MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 525 Door-to-door energy

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Da da da!

The sound of the gun nearby didn't stop for a moment, and the bullet poured wildly onto the mutant snake.

The mutant snake's body is just not penetrated by bullets, and it is not completely afraid of bullets. It is extremely painful. It is necessary to sweep the small and incomparable living people into meat sauce. I did not expect such an iron pan to pop up suddenly.

Without hitting the iron golem, the anger of the mutant snake reached its peak. It is already an extremely powerful mutant beast, and it is constantly getting stronger. These living people are just its prey, and dare to challenge it so!

Just as the sheep dared to tease the evil wolf and the rabbit fangs in front of the lion, the provocation of the mutant beast to humans is intolerable.

Hearing the roar of mutant snakes, Ji Xiangming and others felt that their hearts were beating. Those weak soldiers and ordinary people even instinctively developed a sense of fear.

"What are the buses rushing for? They could have hit with precise firepower. They're getting in the way now." Ji Xiangming frowned.

Previously, the ability warrior was used because it was in a safe area, and the use of artillery shells would cause considerable losses. Once things are impossible, carry rocket launchers, grenade launchers, bazookas, mortars, armor-piercing shells, and so on. Several more mutant snakes can blast into dregs. As for the damage caused, the area will not be rebuilt.

Faced with hundreds of millions of zombies, and surrounded by countless mutant beasts, the safe zone can still stand upright, sheltering hundreds of thousands of people, not relying on the ability, but the terrorist firepower of the modern army.

These are the mutant birds in the air. Now there are shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missiles. Medium-low-altitude short-range surface-to-air missiles have been launched. There is an explosion in the air, and a piece of blood rain is sprinkled.

If helicopters and fighters can take off, the battle will become more intense.

This is why many people of military origin don't think much of the power team. No matter how strong the powers are, they are no better than the modern army in terms of true large-scale combat capabilities.

However, the teams of the power-generalists are often very arrogant, thinking that they can do whatever they want with the power in their hands. Just because of this, they don't deal well with the army.

"Look first." Lu Tianyu said in a deep voice.

This bus is also very flexible. The mutant snake may not be able to handle the bus.

Maybe the CMB can find a chance to release that invisible shot.

Although the shells are ready, it is naturally best if you can fire from a safe area and get the best results with the least loss.

At this moment, several mutant earthworms were drilled out from under the bus. These mutant earthworms opened their mouthpieces towards the tires of the bus, but were avoided by a drift of the bus.

Suddenly, the mutant snake moved.

Its speed was already very fast, and it was thunderous under the anger. It was like a black thunderbolt that suddenly slashed, and it suddenly rushed to the China Bus.

But this time it did not try to sweep the bus again, but instead surrounded the body of the bus in a circle. At this time, the mutant snake showed its true body length, which was nearly thirty meters.

No matter how flexible the bus is, as long as it surrounds the area where the bus is located, the bus will hit the mutant snake's body in any direction.

At the moment when the bus was caught, the mutant snake was like treating a real prey, tightening its body violently and hanging the bus.

With the horrifying power of the mutant snake, if it is entangled in an off-road vehicle, it can be directly twisted into a pile of broken copper by iron.

Lu Tianyu originally thought that the CMB car would fire at this time, but did not expect that the CMB car did nothing and was directly entangled by the mutant snake.

"What is this?" Lu Tianyu was also stunned. He thought that the CMB car rushed up and relied on the gun. After all, the invisible gun battle was really large, and it was difficult without knowing it. Precaution.

As a result, this Chinese bus was left to mutate with snakes?

The bus is surrounded by a giant mutant snake and looks extremely fragile. Many people can think of the next scene. And even if the bullet hits the body, this mutant snake has no intention of loosening.

The mutant snake vaguely sensed that there was something extremely delicious and supremely delicious in the CMB car that attracted it and made it excited.

Only Wan Yiling looked at this scene again and again, his eyes seemed to be vaguely looking forward to something.

"Oh my god."

Inside the CMB car, Li Yuxin covered his mouth, his face was full of fear.

The huge body of the mutant snake surrounds the entire minibus, slowly sliding outside the window, the sharp scales scratching the creepy sound on the body.

At the front of the car, the mutant snake bowed its head violently. A pair of blood-red eyes looked at the people in the car cold and bloodthirsty across the windshield.

Although he has an inexplicable trust in Jiang Liushi, being surrounded by such monsters will make anyone feel frightened, not to mention a girl like Li Yuxin who has no chicken hands.

Click! Click!

The mutant snake kept tightening its body and wanted to flatten the bus.

There are noises coming from the CMB cars, but how can the CMB cars that have been strengthened for many times become so easily deformed?

With the entire body of the mutant snake entangled in the bus, Jiang Liushi suddenly drank: "Do it!"

He allowed the mutant snake to roll onto the CMB, how could he not prepare it for the next attack?

"Good brother!" Jiang Zhuying stood in the battle room, his eyes flashed with light, and then her white and delicate little hands opened slightly, and the current gathered.

This current gathered more and more, gradually like a small spherical lightning, and at this time, the Chinese and Pakistani cars have been entangled with mutant snakes, and are almost dragged off the ground.

At this moment, Lu Tianyu suddenly changed his look. He saw the white electric light flashing frantically in the circular object on the top of the minibus, and then a current flowed out of the circular object like a current.

The power of the second-level ability was finally manifested at this time. The entire bus was wrapped in an electric screen. The precise control kept these currents on the surface of the bus, but there was no Fully exposed to the bus.

As soon as these currents appeared, they naturally rushed to the mutant snake that was entangled at the time.

When Jiang Zhuying first obtained this ability, the current of Jiang Zhuying was only enough to light up a light bulb, but now how strong this current is, even Jiang Zhuying himself cannot tell.

She only felt the endless power in her body, rushing frantically to her palms, turning it into horrible electrical energy, and continuously releasing it.

But in the eyes of Lu Tianyu and others, they can clearly see the terrible current.

The silver-white current poured down and instantly wrapped the mutant snake's body completely. At this moment, the crackling noises rang through everyone's ears, and the smell of burnt flesh flew in the air.


The bullet shots were just crazy mutant snakes, and at last they were hit hard! Its body was convulsed and convulsed, and its upper and lower skin were fleshy. Its scales could be bulletproof, but it couldn't resist current.

Even if they were tens or hundreds of meters apart, Lu Tianyu and others sitting in the car could feel the horror current that caused their hair to stand up and their skin to sting.

Too fierce, if a living person is in that current, it will be burnt from the inside to the outside in an instant. Just a dozen people, life and death are just a flash.

Even the mutated earthworms nearby were charged with electricity. Their life strength was far less than that of mutated snakes. Immediately, most of their bodies were charged with outer focus.

The horrifying mutational energy raging in the current made all the psionicists present frightened.

This is a secondary power!

"No wonder they dared to do this." Ji Xiangming's face suddenly changed, and put away the original dissatisfaction with the Shiying squad.

"This energy is really amazing." Lu Tianyu was also surprised.

Only Wan Yiling didn't think so. Even with such power, Jiang Liushi was too risky to do so.

She has heard about the defensive power of the CMB, and now she has witnessed it, it is really strong!

Ji Xiangming thought that Jiang Liushi's hole card was the second power, but Wan Yiling felt that Jiang Liushi's card was still the CMB.

Without the terrible defense of the CMB, even if there is such a current, it would not dare to do so.

The China Bus continued to shake during the painful struggle of the mutant snake. People inside the car had to fasten their seat belts or grabbed a place where it could be fixed.

"Why not use an air cannon?" Ran Xiyu asked doubtfully.

"That's too wasteful." Jiang Liushi's eyes flashed with expectation.

waste? Ran Xiyu and Li Yuxin did not know what Jiang Liushi was talking about, wasting their attack power?

Even they couldn't think of it. The waste of Jiang Liushi refers to the blood of this mutant snake!

The flesh and blood of this mutant snake contains "black light" energy. If it suddenly explodes into pieces, the blood splashes around, and the "black light" energy that can be absorbed by the buses and stars decreased.

That's why Jiang Liushi used this method to allow mutant snakes to actively send blood to the bus. This is simply the energy delivered to the door!

"Dark light energy is detected and is being absorbed ..."

As soon as the star's voice came, Jiang Liushi was happy. By the electricity of bamboo shadow, the mutant snake had wounds all over the body, and the energy contained in the blood flowing out was absorbed by the star species.

However, this mutant snake is wise after all. After being severely beaten by the electric current, the body will loosen the bus and prepare to pull away. This originally humble iron golem made it feel a strong life and death crisis.

But the star species was absorbed so well, how could Jiang Liushi let it go?

"Xiyu, zero!" Jiang Liushi cried.

Ran Xiyu ’s spiritual realm was always open. As soon as he heard Jiang Liushi ’s words, he instantly understood Jiang Liushi ’s intention.

Her mental strength immediately collapsed into a line, attacking the triangular head of the mutant snake.

At the same time, Zero was pulled straight out of the war room and jumped directly onto the mutant snake's body. She ran all the way along the scorched and smoky body of the mutant snake. Where she passed, the wounds on the surface of the mutant snake were suddenly deepened by sharp army spurs, and blood raged.

The mutant snake wished to swallow the tiny human immediately, but at that moment it had a sting in his head.


The mutant snake was wounded inside and outside and was extremely painful. Its blood-red eyes stared at the people in the car, and opened its mouth sharply.

All the venom was mobilized by the mutant snake at this moment. It wanted to kill the people in the car in one breath. Its venom was extremely corrosive. It was this iron golem and it was going to corrode together.

Just then, a black hole muzzle protruded from the war room, facing the wide mouth of the mutant snake, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


Within a short time, a crimson liquid sprayed out of the mutant snake's mouth, and instantly stained the entire windshield.

Before the mutant snake had time to spit out its venom, it had already been shot.

"That's over?" Ji Xiangming stunned.

He was still accusing the Chinese and Pakistani cars of wantonly acts that had affected the fighting in the army.

But in a blink of an eye, the mutant snake was quickly killed by the people in the CMB car by thunder.

It's just that its body was still entangled in the bus, and the whole body, including the head that had been blasted out of a big hole, was pouring blood out of it, letting the whole bus to bathe.

How decisive this is, calm down!

Although it is not a heavy weapon, it is neat and clean, and the movement is not small at all.

Lu Tianyu was also shocked in his heart. He thought that he had understood the strength of Jiang Liushi and his party. He did not expect that this strength was stronger than what he saw in Hejiang Town that day.

Only Wan Yiling breathed out a sigh of relief, and it was really amazing!

Others are not only concerned about the CMB car, but also the two girls that suddenly appeared on the car, as well as the rampant when the mutant snake was attacked for the second time, and the final decisive shot.

But Wan Yiling's main concern is only the CMB.

She has seen many people with strong personal strength. For example, Han Yuan is very strong.

But a car is so strong that she saw it for the first time.

The mutant snake's power was so fierce, but the CMB car was intact.

Moreover, according to information, this is not the full strength of this China Bus, but it has only demonstrated its defensive power.

"Go talk to Captain Jiang." Wan Yiling said suddenly.

Lu Tianyu suddenly recovered from the shock. He was the captain of the special operations team. As a commander of the battlefield, even the shock can only be instantaneous, and he must calm down immediately.

"What did you say?" Lu Tianyu was still worried about Wan Yiling's previous attitude. Only because she was Major General Han Yuan's secretary, she didn't ask about the previous thing, but she had no trust in Wan Yiling .

"Get the corpse of this mutant snake." Wan Yiling's eyes flashed with excitement.

Dead body? Lu Tianyu didn't know why Wan Yiling wanted a corpse.

"This is the order of Major General Han Yuan. I act with you to kill or even capture this monster and then bring the body back." Wan Yiling said.

It is understandable to kill Lu Tianyu, what kind of ghost is it? Mutant snakes are not the golden pythons of the past. They can be raised as pets, and it is impossible to keep eggs and eat meat.

"Speed ​​to kill those mutant earthworms!" Lu Tianyu ordered through the intercom.

Jiang Liushi has solved the most difficult mutant snake, and the remaining mutant earthworm army can no longer slow down, otherwise his face will be dull.