MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 523 regular army

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More than 20 military vehicles, together with Jiangliu ’s CMB and off-road vehicles, drove out of the shelter and went to the coal plant and the auto repair plant.

The dense black spots in the air appeared from time to time, the screams kept ringing, and at the same time dense gunfire came from everywhere, and the entire safe area instantly became a battlefield.

"Jiang Liushi didn't know why they followed us. What if they didn't listen to the command?" Ji Xiangming said in the car with some worry.

Lu Tianyu said calmly, "don't care about them, as long as it doesn't affect us."

"That's the Jiang Liushi? So the CMB car is the rumor." The woman with glasses suddenly said, a look of interest flashed in her eyes.

"Of the rumors?" Lu Tianyu asked with some confusion.

"You don't know yet, he's already famous in the safe zone." The woman with glasses said, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Well, Secretary Wan, don't you have to go to the logistics office building? You should have asked about the logistics office building just now." Ji Xiangming asked with some hesitation.

"No," the woman with glasses said lightly.

Ji Xiangming still wanted to say something, but his words stopped the thought.

The secretary Wan was originally from a safe area, but somehow, after the arrival of people in the Huaxia region, she suddenly changed her shape and became a close secretary of Major General Han Yuan.

Ji Xiangming always felt that this woman had an elusive temperament. Although she seemed innocent, Ji Xiangming had a kind of respect for her in her heart.

Wan Lan is her younger sister. Since she doesn't seem to care much, Ji Xiangming, as an outsider, will naturally stop persuading.

"The auto repair plant and the coal plant are more important." Wan Yiling said, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Ji Xiangming and Lu Tianyu both thought that Wan Yiling was talking about rescue, and they didn't even speak.


The team arrived first at the auto repair shop.

Jiang Liushi had already encountered an attack in the logistic office building. Originally, he was mentally prepared for the condition of the auto repair factory, but he looked a bit far away when he saw the auto repair factory.

I saw that the auto repair factory had turned into a ruin, and among the ruins, several huge earthworms with a diameter similar to that of car tires were being drilled in the ruins, and one of them came out with a lot of cement fragments and so on. After the mutation, the mouthpieces full of sharp teeth opened, and in the roar, they smashed into the soldiers not far away in the rain of gunfire.

The soldiers kept firing around the ruins with guns, but the bullets did not seem to threaten these mutant earthworms enough. Only the grenade can be thrown to smash the flesh and blood of these mutant earthworms.

And just shredding is not enough, the remaining parts of these mutant earthworms can continue to move.

There was also a mutant earthworm that suddenly came out of the soldier's feet, and a huge mouthpart directly swallowed a large living person.

"How could these things be." Ran Xiyu frowned.

Jiang Liushi didn't look good at Li Yuxin and Zero. It seems that girls are more afraid of this kind of software.

"Sure enough here!" On the military off-road vehicle, Wan Yiling's eyes brightened.

Seeing Wan Yiling's expression that suddenly became excited, Ji Xiangming and Lu Tianyu were a little bit confused.

"Start support immediately!" Wan Yiling ordered.

If she had no right to command the special task force before, but now according to the resolution of the summit, the special task force has been under the unified command of Han Yuan, and Wan Yiling came to the special task force as his representative.

"Yes!" Lu Tianyu replied immediately, and then gave orders to other military trucks through the intercom.

A machine gun was immediately erected, while dozens of special-service soldiers jumped from the car and rushed directly to the mutant earthworms.

They flew close to the mutant earthworm, flexibly avoiding the attack of the mutant earthworm, and at the moment when the mutant earthworm opened the mouthpiece close to them, they immediately pulled the grenade fuze and cast it directly.

The mutant earthworm swallowed the grenade directly, and after a few seconds a muffled sound, their middle sections were immediately torn apart, and flesh and blood burst open.

In addition, these special war soldiers knew how to cooperate with each other, which was obviously a very dangerous move, but under the care of each other, there were no errors.

Seeing this scene, Lu Tianyu was also very satisfied. This is the result of long-term training, and the actions are highly unified. Dozens of people are like one person. Efficient.

He couldn't help but glance at the CMB car parked aside, Lu Tianyu had no resentment against Jiang Liushi, but he was shocked by Jiang Liushi at first, and now he finally shocked Jiang Liushi.

After all, the survivor team is single-handed, and although it is very strong, it can't beat the effect of the regular army on such a large battlefield.

As soon as the special squads came on the scene and the cover of the machine gun fire was a violent and **** show, they slaughtered one side of these mutant earthworms.

Through the windshield in front, Lu Tianyu faintly saw Jiang Liushi sitting in the front passenger seat. Jiang Liushi frowned slightly, as if he didn't pay attention to the battlefield, instead he paid attention to something else.

This made Lu Tianyu frown, too. What was Jiang Liushi looking at?

At this time, Wan Yiling was paying full attention to the situation on the battlefield.

With the mutant earthworms being killed one by one, Wan Yiling's eyes flashed a look of excitement.


Lu Tianyu was a power-smarter, and his ears were clear. Although Wan Yiling was just whispering to himself, Lu Tianyu still heard it.

But as soon as he showed a look of doubt, before he could ask what "come out", he suddenly heard a scream.

Lu Tianyu suddenly changed his look and hurriedly looked towards the battlefield.

In the ruins, a huge mutant snake rushed out!

When the mutant snake opened its mouth, a large mouthful of dark green venom sprayed out, and turned into a mist in the air, covering several soldiers directly in front of it.

These soldiers immediately made a miserable cry in the mist. As soon as their exposed skin contacted the poisonous mist, they immediately began to ulcerate, their eyes became red and sore, and then they could not open their eyes!

Although they rolled away into the distance as soon as possible, only a momentary contact was enough to deprive them of their fighting power!

At this time, the mutant snake had turned to several other soldiers who came to support, and its long tail flew, and the severe attack immediately caused these soldiers to be severely thrown on the wall.

Its body was then completely drilled out of the ruins and exposed to everyone's eyes.

This mutant snake is extremely thick. The thickest part is comparable to truck tires. The triangular head is so high that it looks extremely dangerous. All the scales on the whole body reflect the cold light in the sun.

It's there, it's a bunch of behemoths, and it's cold!

But what's most interesting is that part of its body looks like a black mist that has turned into nothingness, and it is spotty and scattered all over its huge body.