MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 197 The road to longevity

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The heavy snow in Beijing came unexpectedly.

This year's heavy winter snow came later than in previous years, but it was also fiercer than in previous years.

Overnight, the cold wind swept across the capital, and the sky and snow fell, turning the entire capital into a white world.

The depth of the snow has seriously affected the residents of the city.

Even in the bustling and lively capital city, it is inconvenient to travel because of the thick snow, and the streets and alleys are unprecedentedly deserted.

Coupled with the constant patrolling of the night watchman in the cold wind, and the recent attack on the queen, the entire capital seemed to be shrouded in some kind of shadow.

Jing Zhaoyin opened the great formation to seal the city, the four gates were closed, and the tens of thousands of bronze tiger heads on the wall of the capital were all aimed at the sky.

This is a forbidden sky formation established by the God Dynasty for many years. Once it is opened, anyone who flies without permission will be set on fire by tens of thousands of tiger heads.

It is said that even the legendary cultivator of the Heaven and Human Realm cannot resist such power.

Therefore, everyone knows that the murderer who attacked the Queen is still lurking in the capital and cannot escape.

The people who are heating at home, discussing the horror of the thief in a low voice, carefully capturing all the rumors and rumors circulating on the market, trying to piece together a truth from those fragmentary rumors.

However, what most people can detect are rumors that have been spread.

As these rumors spread, people will only get closer to the truth.

Even in the imperial court, there are very few people who can really grasp the truth of the Queen's attack.

But now, outside the sky prison where the snow is flying, there are such two big people with extraordinary identities gathered together.

The wind and snow fell on them, but the two old men were not afraid of the severe cold. They sat on an eaves outside the Heavenly Prison, overlooking the imperial city not far away, and let the university fall on their shoulders.

The old demon of the Cang Prison, this old man with a fierce reputation on the Central Plains Demon Dao, has been in the Heaven Prison for more than a hundred years.

And his identity on the face is just a jailer of the Heavenly Prison.

According to the official rank of the Shen Dynasty, the old demon of the Cang Prison is not a good person, just an idle little official, the kind that can be found everywhere.

But because of his existence, no one has been able to escape from the prison for many years.

All those who tried to escape or rob a prison could not get past this level of the old man.

No one knows why he chose to be a small jailer in Tianjing.

With his cultivation base, he is enough to become a great master in the world and a tiger on the other side.

But the old demon of Cang Prison ignored all the glory and wealth, and stayed in the sky prison every day, in front of his own ordinary prison guards, and lived with a group of jailers who also guarded the sky prison.

When most people escaped from prison and robbed, until the moment of death, they couldn't believe that this inconspicuous old man in a prison uniform turned out to be the legendary old demon of Cangyu.

And sitting beside the old demon of the Cang Prison is the big **** Su Wen in luxurious robes.

In the snow, the gorgeous Su Wen and the old jailer were sitting together, and they didn't look like they were from the same world.

Su Wen looked at the heavy snow falling all over the sky and the imperial city in the snow, and sighed a long time.

The world-renowned No. 1 expert sighed and coughed, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, he was also injured in the previous Haiyancheng group.

A scholar who has disappeared for many years is not an easy one.

If it wasn't for the two of them restraining each other and not fighting to the end, the final outcome would not have been written so lightly.

Su Wen sighed in the snowstorm: "The situation is difficult, the wind and snow are swaying... Old friend, are you really going out of the mountains to help?"

"If your majesty has an accident, I'm afraid there will be chaos in this kingdom of gods..."

Su Wen's eyes were sincere, and he begged his old friend to come out.

Over the years, he has known this old friend, but he has never interfered with each other's life, and has never made excessive demands.

But this time, he had to come forward and put down his old face to beg the other party to come out.

But the old demon in the blue prison in the snow was indifferent.

The sincere request of the number one expert in the world, such deeds are enough to boast about for a lifetime.

But the old demon of the dark prison was indifferent.

He sat in the snow, looked at the imperial city in the snow, and said, "Is Lu Zhao's injury already so serious... You came to invite me for labor."

The old demon of Cangyu looked into the distance and said, "Don't tell me, Lu Zhao is actually dead, and are you secretly mourning?"

The old demon of Cangyu made a conjecture, and it was disrespectful to speak.

Su Wen smiled helplessly and said, "Your Majesty has no children, and Su Wen and I have no intention of plotting the throne. Does it make sense to keep secret?"

"What's more, with the Physician King, even if His Majesty can't save him, it is very difficult to die."

"Even if King Medicine Master can't save His Majesty, it's not a problem to forcibly continue His Majesty's life for a year and a half."

Su Wen's words made the old demon of Cang Prison sneer.

"Indeed, the old witch doctor's ability to help people to survive is still very strong."

"If it wasn't for him, Lu Zhao wouldn't be crazy like he is now..."

Speaking of this, the old demon of Cang Prison finally turned his head, looked directly at Su Wen for the first time, and asked, "What the old man is curious about now is, if Lu Zhao is not dead, how is her condition?"

"How far has she reached her longevity, which she has been seeking for decades?"

"I heard that the Tianxin old man outside Guan is also using the power of the entire Western Regions to attack Changsheng."

"With your vision, Eunuch Su, who do you think is more likely to reach the legendary realm of immortality?"

The old demon in Cangyu looked curious.

Su Wen was silent for a while, and in the heavy snow, he seemed to have turned into a lifeless statue.

After a long while, he made a choice and gave a difficult response.

"I can only tell my old friend that His Majesty's road to longevity is not without hope, and it is far more hopeful than the old demon of Tianxin..."

Su Wen's words surprised the old demon of Cang Prison.

"Oh? Is there really hope?"

He naturally believed Su Wen's judgment.

"Even the No. 1 father-in-law Su said that..." The old demon of Cang Prison thought for a while and said, "So you really want to fulfill Lu Zhao and let her rule forever, like Taizu?"

Su Wen looked serious: "Your Majesty is the real dragon in the world, the wise ruler of the If she can regain her youth and sweep away the disease of aging, the world will be the other side!"

Su Wen's eyes flashed with fiery conviction.

Seeing that this old **** was still as hot-blooded as a young man, the old demon of Cang Prison laughed out loud.

Said: "Sometimes, I really can't tell whether you are pretending or real... Hahaha..."

"Eunuch Su, you are also over a hundred years old."

"I have to say, even if you really pretend, but you can pretend for a lifetime... Then I have to give you a thumbs up."

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in Lu Zhao's eternal kingship."

"The only thing I can do, and the only thing I need to do, is to keep the Heavenly Prison and protect that Lu Gaojiao's cub inside."

"Others, I can't help you."


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