MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 538 Reason for transfer

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Chapter 538: Reason for the Transfer

Guyue sensed it, and it turned out that the entire divine realm was connected to that plane, as if it were a space common to both planes. It may be because Hongmeng is still dividing. The purple tree is still growing, but it does not look as thick as the big golden tree. There are only one or two small leaves on the head of the tree. After all, it is a small world that is not newly born.

Gu Yue didn't pay any attention to it anymore, waiting for the boundary to be completed. As soon as my mind moved, the darkness of God's realm changed suddenly. In addition to the two plane trees, Gu large green grass appeared.

The chef explained, "Master, I'm going to cook!" After that, he turned and walked away, and took out the pots and pans skillfully.

Gu Yueyue waved his hand and turned the tables and chairs directly in place. After thinking about it, he replaced the tables and chairs with a more comfortable sofa and coffee table. It ’s hard to be kind. I made two cups of tea and handed Shen Ying a cup. "Here!"

"Oh." Shen Ying took a sip and then continued to sip her own fruit.

Gu Yue turned and sat on the sofa next to him, then stared at the person opposite ...

Until I stared at someone, I felt a little hairy, and felt that the fruit was a little bit stale, and I couldn't help but open my mouth. "Well, ask?"

"Honestly, why do you do this?" Gu Yue asked directly, "If you just want to be lazy and don't care, you haven't been diligent to go now? You don't need to do anything at all."


"I'm not a cook!" Gu Yue's eyes sank, a serious expression on her face, but there was some worry in her eyes, and she suddenly thought of something, and opened her eyes sharply, "You won't do anything again. ?! "

"It's not ...!" Shen Ying sighed, turned to look at the cooking chef over there, put down the fruit in his hand, and said seriously, "It was only after I woke up last time that I found some Variety."

"What's changed ?!" Gu Yue collapsed instantly.

"I can't say it." Shen Ying shook her head. "I just thought that I should not continue to manage the plane, so I transferred it to you."

"Will you be fine?"

"No, this is not a bad change."



Father Niu ’s nerves were loosened, and he thought about it and asked again, "Does your sister know? Why not tell her!" Although it is the big devil, it is more reliable than Shen Ying at the critical time.

Shen Ying stiffened, "No, if she knew, she should have seen it when I woke up last time."

Gu Yueyue thought about it too, with the degree of control of Shen Jingmei, it should have been discovered long ago. She didn't find it, she could only say that Shen Ying's changes could not be found by her.

"Relax, Dad Cow." Shen Ying continued yelling, "Maybe it won't be long before I know what the reason is."

"But you have given us all the planes now, then ... then what are you now?" Is there really no problem, "Aren't we your assistants? So now ..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Ying suddenly nodded towards his forehead. He just felt that his forehead was cold, and a black and white pattern floated out of his body instantly.

this is……

"Assistant's seal!" Gu Yue was startled, this is the assistant's mark that Shen Ying gave to them, "how can it still be?"

When Shen Ying closed her hand, the mark returned to Gu Yue's body again.

"So, even if I am no longer a manager, you will still be my assistants."

"..." In other words, they just changed to a nice title, are they actually working for her? Suddenly want to resign is swollen?

However, she was fine. The assistant seal is still there, which proves that there is no problem with her plug-in, and he can't sense the situation when she consumed too much last time. He doesn't want to go through another period of Shen 15 in the dormant period, and Xiao Xiaoying can also consider it.

Gu Yueyue glanced at her, his eyes darkened, and she drank half a cup of tea before continuing to ask, "Since you are fine, why not tell me to take over the plane in the first place?"

Shen Ying froze and turned to look at him for a while. Then she tilted her head and said, "In order to get more food for a few more months?"

"Go!" Gu Yue rolled his eyes, "When did I miss you?" Every time I said a button, I didn't give it! He snatched the fruit from her hand. "Little conscience! Are you afraid I think more? Just drag the cook to hide it?"

"..." Shen Ying didn't speak, but just continued to pull out a new one, still lazily groaning.

Gu Yue did not continue to ask, but asked, "What happened to the chef? I haven't seen any changes before him. Why is it suddenly the manager?"

"Because the time is up," Shen Ying explained lazily. "He was originally the manager selected by the world consciousness, but the devil and Kaitian were too anxious to pull me to this position. Before the cook Before I grow up, my strength is higher than him. "

"So ..." Gu Yue was startled. "When you first accepted the plane, the plane chose you directly and gave up the cook."

"Huh." Shen Ying nodded, thinking for a second, and added, "It's not like giving up. His power has been growing. Only in the last battle with the invaded manager did he fully grow into a manager , And I handed it over by the way. "

"Slot, no wonder he was a small plug all the way!" It turned out that he had opened the back door from the beginning, this group of plug dogs!

Gu Yueyue uttered a sentence, and it seemed like she was thinking about it for a while. She turned her face and looked strangely at Shen Ying. "Tell me, right?" After all, they are all assistants, and one of them suddenly got promoted. What's more, to be counted, he was the one who was innocently dragged into this world.

Gu Yueyue's gesture of holding fruit, then he turned to look at him, with a rare and serious look. "It's not a consolation award. I planned to do it at the beginning because ... Cow Daddy is really excellent."

For a moment, Gu Yue suddenly felt awkward, and wanted to probe her forehead subconsciously, "Praise me so seriously, wouldn't you be stupid?" It's a bit unaccustomed to not insert a knife.

"..." Can you speak well?

Shen Ying drew a corner of her mouth, and then continued to speak for a while.

"Papa Niu, it ’s not that simple to get the plane's approval." She took a deep breath. "My sister blocked countless plane invasions that year, and then completely controlled the plane. The chef Looking for us across the plane, trying to return to the file for three thousand years; I did n’t even have the right to be born at first. ”They ca n’t take the wrong step, otherwise they will lose.

Gu Yue was stunned, so they didn't tell him the facts in advance so as not to be distracted, so that they could concentrate on receiving the plane.

As for not being a manager, nonsense, naturally I want to!

(End of this chapter)