me to the military area!"

Captain Bazihu ​​patted the gun in his hand, and at the same time the intercom called for support. In the face of the entire team of unknown powers, he was a little embarrassed.

"What are you talking about? Lao Tzu grabbed the tank by his own skill and why did I return it to you, Captain ..."

Zhang Hai talked, but saw Jiang Liushi wave her hand.

To go to the military area is Zhenghe River Flowing Stone. He originally wanted to go to the military area, but now he has saved someone to lead the way.

"You, put down your weapon and get off the tank!"

Captain Bazihu ​​said to Zhang Hai on behalf of the Qionghai City military.


In response, it was the sound of the tank lids overlapping.

Seeing the tank's barrel slowly turning up, Captain Bazihu ​​swallowed the water and did not dare to call the tank under Zhang Hai again, just kidding. If it was fired in Qionghai City, the consequences would not be his shoulders. That one bar and one star can hold it.

"Stop it!"

Captain Bazihu ​​hurriedly avoided the gun barrel. Compared to that luxury RV, the threat of this tank in front of him was naked. Facing the feeling of a 125mm smoothbore gun, that fear was no less than facing a zombie group.

Fortunately, the support team arrived.

Although this support team is also a team of soldiers and crabs, but behind them is the military, they are still very confident.

"Follow us! I warn you, if you dare to mess around in the city, I promise you will regret coming to this world."

The support team was led by a captain with a flat head. He hurried to see the tank and was shocked.

What a ghost, there really is a tank!

However, Qionghai City has an armored regiment. Although the specifications are not comparable to the real armored regiment, it is also very energetic.

So as soon as the captain came, he immediately put out the shelf and gave the power squad a bad deal.

At the same time, he glanced at Captain Bazihu ​​with a little appreciation, and seized a tank, and they could also get some rewards.

"Don't hesitate, follow me!" The captain shouted.

Jiang Liushi smiled at him with a smile: "Let's go."

Xiang Xuehai was in the car and glanced at the captain with some sympathy.

The captain thought Jiang Liushi was instigating.

Where does he know who he brought to the military area.

Any trouble, it was all he brought in ...

Zhang Hai gave a dismissive glance at Captain Hu and the flat captain. He followed the base car in a tank, followed by the flat captain into Qionghai City and headed for the military area.