MTL - My Disciple Consumes Too Much-Chapter 74 |

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However, Fuyu did not notice the discrepancy of her apprentice, and continued to ask, "Huahua, if you were Lieyou, what would you do?"

Shu Tang suppressed the sadness in her heart, and reluctantly said, "I don't know ..."

She still has no thoughts about what she wants to do. She is full of eyes now that Master has a sweetheart. This speculation makes her difficult to digest and makes her feel sad.

Fuyu Shangxian sighed slightly, thinking whether she asked too much euphemism, so he added: "Or, if you also have a sweetheart, the other party will die for others, what do you do?"

"I ..." Shu Tang opened his mouth, brought Master into the hypothesis, and hesitantly said, "If it is a matter of righteousness, I will die with her. If it has nothing to do with her, I will die my life." It will save her, and it will all end. "

Fuyu smiled slightly, raised her chin slightly, and asked a little lightly: "Is the student so serious, is there a sweetheart?"

Shu Tang: "..."

What happened to Master recently? Why does she always show her misunderstanding, why does she always say these strange words? !!

My master is so strange recently, urgent, wait online ... How can I wait here!

There was a mess in her head, only a moment before she said, "... No."

Fu Yu's expression never lied, and Shu Tang clearly saw the pity and disappointment on Master's face, and he felt confused for a while.

Has Master recently fascinated anyone, and he can't figure it out, and wants to ask him for advice, will he ask himself if he has any experience? The more Shu Tang thought about it, the more likely he was, and he bowed his head and said, "If there is anything you want to say, Master, say it. If the child can help, he will help you."

For a moment of silence, Fuyu tried hard to think of all the things Lu Huana taught her, and asked as calmly as possible: "Huahua, what do you think is a teacher ..."

Shu Tang stared at Master's eyes, thinking for a moment that Master was possessed. After staring at her for a long while, she retracted her gaze, and her face turned red with time. "Master is fine ..."

Fuyu sighed with relief, and after getting the answers she wanted, thinking of what Luhua said was gradual, retreating, not being able to frighten the snake, and not chasing after all, she decided to continue to talk about Qianlun and Lieyou. However, before she spoke, she heard her apprentice blush suddenly and said, "Master has behaved strangely lately, is there something hidden in my heart? If ... if Master does n’t know what to do, and It ’s okay for the disciples to talk ... ”

She stumbled and trembled after saying these words. I was ashamed to ask Master's *, but my heart was filled with Master's * turned out to be emotional.

Fuyu listened and shook her head. "It's not a matter of mind. You have already figured out how to solve it. You don't need to worry."

It seems that Master did not want to talk to himself, and Shu Tang was a little lost. She thought, since she ca n’t be a master ’s sweetheart, it ’s good to know who she likes. But now it seems that Master's mind is so deep that he doesn't even want to say it.

Or, you are not qualified to know these masters *.

Shu Tang's heart was astringent, and he immediately lost his interest in the war between the ancient gods and demons. He said, "That's good. Since this is the case, the prince is at ease."

Fu Yu nodded, and continued to talk to her about the war between gods and demons.

The Divine Realm must not shock the Six Realms. At the same time, the Six Realms are aware of the catastrophe that the Divine Realm has ushered in. The Immortal Realm is still good. When the human realm and the demon realm learned of the incident, they all stirred up and were afraid of war. Affect yourself.

However, in the final analysis, the battle between the two realms of the gods and demons was the one who benefited most. The immortal world and the **** realm are considered alliances. Although the immortals are not as powerful as the true gods, they also surpass the existence of mortals and those fascinating charms. During the war, they will certainly support the divine realm and will be damaged. Besides, the demon world is afraid of being fierce, and he is a half demon and a demon. He claims to be a demon, and cannot be separated from the demon. Once he fights, how can the demon world stay completely out of the game? But the human world is in a better position, and its strength is ordinary, and it is not related to such a world war.

In fact, this is indeed the case. When the war just started, the **** world temporarily prevailed, but only one month later, they called for support from the fairy world. The Demon Realm wasn't much better. At the beginning, they only dispatched the Demon Army. Later, when the situation was the same, they had to ask the Demon Realm to support it.

The ghost world prince is not a fool, naturally knows that this is a war to be piled up with countless ghosts, once it is involved, it is very likely that there will be no return. For the first time, he tried to deal with Lie Jue, but Lie Jue dispelled the spirit he fought without saying a word, drew his life skills, directly controlled the army of ghosts, and led them into the wild desert.

The battle involving the Four Realms lasted for a whole month, with the worst casualties in the ghost world, followed by the immortal world. Almost all the masters of the two realms died in this battle. When the people in the gods saw that the situation was wrong, they had to let the fairy retreat and send the beasts into the battlefield. While Lieutenant naturally will not withdraw the ghost world legion, he will invest in the ghost army more vigorously. In the end, even the elderly and young people will not let go, and they are forced to participate in the war.

During this month, Qianlun went to the battlefield every day, and continued to reincarnate those immortals, ghosts, and demons who were still breathing. The true **** has a special constitution and cannot be reincarnation directly. The fallen true **** is regarded as a battlefield.

She would like to stop this war, but the true gods of the **** world will not give up, nor will the fierce spirit of the demon world. From the moment the war begins, it means that it will not end easily unless there is a victory.

For the true gods, if they lose, the war is dead in the wild, it is dead; if this war is not carried out, the true gods will not get a thousand rounds, and they will die. In this case, they would rather go to the last game and take away the thousand rounds with great light.

The initial sacrifice has gradually tasted, Qianlun knows that no matter which side wins, he will never be peaceful.

The true **** who died on the battlefield, the young face falling down in the dust, the gods and beasts who closed their eyes in thunder, and the thousand rounds will always carry this heavy burden.

She is the true god, but she is not a heartless and stoneless person. She also has blood and a warm and soft heart. In the years she has lived in the world, she thought that she was indifferent to everything, but after the incident happened, she knew that she was only used to seeing the life and death of karma, but she couldn't get out of such great tragedy.

On the fortieth day of the war, the true gods were already a bit outnumbered by their physical decay. And this day is also the day when the ghost army fell last.

The fall of the last ghost army meant not their current failure, but the demise of the entire ghost world.

Everyone in the ghost world died on the battlefield. Like the realm of the devil, everyone has mana and combat power. So, with this kind of panic, they intentionally escaped to the demon realm to find refuge, but found that the enchantment at the exit of the demon realm had been permanently sealed. No one could escape except Lieyu took them to the battlefield.

On the fiftieth day of the war, the immortal beast and the Warcraft army were annihilated, and only less than thirty true gods were still fighting with the demons.

From the beginning to the end of the war, only the first sunrise of the fierce still appeared on the battlefield, encouraging morale, the rest of the time, never appeared in the wilderness. And on the fiftieth day, after the last **** beast, the Red Flame Beast, fell down, he was full of evil spirits, covered with magic lines, and went into the wild.

The demon army is not an opponent of the true god, even if it is the **** that is beginning to decline, they are still afraid of it. Lie still saw such a situation, and suddenly his body turned into a black smoke, and half of the magic army was involved in the black smoke. After absorbing the power of these demons, he turned into a human figure again, rushed into the real god's killing field, and successively beheaded and killed three seriously injured true gods, one of which was Fu Zhou.

From the thirtieth day of the war, Fu Yu has been accompanying Fu Zhou to fight in the wild, I do n’t know how many demons died under Fu Zhou ’s hands, and I do n’t know how many World of Warcraft had cursed power.

She was perplexed by the blood and cruelty brought by the war, and felt the despair of each person killed. Finally, her master finally fell down and never stood up again.

When Fu Zhou died, he used the power of the true **** to knock Yu Pei out of the wild, so what happened later was that Fu Yu was not very clear.

She only heard that Lie Jue and the True God had been fighting for ten days and ten days, and that was the end of the same battle. There were only one thousand rounds left in the wildness of the great wild. In the end, she died.

The world taboos mention this war not only because of its cruelty, but also because it completely exposed the dark side of the divine realm.

God is supreme. They exist to rule the six realms and be worshiped. Now, the illusion of faith has been broken by selfishness, and all illusions have gradually returned to reality.

In this way, for ten thousand years, the Three Realms did not want to mention it from the beginning, and even if someone wanted to mention it in the end, they did not know the truth. They could only edit it by imagination.

This is the end of the battle of ancient gods and demons. Shu Tang finally returned to some gods and asked, "How did Master live after the wild?"

Fu Yu stunned, as if she saw the cascading blades of grass on the outer layer of soil, the family on the top of the mountain, and those days when she was extremely lonely.

After a long while, she said softly: "Buried in the soil for thousands of years, I don't see the sun."

Shu Tang stunned, straightened his head and said, "How did the master repair ..." Her word "xian" had not yet been spoken, and the enchantment outside the house suddenly fluctuated. Fuyu immediately moved out and came to the gate. .

Shu Tang didn't know what happened, so she followed quickly. As a result, she heard Lu Hua Shangxian's voice when she was still a long way from the door.

It turned out to be Lu Hua Shangxian ... she was relieved. She didn't forget the trouble she had done at Qixuan, and he came to talk about it most of the time. Thinking about this, she carefully moved behind the pillar and overheard. Fortunately, after hearing the fairy, her ears were different, or she was so far away, how could she hear what was being said there.

Sure enough, Lu Hua Shangxian walked into the enchantment and said, "Little Furong, don't worry, Nantan has already settled the matter. I'm also sending someone to stare at the barren side, and I will call you immediately if there's anything.

"The demon Tao is the master of the city near the barren land, it must have his purpose, you work hard."

Lu Hua was so polite and uncomfortable listening to Fu Yu, "Hey, what do you say, what can be hard. But after all, since you like your young apprentice, you have heard a lot ... "

What did he say next? Shu Tang was already inaudible.

Her back leaned tightly on the post, her eyes widened, and she looked unbelievably forward, her lips slightly widening as she was too surprised.

What did Lu Hua Shangxian say? !! Master she ... likes herself?

how can that be! Even if the pillar she leaned on liked herself, Master wouldn't even think about herself!

Shu Tang's head was a mess, and suddenly felt suffocated and uncomfortable, only to realize that he had forgotten to breathe and was out of breath.

How could Master and Master like her! He must be joking with Master on Lu Hua Shangxian, or Master, she secretly accepted other apprentices outside, in short ...

In short, it cannot be her!

Shu Tang didn't know why she was so stubborn to find a reason to deny Lu Hua Shangxian, she only knew that ... she was not worthy of Master.

Yes, even if she was blind, Master would not like her.

Shu Tang desperately told himself that he had heard it wrong, and stiffly lifted his feet forward, trying to slip back to the main hall pretending not to overhear. However, as soon as she lifted her feet, she heard Lu Hua Shangxian said lightly:

"Yo, Xiao Shutang, are you here?" 2k novel reading network