MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 574 Participate in the competition

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Chapter 574

As soon as the guard's voice came down, the sound of Dora La came from the mouth of the hole. Several people in Guyue stood for a long time again, only to see a large dark crawling slowly out of the iron gate. A huge figure appeared at the door.

I saw it was all black, covered with thick hard armor, ten slender thighs on the lower body, and dozens of dense compound eyes on the head. Variant beetle.

It looked terrible, but it was shaking ... the fierce shaking was like a candle remaining in the wind, and people couldn't help worrying about when it was shaking and turning over. There were even dozens of soft tentacles sticking out of his mouth, and the self-consolation group hugged itself covered with hard armor.

Gu Yue's mouth twitched, and he felt that the monster in front of him looked a little bit, especially like one of the images that Shen Ying had shown him after returning to Earth. So this will not be ...

"Worm?" Shen Ying froze, and went directly to the next step.

The next giant beetle trembled the next moment, and his tentacles seemed to be over-electric, sliding in a wavy circle. An instant scream rang through the clouds, "叽 ~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Turning his head and rolling toward the iron gate that came out, he slipped, drilled back with a thunderbolt, and bumped into the guard next to him.

Shen Ying subconsciously wanted to chase in. Gu Yueyue caught it with her hand, "What are you doing?"

"Ah?" Shen Ying said for a moment, and then came over, "Cut, get used to it!" I felt uncomfortable seeing the worms without a meal.

Solitary Moon: "..."

Qi Qing: "..."

When the guard next to him arrived, he got up and scolded at the Zerg inside, but this time no matter how intimidating he might be. Even if the Zerg Queen is moved out, the bug will not come out again. It will still faintly come back in less than half a while, and make a strange noise.

The guard complained aggressively, "It's weird, what's wrong with this? Isn't it that the Zerg are the most trustworthy? Even if you don't want to come out, let's go back to the situation and explain the situation? Why not suddenly What happened? "

Gu Yue and Yun Qing turned their heads silently to the people next to them, and suddenly wondered what Shen Ying had done to the bugs before?

"Ah, Xiongtai, do you see this test today?" Gu Yue looked at the guard.

"Forget it, I'll take you to the testing ground next to you." The guard sighed, and then took the three of them to a different ground.

But the strange thing is, no matter which test field these three people reach, the situation is the same. And it seemed to be even more traumatic. The working Zerg who had originally agreed to help test did not even appear on the scene, and some even slipped away from the background.

This has been the case for ten venues in a row, and the guard's face is bewildered. Is it because the Zerg Queen is not happy with the college? Why promised well, the Zerg sent to help test, but one by one strike? He could not help but conspiracy theories. Later, it was really annoying and had to be passed by three people.

But the scared Zergs still didn't dare to come out. The ten bugs in the test field contracted and trembled inside, so they didn't dare move. It didn't recover until the next day, and for this reason, the joint game was dragged back by one day.

Although this giant beetle is tall, strong and capable. However, the intelligence is extremely low, and even if it turns into a human-like state, no question is asked. Become a weird thing to the college.

Solitary month means lying down to win or something, lying down and getting used to it.

╯ (╯ ▽ ╰) ╭

The three received the qualification card in the name of Invincible College, and the joint tournament was officially held three days later. The specific competition method will not be announced on that day.

Gu Yueyue was thinking about the spiritual species, but he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but he heard a bad news one day before the game.

"What? Four people!" Wu Qing stunned and looked at Shen Ying next to him. "But we add Master, there are only three."

"I also just knew that the first game was a team game." Guyue was also a bit annoyed. "As for a group of four people to participate, if the number is insufficient or exceeds it, they will be disqualified." This game is obviously against them. Martial arts are quite different, you can see from the entry form, it is not surprising that there is a team match. Before the competition, it was explained that it was a competition between colleges, but who would have thought that there were only three people in a college.

Now thinking about the significance of the previous trials, it is to brush down some people who want to see the excitement and mix in to see the world.

"How is that good?" Wu Qing frowned. "If we don't participate, we won't be able to enter the Fairy Academy, let alone the spirit species."

"I can only find it temporarily. Is there anyone willing to go with us. It's just ..." They are unfamiliar with each other, and seeing that tomorrow is about to compete.

"Can you use magic to make a temporary person?" He suddenly thought of the demon formed by the leaves used by Tao Chu that day.

"No!" Gu Yue shook his head, "This competition is so formal, there must be a special person to review it. In addition, here is the end of the void, these people are from all planes, we are not clear The situation of the other party. If it is seen, it will be more troublesome. And time is too late. "

"..." Wu Qing's face sank. It's better not to expose yourself until you find the spirit.

"It's really impossible, and it's a big deal to pay for it personally." Gu Yue frowned. "Mix the first game first and then talk about it." Anyway, they didn't go for the prize.

"I have no choice but to do so." Wu nodded.

Shen Ying, who was next to him, suddenly said, "Would you like to call Shangzhu?"

The two of them stunned and turned back, thinking of the Zerg who was pinched to death by Shen Ying in the morning.

"good idea!"

"Really right!"

Gu Yue immediately struck out the billboard in the morning, but fortunately he didn't throw it away. With the worm's counsel, there really was no better person than him.

"Go, find someone now ... no, it's looking for worms!" So a few people went straight to the address on the billboard and touched the front of a shop in the alley. They saw the shop before entering. The smile was enthusiastic and brilliant, and he was still dedicated to the bugs with billboards, two tentacles on his head, and ten individual bows.

"Yo!" Shen Yingyang said hello.

The bug's smile froze for a moment. Suddenly, his legs softened and he knelt down, and the wooden sign in his hand fell down. Isn't it a dream? Hallucinations, yes! This must be an illusion!

"This worm brother, do me a favor!" Gu Yue smiled brightly.

"..." No, I beg you to help me, wake me up, thank you!

(End of this chapter)