MTL - My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)-Chapter 725 Insidious Terran (Large

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The old man in Hung Hom was reminded a little too late, and many strong men burst into flames and exploded again.

Tang Yu felt a little overwhelmed, pretending to have a gap as large as a centimeter.

The shadow at the tip of the eye noticed.

He shouted, "Effective, it really works! Hurry up, work harder, right, you don't have a hole card that can erode the magic soldiers in Hung Hom House, then it must be effective for the sacred artifact too, fast, use the maximum dose Definitely can break the space enchantment, maybe you can destroy the holy weapon! "

Other foreign aids, as well as the strong players of the Qixian Federation, are looking to the old court of Hung Hom.

They have all seen the power of "corrosive magic water" and said yes.

The old halo of the pavilion flickered, his face ... the appearance on his face was not good.

Moying this guy is probably undercover, he must not be on the set.

But ... it's not easy to say it directly, and the blow to morale is not small.


The old halo of Hung Hom House was shining.

I'm so stupid, I was also biased by the undercover of Moying, why should I break the space? Isn't it possible to directly kill the elders of Dazhong Zong? You know, even if the home court is opposite, in general, they are twenty-six to twelve, and the advantage is still not small!

He had forgotten selectively, it was the weak area of ​​the space where he asked the shadow of the ghost to judge.

"Okay, get ready, shoot after me!"

Said the old man.

A few vials of the same material appeared on his tentacles, and the caps were lifted.

He did not converge and throw out the remaining 1900ml. Instead, he shook the vial and shattered, and the "corrosive water" was sprayed like water droplets, and sprayed on all the elders of Daoism.

"Regardless of the barriers to space, as long as the enemies in the enchantment are killed, our victory!"

That "corrosive magic water" is like raindrops in the sky. It is inevitable. Even if it is blocked by a shield, it is useless to block a few drops, dozens of drops, or hundreds of drops.

1900ml of Shenshen was divided into tens of thousands of drops by him.

Densely packed!

It may not be possible to destroy which one or several strong ones in one breath, but the sprinkling of Shenshui can definitely damage the elders of Avenue.

As long as their combat power is greatly damaged, their own side can take them down in a short time.

The enchantment of space does not attack itself.

You can also harvest a complete holy weapon.

Quite expensive!

Tens of thousands of drops of "corrosive magic water" blasted out, followed by the terror attacks of the seven strong confederates who burned the source.

The fog covering the entire enchanted space was instantly washed away by the "corrosive magic water".

Hung Hom House stared at it all the time.

this time,

Can no longer ...

I saw one of the elders of Dao Zong, a disc suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and he tossed it up. The disc suddenly rose to a diameter of 100 meters.

The entrance opens at the bottom,

next moment,

Dozens of elders from the avenue flashed into the disc-shaped flying boat.

"Corrosive Shenshui" crashed and fell on the huge flying boat.

Uh ~

On the white hull of the flying boat, a puff of black smoke erupted.

Hung Hom's old halo flickered more and more frequently, and he dared not look away for half a second.

Uh ~

"Corrosive Shenshui" continues to corrode the craft's shell.

Uh ~

The "corrosive water" is exhausted.

The black smoke erupted and gradually disappeared.

Hung Hom House: "???"

Old man's magic water, what about a large amount of magic water? Just listened? !!

Does n’t “corrosion of magic water” mean that everything can be corroded? The invincible strong can't bear it!

He glowed red and looked at the huge flying boat.

The **** of the holy artifacts on the flying boat gradually spread.

"Again, a holy weapon?"

"Still the most resistant fortress!"

"Why is Terran so rich!"

"My magic water, my hole card--"

Shocked by the "Tianzhou", the old man in Hung Hom's pavilion was shocked, and later realized that he was like the one proposed by the magic shadow. In order to work, he spit out all the "corrosive water" in one breath.


"You're undercover! Damn it!"

Shadow: "I am not, I am not, I am innocent."

The eyes of other **** realms looking at the magic shadow are also a bit wrong.

think carefully,

When the Daoist ancestors recruited disciples at first, the shadow attack could not be cut off, but at that time the spies of the various forces were at the same time, and they could not see anything.

The loss of the shadow is just an ordinary clone.

May be fake.

If you think about it now, it is also the shadow that is responsible for the sneak attack on the lord of the avenue. Every time the assassination is seen, the timing is exquisite. In fact, it is always properly avoided.

Analyze again,

Even the invincible strong, it is impossible for each avatar to have first-class combat power, why can't even a single avatar be hurt?

Obviously the shadow is undercover, assassination is just acting!

Including let us burn the origins and bombard the enchantment, deceive the old man and use his hole cards ... Wow Avenue is so insidious!

"I didn't expect you to hide so deep. Fortunately, the old man did not give you some of the" corrosive magic water ", but I still noticed that it was too late! "

The shadow of the evil is wronged.

But he was all black, and there was no expression on his face.

It ’s as if looking at others coldly, with a disdain, ‘You ’re too scum, you ca n’t see this little trick’.

The **** realms of the Seven Confederacy federations secretly surrounded the shadows.

Some strong men still have doubts, but dare not let the shadows hide and assassinate.

The monster did not dare to shoot, and it was completely unclear when he started. He could only watch the **** realms approaching slowly, with constant explanations in his mouth.

Hung Hom House: Don't listen.

At this time,

The slightly neglected flying boat buzzed and shook into a streamer.


Several bodies of the Divine Realm were smashed apart and flew out dozens of miles, looking horrified.

Only by the use of space, the magic shadow easily escaped.

"Also said that you are not undercover!" The old man in Hung Hoo roared.



After the disappearance of the high-ranking high school and the Qiqi Federation strong, the entire city gradually restored order.

The two deities of the Baiyu clan face each other.

One second ago, they also confronted the two realms of the Qiqi tribe.

What happened, can anyone tell them?

"what should we do?"

What he said in a subtext was to leave or stay, in case the avenue was cold, it would be a bit dangerous for them to stay here.

"Wait a minute first, I don't think Dao Zong is so simple, and since Dao Zong didn't let us step into the enchantment to help ..."

The current Patriarch of the Baiyu clan said that he had deliberately collected information from several elders of the Avenue Sect. One of them came from the endless sea.

He took out an egg-shaped treasure woven from white wings, "Let my juniors stay in this storage type soldier, and we can have some room to deal with anything."

Avenue City, hundreds of kilometers away.

Fighting waves disappeared abruptly, and several ambush Seven Goddess of Federal Realms had noticed that they were wrong.

A divine realm ambushing on the left side of Jiulong Mountain ordered, "Contact the spies in the Avenue City among the clan."

The united realm took out the rune communication equipment which is not small.

The complex lines lit up and remained unchanged for a long time.

He changed a few rune lines again, and after a moment, the body like a corps was dim, "Master, all lost contact, and the San Gong master could not be reached."

The Shen people in the realm of the realm groaned, "There must have been some sort of change ..."

He didn't know what was going on, and whether it was good or bad for them, he had to make his own judgment.

"Leave half ambush and continue to ambush, and contact other ethnic pavilions in other directions, the rest of you, follow me into the Avenue City."

Hundreds of kilometers away from the city can still see some of the smoke is extinguished, but ... the rich breath of life is not less.

The Confederate Powers disappeared with foreign aid.

The gods realm of the Orange Dai tribe rises into the air, followed by several realms, and the exhausted air leaves a white mark, extending straight to the magnificent city.

"This way ... nowhere."

When he struck his cloak, he pointed out that the metallic shiny Zapol on the tiger flew from the other direction, his fists clenched, and the air was fragile like paper.


The old tentacles of the Tangerine Pavilion were put together to form a big and sturdy hand.

After the fiery brilliance, a mushroom cloud exploded.

One person flew upside down.

The old halo of Jujuan Pavilion turned into a dignified color, "How many **** elders do you have on the road ...?"

Zapol shook his cloak, his face harmless. "Guess."

The old mandarin ducks had no green tendons to be obtrusive, so they had to say, "Go to the city first to explore, and be careful, wait until I win the human race."

Zapol: Your dumplings have swelled!

But he was still focused on dealing with the enemy in front of him. Orange Mansion always made his debut ... Well, it was not counted in the "spiritual space", the strongest enemy he had been called to date.

The two powerful warriors of the Divine Realm are fighting against the sky, but there is still a distance from the Avenue City, and the people in the city can only see the bright fireworks in the sky.

The united territory of the Orange Dai tribe bypasses the central area of ​​Yubo and flies towards Avenue City.

The dazzling Jianguang brushed past them.

"The master explained it, but I can't let you go."

A disciple of Zongmen disciple's robe, holding a sword and stepping out of the air, she held the sword flower in her hands. Several of them ignored her unity and suddenly became sluggish, but still seemed to be unaware. Penetrating.

The burst of blood seemed to be slowed down at a slower speed, and even the screams seemed to drag a long note, turning into an "uh uh ah ah ah-" rising tone.

Kamiya Suzu licked her lips, like a cat who saw a fish, and the color of Yueque was difficult to hide.


South of Avenue City, Misty Marsh.

The ambush soldiers of the Huanghua tribe were rumored from the northern Qiang tribe.

The old halo of Huangpi Pavilion changed slightly. "It's a bit bad. Let's get back the news and let our compatriots on both sides continue to ambush. Let's go into the city from the south and check it out."

They rushed out of the swamp fog, but saw two women of almost the same ethnicity, stopping them not far away.


"Sister and sister, it looks like these dumplings are our goal."

"Xingyue Xingyue, Lord Lord explained it, you can't let go of any one, pay close attention."

The old halo of Huangpi Pavilion spread out in circles, and the dazzling Huangguang body bloomed to show his orders at this time.

"Do you guys know that even in Ge Lao Nei, I will be in the seat ... wait, when!"

A huge array of methods unfolded under the strong men of the Huanghua family, and countless blue chains on the rotating matrix flew out.

The chain was illusory. They couldn't touch it and kept cutting, but they locked them firmly. No matter which direction they rushed, they couldn't rush out of the scope of the chain formation method.


In the sky, shining stars fell.

The old halo of Huangpige changed again, rushing up suddenly, but was suddenly pulled in the air by countless chains.

Rumble ~!

Shining stars like smashing ground piles fell on the old man of Huanghuage. Just the spread of the aftermath caused the unity of Huanghua's family to be smashed into chaos, but they could not hit the range of the circle, like Locked in a huge drum washing machine, tumbled and continued tumbled.

Huang Yange always wanted to put a hard word and couldn't say it.


West of Avenue City,

According to the plan, it was originally a family of green crickets who continued to ambush, and the divine realm suddenly changed color.

Two other distant ambush points,

The elders of the Orange Dai and the Yellow Dai erupted a powerful breath.

"Well, they must have met the strong man of Dao Zong. Isn't that ... Dao Zong trapped our main force in some way, and then freed up to deal with us first ?!"

It's too late for the old man to think about how the Avenue Sect found their location.

A dozen strong men converged and sprang toward the forest on the other side, and were afraid to fly.

The old man of the human race carrying a high staff of brown and others walked out from behind the woods.

There were a dozen other races that appeared together, but they all just stepped into a virtual world.

"Only you?"

The veteran of Qingying Pavilion spread out, but within range, he did not feel other threats.

"It's better to accompany the little old man here to chat with me." The old mage Enze smiled. "After all, it's best to be old without getting old."

Green House is a bit old.

You think I am a party of appearances, what about a bad old man, there is no aging in the breath, how old is it.

You haven't spoken in your eighth thousand years?

Qing Qing Ge reluctantly ignored, and threw a solid ball of energy at Enze.

The horrible energy wave exploded, and a continuous curtain of water was blocking the human race.

"My old arms and legs have to move a bit, too." He looked at disciples such as Cao Xinghua, "You deal with those situations of unity ... Oh, and the combat performance will be the normal time of the Zongmen Year Examination, with a limit of ten minutes , Ten minutes after one minute. "

Disciple Zongmen who was excited: "..."

Are you always the devil?


East side,

Bamboo rat chestnut akimbo ~ ~ directly found the ambush bluebird family.

"I sanction you on behalf of the human race, squeak!"

The old man of the Lanjing tribe seemed to have heard nothing, completely released his senses, and at the same time commanded other people to be vigilant around.

"Be careful, the other clans have encountered powerful ambush soldiers. It's impossible to snipe us with only such a clan kid."

"The old man said that the human race is really insidious, cunning and indifferent. In order to create opportunities to sneak in on us, even children are sent to the battlefield."

"The more you can't feel the breath of other peoples, the more abnormal you are." The old Man of the Blues resolutely judged, "Since this is the case, we will level the surroundings."

Energy waves blasted out, and the surrounding mountains, forests, and rocks turned into powder.

The ruthlessly ignored bamboo rat chestnut lowered its head slightly, his face covered with shadows, and Xiao Fen's fist clenched tightly.

"I'm so angry!"