MTL - My Five Elements Lack You-Chapter 15 Follow-up of the preliminary round

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Shen Yipian is obviously very skilled at taunting this skill. He also looks at Xu’s expression and knows that he must be mad. Zhou Jiayu was distressed, and he heard the host on the screen read his name. At the same time, the 20 pieces of jade stone that had just been solved were placed neatly in front of the screen. Among them, the emperor green in Zhou Jiayu's bet is particularly eye-catching.

Because the quality of the selected stone was the first, the name of Zhou Jiayu was first read by the host. Feeling the eyes of people around me with a variety of emotions, Zhou Jiayu's mood is very calm.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhou Jiayu." I saw the precious emperor green. The host's tone also brought some excitement. "It is said that this is the second glass of emperor green that we have solved since the start of the game! Mr.'s disciple, the strength is really bright! Let us look forward to his wonderful performance in the rematch!!"

"Guess who guessed the first piece?" Shen Yiqian asked.

Zhou Jiayu guessed the answer: "Is Mr. Lin?"

"Yes, it’s Mr.." Shen Yipeng said, "It was said that in the year of the competition, the gentleman was only eight years old... In the quarry, he found a very beautiful emperor green."

Zhou Jiayu nodded.

The names of the next 20 contestants were announced one by one. The glass type that Xu Jinzhen picked out ranked second. If it weren't for the accident of Zhou Jiayu, he would certainly win the title. It is no wonder that he was so mad at the time.

These twenty stones have almost confirmed the list of entering the semi-finals.

Yang Ziquan's disciple Yang Mian also entered the semi-finals, but it was ranked in a dozen positions. After he announced the list, he called Zhou Jiayu to drink.

Shen Yijun said: "Drinking?"

Yang Mian's smile: "Of course, this time you don't want to eat fungi..." Although the taste of the fungus is really beautiful, if he took the poison of the two people, he must have been cleaned up by his master.

"Go, go." Shen Yipeng said.

"What about Mr.?" Zhou Jiayu did not see Lin Zhushui after the game. He did not see him after returning to the hotel.

"It should be gathering with the judges." Shen Yi is poor, "the competition will be returned to the judges, don't worry about Mr.."

Zhou Jiayu said this well.

The three chose a place to have dinner and talked while eating. Yang Mian mentioned that he also saw Zhou Jiayu's selection of the boulder. He thought that Zhou Jiayu had lost. He knew that the stone actually opened the jade, or the glass type emperor green.

Zhou Jiayu has a normal amount of alcohol. After sitting in a chair after two bottles of belly, he is stupid: "I have to thank my sacrifice for this."

Yang Mian: "Hey?"

The action of Shen Yi’s string also stopped: “What do you thank?” Thank you chicken... right...?

Zhou Jiayu responded and said: "Oh, I mean, thank my bird."

Yang Mian: "... Zhou Jiayu, don't drink."

Shen Yipeng said: "You shouldn't pour yourself into the trough, and drink me. I am afraid that if you go back, you will be killed by Mr."

Zhou Jiayu is quite obedient. He put down the glass.

Shen Yiqian looked at him in a look that was a bit scary, did not dare to let him continue to drink, and quickly check out the hotel, want to take him to sleep.

Zhou Jiayu said: "Let's go, I am not drunk, I will sleep later."

Shen Yijun said: "Then you must not go out, sir is coming back, and you must be angry when you see you drunk."

Zhou Jiayu nodded.

Shen Yipeng said: "I went to bed, don't go out, wash and sleep early." He left after repeated squatting.

Zhou Jiayu really felt that he was not drunk, but his brain was a bit slow. He sat in bed for a while, then he was silly: "I sacrificed eight, I won."

Sacrifice eight said: "Yes, you won."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Thank you for giving me the golden finger."

Sacrifice eight: "I don't appreciate it, but I still have to rely on you." What it did was to release Zhou Jiayu's ability. To put it bluntly, Zhou Jiayu is still not familiar with his own abilities. You can only rely on it to control the switch.

"Yeah." Zhou Jiayu was preparing to take a shower, and he heard the door knocking at the door.

He thought that it was Shen Yipeng, and he opened the door directly. He knew that Lin, who had no expression on his face, stood behind the door.

"First, sir!" Zhou Jiayu was shocked.

"Yeah." Lin said lightly, "Today is doing well."

Zhou Jiayu only took a moment to react. Lin was watering up to praise him. He blushed most of the time and groaned: "Well, um... okay, thank you."

Although Lin closed his eyes with water, Zhou Jiayu had the feeling of being stared at him. He felt that the wine rushed up the heart and burned his cheeks. I have drunk too much... Zhou Jiayu thinks so.

Lin did not speak without water, and he reached out and took out an object from his arms.

Zhou Jiayu had not seen what it was. He saw that he reached out and put a set on his head. The next moment, Zhou Jiayu had a beautiful emerald pendant on his chest.

The pendant is a fish-like fish. It is clear and clear, and the carvings are fine. Even Zhou Jiayu, a person who knows nothing about jade, can see that it is worth a lot. The jade sticks to his chest, and Zhou Jiayu can feel the faint coldness through the clothes, just like... the temperature of the fingertips of the water.

"What do you want?" Lin’s sound of water rang in the ears of Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu suddenly returned to God and said: "No, nothing, sir, what do you send me to do..."

Lin Zhushui said: "This is the stone you solved for the first time. I will discuss it and leave a memorial."

Zhou Jiayu’s brain was drunk, and it took a long time to react. It was the emperor green that he solved. The value of Emperor Green has been with him, and the engraving of this pendant is obviously from the hands of famous people. He said: "This is too expensive..."

Lin Zhushui: "It's just outside the body."

Zhou Jiayu reached out and held the jade, he said: "Thank you."

Lin nodded slightly and said: "You are tired too, sleep early."

Zhou Jiayu was very excited inside. He thought that Mr. was really a good person. Such a valuable thing was so easily given to him, but he was not rewarded... The brain of drinking wine is obviously not as good as usual. Sober, this is the usual Zhou Jiayu, it is estimated that I have nodded and said good, then turned and went back to sleep. But at this time, his heart was awkward. He said: "Mr. You are such a good person!"

Lin Shushui noticed that Zhou Jiayu’s something was wrong. He licked his lips and was about to ask. Who knows that Zhou Jiayu standing in front of him but the whole person has rushed up, hugged him heavily, and then cautiously kissed him. Kiss his face: "Mr. You are such a good person!"

Lin Zhushui: "..."

After Zhou Jiayu did not feel that his movement was wrong, he took a heavy shot of Lin Shushui’s back and repeated the third time: “You are so good?!”

Lin’s sound of water was cold: “Zhou Jiayu, are you eating fungi?”

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Lin Zhushui: "Well?"

Zhou Jiayu also grievances: "I didn't eat the fungus, I drank some wine, just a little." He also compared his hands, but did not think that Lin could not see the water.

Lin Zhushui suddenly felt that his temper has been a lot better in the past two years. If this is when he is young, ... why bother with the drunkard. Lin Zhushui finally said nothing, did not say, turned and left, leaving Zhou Jiayu alone on the door frame: "Sir, good night, go to bed early -"

I didn't realize what I was doing at all. Zhou Jiayu took a song and took a shower, then went back to the bed and took the emerald and went into a dream.

The next day, Zhou Jiayu woke up in a hangover.

He groaned with a painful head, hehe, yelling: "The sacrifice is eight, my head hurts..."

Sacrifice eight said: "Good morning, my friend."

Zhou Jiayu yawned and sat up from the bed. When he looked down, he went to the jade pendant hanging on his chest. The faint glimpse of last night poured into his mind.

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Festival 8: "I know what you want to ask."

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Sacrifice eight said: "I am actually surprised that you have not been directly dragged out to kill."

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Sacrifice eight said: "I don't want to be my favorite gentleman, my temper is too good."

Zhou Jiayu laughed like crying: "Yes, he is really a good person."

Zhou Jiayu finished washing, went downstairs to prepare breakfast, but saw Lin Zhushui also in the restaurant, he was hesitating at the door to be over, but he heard that Lin was not salty and not faint: "I wasn’t quite big last night? How are you afraid today?"

Zhou Jiayu: "..." This is not to say him, he has not entered yet, how was it discovered.

Lin Zhushui said: "Zhou Jiayu?"

Even the name was ordered, Zhou Jiayu completely died, gray face into the restaurant, a strong smile: "Sir, I drank too much last night..."

Lin did not care about him.

Zhou Jiayu trembled: "I'm sorry! I won't drink it in the future!"

Lin Zhushui said: "Shen Yi poor."

Shen Yipeng’s expression was already taught. The whole person was embarrassed. He took out two thick books from the bag and said to Zhou Jiayu: “Your, mine.”

Zhou Jiayu: "Ah?"

Lin was cold and cold: "Since you are so busy, give me a picture every night."

Zhou Jiayu looked at the book as thick as the dictionary and almost cried.

The author has something to say: Lin Zhushui: See you dare to go out and drink at night.

Zhou Jiayu: Wronged.

Lin Zhushui: Come over.

Zhou Jiayu: No, Mr. will not let me kiss.

Lin Zhushui: You can't kiss me, I can kiss you.