MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 534 hope

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After Jiang Liushi left the Jiangning safe zone, the assault commando and various armies began to gather and prepare to set off.

Many people stood on the city wall and looked far away. The huge shadow was still looming among the high-rise buildings in the urban area of ​​Jiangning, and came slowly and resolutely towards the Jiangning safe area.

Once it really arrives, it will devour the entire safe area, as well as hundreds of thousands of people in the safe area, and ruin this home in the last days.

I don't know how many people are silently praying at this time, hoping that the army can successfully solve the black hole.

No good news came during this time. Instead, it was the investigation team, and a small army continued to sacrifice.

Now seeing a long dragon leaving the Jiangning Security Zone and heading towards the black hole, many people are stingy and looking forward.

"I hope that General Han will be able to eradicate the black hole, at least to find out how to eradicate the black hole, otherwise, waiting for us will be a bitter battle." Said a military chief in Jiangning Security Zone.

"Wait, if it can be eradicated, of course it is a good thing. If not, so many of us have not seen any battles, and the black holes directly bombed his mother!" Another general said, his breath was sturdy It is Member Luo.

"Maybe this general Han knows a little about black holes ..." General Zhang Lao also stood on the city wall, staring deeply at the long dragon that was gradually away, and the front few chariots.

The reason why these people agree with Han Yuan's ability to lead the entire safe zone is of course not because of trust, but because of Han Yuan's attitude, he may have a deeper understanding of black holes.

Since Han Yuan offered to solve the black hole, they took advantage of it.

"Speaking of it, I heard that it is not only the Huaxia region, but also several newly established regions. Now they are all new." General Zhang Zhang suddenly turned his style and said.

Starting from the Huaxia region, and then continuously airborne generals from the Huaxia region to other safe areas to help establish new regions.

These districts have developed rapidly after the establishment of the region, with the Huaxia region as the leader, and gradually have some meaning to restore the government.

And there are constant emergence of strong men, and the evolution of these strong men is even faster than the military's constant smashing out of resources.

The military smashed it out with resources, such as Li Yingun, the God of War in Xiayuan Military Region, and Luo in Jiangning Security Zone, etc., which is the second-level power. .

However, in those newly established regions, it is said that there are already stronger men than the second-level abilities. And the extent to which the strongest person in Huaxia Region has reached, I dare not think.

In addition to the strong, these areas are also developing technology, such as Bai Jiayan's pseudo-shock truck, which is one of them.

"Yeah, when this disaster passes, our Jiangning Security Zone will also become a large area and develop rapidly. It will not be impossible to recover Jiangnan in the future." Huang Lingling said with a smile.

Although the enemy is currently, he is still full of spirits.

General Zhang Lao looked at him, his eyes suddenly gaze.

I haven't seen them in the past few days, and I feel Commander Huang has become stronger.

However, this feeling just passed by, General Zhang wasn't sure if he sensed it wrong. After all, he wasn't a phantom. It was only because of Rong Ma's life-long combat experience that he felt this way.

"If you want to say that the current technology is modified, Jiang Liushi ’s CMB is even better." General Zhang Zhang looked to the distance. He had learned that Jiang Liushi refused to cooperate with Commissioner Luo and left Jiangning Security Zone.

General Zhang Lao had a long-term vision. The reason why he repeatedly extended the olive branch to Jiang Liushi was to see Jiang Liushi's modification ability.

Unfortunately, people like Han Yuan, who are from Huaxia Region, are only interested in Jiang Liushi's modification ability at most, but have not paid enough attention.

How strong the future will be for its own combat effectiveness, but the evolutionary speed of zombies and mutant beasts is obvious to all. How can bare hands be used to compete with these increasingly fierce monsters for resources.

What's more, in Jiangliu Shi's CMB car, General Zhang Lao saw the shadow of "new energy in the last days".

New energy in the last days, this is a new word popular on the radio now, and the place where human beings currently use new energy is mainly evolutionary crystallization, but the combination with technology is only in the early stage of research.

"Well, unfortunately, although I attached importance to it, because of the black hole, I was so busy that I only introduced Jiang Liushi to Luo. But he was still one step behind and he was pushed out by Han Yuan." General Zhang shook his head.

Fortunately, it is just a refusal to cooperate, which is not a contradiction. After Jiang Liushi returns, he can talk to Jiang Liushi again.

"Why do General Zhang Zhang care about a survivor? After the establishment of the region, all kinds of resource forces come together, and this modification is nothing more than that." Commander Huang glanced at General Zhang and said.

General Zhang Zhang sighed and did not speak. At the conference, Commander Huang led the conference and made Han Yuan a vanguard. At that time, General Zhang didn't feel it, but now he vaguely found that Commander Huang and Han Yuan seemed to come close to each other unknowingly.

But now it is not the time to think about this. General Zhang really needs to pay attention to the black hole.

The black hole is immortal, the Jiangning safe zone is almost gone, and it is also thinking about what to do in the future.

As for Jiang Liushi, although he also went to the urban area of ​​Jiangning, General Zhang Lao took it for granted that Jiang Liushi was hunting and killing mutant beasts, and did not associate Jiang Liushi with the black hole.

The long stream of iron and steel formed by the assault commando and the army is in the limelight, and is constantly moving towards the black hole.

These powers and fighters are the hope of Jiangning Safe Area.


Jiangning urban area.

This bustling city has been reduced to ruins since the end of the world. The road is silent, and the buildings on both sides are full of black holes. The vehicles on the road are covered with dust.

But the zombies suddenly emerging from the dark, and the little red light hidden in the darkness, indicate that this place is a Jedi that will be divided and eaten if there is a little carelessness.

However, these are difficult places for ordinary survivors, and for the survivor team, they have to be careful, but there is a CMB car that drives quickly like walking on the road before the end of the world.

A zombie flew from the front, as if it had hit a moth on a windshield on a highway, and flew in a snap. He screamed from the side and held out his hand, screaming, and the bus had whistled past them.

In the car, pre-last-life songs are playing. Except for Zhang Hai and Sun Kun sitting in the cockpit, the other girls are sitting in the small living room. Li Yuxin is looking at the map, and Ran Xiyu is holding it. A book is fascinating, but he says from time to time: "There are a group of zombies in front of it, about five or six hundred."

"Then change the road and turn right." Li Yuxin said immediately.

With Ran Xiyu's current mental strength, he can already do some things while detecting and scanning in a small area.

Stars in her grey eyes, like the dangling galaxy in the night, even if the pages of her book do not need her to reach out, they will slowly flip by themselves.

Jiang Liushi felt vaguely that Ran Xiyu had reached a new level, but he did not know when it would break through. The evolution of spiritual powers is very difficult. This difficulty refers to the control of mental power.

No matter how great the power is, it is useful.

Spiritual power is not like physical power, which can be directly exerted by punching and kicking, but requires highly concentrated thoughts to control.

Only Ran Xiyu, who is so arrogant and arrogant and does not speak often, is best suited to be a spiritual power.

"We will be close to the black hole in about half a day." Zero came down from the war room and said.

She is now more like a top killer hidden in the dark, her eyes are cold, her graceful appearance is like a dagger, only that pure and cute baby face looks a little different.

"Black hole ..." Jiang Zhuying lay lazily on the bed, but there was electricity flashing in her eyes, and a ray of lightning was entangled in her palm and fingertips like an obedient kitten, getting close to her.

Although Jiang Zhuying looks like a young girl now, she seems to contain immense violent power in her body.

"Um." Jiang Liushi felt vaguely that the black hole should also sense his presence and knew he was approaching.

What exactly was that black hole, and how did it suddenly pop up?

The black hole knows the star species, but he doesn't know the black hole.

But whether you know it or not, this black hole threatens the star species, and he also needs the huge black light energy of the black hole!

Thinking of this, Jiang Liushi's eyes flashed suddenly.