MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 228 Qionghai Yulu

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The latest website: A fairy in white, gentle and beautiful, with a very kind smile.

She looked at the white-haired youth who woke up and asked gently.

Shen Qingchen silently sat up straight, facing the afternoon sun.

"Thinking of something from the past..."

His eyes wandered, not falling on his sister behind him, but looking into the distance.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were erratic and complicated.

"Sister, has anyone been here while I'm asleep?"

Shen Qingchen's eyes finally landed on the path outside the courtyard.

There, three and a half-person-high earthen jars were placed on the stone path, and I didn't know what was inside.

Shen Qingchen looked confused.

He knew that this must have been sent by the King of Zhenbei.

When he fell asleep, no one could get close to him within ten feet, so the things he brought could only be placed outside the courtyard.

But there was something odd about the three large crock pots.

Shen Qingchen looked confused.

The woman in white not far away said with a smile.

"These three jars are all Qionghai Yulu, which was sent by the King of Zhenbei."

"The King of Zhenbei said that tonight is the best time. Before starting, you need Qingchen to replenish your vitality as soon as possible, so I brought all the Qionghai Yulu in the house and let Qingchen drink as much as you like."

The woman's words made Shen Qingchen slightly stunned.

He stood up, walked over to the three jars, and lifted the lid.

In an instant, a fragrant fragrance rushed to the face.

The tan green liquid in the jar contains abundant fairy energy, and it is indeed Qionghai Yulu that replenishes vitality.

But so many Qionghai Yulu...

Shen Qingchen looked at the three jars in front of him and said, "This prince of Zhenbei has really made a lot of money..."

When the elder sister comes, he needs to use the flesh and blood of his close relative as support, otherwise he will not be able to stay in this world for a long time.

And every time my sister fights and kills, it consumes a lot of his vitality.

The more powerful the enemy is, the more vitality he will be consumed.

When the seal was not strong before, Shen Qingchen lost a lot of vitality. Even though he took Qionghai Yulu to recuperate in time, he still rested for a long time.

But today, the King of Zhenbei sent so many Qionghai Yulu... This green jade dew, if you put a drop outside, you can sell a tael of gold.

In the past, the Qionghai Yulu that the King of Zhenbei sent for him to take was only sent in small cups.

Now, three and a half-person-high crock pots are delivered in one breath... I have exhausted the power of the Zhenbei Palace, and these are probably all in stock.

This prince of Zhenbei really made a lot of money. For tonight's final attack, it can be said that all the cards are out.

Shen Qingchen smiled, raised the first crock pot and gulped.

In the past, Qionghai Yulu, which could only be drunk in small cups, was now swallowed by him, and he quickly drank a can.

The white-haired youth whose breath was weakened instantly became heroic and powerful.

And this is just the first can.

Shen Qingchen stretched out his hand and picked up the second crock pot, and drank heavily.

With the continuous drinking of Qionghai Yulu, the vitality in his body quickly replenished, and even due to the excessive replenishment of vitality, these vitality began to mend his internal injuries caused by excessive loss of resentment over the years.

When Shen Qingchen finished drinking all the Qionghai Yulu, his aura changed drastically.

Even the physique has become stronger and burly, no longer as thin and weak as before.

The plumpness of his cheeks swept away his thin and gloomy aura, but instead he looked heroic and handsome.

If it weren't for the same silver-white hair, it would be difficult for anyone to connect him with the gloomy young man before.

Feeling the abundant vitality in the body, Shen Qingchen exhaled a long breath, only feeling refreshed.

Eighteen years ago, when the incarnation of my sister's inner demon came to him relying on the connection of the power of blood, he was almost drained of all the soul and turned into a mummified corpse.

Over the years, under the guidance of his sister, he worked hard day and night, constantly improving his cultivation, increasing his spiritual power, and now he can finally reveal his sister's complete combat power to the world.

Even Beidi Wufu, who was in the Great Void Realm, could hardly match his elder sister.

He has changed from a weak and powerless young man who could bully and trample on one's head to a secret weapon with a pivotal position that even the King of Zhenbei has to rely on.

Now looking at the "sister" behind him, Shen Qingchen clenched his fists and said.

"Sister, I will definitely fulfill your long-cherished wish and let you completely get rid of the shackles of Taixu Wonderland!"

Today's elder sister can't really come to the world, but relies on him as an anchor to wander back and forth between the world and the imaginary fairyland.

For many years, his sister has been urging him to do ascetic training, so that one day in the future, he will be able to cut off the shackles his sister received and be completely free.

Now, that opportunity is at hand.

Shen Qingchen knew that he had to grasp it.

When he brought his sister to the conference hall, he found that the people who should come and those who shouldn't have come have almost arrived.

Among the six demon sects, except for the unique Soul Refining Sect, and the Heavenly Demon Sect whose whereabouts are unknown, the remaining four major demon sect headmasters gathered here.

Yueyuezong Qiu Wuji, Yintian sent Jiang Liyu, Nirvana Sect Hu Shuer, and Qiu Guzi of the Illusory Gu sect who had dealt with the most Shen Qingchen and had a grudge in the past.

In the situation where the three holy places are dormant, the Zhenbei Palace has drawn almost all the demon heroes who can be drawn.

In addition to these four people, there are several figures that Shen Qingchen does not know, but combined with the rumors in the rivers and lakes, they can vaguely guess the identity of the other party on the magic road, all of which are the current demon heroes.

Seeing Shen Qingchen's appearance, all the demon heroes present had bad expressions and were quite afraid.

Shen Qingchen was second, but the woman in white who followed behind Shen Qingchen put a lot of pressure on everyone present.

They also know that this white-haired boy is King Zhenbei's biggest killer.

The woman in white was the murderer who attacked and killed the Empress Lu Zhao in public.

If it's a one-on-one fight against each other, I'm afraid no one will be able to win this woman...

Shen Qingchen looked at the people present, listening to the plan whispered by Lu Yu, the king of Zhenbei, but his eyes were erratic.

The attention does not seem to be in this discussion hall, but floats to other places.

After the plan was finalized and everyone left one after another, only Shen Qingchen and Lu Yu, the king of Zhenbei, were left in the house.

Looking at King Zhenbei, Shen Qingchen calmed down and said, "My lord, the agreement between you and me..."

Lu Yu looked at him, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com nodded and said, "This king naturally knows, you don't need to worry."

"According to reliable information, Lu Zhao's blood bridge has been successfully built. The blood bridge can cross the Heishui River and reach the depths of Taixu Wonderland."

"At that time, I will help you on the bridge and help you and your sister achieve your long-cherished wish."

"But in this way, you need to face Lu Zhao and Su Wen in his heyday alone, and no one can help you at that time."

Next, Lu Yu slowly revealed his final plan.

And Shen Qingchen clenched his fists slightly after listening, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter! Even Su Wen, who is number one in the world, can't stop me and my sister from joining forces!"

This is the only hope for him and his sister. Even if it is Su Wen, who is number one in the world, he has to step on it.

The oath he made since childhood to protect his sister, he will never retreat!

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