MTL - My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect-Chapter 14 Paranormal ambulance

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After deciding to be tested, Xun Xi left the Halo Building by car under the admiring gaze of Qing Si. And the person in charge of driving is, of course, the old Biden.

This time there were no more attackers.

At dusk, everyone successfully arrived at the urban area outside the Fourth Ring Road of Mingguang City, and stopped at an abandoned factory building.

Immediately afterwards, Xun Xi saw soldiers with guns and live ammunition walking out of the accompanying vehicles, and then put away various sci-fi-looking instruments. In front of Xun Xi, he handed him an earphone.

"This is?"

"This is for positioning." Old Biden explained: "At the same time, with this headset, Commissioner Xun, you can directly contact Jingweisi Central Computer."

Sounds great.

Xun Xi tried to insert the earphones into the cochlea, and with a flash of light, the earphones that were still clearly visible gradually disappeared.

high tech!

Just as Xun Xi lamented that the world has developed a lot of black technology because of the existence of supernatural beings, a female prompting voice full of electronic sound and calm and indifferent suddenly sounded in his ear:

"Welcome to the internal archives of Jingwei Division."

"Select an archive file."

"File number: C-034."

"Risk Assessment: Low Risk."


"Loading successful."

"The paranormal ambulance was first discovered on Xinhe Avenue, Mingguang City. At that time, there was a car accident on Xinhe Avenue. The paranormal ambulance appeared at the scene and took away the deceased. Since then, there have been many witnesses. This sums up the law of the supernatural."

"One: Paranormal ambulances don't save people."

"Two: The deceased who were taken away by the supernatural ambulance must have a considerable degree of resentment before their death, and there must be grievances and pain behind their death."

The voice paused here for a moment.

Then -----

"Hello Commissioner Xun, this is the internal archivist of Jingwei Division, codenamed Shuku. You can directly call me Shuku. I will be responsible for guiding your next actions."

Still an electronic female voice.

artificial intelligence?

Xun Xi did not speak, and the sound in the earphone did not stop, and continued: "The rules summarized by Commissioner Fanhua are limited to the outside of the paranormal ambulance. The goal of this mission is to let you sneak into the interior of the paranormal ambulance and get the paranormal ambulance. There is internal law intelligence."

"But how?"

It was only then that Xun Xi opened his mouth and said, "That ambulance only carries dead people, right? And it's the kind of dead people who died of wrongdoing or suffering."

"This part will be the responsibility of the Disguised Commissioner."

"That must be me."

Xun Xi turned around, only to see Wu Mong pushed open the door and swaggered out in the accompanying vehicle, holding a black and white vanity case in his hand.

"Come on, I'll paint you a dead man's makeup to make sure it's real."

No need to remind him deliberately, Xun Xi already understands that this should be a faceless supernatural ability, put on a dead man's makeup, and then it is a real dead man?

And at the same time that Xun Xi was acting.

In the Halo Building, in the conference room, Hua Jingren and all the senior officials of Jingwei Division in Mingguang City, including the researchers, have gathered at this moment.

"Testing is about to begin."

"Using Shuku, we can monitor Xun Xi's process of completing the task in real time, even in a supernatural ambulance. I will let Shuku inform Xun Xi about this. At the same time, I hope that after this test, all participants will be Don't question Xun Xi's state for no reason."


Hua Jing resentfully tapped on the table, setting the tone for the meeting. And the reason why he invited so many people to the meeting was to do it once and for all.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and then nodded.


In fact, they didn't harbor any malice towards Xun Xi, they were just being cautious. However, if Xun Xi can really stay sane after entering the supernatural ambulance and returning from the mission, it means that he has no problem, enough to dispel their worries.


"are you ready?"

"no problem."

With Wu Mian's help, after Xun Xi finished her makeup, she went to the site near the abandoned factory, while Old Bi Deng led someone to set up the scene.

To put it bluntly, it is to get some blood and pretend to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

But this is just the icing on the cake. What can really attract the supernatural ambulance is that the faceless painting is enough to make up a fake and a real dead person.

Then everyone quickly evacuated.

"This time the task is not easy."

In the earphone, the voice of the library came faintly: "Commissioner Fanhua asked me to remind you that no one has really entered the paranormal ambulance so far. He has tried, but since he had seen the paranormal ambulance before, the other party recognized him. He, so he failed to get in."

"So there's only one chance."

"If this fails, the paranormal ambulance will never approach you again."

At the same time as the library warned, a high-pitched tone for one second, a flat tone for one second, and an interval of one second, a long tone with a certain sense of urgency suddenly came from a distance.


It's the sound of an ambulance!


Xun Xi opened her eyes wide and looked at the light that was gradually approaching in the distance. Fortunately, most of the dead have their eyes open, so there is nothing wrong with him doing this. And what he has to do next is to wait for the supernatural ambulance to approach, and then bring him in. The mission is half completed.

As the ambulance approached.

Xun Xi clearly felt that a chill was gradually pouring into his body, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and it was obviously a car, but the sound of the tires rubbing against the ground could not be heard at all.

At the same time, in the conference room of the Halo Building.

"It's finally here."

Hua Jingxuan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "This test is very important, and it involves a precious commissioner. So no matter what he does in that ambulance, I hope everyone can be fair and just. Treat it with an attitude and don’t be influenced by narrow-minded prejudice in your heart.”

The ambulance rumbled close.

Immediately after—


All of a sudden, the ambulance that was driving on the road like a ghost and would not make the sound of tire rubbing, suddenly made a harsh sound.


The car stopped.

Xun Xi lay down in a pool of blood, and the ambulance stopped less than ten meters away from him, and after a while it slowly drove towards him.

The car came over.

The car drove past.

Xun Xi: "???"

I saw that the ambulance did not stop to bring Xun Xi into the car, but drove past Xun Xi with a rumbling sound, and even accelerated suddenly when passing by Xun Xi, and pulled away from him in an instant. distance, and then a drift disappears at the bend of the road.

"I haven't gotten in the car yet!"

Seeing that the ambulance was riding like this, Xun Xi, who finally reacted, couldn't sit still on the spot, and a carp jumped up from the pool of blood.

The ambulance didn't save lives.

Is there any king law?

Are there any laws?

"Stop the car for me!"

Without any hesitation, Xun Xi directly took out the supernatural playing cards, blindly drew a "Diamond 10", and then squeezed teleportation to catch up.