MTL - My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old-Chapter 336 Xiushan is as rich as a country

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Chapter 336 The richness of the beautiful mountains rivals that of the country

Suisui frowned.

All civil and military officials were dressed in official uniforms and headed towards the city gate with countless elite soldiers.

Sui Sui followed closely.

Standing on the city wall, you can feel the clatter of horse hooves getting closer and closer.


  "Their flag has the word "taixi" on it."

General Xie pointed at the flag in the distance and shouted.

 “It is not the enemy who attacks the city, but our own people.”

The crowd shouted.

“But why are there so many of them? And they brought so many carriages? You can’t even see the end!” shouted the soldier with good eyesight.

 You can even see the wheels pressing down a heavy mark on the snow.

"It's uncle, it's uncle and aunt here." Suisui pointed at the man riding a horse in the distance and shouted.

 Every year, my uncle and aunt only come here for a while during the Chinese New Year, and then go back after the New Year.

 The mighty carriages were heading towards the capital.

It is like a desperate capital has been injected with a strong vitality.

Lin Qing stood at the city gate and shouted, waving to Suisui: "Wangshan Prefecture is full of Suisui. I heard that there is no food in the capital, so I came here to deliver food."

 Everyone was stunned.

"Suiman City? By the way, it was Xiushan, the poorest place in the past. Wasn't that place a fiefdom for the little princess?"

Suisui’s eyes lit up.

“The tax revenue from the fiefdom is the private property of the small princess.”

“Uncle, uncle, come in quickly.” Suisui held up her skirt and hurried down.

  Xiushan’s taxes are paid on time every year.

 The first three years of taxation are all exempted, and all subsequent payments are sent to the treasury.

  And because Xiushan’s grain output is high, most taxes are paid in grain.

 At present, the food has not been touched for five years.

“What urgent need can a small beautiful mountain solve?”

 “How much does Wangshan Mansion pay per year?”

"I heard that Xiushan is rich and prosperous. I heard that the people's happiness is higher than that of the capital." An official said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you believe this rumor? The capital has been the capital for thousands of years, Xiushan has been poor for thousands of years, and now it has become rich in just a few years?"

“You can’t believe what those merchants say. They might have taken advantage of Xiushan and boosted Xiushan’s economy.”

“However, the carriage is almost out of sight, and no one knows how much food Xiushan has brought in.” Everyone’s hearts were a little heavy. How much food could there be in a small town?

Can we still welcome the whole of Dai Viet?

Isn’t that a joke?

As soon as the city gate opened, Suisui rushed out.

"Uncle..." Suisui shouted loudly, even Yanchuan had a smile on his brows.

 The feeling of relaxation from the inside out makes me so busy that I forget that Xiushan is no longer the Xiushan it once was.

"Our Suisui has grown into a big girl, she is so beautiful." Lin Qing said with a smile. Her aunt's hands were all red from the cold, and she hurriedly stepped forward to pull Suisui with an affectionate look on her face.

“I heard that you were short of food, so I brought it to you specially.”

"Xiushan has been away for several years. The people have been thinking about you all day long. They are afraid that you will not have enough, so they have collected some for you."

“You kid, Xiushan will always be your home. If you don’t have money or food, why don’t you ask your family for it?”

"Now, I have brought you all the food in your warehouse. Remember to stamp it with a jade seal and write an IOU. This is considered a loan from the emperor." To them, Suisui is one of their own. "Okay, okay, I'm carrying the jade seal in my pocket. I can't bear the loss." Suisui smiled and held her little aunt's arm.

 “Where is my brother?”

 “The tiger has to stay in the town and watch.”

 “Put the grain into the warehouse first so that the people can have some hot meals.”

“You don’t need to worry about your family. We suffered enough from natural disasters during the drought in Xiushan. Now the houses have been reinforced and none of them have collapsed.”

“Every major road in the county has been built in every village, and we go skiing every day.”

“The past two years have been boring winters, but we have held two ice sculpture exhibitions. By the way, your sculpture won first place. You also won a thousand catties of grain and a hundred taels of silver notes.”

Immediately, my aunt secretly whispered into her ear.

"Don't worry that we don't have food. My aunt tells you that if you give us grain, some will yield a thousand catties per mu, and the worst one will yield seven hundred catties. We have suffered from natural disasters, and every household has dug three granaries. , The food can last for ten years! Every household has so much food." My aunt raised her eyebrows.

“We also donated some to the court and brought it to you. Each family only donated a few hundred catties, so it’s not much less.”

"Hey, you are twelve years old, and you are going to marry a big girl. We, the mother-in-law, have to give you some face in advance." Her aunt patted her on the shoulder, and Suisui laughed dumbly.

 She laughed so hard that her parents came to give her a face.

Zhou Chongguang walked out almost tremblingly. Without saying a word, he knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Zhou Chongguang, on behalf of the imperial court, I would like to thank the people of Xiushan and the little princess for your kindness."

All civil and military officials stood up and kowtowed to the people who were sending grain to Suisui and Xiushan.

I have only heard of the imperial court providing disaster relief to the people, but I have never heard of the common people providing disaster relief to the imperial court.

“I will write this IOU personally.” Zhou Chongguang said solemnly.

The younger uncle smiled and said: "Master Lu said that I believe Mr. Zhou knows how to write."

 Zhou Chongguang's face twitched, "Teacher!"

Mr. Lu has already spoken, how can he write? I can only add two more benefits to Xiushan. Hey, Your Majesty, I am sorry for you.

 Come back and pay off your debt.

Zhou Chongguang stayed at the city gate to write an IOU, and the ministers took the people of Xiushan to put the grain into the warehouse.

 All the people were in a state of despair, and my uncle couldn't bear it: "Pull five carts to give the people some supper, as gifts from the people of Xiushan." He waved his hand and immediately pulled five carts away.

These horses were all taken from Beidi when they attacked the city. One carriage can pull about one thousand kilograms.

 Five thousand catties is enough for the people to have a full meal.

 Besides, it is not advisable to have a big meal after being hungry for a long time. Drink a bowl of thick porridge at most.

“Well, let’s send a pig over. It’s a bit meaty and will make you stronger.”

The younger uncle shook his head, hey, after two years of heavy snowfall, the people in Xiushan have become fat as balls.

 Having nothing to do all day, I just made food at home.

 Everyone was shocked by the generosity of the beautiful mountain.

 What shocked them the most was the endless flow of carriages.

Just now, all the civil and military officials were careless, but as the carriage entered the city, the boss who opened his mouth could not close it for a long time.

Every time a carriage comes in, it will be inspected by the palace staff. Each carriage weighs a full thousand kilograms. There is only more, not less.

 “One, two, three, four, five…”

 Eighteen, nineteen, twenty…”

"Thirty-three-one..." The grain was unloaded slowly, and the people were holding bowls, drinking steaming porridge, and counting as they ate.

Even so, the carriage outside still has no end in sight.

The legs of all the civil and military officials were sore from standing, but no one thought of sitting down. They all looked at Yan Suisui with gleaming eyes.


 Xiushan is really rich!

 At this moment, the whole world is witnessing the glory of Xiushan!

Even if hundreds of thousands of years pass by, this night is still a grand event that will be passed down from mouth to mouth!

 (End of this chapter)