MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 543 no way no money?

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"I thought you had any other way ..." Han Yuan shook his head in disappointment, the armored chariot riding back, hiding behind the tank convoy.

Han Yuan already knew that Jiang Liushi's biggest reliance was on the CMB car.

And what kind of means are there for CMB cars? Han Yuan is already in control.

Jiang Liushi wanted to rub his wrist with him, but he didn't have that qualification yet.

It was a tank company that came out with Han Yuan to perform the task.

The tank on land is the king of the land.

Although he did not want to open fire on Jiang Liushi, these soldiers could not disobey the order and watched Jiang Liushi attack Han Yuan.

"Captain Jiang, retreat if you know what is difficult." The company commander of the tank is a tough guy in his early thirties. He looked at the rushing CMB car with a pair of eyes, and said in his heart.

He was riding a company command tank, and three tank platoons, as well as three 99-type main battle tanks, were enough to form a steel-like defense line, indestructible.

The turrets on each tank pointed sensibly towards the direction of the bus.

When the turrets roared, even the black hole was torn into pieces, how could the CMB car resist?

If it weren't for Han Yuan's fear of blasting the kernel together, the Chinese and Pakistani cars have now been torn apart in the fire.

At this moment, the speed of the CMB bus suddenly increased!

Accelerated collision mode, open!

It's not too far away, it's drawn in an instant!

Looking at the CMB car rushing over, even the tank commander could not shrink his pupils.

The CMB crashed like this, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebbles!

Wei Feifei exclaimed, closing her eyes involuntarily, and couldn't bear to look again.

Wan Yiling showed a sense of pleasure. He thought Jiang Liushi was going to resist stubborn resistance, but he did not expect it to be the same.

But at the moment of impending collision!

The bus started to deform from the front of the car, and its volume suddenly became extremely huge. In a blink of an eye, a land-lord-like mining truck was born.

Jiang Liushi sat in the car with his eyes high, looking at Han Yuan's lonely face through the windshield.

"How powerful is my base car, how do you know?"

Base car second form, mining truck mode, open!

A steel monster weighing more than 150 tons, even a 50-ton type 99 main battle tank, is just like a bigger toy in this steel monster.

And those armored chariots, off-road vehicles, are completely toys, extremely small.

It's already astounding by its own weight, not to mention that this steel monster is still accelerating!

Even the ground is shaking like a small earthquake!

At such a short distance, it is too late to launch an armor-piercing projectile!

Listening to the rumbling sound, watching the behemoth rolling in, the officers and men in the tank were frightened, and no one dared to go head-to-head with this big guy and keep away.

Han Yuan showed a shocked look. Although the weapons carried by the Chinese and Pakistani vehicles were amazingly lethal, they were still within his understanding. The weapons in the army were far more than those of the Chinese and Pakistani vehicles.

But from a CMB car to such a big Mac truck, Han Yuan couldn't understand it.

"Fire! Fire!" Han Yuan shouted.

He even pushed the driver aside personally, slammed the steering wheel and backed away.

The mining truck came straight towards him and brought a strong sense of oppression on his face.


A fire burst suddenly on the front of the mining truck, and the body of the mining truck shook violently.

Through the thick smoke, Jiang Liushi glanced at it. On that shockwave truck, Lu Tianlong was carrying a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher to lock the mining truck.

"Warning, 30% damage to tires, 25% damage to covers ..."

As for the cue of the stars, Jiang Liushi seemed to have not heard it at all.

As a result of Lu Tianlong's sniper attack, the forward trend of the mining truck came to an abrupt halt. The front of the truck hit a rockery heavily, and the rockery was instantly crushed into powder.

However, the mining truck stopped.

Seeing this scene, Wan Yiling was relieved.

Just now the mine truck rushed all the way, there was an unstoppable trend, and she even felt a sense of shock. She really thought that she would be crushed to death by this car.

Han Yuan's face was ugly. In order to block the mining truck, he used shells.

Unless the river flow stone is resolved first, the kernel cannot be considered for the time being.

Da da da!

As soon as the mining truck stopped, intensive gunfire sounded.

"Warning, the casing is damaged by 30% ... 35% ..."

"Warning, 20% damage to windshield ..."

Once the Big Mac stopped, it suddenly became a target.

Wei Feifei was pale, looking at the mining truck in the rain of Gunlin Bombing, worried.

"That's all for now." Han Yuan's eyes were clear.

No matter how strong a car's defense is, it is impossible to carry such an attack.


The giant tire of the mining truck suddenly made a loud noise.

"Warning, the second tire is severely damaged and can no longer be used."

A car tire was blown up!

The body and tires of mining trucks have been upgraded and strengthened.

But still beaten!

"They are dead!" Wan Yiling said cheerfully looking at the motionless mining truck.

Through the windshield that has become a spider web, Han Yuan looked at Jiang Liushi in the car, and he stopped with a hand to signal a ceasefire.

But both the turrets of surrounding tanks and Lu Tianlong's bazookas are still aimed at mining trucks.

"Jiang Liushi, it's too late to surrender now, surrender the kernel, and still save a life! Otherwise, be shot on the spot!" Han Yuan returned to his indifferent expression at this time, and everything was under his control.

Including the fate of Jiang Liushi, it is only something he can decide in a sentence.

Jiang Liushi has run out of steam and can no longer make waves.

The tank sighed again and again, and Wei Feifei swayed slightly.

She looked at the Big Mac truck that had been parked in a blink of an eye.

"Captain Jiang, what would you do?" Wei Feifei thought thoughtfully.

Instead, she seemed to have no choice but to surrender at this time.

She also saw Jiang Liushi sitting motionless in the car and seemed helpless.

But at this moment, she seemed to see Jiang Liushi's face with a smile.

Then, Jiang Liushi's voice came out of the car: "This sentence should be what I said to you. But even if you kneel on the ground and ask me, it's too late."

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in the ears of everyone around him.

The tank company commander shook his head and smiled bitterly, while Han Yuan looked calm.

Lu Tianlong could not help but utter a sneer: "Death is imminent, and he is still ruthless, it will only make people feel like a poor worm."

Wei Feifei showed a touch of pain. When it was over, Jiang Liushi refused to surrender, then it must be the end of the siege by the set fire.

She raised her gun silently, and the pain in her eyes became firm again.

At this moment, her strength is too weak, but standing with Jiang Liushi is the only thing she can do.

Jiang Liushi saved her life twice. She would not abandon Jiang Liushi at this time.

Even in the face of these dozens of tanks, the muzzle was the enemy.

At this moment, only Jiang Liushi looked as calm as Han Yuan.

"You think you've seen my limits, but that's because your vision limits your imagination. Do you think I'm not qualified to talk to you about conditions, in my eyes, why are you qualified to talk to me about conditions? More Needless to say, let me surrender and hand over the kernel. "

In front of Jiang Liushi, the control panel of the star species is projecting.

The upgrade progress bar of the base car is in the middle of the control panel.

Progress is: 99.99%.

After that……


Jiang Liushi suddenly raised his eyelids and looked at Han Yuan.

"The base vehicle upgrade is complete."

Model: Base car (Type II, upgraded version, camouflage-shaped minibus, adjustable.)

Space configuration: upgraded, pending selection.

Weaponry: secondary compressed air cannon, flamethrower.

Powertrain: Upgraded.

Shell strength: Class C ...


All glitches have been fixed!

Plenty of information and data flashed quickly on the control panel. Jiang Liushi's sight directly locked Han Yuan through this translucent control panel.

When Han Yuan thought he was helpless, he didn't know that this was just this steel monster, waiting for a freshman.

"Shadow!" Jiang Liushi shouted.

Without a word, Ying stepped on the throttle suddenly, and stepped on to the end!

At this moment, the shape of the base truck started to change from the mining truck.

The streamlined general body, the highly technological metal shell, and the top like a vertebra, the dazzling impact angle has been completely integrated with the front.

This is just an unformed base car.

But even that is enough!

The base car, which was still in the process of transformation, uttered a roar so loudly that it burst out in the sound of the deafening engine!

It is twice as fast as before. The flames from the crazy burning of fuel are like the dazzling long tail of a base car.

Under such a short distance, the speed of the base car broke out completely, unstoppable!


Under the collision angle, even the tanks were pushed away!

Da da da!

The shooting of bullets could not stop the base car.

As soon as Lu Tianlong was about to launch a rocket launcher, a figure rushed out from behind the base vehicle, like a silent cheetah, rushing towards him.

Knife and knife fall!

The dagger in zero hand just cut Lu Tianlong's throat.

This powerful phantom, Han Yuan's left arm and right arm, was spiked in this way, and he didn't even react.

Bai Jiayan froze like an enemy.

"Don't move." Zero's voice came from behind him like snow.

Bai Jiayan raised his hand silently, he didn't even know when the girl got off the CMB.

The power of the Shiying squad is more than the base car?

The base car is the core, and everyone in the Shi Ying team that develops with the base car must not be underestimated.

A powerful mental power enveloped the audience instantly.

All the soldiers in the tank were at a loss at this moment.

When they return to God--

In less than a tenth of a second, this base car that made everyone stunned had already hit the armored chariot where Han Yuan was.

The bulletproof steel plate was torn instantly like thin paper, and the whole car was provoked, rolled over fiercely, and hit the ground heavily!

One rush, one collision, Han Yuan's car has been solved!

At this time, Jiang Liushi had already appeared with a gun in the war room of the base vehicle.

His gaze was so cold that he aimed directly at the smoke and did not hesitate to shoot a shot!

A figure rolled out of the dust, covered with gray and embarrassed, it was Han Yuan!

At that moment, he jumped into the car while holding Wan Yiling, but was locked by Jiang Liushi.

Although he had done his best to dodge, so he only scratched, but how terrible the sniper bullet was, his thigh was so **** that his meat was torn off.

"One more step, your head is gone." Jiang Liushi's voice, like a cold wind, sounded in Han Yuan's ear.

Han Yuan was so stiff that he really didn't dare to move.

Although it is not in the army, but after the steel defense line formed by this tank, he is a general. He was actually caught by a survivor with his gun.

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