MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 23 Stupid enough to care

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Chapter 23

Qi Orange Yu raised a deep sense of powerlessness, and looked up and down the person in front of him, "How on earth did you live to this day?" Such a rough-hearted person actually entered Xuan Tianzong, Zongmen's Is everyone blind?

"Well?" She probed the other person's aura all over again. "You are a mortal!"

I thought it was because she was too injured to detect her practice. I did not expect that she was really a mortal without the slightest aura. Even if Xuan Tianzong was a maidservant, she had no spiritual energy. It seemed that she was born without a spiritual root. Being at the top gate of all the pride of the sky, but unable to practice, he is also a poor man ...

Qi Orange Rain's anger suddenly dissipated a lot, but the other party didn't seem to pay much attention to it, and instead plucked up his feathers. For a time, the colorful feathers on the ground reflected the rising moonlight, as if a layer of various lights were scattered on the ground.

No, that feather is really glowing.

Σ (っ ° Д °;) っ

"Wait!" She quickly grabbed each other's plucked hand, looked at the two chickens, and opened her eyes sharply. "This ... This is the fifth-order spirit beast-Jinyu! Where did you find it? ? "

"Oh, by the river!" Shen Ying raised her finger to the left, and then thought and changed to the right.

Qi Orangeyu's face became more and more strange. Seeing her like this was not like killing a fifth-order spirit beast. Was someone hunting the beast and throwing it by the river? She is so lucky!

"What is a spirit beast, isn't this a chicken demon?" Shen Yingyang asked the chicken in Yang Yang's hand.

"Why don't you even know this?" Qi Orangeyu gave her a surprised look and explained, "A demon is a demon, and a beast is a beast. Demon is a livestock, and when you are savvy, you are a demon. Transformation. And beasts are born extraordinary, but they do n’t have spiritual intelligence.

"Oh ..." She nodded, no wonder the little animal just said nothing, "Can it be eaten?"

Qi Orange's mouth is drawn, is it the point? If you think about it, she is just a mortal and she really needs to eat. Then he ignited a fire on the ground, "the spirit beast has turbid gas, and it can only be eaten after it has been refined with the spirit fire." After speaking, he directly took over the hair beast that had been pulled out of the hair and set it on fire. Bake up.

Shen Ying: Be smart and wait to eat!

(?? ω ??)?

Qi Orangeyu first practiced the turbid air in the monster's head, and opened the spiritualization blade directly. Sure enough, she found a shiny blue bead, a thumb-sized fifth-order beast, and it was still water. Can't help but sigh again for this mortal's luck, walking can pick up the body of the fifth-order spirit beast, and the person who killed the spirit beast did not take the beast.

She took out the Beast Dan directly. Such a complete Nedan was very rare, and she threw it to the person next to her. "Then, keep it well."

Shen Ying took a look, and then threw it back, "Don't, send you!"

"You ... you want to give me ?!" Qi Orangeyu stared at her in disbelief. I just did n’t write it on my face. Are you stupid? "Rest assured, I promised to let you go, and I won't regret it. Although this is the fifth-order water beast of the inner spirit, the healing medicine. Since the spirit beast was picked up by you, it is destined to be yours. The deity doesn't even bother to take advantage of people. "

"No." She had a lot of beads.

Qi Orangeyu thought she didn't understand the benefits of this thing, and couldn't help but add another sentence, "Although you are a mortal, a fifth-order beast is rare, and you can get many benefits by virtue of this."

"Oh, that's good for you." Just pay for the roast chicken. "Is the chicken cooked?"

"You ..." Qi Orangeyu tightened his palms and gave Shen Ying a complex look.

Does she want to give her the beast to heal? why? Obviously holding her here, but she wants to help an enemy?

"I ... it's magic!" She could not help reminding.

"Ah ?!" She turned to look at her, and frowned suddenly. Qi Orangeyu was cold in her heart, but she listened to her with a serious question, "Can't you cook chicken?"


Qi Orangeyu froze and nodded reflexively, "... yes."

"Oh, let's continue!"

carry on? What to continue?

"Are you sure, that's it ..." Give her? No conditions!

"Otherwise? Did you bring cumin?" I can't see, you're still an elegant cook ... girl!


"Oh, then it's plain!" Disappointed.


Qi Orange Yu has a stubborn heart, which is the same thing. Hey!

(ー `′ ー)

This mortal really has the ability to lead people crooked in minutes. I don't know why ... she couldn't even get her temper up. Instead, the psychic fire was gradually increased, and my heart began to be strange, and it was sour and astringent.

Really ... she really wanted to send Beast Dan to her, even if she was holding her magic. Just because ... saw her seriously hurt? How could there be such a "stupid" person in the world! She's so stupid that she wants to protect her!

Qi Orangeyu tightened his palms, wanted to say something, and didn't know what he could say, and finally could only sneer, "Huh, you have a temper, you will be sold sooner or later!" Good chicken stuffed into each other's arms, "Here, eat it! Eat it! By the way, what's your name?"

"Shen Ying." She answered as she ate, not forgetting to put the remaining one in the other's hands, "This one, go on!"

"You are so skilled at calling people, one is not enough, and you are not afraid of dying!" She complained, but still took over. How long ... How long haven't I talked to people so calmly. There was no fear, no hatred, and no disgusting greed in the other's eyes.

"My name is Qi Orange Rain, and the size is also a demon statue. I look at you very easily. I will not be able to mix in Xuan Tianzong in the future. Remember to come to Mingyin Mountain to find me, maybe I can live longer!" Such a stupid People, nobody looks at them, will they die? !!

"Huh huh huh." Eat chicken seriously.

"I just killed the hypocrite of Yu Ding. If you return without any harm tomorrow, Xuan Tianzong will definitely doubt you!" She glanced at Shen Ying, flashing a little worry, "You better drag A few days later, they asked, and you told them truthfully that it was my impermanence and poisonous orange rain that killed Yuding.

"..." Eat chicken eat chicken eat chicken.

"But you do n’t have to tell them about the beast-dan thing." She turned the blue beads in her hand. "These so-called famous gates are decent, they think they are right, and some of them are tricks. Do n’t make a fool! If you're really afraid of talking, I'll grab this bead. "Anyway, she didn't care about one more charge of murder and treasure.

"..." It's delicious.

"It's going to be an accident ... the renegade faction ran away. What is the right path to Xianmen is not a clean place. If they really want to avenge the old thief of Yuding, just invite the factions to attack me at Yinyin Mountain." She sneered. With a sound, something seemed to come to mind, his eyes slowly turned blood red, and his hands clenched tightly. "I want to ask these famous decency. Yu Ding broke my Yuanyin body five hundred years ago and ruined me. Hundred years of cultivation, imprisoned in the dungeon as a furnace vengeance, how can I not report it? "

Shen Ying finally stopped eating and looked up at her slowly.

"What do you think of me like this? Why? I don't believe a school leader would do such a thing?"

"No ... let me ask, is the other chicken cooked?"


She regretted that she should have killed this foodie just now!

o (▼ 皿 ▼ メ;) o

(End of this chapter)