MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 560 Poaching!

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"This is exactly what I want!"

If one heads into Qionghai City, Jiang Liushi may still have some scruples.

But now, it is he who stands by.

"Xi Yu, full vigilance, we are waiting for 'Guests' to arrive."


The next day, Chen Ting still laughed and couldn't bear it. He took Jiang Liushi and others to rush to Qionghai City.

Passing by a small town, Chen Ting turned into the parking lot of a hotel and stopped here.

The hotel is surrounded by walls on all sides. There is only one entrance. The parking lot comes in. There is a gazebo, a rockery, and a small building.

"Captain Jiang, take a break here?" Chen Ting asked.

Jiang Liushi glanced at him and said, "Okay."

Chen Ting was stunned by Jiang Liushi's eyes, this boy, won't he notice anything?

But even if Jiang Liushi really noticed something, it was too late.

Chen Ting's eyes flashed a cold color, and a pleasant smile.

Just then, Chen Ting suddenly made a gesture to his driver.


The two cars in the steel camp suddenly rushed out and the speed broke out.

The two cars rushed towards the hotel door.

They were so fast that even Sasha, who was sitting in the car, didn't respond for a moment.

By the time she realized what was happening, her face had completely changed.

"Jiang Liushi!"

On the bus, Jiang Liushi looked indifferently to this scene.

"This is the place you chose?" Jiang Liushi said.

At this time, two cars at the steel camp had rushed out of the gate.

Chen Ting's laughter came: "Jiang Liushi, I've chosen the cemetery for you, are you satisfied? Enjoy it, haha!"

"Jiang Liushi, run away!" Xie Shasha turned her head anxiously and looked into the hotel.

Why did the bus stop still there? !!

At this time, a violent engine roar suddenly came from all directions.

After a while, Xie Shasha felt like there were hundreds of cars rushing to this side from different directions.

One off-road rushed to the hotel door and surrounded it.

It's like countless zombies.

At the other end of the street, tanks and armored combat vehicles also appeared.

The army stopped here.

Song Lingchen sat in the chariot and looked in the direction of the hotel in the distance.

From them, the battlefield was not visible, but Song Lingchen was able to sense that hundreds of psionic energy had been gathered there.

Today, the stone shadow team will be trembling with real power.

"I don't know why you dare to come here, but even if I don't do it, you will be completely bitten by the mice and hyenas below. This is the real power, and the power of the commander is not what you can imagine. "

Song Lingchen sat there indifferently.

As the commander of this army, he was not yet interested in teaming up with a group of abilities.

He just had to wait here, and the hyenas would offer their prey and loot.

Xiang Xuehai's beautiful eyes seemed to pass through the long streets and buildings, and cast into the hotel. The bus stopped quietly in the surrounding circle.

"Jiang Liushi, are you there ..." Xiang Xuehai's heart seemed to be choked.

"Xiang Xuehai, just stay here with me."

Xiang Xuehai was trying to drive away, but was stopped by Song Lingchen.

Several tanks and chariots quickly surrounded them.

"Colonel Song, what do you mean?" Xiang Xuehai frowned and asked.

"It's just a scene where a group of poor worms are trampled to death. What's so nice about it? Don't you care?" Song Lingchen's gaze locked on Xiang Xuehai's face at once.

Seeing Xiang Xuehai not talking, Song Lingchen finally looked away.

"On such occasions, you don't have to go, you are here, just accompany me and wait for the results." Song Lingchen said lightly.

Xiang Xuehai's eyes looked into the distance, a pair of fiber hands had been unconsciously clenched, and her eyes were deeply worried and praying.

At the same time, Yu Guang stared at Song Lingchen, who was sitting in the car, and there was a flash of murder in her beautiful eyes.


Xie Shasha was sitting in the car, looking at the vehicles gathered around the mutant herd, her face pale.

"It's late." Chen Ting sneered, and suddenly looked at Xie Shasha, "You just sit here and see how Jiang Liushi died without a whole body."

Xie Shasha was all cold, and a gleam of fear flashed under her eyes.

But gradually, her look became firm.

"He won't die!" Xie Sasha said.

She was still scared, but looked at Chen Ting's gaze without flinching.

Chen Ting looked at Xie Shasha, a hint of playfulness appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Then we'll wait and see."

With so many people coming, he wanted to see what Jiang Liushi had to do.

And these coming power teams all looked at the prey in the cage, looking at the lonely bus.

"Stone Shadow Team, surrender!"

"It would also make it easier for you to die if you surrender."

Some power-laughers laughed.

They all come to share the rewards. If only one team faces the Shi Ying team, they may still be cautious, but with so many teams present, it feels completely different.

What is worrying now is that there are more wolves and less meat, and the reward is not enough.

They also saw the river stones sitting inside through the windshield of the bus.

Facing such a scene, Jiang Liushi was still sitting still.

"Afraid not to scare the pants?"

"Maybe the legs won't move."

"Afraid of normal, instead of being in your place, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid, why not? Maybe I broke it."

These people did not turn down the volume at all, even Jiang Liushi, who was sitting in the bus, could hear it clearly.

These powers teams completely hunted down the stone shadow squad as a carnival.

At this time, Jiang Liushi's face suddenly had an expression.

He actually smiled.

This smile made many people frown, that is, Chen Ting frowned.


"Silly, right?"

Only Chen Ting felt a kind of uncomfortable feeling. Does Jiang Liushi feel able to live in this situation?

The people present were only those from their steel camp. They knew the power of the Shiying squad, but even if the car had not yet burst into full force, it was time to kill Jiang Liushi with one bite in the face of so many teams.

However, Chen Ting has made up his mind to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Even if there is any hidden means for Jiang Liushi, there are also teams of psionicists standing first, and looking for opportunities next to him, giving Jiang Liushi a lethal blow Snow had previously been shamed.

Facing this battle, Jiang Liushi couldn't help but smile.

The energy of that organization is indeed not small. I don't know how high the price was for him and the Shi Ying team, which attracted so many hungry wolves.

These hungry wolves rushed to the town in advance, and what Chen Ting did was to ask Jun to enter.

But with so many people hiding in this town, how could Ran Xiyu be unaware?

Jiang Liushi already knew how many people there were, and he had already prepared.

It seems that the organization does not pay enough attention to itself, otherwise ...

"Otherwise, they should know that these black people are in front of me!"

"Shadow, drive!"

Jiang Liushi burst into a roar.

Facing so many power teams, Jiang Liushi not only did not back off defense, on the contrary, he also took the initiative to attack!

Seeing that the bus suddenly rushed out, Rao was mentally prepared for Chen Ting, and could not help but be shocked.

It was the teams of those powers who took a moment to stun.

But then they reacted, this was just a mortal counterattack.

These power teams did not take the impact of this bus at all.

These teams have more than a dozen or twenty guns, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of guns were aimed at the bus.

At the same time, there are more than a dozen off-road vehicles in front of them, like a wolves swooping towards the bus.

"It's the spotted hyena squad!"

The spotted hyena team arrived first, and the first one made an outrageous attack, and its strength was also one of the first in this group of powerists.

Hyenas have a very bad reputation. When other predators catch prey, they will bite the prey's throat before eating, but hyenas will eat the prey alive, even the leash and even the bones.

The spotted hyena is the largest and most predatory species in the hyena family. The name of the spotted hyena shows the brutality of this team.

In these dozens of vehicles, a steel net full of spikes was hung in front of them. They had hunted and did not know how many psionic teams, and each time they intercepted each other and killed them all.

Seeing the bus whistling and rushing, the spotted hyena team was very calm. They suddenly separated just before they collided with the bus, and rushed towards the bus from different directions.

Huh! Huh!

More than a dozen sharp breaking sounds suddenly sounded. From these dozen cars, iron chains were shot at the same time, and the top was a sharp cone.

"This is the usual hunting method of the spotted hyena team. With this method, regardless of the survivor's vehicle or the mutant beast, we must hate it," said those who knew it.

Once the car is penetrated by a sharp cone, chains from different directions will firmly lock the car, restricting its movement.

The mobility disappeared, and in front of the group of spotted hyenas, they could only wait for the miserable death.

Although this bus is relatively large, it cannot withstand such an attack.

The captain of the spotted squad has already smiled. She is a middle-aged beautiful woman, dressed very boldly. However, no one would despise her because of her gender and appearance. She was very reckless in killing people.

"I don't think the team of this stone shadow squad is pretty good. I like it, but I like it, but unfortunately it is a reward. Otherwise, I would consider grabbing him and playing with me. But it does n’t look like he ’s an ability. It is estimated that it will not be able to withstand long toss, and it will become skinny, right? "The spotted captain licked his lips and smiled charmingly.

Her words made the surrounding phantoms hear a chill. If it wasn't for Captain Iguana's notoriety in this regard, many people would not mind playing with this beautiful **** who still has the charm.

But there are many men who have been played to death by Captain Spotted Hyena, and she is moody. She may still be Cheng Huan in the last second, and suddenly the cavities are exposed the next second, and the man's head is directly screwed off. .

"In fact, it can be, anyway, there is a reward saying that regardless of life and death, there is no stipulation on how to die." Captain Spotted Giggle giggled.

At this time, those pointed cones with iron chains, with horrific force, collided with the bus.


However, the next scene made Captain's smile suddenly freeze, and his eyes widened suddenly.


Those sharp cones were bombarded one by one!

On the surface of the bus, only a few potholes were left, and they were not penetrated at all.

how can that be? !!

These sharp cones are all made by the Qionghai City military to use special alloys. They are very hard. Is it tougher than special alloys?

Those of the psionicist team also disappeared suddenly.

The scene in front of them almost shocked their chins.

This defense, horror!

However, when these people were shocked by the defense of the bus, Jiang Liushi sank.

"The base car shell was damaged, and the damage was 5%."

The sound of the star kind made Jiang Liushi's heart feel a little anger.

After upgrading his base car, he was actually injured!

"I despise this group of survivors so much that I did not expect them to have such a means." Jiang Liushi said in his heart.

If it was a CMB car before, it might have been seriously damaged due to the sudden attack just now.

"You can't catch me, then it's my turn to catch you." Jiang Liushi said coldly.

The spotted squadron's iron chain failed, and the spotted squadron captain was shocked for a while, but she quickly reacted.

"Put it on and hang it on his car!" The captain of the spotted squad called out.


On the vehicles of the spotted hyena team, the players suddenly hung several spiked iron nets on different faces.

In this way, your own vehicle is hung on the opponent's vehicle, this method is also commonly used by spotted iguana teams.

At the same time, they also took out a lot of tire breakers, ready to be thrown under the tires of the bus.

But just then, the bus suddenly accelerated.

The bus was not dodging, but rushed towards one of the spotted squad cars.

The roar of the engine was deafening, and the bus seemed to growl!

"Be careful!" The captain of the spotted squad changed his face.

The off-road vehicle hurried and slammed the steering wheel.

However, it's too late!


In a huge muffled sound, the off-road vehicle was knocked directly into the air, rolled several times in the air, and then hit the ground heavily. The car body was completely deformed and turned into a pool of discus.

Then "Boom"!

The "discus" exploded, the flames rushed and the smoke billowed.

Clean and neat!

But this is just the beginning for Jiang Liushi.


The bus turned again.

"Kill him! Post them all to me!" The captain of the spotted squad yelled.


More than a dozen off-road vehicles are closely pasted towards the bus.

However, the kinetic energy of this bus is terrible, and the steering is extremely flexible!

Driven by Ying, the bus is extremely dexterous despite its size.

The team of psionicists present felt that they were witnessing an extremely tense chase, and the range was smaller and more exciting!

Some people even feel that when they just look at them, they feel dizzy and bloated, as if they are about to vomit.

Bang Bang!

The buses are constantly bumping, and the off-road vehicles affixed to the buses are also suddenly thrown away in the crazy turning of the buses!

It was difficult for them to break the defense of the bus and hung on the bus. Even if it barely hung, the bus turned too fast!

Those off-road vehicles that were thrown off couldn't control the direction, and even a car was directly thrown into the small building of the hotel, and a huge impact sound was made instantly.

The bus does not use any special features. It just shows terrible kinetic energy and superb driving skills, and it has already held many people's breath.

This is like a group of hyenas going to bite a huge beast, and the strength of this beast is far beyond their imagination. Not only does it make them lose their mouths, but also in the thunder-like counterattack, they just slap their feet and lame Just let these hyenas be shot dead, trampled to death.

Boom boom!

The bus crashed like this, and in the blink of an eye, the spotted hyena team lost half of it!

At this time, the captain of the spotted hyena team also realized the difficulty of the prey, and she gave birth to a retreat. She's just here to hunt, she must not fight so hard.

The spotted squad captain signaled that everyone was temporarily retreating.

"Want to run? Don't leave when you come!" Jiang Liushi sneered.

Ying immediately pressed a button and crashed!

The base vehicle speeded up abruptly, with a roar like a muffled thunder rolling over the ground.

Although this group of hyenas hushed, how could they escape in front of the base vehicle?

Each off-road vehicle was overtaken by the base vehicle in horror, and then ushered in!

The faster the speed, the harder it hits!


An off-road vehicle flew up, smashing the two cars in front, and crashed into a ball in a blink of an eye.

The spotted squad captain looked back and looked dismayed!

She just heard a crash and looked back. Her team was the only car left!

The captain of the spotted hyena squad is creepy. Where is she now thinking about eating Jiang Liushi and just hoping to escape back to the crowd?

"I said I'm going to kill you. Do you want to escape ?!"

Crash again!

The base car roared in horror and flew towards the captain's vehicle.

"Don't! I surrender! I surrender!"

The captain of the spotted hyena team only felt that the spirit was flying away. The speed of this bus is really terrible!

She screamed loudly, hoping to impress Jiang Liushi, even if it only made him hesitate!

However, Jiang Liushi's eyes were cold.

"Sorry, you make me a little sick."


In the roar of the engine, the base vehicle caught up with the off-road vehicle, and then made a loud impact.


In the sound of the impact, the squeal of the spotted squad leader stopped abruptly.

Afterwards, the off-road vehicle that was hit and hit the ground hit the ground heavily, and then turned into a huge fire in the explosion.

The spotted hyena squad annihilated!