MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 571 Spiritual clues

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Chapter 571: Spirit Seed Clue

"You're a dead Half, love your sister ah!" Solitary could not bear it, no matter zenith recovery did not recover, and rushed is the meal storm hit, but also specifically pointed at the other side goes on a square face covered with stubble , "Speaking nonsense!"

Tao Chu is still a kind of infatuation.

"Fu Jun, even if you hit me, I will never change my mind! Whoops!"

"Fu Jun, I have loved you since you saved me!"

"Fu Jun, as long as you promise to marry me, although the Harem Belle is three thousand, I will only like you in the future."

"Wait ... can't fight there, husband ... oh ~~ husband ... boy!"

"It hurts ... Gu Yueyue, Daxian, help!"

With a horrified face, Tao Chu recoiled, covering her lower body, but unfortunately there was a sword array of kitchen cloth all around him, and he couldn't retreat at all.

Gu Yueyue was obviously furious with his long sword. His face still had a smile, but it was a bit bitterly cold. "Your harem is three thousand, right? You like me alone, right? Then I will help you clean up Clean it up so that you can stop thinking about it at once! "

After speaking, he raised his sword towards his lower body, and an indescribable part fell down.

"Wait! Daxian ... You need to calm down, big ... big ..." Tao Chu's face turned pale for a moment, with a look of horror. Seeing that the sword was about to fall, it seemed like something had come to mind when it came out and shouted "I ... I know where you are looking!"

Jian Feng paused in time against his pants.

Gu Yue's eyes finally recovered some sanity, turning to stare at Tao Chu's eyes as cold as ice, saying word by word, "What?"

"Just ... that's the egg you're looking for!" Tao Chu swallowed, and hurriedly answered, her eyes were full of panic, and she was no longer infatuated.

egg! Does he mean spiritual species?

"Say! Where!" Gu Yue asked.

"In ... in Yangcheng." Tao Chu hurriedly answered, "I once saw the colored egg at Xianling College in Yangcheng, Central District."

"Xian Ling Academy?" Gu Yue's face sank, and there was such a place.

"Yes, yes," he nodded repeatedly. "I dare not deceive Daxian, and please ask Daxian to spare my life!"

Gu Yue looked back at Xiang Qing and Shen Ying, and then retracted the sword in his hand. "It's your life!" He threw the sword back to the cook, and then looked back at him, "Say, that Yangcheng is in where?"

"Just east ... east." He pointed weakly to the right.

The cook's face was heavy, and he walked out two steps out of the channel, "regardless of the truth, or look at it in the past."

"Um." Gu Yue nodded.

Tao Chu was relieved, and hugged her strong self. Gu Yue suddenly turned around and looked at him again, suddenly showing a smile, scaring him again.

"Come here ..." He suddenly came back again, and didn't know where to take out the pen and paper, saying line by line, "Let's talk about it, these days, my lost work, scare, travel expenses Mental loss fees, reputation loss fees, young soul injury fees, etc., these compensation issues! "Death penalty can be exempted, living debt can not escape! Not one less!

Tao Chu: "..."

Qi Qing: "..."

Shen Ying: "..."

Sure enough, Dad Cow is Dad Cow, and he didn't forget to make money even if he was forced to marry!


The central city that Tao Chu refers to is the largest city in this region where everything is empty. It took the three men half a month to fly by. Coupled with the ominous language of Taochu, they had to live in the city first, and then inquired about it. Fortunately, with the compensation that Tao Chu devoted most of his body to, they finally didn't have to worry about money.

The ban on Papa Niu has also been lifted. He carefully recalled that he was limited in ability, except that he did not notice the peach demon's move at the beginning. It is also possible that the peach demon itself has some kind of racial talent and can restrain the mana of others. So as soon as he left, his body recovered automatically.

Until now, he had no time to study carefully the end of this chaotic void. This world is somewhat like a place where the world of Xiuxian is mixed with various worlds. There are not only practitioners, demons, but also various elves, dwarves, and other races. This is like a mixed world of China and the West, with a lot of things they don't understand and have to guard against!

"Well? What about Shen Ying?" Gu Yue asked at the chef sitting alone at the table, didn't he have breakfast?

"Maybe I was tired on the road yesterday," the chef replied, "Master is not awake yet."

"Cut, where can she get tired?" Gu Yue rolled her eyes, didn't Yu Jian's all cooks? She just stands behind and sips the fruit.

But Tucao turned to Tucao, but still turned around and explained to the second child in the lobby, let him serve later.

By the time I cleared the streets where people were coming and going, thinking of the spirit species, he subconsciously said, "I don't know what the so-called fairy college is."

"I can only inquire about it as much as possible." Gu Yue also frowned. "But since it is called the academy, it must be a place where students are taught, but what is it?"

"Are the two talking about Xianling College?" As he was talking, one of the people at the table suddenly came together and looked at the two with enthusiasm. "The two want to know something, you can ask me."

The two of them froze for a while, and saw that the other was wearing a cyan gown. They were not tall and looked a little thin. The most important thing was that on his forehead, there were two flesh-colored tentacles, and there were two groups of fluorescent light on the top.

Although when I entered the city yesterday, I have seen all kinds of strange people. And the people here seem to be accustomed to them. Gu Yue could not guess his identity, but still smiled politely, "Oh, this guy, have you heard of Xianling College?"

"Who hasn't heard of this!" The young man sat down very familiarly and smiled. "This fairy college is the largest college in the central area. It's been known for a long time. But I know better. Detailed, knowing things that others do n’t know. "

"Oh?" Gu Yue's eyes narrowed, and she smiled more politely, "Has Xiutai been so capable?"

"Of course!" He said with pride, "I'm the most informed Zerg. My clan has a lot of people. There is nothing we don't know about this central area." He shook his head and finished shaking. The tentacles, "You know, this is racial talent."

They really don't understand!

Gu Yue didn't show it on the surface, and still smiled, "It turns out that Xiongtai is a Zerg, so disrespectful!"

"It's good to say!" The guy laughed even more brilliantly. "If you have any needs in the future, you can always ask me. I promise that as long as you want to know, there is nothing that we can't inquire about." Give him the card, "Come, Xiongtai! This is the address of our branch in the city. Welcome anytime."


(End of this chapter)