MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 534 Receiving plane

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Chapter 534: Receiving Plane

The fat man distributed some reconstituted elixir to several disciples, and then instructed some of their cultivation practices, and by the way, gave them a detailed science report about the disaster. Perhaps it was because they felt the coercion of heaven and earth in their own hands, and a few people had a little more awe in their eyes. These years, due to the cultivation of immortals, they unconsciously developed the superior arrogance, which unexpectedly dissipated a lot.

It is not impossible for these three people to continue to be true masters in the future. Gu Yue nodded with satisfaction before letting the fat man take them down. Thinking that there were two little **** waiting to clean up in the apse, they went back.

But found that Hongmeng, who should have been thousands of miles away, didn't know where it came from and sat inside.

"Why are you here?" Gu Yue stared at him, "You threw the rabbit alone there?"

"Master Gu Yueyue rest assured that Brother Rabbit is very knowledgeable and eloquent, and most of the protoss have already been settled. It is also a problem for everyone." Hongmeng hehe laughed. "It doesn't matter if I sit in Zixiao Palace. I was too busy, and the only thing I could help was, at best, just handing radish to Brother Tu. "

"We've done all your work, of course you're okay!" Gu Yue despised him with his eyes from start to finish, "I really don't know how you became an ancient god. No wonder the previous planes have been destroyed by you. ! "

Hongmeng just felt that a bite of old blood was about to come out, could he not insert a knife? Aggrieved want to cry, but still keep smiling, "Hehehe ... What is the lesson learned, isn't it thanks to the help of three adults? This time I made a special trip to thank some of them for rebuilding the heavens!"

Gu Yue's eyes froze, and he glanced up and down, "Thank you from the door, are you empty handed?"

Hongmeng froze, faintly feeling that another cut in his chest. He even moved the house to the top of his house. What else do he want? What about good friends? This knife is so heart-to-heart.

"You run all the way, just because of this?" Gu Yue glanced at him suspiciously.

"Uh ..." Hongmeng rubbed his hands, his eyes fluttered, and then he tentatively said, "It's like this, the heavens are now beginning to rise. The crisis in the plane can be completely lifted, but now all ethnic groups live together It ’s not conducive to the development of the plane. So it ’s better to divide and rule, but unfortunately, I have low mana. In addition, I heard that Tiandao was born of Lord Gu Yue, so can you please help ... ”

"Go!" Before he finished speaking, Gu Yue smashed directly into the word.

"Well?" Hongmeng hesitated, why didn't he follow the routine to issue cards?

"You need to divide the boundaries, you divide it yourself." Lao Tzu didn't want to care about your status. "You don't pay me, why do I get used to you?"

"Dad Cow ..." Qi Qing couldn't help but take a step forward and whispered Gu Yue and said quietly, "You are now the manager of this plane. If you don't care, this plane will collapse." While Hongmeng doesn't know about it, it's okay to drag him to work.

"Hehe." Guyue smashed his face, hehe, "You two mentors and apprentices pitted me, blame me?"

Wu Qing: "..." Master, I tried my best.

Shen Ying had no choice but to hold the pastry plate and squeezed in the past, and squeezed into their private chat, "Daddy Niu, this is a foregone conclusion. Besides, this company has become yours, you are already the boss, and naturally there is nothing Pay. "

Gu Yue's eyes narrowed, all eyes were the light of wisdom seeing through all the traps, "You mean, I don't need to work for you in the future?"

"Oh, that's not it." The daughter still has to keep raising.

"Then you say a fart!" After all, it wasn't him who was exhausted. I used to have two little bastards, and now even Hongmeng also added what kind of ghost, and brought a whole towing oil bottle.

"..." It's too hard for Dad Niu, who has transformed the business model, to suddenly understand the mood of those who have been pitted by him.

"Yeah!" Shen Ying sighed, suddenly turned her hand and stuffed the pastry dish to the cook, took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and pulled his sleeve, and something broke away instantly, blinking and blinking, biting With a crying expression on his lower lip, the voice suddenly fluttered softly and said, "Dad Cow ... Are you really not planning to answer?"

"Of course not ..." Gu Yue turned his head subconsciously, and when he got to his mouth, he was blocked in his throat for a moment, and he felt that he was hit by a huge object named "Meng", and he couldn't control his hands. Then, I shook for a long time before holding back, "Slot! Don't try to deal with the quiet trick to deal with me!" Anyway, also a person who has been cute Xiaoying, he can not stand! Hold your head and nod your head.

"Okay!" Shen Ying let go of her laziness again, and took back 'Shen Meng', "You really don't want to pick it up."

"Master ..." Qiu Qing was also shocked by Shen Ying's sudden show, and she immediately woke up with some anxiety.

"Forget the cook, don't force Dad Niu." Shen Ying sighed, tilted her head, and murmured inadvertently. "But I have already turned this plane out. I have to find someone to answer it. Recognition of the plane is not easy. I can't find anyone other than Dad Cow. Or just throw it to my sister to control it. It is also close to me here, and she can come to the door from time to time ... "

Gu Yue and Yan Qing's faces were pale and white, and only felt a chill from the bottom of her heart, and quickly interrupted her, "OK, I'll take it!" Isn't it OK for him to take it? Don't bring that big demon king.


"True!" Does he have any other choice?

"Not barely?"

"... Not reluctantly!" No wonder, but reluctantly better than being killed by the devil!

Grit your teeth!

"Good daddy cow, you worked hard for daddy cow!" The decision to promote Daddy ox was so happy. Shen Ying patted his shoulder and took the cake from the chef. "Eat?"



The three reached a consensus, ended the meeting, and turned back to the table. However, it was found that Hong Meng looked at Shen Ying with a dull face. Although he could not hear it, he clearly saw something, and his face was shot by the light wave tail of Meng.

What was that just now? Suddenly I felt that my heart was beating fast. Was this kind of urge to rub something swollen? Subconsciously, she looked at Shen Ying.

"What to see!" The relatives and friends of the two guards went back in unison, "What matter to you?"

"No ... I ..." I don't know what happened?

"Fuck, you dare to bleed ?!"

"Master, can you kill him ?!"

Shen Ying: "..."

(End of this chapter)