MTL - My Darling Is Pampered and Wild-~ Sheng Ming's Extra Story (10)

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Sheng Ming endured this heavy slap without evading the slightest bit of evasion, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, he wiped it, knelt straight again, and said, "There is no evidence that his death is related to me!"

Sheng Ming picked himself clean at the beginning, he had all the evidence to prove his innocence.

When Su Yingwei saw Sheng Ming being beaten, he immediately stepped forward to help him, but stopped abruptly, and couldn't bear to turn his head and bit his lip to avoid looking at him.

Sheng Lin looked at Sheng Ming. He just hit him with the palm behind his back, trembling slightly so that no one would notice, his eyes were deep and he said:

"Sheng Long became rebellious when he was 12 years old. He made friends with a group of street gangsters. He followed these people around to cause trouble. After your grandparents knew about it, he managed to control it. After that, he pretended to learn well on the surface, but he was still hanging out with those people in private, hurry up. At the age of 14, he beat and killed one of his classmates with those people, and as an accomplice, he was sent to the correctional center..."

On the road of Shenglong's crime, the Sheng family taught him patiently countless times to try to save him. He also knew how to hide his twisted psychology and cooperated with him to wait for the other party to lose his defense, and then continue to commit crimes more carefully.

After coming out of the correctional center, he apparently learned well and continued to go to school, but behind his back he refused to accept the discipline and contacted all kinds of criminals on the Internet, and because of this, he became involved in gambling.

After graduating from high school, he didn't go to school, and under the arrangement of his parents, he opened a new small company for him to manage. At that time, when he was recruiting people, he saw a girl who had also just come to Beijing as an adult to seek life, and recruited the other party into the company as the front desk.

Later, his parents found out that he had misappropriated the company's public funds for gambling. He fled the capital with the front desk, and the Sheng family announced to cut off relations with him.

Also in the same year, the two who turned 20 had Sheng Ming...

"When your mother and I received the news to see you, your face was flushed with burns, and all the bruises on your body were left after being beaten. The inflamed wound on your head has not been properly treated."

Thinking of seeing Sheng Ming for the first time back then, Sheng Lin froze in his throat.

At that time, when he saw the child, he felt as if he would die at any time if he touched him. At that time, he saw the child curled up, as if he knew that no one would save him even if he cried and shouted. He decided to bring him back to the Sheng family in Beijing.

After arriving in the capital, Xiao Shengming was properly treated. Sometimes when he woke up in a drowsy state, he would hide in the corner of the bed when he saw someone, holding his head weakly and shouting, "Don't hit me."

After he recovered and sobered up, he looked at the strange things around him, cautiously, for fear that he would be abandoned again at any time, but such a small child was so sensible that it made people feel distressed.

The husband and wife were reluctant to hand him over to others at all, so they moved him to their own household registration and treated him as their child.

At that time, Sheng Lin and his wife had been married for two years, and they didn't plan to have children yet. There were four-year-old children at home. The two made up class temporarily to learn how to take care of the children. this home.

"I've always known about you risking Sheng Long when you were 15 and putting him in jail again."

Sheng Ming's pupils shrank when he heard this. This was something he had never thought about. If so, then...

Sheng Lin continued:

"How old were you at that time? You weren't stable enough to do things. I was covering up for you behind your back, so I didn't find you."

"And now what you are doing, your mother and I have been clear from the beginning, so this month, we have been cooperating with you."

"As for Shenglong, after today, your mother and I don't know anything about it."

Sheng Lin took a deep look at Sheng Ming, took his arm, helped him up, and said:

"I want to tell you that you are my son and we are family and always will be."

After Sheng Lin helped him up, he turned his back, wiped the corners of his eyes, and walked towards the living room without looking back.

All the words have been made clear. He said that after today, these things should not be known, and he will do what he says.

And Sheng Ming fell on the chair, covered his face, and wept.

Su Yingwei walked over, her eyes were red, and she gently patted Sheng Ming's back.

She said, "Ah Ming, like your father, I have always regarded you as our biological son."

"You were only so small back then, how cute and sensible a child, why did you suffer so many crimes? I looked at you as a thin and small one, and I thought that I must take care of you well."

"When you became my son, you were already sensible, so you kept some things in your heart and didn't want to talk about it. You looked happy and easy-going, but in fact you are a very thoughtful little person."

"I wish you were not sensible when you became my son, so that those indelible injuries would not remain in your memory, and you would be more happy."

"I also know that you proposed to us euphemistically that you wanted a younger brother or sister more than ten years ago, because you thought we didn't have children for so many years because of you."

"I can't deny this, it is indeed because of you, because you are my son, although it didn't come out of my belly, but I have given all my energy and love to you, why can't you be my kiss? What about my son? Is it that important to come out of my belly?"

"Ah Ming, in fact, you were supposed to be my son, but you lost your way when you were reincarnated and didn't come to your mother in time, but that's okay, I found you later, didn't I? It's late, though. A few years, but we will be family for so many years to come."

Su Yingwei looked at him with tears in her eyes, rubbed his hair, and finished speaking patiently, soothing the crying child.

Just like every night when he was awakened by a nightmare, she sat beside the bed, told him stories softly, accompanies him to sleep, and accompanies him to overcome his fears.

That night, Sheng Ming had a dream.

In the dream, he returned to his childhood. He was holding his head in the cupboard, waiting for someone to open the cupboard door. UU Reading lighted up the dark, narrow cupboard and let him go out.

But he waited for a long time and no one was there.

He woke up and slept in the closet like this. After an unknown amount of time, he heard the closet door being knocked three times, and then slowly opened.

"Xiao Ming, mother has found you again." It was Su Yingwei's warm smile and arms, who carried him out of the dark wardrobe.

He hid in the closet and fell asleep, and his mother found him again and took him out of the closet again and again, until he would never hide in the closet again because he was awakened by a nightmare.

The lights outside are on, my mother's hands are warm, her arms are safe, and the house is warm everywhere.


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