MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 527 Crazy Absorption

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China also knows "black holes"? I don't know what step they know, or if there is "black light" energy.

Wan Yi sensitively captured the change in Jiang Liushi's look, and she smiled slightly: "Captain Jiang doesn't have to rush to answer me, you can think about it, we will start tomorrow afternoon."

Even Han Yuan's secretary invited the Shi Ying team with great force, and Ji Xiangming sighed in his heart. He fully recognized the strength of Jiang Liushi's team.

"Just a power team can be compared with our special operations team." Ji Xiangming said.

This is already a very high evaluation. As for the higher, Ji Xiangming never thought about it.

The special operations team goes up, and that is the real powerful army.

In the Jiangning Security Zone in the last days, there were tens of thousands of people in a brigade, equipped with various powerful modern weapons. No power team can compare with the strength of the army.

Jiang Liushi nodded: "Okay, I'll think about it."

Regarding the "black light" energy possessed by the "black hole", Jiang Liushi is indeed very enthusiastic.

Cooperation with the military is not completely impossible ...

Wan Yiling smiled when she heard the words: "Great."

"I still have something, so let's go first. The tricky part has been solved, and the rest is nothing to do with me." Jiang Liushi said.

Lu Tianyu heard his face twitched slightly, indeed Jiang Liushi was right, the really tricky part had been solved by his stone shadow team. Without Jiang Liushi's team, the special team's price will definitely not stop there.

The dignified special war team was drenched by the power of the power, and Lu Tianyu was not convinced. There is still a insistence in his mind that there is still a gap between the power team and the real army. The army is truly powerful in the last days.


The CMB left the convoy and temporarily stopped in a hidden place.

At this time, the Chinese bus is still upgrading, and after hunting two mutant beasts controlled by the "black hole" in succession, the "black light" energy absorbed by the star species has reached about 20%.

"Continue to absorb and see how much you can absorb!" Jiang Liushi's eyes were bright.

He turned on the star species and scanned for the location of the "black light" energy in the safe area.

"found it."

In addition to the coal plant and auto repair plant, there is still a mutant beast lurking in the residential area.


While the army was running around, a minibus appeared suddenly on the street, and wherever the battle was most intense, it went where it was, and then killed the mutant beast with the thunderous potential.

Many people have seen this scene. The army and the aptitude people are even more shocked by the combat effectiveness of the Chinese and Pakistani vehicles.

They are often still confronting the mutant beast and fighting hard, and this Chinese bus has rushed into the center of the battlefield without any fear, and collided with the mutant beast.

Jiang Liushi drove the minibus and constantly rushed to the place where the mutant beasts assimilated by the black hole appeared.

In his opinion, what he rushed to was not the mutant beast, but the increasing "black light" energy!

21%, 22%, 23% ...

Every time the progress bar increases, Jiang Liushi's heart becomes even more excited!

Absorb, keep absorbing!

"Fife, look at that, isn't Captain Jiangliu Shijiang them!" In a building, a girl with a pure appearance and a very hot figure was looking out the window, and suddenly she opened her eyes and shouted at the street below.

And in the room behind her, a delicate-looking, cold-tempered girl was wiping her gun, and she raised her head with surprise when she heard the words: "Really?"

Wei Feifei originally knew that Jiang Liushi was coming to the safety zone, but when they also came to the safety zone, they never saw Jiang Liushi and did not know where to go.

This safe area is not big, but it also holds hundreds of thousands of people.

Now suddenly I heard the news of Jiang Liushi, how could the girl not be surprised.

At this time, a young male psionicist sitting on the sofa said unexpectedly: "Jiang Liushi? Is that phantom you said very powerful, as well as his car, his teammates are all very powerful?"

"Uh-huh!" The pure-looking and sexy-looking peach nodded with a smile. "Captain Jiang is too powerful. In this case, he dared to go out. He must have received heavy equipment in the army. Now he has become a special team , Is performing a difficult task. "

The young man raised an eyebrow: "Tao Tao, your imagination is too rich. How can there be so many people in the army to perform a difficult task?"

"But Captain Jiang is very good." Tao Zi blinked innocently, his eyes seemed to be staring. Jiang Liushi is just her idol.

"Um." Wei Feifei nodded in concurrence.

Seeing the reactions of the two girls, a hint of dissatisfaction flashed in the eyes of the young man. He wanted to see if the river flowing stones had three heads and six arms. What was his car as terrible as a monster.

But the young man came to the window and saw nothing.

"Tao Tao, it seems that you should have read it wrong. I haven't seen any car," said the young man.

"How is that?" Taozi froze, and quickly looked outside.

It's only been a few seconds, and so many monsters are in the sky and underground, how could they pass this street so quickly.

But what surprised Peach was that the street was empty and there was really nothing left.

Wei Feifei also came to the window.

"Well, it's a pity that Captain Jiang is too fast." Tao Zi sighed.

Wei Feifei also passed a trace of disappointment.

Only young men disagree: "Either you read it wrong or you are in a hurry to escape. In this case, it is simply trying to die outside. As for the difficult task you said, it is not reliable at all. It should also be carried out by special forces and commandos in the army. "

The young man said in his mouth that he knew the situation in the army.

"However, this time we have been favored by General Han Yuan. We can join his power team and have a chance to make a contribution."

The young man was a little proud.

General Han Yuan's ability commando team is not everyone can join, it needs to have a certain strength, but also to pass the review.

In the selection of the power commando, General Han Yuan arranged for a dozen officers to set up three review points to review these registered powerists or power team.

The young man and Han Feifei have passed the audit together and become full members of the power commando.

They were able to move to this three-bedroom, one-living hall to live in, because they became full members.

Although it is just a dormitory, it is already close to the core area of ​​the safe area. It is well-furnished, fully furnished, and the meals are provided by the cafeteria.

Compared to the chase shop where they lived, it was a gap between slums and high-end apartments.

Once the performance is outstanding, it is possible to make peace and become an officer by then, and you will be in the center of power in the safe zone.

However, the young man said something, but did not wait for Han Feifei and Tao to respond. They still looked out of the window with some surprise and hope, and hoped to see the appearance of the CMB bus again.

"Huh!" There was a haze in the eyes of the young man. If it were not for the ability of Han Feifei and Taozi, the man named Tang Cangyun would not invite them to cooperate and form a team.

Moreover, these two girls have their own advantages, and both are considered good looks. Tang Cangyun thought of these two girls as meat on his chopping board, and sooner or later should be included in the bag.

As a result, when these two girls mentioned Jiang Liushi, they were full of worship, and they paid more attention to Jiang Liushi than him. How could Tang Cangyun feel comfortable?

"When I become a heavy weight in the army, see if you will still ignore me!" Tang Cangyun thought uneasily in his heart.