MTL - My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old-Chapter 394 Great injustice

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Chapter 394: The Great Wrongful Person

 “Steamed buns? What kind of white flour is used to make steamed buns??”

"There are no mortals in our Qianyuan Mountain. The gods have already gone away from the valley and do not eat fireworks." Nezha asked doubtfully.

“In the center of the Qianyuan Hall, there are several boxes with some white noodles in them.”

“Yanyan originally wanted to help my uncle and master recuperate and make steamed buns to eat in the evening.” The little girl looked well-behaved.

“Uncle, please don’t send me back, okay?” Qianyuan Mountain is so free! !

 Nezha’s scalp was numb.

 “White noodles? Steamed buns?”

 “Did you make anything to eat this morning?!”

 The two little girls murmured slightly, their eyes full of disappointment.

 “I haven’t done it yet, my uncle is going to send me home. Humph.”

Nezha was covered in cold sweat.

"That...that...those are the ashes of the ancestors." Nezha covered his face, and Daozu protected him and escaped.

"Yanyan, Huaizhi, cough, there are important things in Qianyuan Mountain, and I may not be able to keep you for a long time. Next time, uncle will come to pick you up." Nezha coaxed with a compensatory smile.

 “When is the next time?”

 Nezha’s face froze.

 “Very soon.”

“But let’s discuss it and stop calling me Master. Your parents are the darlings of heaven and earth, and Master is not worthy of being your master.”

 “You brothers and sisters, you deserve better.” Nezha advised earnestly.

Qianyuan Town cannot bear these two scourges!

 It’s really too much to bear!

 Ten thousand years combined would not be as exciting as this day.

Master has made them both cast shadows, and they dare not put them in the Taoist gate.

 I am afraid that a lot of disciples will be led astray by them.

 “Really?” Huai Zhi was a little doubtful.

“Didn’t Master say that he is the only one in the world who can teach us?” Zhiyan immediately retorted, as if he refused to go back.

Nezha's heart is sour and bitter. He is a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis.

He said in his heart, I didn’t expect that you two would be more troubled than Suisui.

"Master, you just don't admit that you are worse than the Buddha. In fact, the Buddha is better than him. Really..." Nezha replied seriously.

 Daoism and Buddhism have been fighting for a lifetime, and this is the first time that the other side has admitted defeat.

 “Buddhism…” the two children murmured, looking at Nezha.

Nezha pursed his lips, took out some treasures from his pocket and handed them to her.

 The two children didn't answer, but still looked at him.

 Nezha handed her another storage space.

"Your mother has a small world. The small world has sunshine, all things, and can nourish life. It was the beginning of the birth of the Three Realms, and it is the top space. Given time, it will definitely become a real world. This is second only to her. There is really no Even better…”

 “The Taoist family is very poor.”

 Nezha was almost crying.

 He knew that it would not be so easy to send these two people back.

It is really easy to invite God, but difficult to send Him away.

 Fu Jiuxiao, it turns out you really didn’t lie to me!

 It’s because I don’t know what is good or bad.

Nezha saw them nodding and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As for the disaster, it would lead to Buddhism.

I can only feel sorry for all the Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

It is really……

 At this moment.

Fu Jiuxiao stood on the ground, looking at Nezha with a speechless expression.

Nezha smiled dryly and said with a guilty conscience: "I heard that Your Majesty and Shi Shen want a child, so they sent it back to you in advance."

“Three days and seven days are too much, why do you go home after only one day?”

 “How many days will you stay?”

Nezha coughed slightly, the master fainted, the Taoist sect was poor, and the Taoist ancestors' graves were dug up. If they don't leave, the ashes of the masters and uncles will be steamed into steamed buns.

 This only took one day!

 One day! !

 If we stay any longer, the Taoist sect will be disbanded. These two people are not the hope of Daomen at all, they are the only way out for Daomen!

Nezha just wishes he could step on the Hot Wheels and have a peach.

"By the way, I remember that your Taoist ancestor had a hurdle in the 63,127th year. Have you found that hurdle? It seems like it will be this year, right?"

 Fu Jiuxiao suddenly remembered this matter.

After Daozu left, the three worlds were muttering that Daozu didn't even live that long, so where did the obstacle come from?

Nezha's heart trembled: "Daozu made a joke with the world, there is nothing wrong with it." His eyes fell on the two dolls.

 “There are no hurdles, there is nothing.”

 After speaking, he paused again.

“Your Majesty, my disciple, after thinking about it, the child will not be successful if he does not cultivate. After all, the child must be strictly controlled.”

“Sealing spiritual power. It’s not a big deal.”

“Even Nezha was beaten several times with a stick by his mother when he was a child.”

 “The two young highnesses have great power, so they naturally need to be disciplined more strictly.”

Nezha said shamelessly.

 The old face turned red.

Fu Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows.

Little brother Nezha, even if you don’t say anything, I know that you have suffered a big loss.

 “You have changed!” Xiao Huaizhi was so angry that his nose was filled with snot, and he was jumping up and down while pointing at Nezha.

“Yesterday you said... that we..."

 “Heaven, the Son of God, we are free!” The little guy screamed.

Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheels bravely, fearing that they would knock him off.

These two little guys are really talented.

 Teach the true fire of samadhi, and the six dings of divine fire will come out.

 Get directly to the top level.

Teaching how to fly through the clouds and ride on the mist, these two people can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

 The stronger the talent, the more axes the brain has.

If the two of them become the hope of the Taoist sect, they will probably...

 The amount of one Dao sect ancestor lost every three days.

Before it can conquer the realm of gods and Buddha, the Taoist sect must first destroy itself.

“Amitabha, the great **** of the Santan Haihui, would actually give trouble to two children?” A compassionate Buddhist voice sounded.

As soon as everyone turned around, they saw a faint golden halo.

 People from the Buddhist world.

"Messenger of Sanskrit, aren't you a disciple of the Buddhist sect? You are already very busy preaching scriptures from all walks of life and saving all sentient beings. How could you come to this mortal world?" Nezha stepped on the wind and fire wheel, far away from the two children.

"Amitabha. I'm just visiting the son of an old friend." Fanyin looked at the two pitiful children.

The child had tears in his eyes, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Nezha glanced at them and said, "Yes, yes, that's how I was deceived yesterday!"

"Buddhism is compassionate, why would the Great God of Santan Haihui trouble two children? The innocent child lost his mother at birth, Buddhism cannot bear it." Fanyin clasped his hands together and sighed softly.

 “I came here specially to invite the two young sons of gods to stay in Buddhism for a while.”

 The compassion of Bodhisattva.

Fu Jiuxiao glanced at Nezha, and it seemed that the Taoist sect had done a good job of concealing it.

 No news was revealed at all.

“There are some rough guys in the Taoist sect who don’t even know how to prepare milk powder. No, the child will be homesick after just one day.” Nezha invited the child home at a high price, but Nezha didn’t say a word about it.

“Buddhist people are extremely patient, and there are many Bodhisattvas who have parenting experience. Why not go to Buddhism?” Fanyin looked at the two gods with a smile.

 The future of the Buddhist world.

Hurry and hurry to get here. Fortunately, I didn't stay at Daomen.

Strange, why didn’t Daomen leave the two children behind?

The Sanskrit messenger smiled slightly, maybe this is an opportunity for Buddhism.

 Wait for the messenger to take the people away.

Nezha: "I'm not the only one who is wronged. I feel much better."

  PS: Please give me your votes, various ratings, various must-read votes, etc., please.

 (End of this chapter)