MTL - My Cold and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 4259 share

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4259 Share

Di Shengtian didn't mean to answer, the pair of deep pupils behind the mask became dark and turbid.

What followed was a powerful spiritual force that instantly invaded all the researchers present.

Chu Yunyao and the others, after a moment of sluggishness, became like walking dead.

Di Shengtian opened the space door, ready to take everyone away.

"Don't even think about it!!"

Kanger saw clearly that the other party was going to kidnap people, and naturally disagreed.

Several magic circles lighted up in the laboratory, and the power of space fluctuated violently.

The space door of Emperor Shengtian was disturbed and shattered and closed.

But at this moment, a researcher standing on the console quietly activated the entropy-enhancing device while being manipulated!


A ray launched a sneak attack on Kangor!

Kanger's body had not yet recovered, so he didn't dare to neglect him this time, so he had to avoid it.

But as soon as he hides, the experimental cabin behind him is immediately destroyed and penetrated, and even the hanging island where the entire laboratory is located has also been punched out a hole!

This is not over yet, the power of the ray extends all the way to another floating island, and a large number of Fiz residents have no time to react, and they are turned into dust!

Kanger couldn't even think about whether it was right or wrong to avoid him like this, and Di Shengtian in front of him had once again attacked him!


With the huge vibration of the laboratory, all the materials for building the laboratory began to shatter!

The next moment, these substances were transformed into puddles of liquid, turning into a chaotic torrent that would engulf Kanger!

Kanger was shocked!

In the historical ranking of the academy, he ranked sixth, and Dishengtian ranked eighth.

It stands to reason that even if he has a little injury on his body, it is enough to deal with Di Shengtian.

But before Di Shengtian showed his hands casually, the realm and power of the "three natures" were obviously not at the same level as before!

This chaotic matter transformation ability has already flowed smoothly, and with one look, everything can be transformed!

While Kanger was shocked, he did not forget to cast spells.

Facing the rolling torrent, a dozen consecutive alchemy arrays opened in front of Kangor.

Red orange, red, green and blue, gorgeous alchemy arrays, each of which is the highest analytical technique in alchemy.

As the most holy teacher of the Fizz Civilization, Kangor is proficient in all known spells, magic, and most scientific theories.

The ultra-high-speed alchemy efficiency has made these torrents converge into particles such as metals and minerals with distinct layers in the blink of an eye.

"Reverse alchemy!"

Kanger pushed with a big hand, and all the particles were reshaped in the blink of an eye according to their original trajectories!

For a time, the laboratory that had just been destroyed was restored to its original state as if it were all right!

"Di Shengtian, I don't care if you want to do it, but don't destroy the sacred laboratory!"

Kanger said coldly: "If you want to take away the people here, just pass me first!"

Di Shengtian's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, "Kangger, you are too obsessed with science. For so many years, your realm and cultivation have retreated instead of advancing."

"I didn't expect that after hiding for so long, you could still enter the Realm of Nothingness," Kanger frowned.

"Following the practice of the God of Creation will naturally achieve twice the result with half the effort," said Di Shengtian proudly.

Seeing that Di Shengtian was so calm, Kanger always felt that something was wrong.

A Spiritual Mind swept through Geta, and Congle's face changed greatly!

"Di Shengtian! You dare to touch my students!?"

Just now, Fizz's eyes, hands, feet, Anya, Canaan and Akimir disappeared from Geta together!

Obviously, Di Shengtian seems to have attacked the laboratory, but at the same time he also attacked the idea of ​​the three mainstays of Fizz!

It would be fine if it was in the past, but Canaan followed the entropy increase experiment all the way!

If Canaan discussed the situation of the experiment with Anya and Akimir, the three most powerful sages and divine casters could completely replicate such results!

There is no doubt that this Emperor Shengtian is waiting for the melons to ripen and come to steal the fruits directly!

"Since science is equal, the results can naturally be used by anyone."

"How can the great world not have what the fifth wife can have?"

After the emperor conquered the words of heaven, he wanted to hide and retreat.

"Don't try to run!!"

Kanger cast a spell, dozens of rays of light enveloped the Emperor Shengtian, and the copper walls and iron walls suddenly formed!

But before the cage was formed, these metals turned into liquids under the interference of the three natures!

"Kangger, don't waste your energy, under the same realm, you can't keep me at all!"

Before Di Shengtian could finish speaking, a figure suddenly appeared from where Chu Yunyao was standing!

"court death!!"

Ye Fan rushed to the scene through the solid sword intent token left on Chu Yunyao's body, across the endless chaos!

Faced with this kind of "stealing home" that directly threatens Chu Yunyao, Ye Fan drew his sword without hesitation!

A black-gold light blade slashed out from Ye Fan's hand, and in mid-air, the sword intent was released and disintegrated!


Sword Intent is like a round of black gold light cannon, blasting a shock wave that pierces the sky!

Di Shengtian obviously did not expect that Ye Fan would use the method of transferring his sword intent to kill him instantly, without even the process of teleportation.

Unpredictable, Di Shengtian was swallowed by the sword intent! !

Most of the laboratory was bombed to the ground, a mess.

After a burst of heart palpitations, Kangor shouted: "Sword God, you are crazy!? This is Geta!!"

The sword just now destroyed the three hanging islands behind!

Only a creator-level existence can cause such damage in such a high-quality world in one breath.

Ye Fan didn't bother to respond at all. Fighting with these guys in the temple, timidly, would only cause greater losses.

What's more, Di Shengtian's behavior has touched his bottom line!

But at this moment, a scene that made Ye Fan and Kanger unbelievable appeared!

"As expected of the Emperor Sword..."

Di Shengtian's body actually stood up slowly from the ruins? !

Although the whole body was tattered, but the Wushuang who had devoured Ye Fan, who had been disintegrated from the outside, turned out to be only a skin injury! ?

An aura that makes Ye Fan and Kanger shudder, permeates from the flesh and blood of Di Shengtian...

"Dragon Bloodline!?"

Ye Fan, as a Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon, and someone who has comprehended the skills of the Heavenly Divine Dragon, naturally knows the source of this power best! !

"How is it are clearly Chaos!!"

Kanger also felt incredible.

Di Shengtian grinned, "That's it for today, Sword God, see you in the arena!"

A crack opened, and Di Shengtian disappeared instantly.

Ye Fan didn't try to intercept it, because in his heart, the waves were turbulent at this time!

In the end, the move that Di Shengtian left was very similar to the Seven Tribulations Azure Dragon Technique, "Dragon Hidden"!

"Impossible... Could it be that the power of the dragon... can be shared with others?"

Ye Fan's face was gloomy and uncertain, and Di Shengtian forcefully took his disintegration sword, which shook his original confidence.

In Wutai, he used "opening the sky" to allow all beings to use his imperial sword intent.

Could it be that in the big world, dragons can also allow believers to borrow the power of dragons?

Even his Wushuang can't do much damage, so do the other creators of the Five Tais really have a way to win?

The point is, that Emperor Shengtian obviously did not intend to fight, and it is not clear what will happen once he launches an attack...

The power of the dragon, no matter if it is a real dragon or a fake dragon, at present... it is no solution!

"Sword God, don't worry about this for now. He has mentally controlled my three disciples. If they create an entropy-enhancing weapon first, it will be a big deal!"

Kanger said solemnly.