MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 531 Chasing again

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Chapter 531

Guyue stepped back and avoided his hand. "Are you still not ashamed of the situation until now? You said that you were completely unaware of Zulin's conspiracy, but why did you have to kill that evil devil at first, Even the last remnant wanted to annihilate. "When Shen Ying caught that remnant that day, he had proposed to completely destroy it.

"I ..." He looked pale and speechless.

"As a monk, you should understand that even if it is an evil spirit, it is the best policy to put it into reincarnation, but you haven't done that!" Gu Yue Shen said, breaking through his thoughts one by one, "Take your Cultivate that a half-step ghost king won't hurt you like that, unless the evil spirit is forced to desperate by you, and you have to fight for the soul to disperse, and it will cost you. "

"..." He was speechless, but trembled.

"You said that you didn't know Zhe Lin's plot beforehand, I believe! But you helped her to discover the truth of the matter long after the mushroom returned the soul, but still chose to cause the evil spirit to die." Gu Yue looked straight to He said, "Did you really do this just to kill the victim, not to help Zhu Lin hide the facts?"

Jianxing fluttered, and sat directly on the ground, his face pale.

"Wrong is wrong, if you take the initiative to explain it from the beginning, I may still be able to spare you." Gu Yue closed her eyes and brought some tired voices out, "Jianxing ... you really let I'm disappointed. "

"Master ..." He suddenly raised his head and looked at him with a complex complexion. "Then you teach me, what should I do? She is my sister, the only relative. I don't help her, do I just watch her? Become a lonely ghost? "

"Then you have the heart, let the mushroom soul fly away!"

Jian Xing's expression became more stubborn, and he seemed to be desperate. "Everyone has selfishness. I chose to save my own sister. Is it wrong? There is no right or wrong in this world, only the position is different That's it. Besides, why did Kobayashi become like this, why wasn't it forced by Master? "

"What did you say!" Gu Yue frowned.

"Isn't it?" Jianxing smiled sarcastically, "You put her into Xianmen, letting her see a wider world, but she abandoned her. How can she not complain? She did All of this is just for the sake of coming back, so why not? "

Gu Yue's brow deepened.

"Who in this world can be completely selfless?" He said more and more vigorously, as if to turn out the words of depression for so many years. "Even Master, you are not the same."

"Will you attribute help to abuse only to selfishness?" Gu Yue sneered, and the only bit of unbearableness in her heart disappeared.

"Isn't it?" He thought he wanted to deny, and stretched out his fingers to Shen Yingying. "Isn't she your selfish mind? She can't even make a break for nothing, but you're protecting her everywhere and being fair to her; Others said that her sentence was bad, but she was kicked out of the house just because the Lin Lin had risked her; she could eat as many centuries as Linguo, she could take as many as ten thousand years of Lingzhi, and Nedan, a high-end monster She can spoil it at will. But she doesn't want to take out a little bit, and seriously hurt the disciples under the door. Why? Isn't it just because of Master's selfishness? "

Wu Qing couldn't listen anymore, and the swords were called out, but she was caught by Shen Ying. The fat man was a black line, and the face of Dad Niu became even more black, so Shen Ying's face was no longer relevant, and he was still carrying the fruit leisurely, as if the person the other person accused was not her.

"You don't even wake her to sleep, you just give up the evil spirits and leave the whole city in danger." He said more and more excited, looking at Shen Ying's eyes, almost flying out of the knife, "It's him She was given the chance to win the house. If I am wrong, so will you. "

"Finished?" Gu Yue's face was a little scary, even with a faint smile. "That's what you really think? You always think that Zhelin was driven out of the mountain because I was selfish and calm?"

"Yes!" He nodded directly. "If it wasn't for the Master pointing at her, it would be her ability ..."

"How much do you know about her skills? Have you ever taught?" Gu Yue interrupted him directly.

Jian Xing looked surprised, and didn't seem to understand what he meant? Gu Yue laughed deeper and colder.

"Then I tell you, I, the cook, the fat man, and even all the people here are not enough to deal with one hand Shen Ying!" He glanced around the people around, saying, "Not only that, if she wants For her, the survival of the entire human continent is just a matter of thought. Do you still think that it is just my selfishness? "

There was a moment of silence at the scene, and Jian Xingdu couldn't believe it.

"I don't wake her to sleep because none of you can afford the consequences of waking her! She never cares about you, not because she is low? That's because your grade is too low to reach her!"


"Do you really think that her head is notorious?"

"No, it's impossible ..." Jian Xing looked at Shen Ying, still unable to believe it.

"Linguo Lingzhi Dandan, what do these do to you? Don't make excuses for your own greed! You just think that the mushroom is a little demon, so it is more important for Lin Lin to live? You think Shen Ying is a mortal, so her resources Should I give it to others? Huh! In the final analysis, what you call the truth is just bullying and fearing evil! "

Jianxing's face paled again, and his face was bewildered, as if broken.

"Jianxing ..." Gu Yue seriously looked at him and said, "Everyone has selfishness. That's right. You chose Zhe Lin to give up the mushrooms, and you can't say that they are all wrong. There is really no right or wrong in this world. Points, but ... there is absolutely evil and good in this world! "He raised his hand," I'm an invincible faction who doesn't need disciples with bad intentions. "

"No ... Master!" Jian Xing's face flashed with great horror, and he turned and crawled towards Gu Yueyue.

Gu Yue didn't stop, Faju fell directly, and his Dantian was scattered. At the next moment, I saw that his whole body's aura had faded, and even the Yuanying who knew the sea had dissipated directly. The appearance of the boy had also changed with the naked eye, and he became about forty years old.

Jianxing looked at his hands, his eyes full of panic, "Master ..." He looked up and begged for something.

Gu Yue pointed directly at him with an eyebrow, "The experience of going up the mountain to learn Taoism is the main reason for the change in Zhe Lin. Then you can erase this memory."

Jian Xing opened his eyes fiercely, and had no time to resist, but felt that a sense of dizziness came, and passed out.

(End of this chapter)