MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 543 Deep Sea Visitor

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Chapter 543: Deep Sea Visitor

"Say, how many people are there in your black shop?" Gu Yue asked directly.

"No ... no more!" Dian Xiaoer replied while shaking, "This inn is all three of us, and I was forced by them both!"

Gu Yue naturally couldn't believe it, and was about to ask, but suddenly a scream came, listening to the voice of a woman. Gu Yue looked at the chef, "It's downstairs!" He was about to go downstairs, and he confessed, "Bring Shen Ying."

After talking, I walked downstairs with the shop's second child, only to see that the room below was open, and there was a girl sitting on the ground, looking at the direction of the house in horror. Seeing him coming, he screamed again, crawling back and shrinking, "No ... don't kill me!"

Gu Yue ignored her and went directly into the room to take a look, only to find a light on the bed. An old man lying on it was out of breath and was covered with stab wounds. On the ground was a scattered package.

He instantly understood what the two men holding the knife had done downstairs. Raising his hand, he threw away the shop's Xiao Er, "You did it!"

"No ... it's them! They killed them ... I just fainted her, it's nothing to do with me!" Xiaodian Er argued quickly, Gu Yueyue was too lazy to listen any more, and stunned the person directly, and then looked at the ground Girl.

She seemed to be frightened, and the look at Gu Yueyue's eyes became more guarded and frightened. Until the chef came in with Shen Ying, she seemed to react. It may be because of the same sex, she crawled over in the direction of Shen Ying, clenched her horns tightly, and her face was still in shock.

"Huh?" Shen Ying stunned for a moment.

"What's going on?" Wu Qing asked.

"Someone was killed." Gu Yue replied, looking at the woman on the ground, "She should know the people in this house, go out and talk!"

Wu Qing nodded, obviously also smelling the strong **** smell in the room. I took a look at the girl who was still holding Shen Ying tightly and explained smoothly, "We are also guests staying here, and will not harm you."

The girl froze for a moment, and then she recovered some sense, and followed them out in horror.

Several people sat down directly on the chairs in the courtyard. The woman clutched the tea cup in front of her tightly and finally slowed down, but her hands were shaking all the time. After a few glances, "Thank you ... everybody is saved!" She would also understand that the other party was not a cup, and she escaped by herself.

"Anyway, just raise your hand." Gu Yue frowned, originally thinking novelty, but now she feels a bit heavy when she is out of her life. "The girl is also a guest here."

"Yes ..." She nodded and took a sip of the tea that was almost gone by her, which explained, "I am a Nancheng person who came here with my mother-in-law in the same village to find relatives. I didn't know until I came My loved ones have already moved away. I wanted to stay here for one night and set off for the return journey. I didn't expect that I would just get up and work overnight. Mother-in-law she would ... "She said tears.

Gu Yue's face sank. I didn't expect that this black shop was exclusively for foreigners.

"The ... the murderous ..." The girl suddenly thought of something, and her body shuddered again.

"Relax," Gu Yue replied, "They won't wake up until dawn, and the second man said that there are only three people in the store, and there should be no associates."

She was relieved, turned her head to look at the direction of the room, and immediately turned back in fear, with some hesitation, "This is a murder case, but how many benefactors are you going to report?"

"Reporter?" Gu Yue said for a moment, and then it occurred to me that this kind of thing happened in the world, it was necessary to call the police. "You're right, you really need to report. Only we are not familiar with this place, I don't know where to report Everywhere. "

"Naturally, I am a false accusation." The sister gave him a surprised look, as if surprised that he didn't know such simple things, and got up and pointed to the east direction. "The city ’s main residence is in the east. Now There is no curfew in the city yet, so we must hurry to inform. "

Gu Yue thought for a while, then got up and said, "I'll go alone." I looked back at the chef and said, "You like Shen Ying."

"Um." The chef nodded.

Then he turned and walked out.

Then the girl stumbled and looked at the three of them. Isn't she optimistic about the fainted gangsters? Why optimistic about this girl.


When Father Niu left, he didn't come back for two hours. Shen Ying waited and was hungry. The cook was idle and bored, and turned to the kitchen for a supper.

For a while in the yard, only Shen Ying and the surviving sister remained. The courtyard was quiet immediately, and the whole courtyard was filled with the sound of someone simmering, and the occasional cooking sound from the kitchen.

"Eat?" Shen Ying passed a fruit.

The girl hesitated and hesitated before picking it up, "Thank you girl." I didn't know if it was because of the frightened cause, and still looked with a little horror in her eyes, and tentatively asked what she thought, "I don't know how to call a girl ? "

"Shen Ying."

"It turned out to be Shen, my name is Fang Fang."


"I wonder why the three girls Shen came to Wuling City."

"I do not know."

"Ah?" Fang Fang said for a moment, what do you not know? She froze, didn't even care, and casually added a few words. Seeing that she only focused on the fruit, she couldn't ask any more, and the field cooled down. She suddenly felt a little queasy, and thought for a while, "It's cold this evening, or ... how about I make tea in a pot."

"Okay." Shen Ying nodded.

Then she got up and went to the front yard.

For a time, if only Shen Ying was left in the large courtyard, the chef's supper was not good, she waited a little boring. In addition, the city is built next to the river and connected to the sea. On the other side of the yard is a river view. From time to time, a gust of wind blows, and there is a sharp moaning sound. Singing in a low voice.

Shen Ying stunned and looked back subconsciously. I saw when there was an extra figure on the riverside stone. It was a man with long dark green hair. He was very charming, his upper body was untouched. With a huge fish tail, he was sitting on a rock beside the river, singing a song in a low voice, and smiling at her with a charming smile.

Shen Ying glanced only once, then turned around and continued to sip fruit.

The man froze, seeming to be a little surprised by her reaction. Then he opened his mouth again and uttered a louder voice than he had just heard. The shattered sings went straight into the heart like a lullaby, making people lost.

Shen Ying paused, glanced at him again, and then continued to sip fruit.

(End of this chapter)