MTL - My C.E.O Wife-Chapter 1055 Regain power

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1o55 recapture

To be honest, Qin Chuan just couldn't help it, and finally took a hit!

But to his surprise, the stone statue actually took effect! A black avatar slowly rose from the ground and stood in front of Supreme Master Sword. ? Hunting? W? W? W ?. liewen. cc Aotian didn't say a word. Suddenly he was covered with a black armor, and his body was impenetrably covered by wind, then he swooped towards Supreme Supreme Sword!

Twelve black swords continued to hit him, but his armor did not know what kind of artifact, and it could block the attack of Supreme Supreme!

"Awesome man, it's up to you!"

Although I don't know if his defense can survive for ten minutes, at this time, Qin Chuan has enough time to readjust the battle situation!

Taking advantage of Supreme Sword Master's attention, Qin Chuan immediately jumped behind him, and at the same time threw out a Huoyun sword! This is his most powerful attack method at present, but a black sword automatically flew behind his neck, successfully intercepting Qin Chuan's sword.

After ten moves, Qin Chuan almost inferred that out of the twelve swords of Supreme Supreme, four were responsible for defense, and the remaining eight were responsible for attack! This is an orderly division of labor, no one robs anyone of their work. That proud sky was really overbearing, and one person attracted the firepower of eight swords. And Qin Chuan has to figure out how to break through the defense of the other four swords and attack the body in the only time!

Qin Chuan did not hesitate to summon the flame wolf! The flame wolf ran fast against the ground, and then bit it up towards the Supreme Sword's lower leg. This guy is tall and the flame wolf can only bite his leg.

Two black swords flew down at the same time, piercing the body of the flame wolf. At this time, Qin Chuan had already jumped over, and the other two black swords went straight to his face.

"Ben Yue kicked twice!"

Qin Chuan kicked his legs one after another and kicked them over two swords. Ben Yue's feet were so powerful that both swords were kicked by Qin Chuan.

Although there is only a gap of just one second, it is enough for Qinchuan! He flung his long sword, and the scarlet sword stabbed on the back of Supreme Sword Master's neck!


The black blood flew out, and the Supreme Supreme sword roared loudly, and the sound of the waves was shaking! He waved a finger, and two black swords used for defense stabbed at Qinchuan.

But Qin Chuan was not panic-stricken. He performed a trick in the air and fell to the ground instantly, avoiding the attack of the two black swords. However, it seems that because Qin Chuan injured Supreme Sword Master, this older brother ignored Aotian, turned around, locked his eyes on Qin Chuan, and then twelve black swords aimed at Qin Chuan together, like twelve tracking Like a missile, it chased Qin Chuan and flew over.

Qin Chuan is not stupid. Even if this scene is right, he ran behind Aotian without hesitation, blocking the attack of these black swords with his armor.

The power of this Supreme Sovereign lies in his twelve black swords. After Qin Chuan repeatedly used Aotian several times, he also figured out some rules. As long as the Supreme Sword is injured, his twelve black swords will be converted into attack type, and after about two minutes of crazy attack, it will change back to the original eight attack and four defense mode.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another, Qin Chuan relied on the help of Aotian's avatar. After observing for about seven or eight minutes, Aotian didn't know whether it was because the time passed or the defense could not bear it. Finally, it turned into a black light and slowly disappeared Among the sword mounds.

He disappeared, but Qin Chuan was not afraid, but calmed down. After observing for such a long time, this Supreme Sword's twelve sword array, he also touched his head. The competition is like this, whoever finds out the bottom of the square first will be killed! Although the skill of Supreme Supreme Sword Master is great, his sword skills are too simple, and Qin Chuan has figured it out!

Thanks to Aotian's help, if he had not survived this time of nearly ten minutes, I am afraid that Qin Chuan has been dropped hundreds of times! Every time you come in, you are spiked, repeated hundreds of times, thousands of times, no wonder it makes people desperate! However, I can also see the power of Aotian. Under the terrible attack of Supreme Sword Master, it can survive for so long, it is just a big meat shield!

With his perverted defense ability and the terrible attack power of the summoned beast, it is no wonder that he can smile proudly for so long in Shura Tian!

There was only one target left in front of him, and Supreme Master Zun's eyes fell on Qin Chuan again. Eight black swords in charge of the attack aimed at Qin Chuan, and then bounced towards him.

Qin Chuan made a mistake and stepped on some step of his own research, while hiding, while holding away the black sword shot in front of him with his long knife.

"Does this also mean Supreme Supreme Sword?"

Qin Chuan laughed while resisting these black swords. "It's incomparable with my family's sword formation. The five emperors of Shura Tian? Hehe, everyone really looks at you too! You are just a group who stole our strength and didn't Idiots who know how to use it! "

Speaking, Qin Chuan jumped into the air, then rotated 360 degrees, and Huoyun Knife kept throwing away those black swords. Although the power on the black sword is very strong, every time Qin Chuan only needs to use the sword to attack the black sword, change their direction from the side!

Qin Chuan's judgment is very correct. This is the power of Taiji. Although he also forgot about the power skills of Tai Chi, some things are not only printed in his soul, but also deeply in his bones!

Qin Chuan kept approaching the Supreme Sword Emperor, and he was in front of four defensive swords.

"Fire Cloud Sword!"

Qin Chuan's body suddenly pulled out six afterimages, and drawn a six-pointed star in the air, not only dodging the four defensive black swords, but also cut a few knives on the body of Supreme Sword Master!


Supreme Supreme Sword Master did not seem to have suffered such pain, and immediately roared, and twelve black swords aimed at Qin Chuan at the same time.

"Hey, come and attack me!"

Qin Chuan was not afraid. He stood there and allowed the twelve black swords to attack him together.

"Eighteen consecutive months!"

Qin Chuan kicked out his wonderful legs again and again, kicking on the side of the black sword, making these twelve black swords unable to stab himself. At the same time, he threw away the demon weapon, and the long sword flew into the air, rotated a few times, but when it fell, it turned into a large sword more than two meters long, and was caught in the mouth by a flame wolf that appeared out of thin air. in.

This is a big wolf boss that Qin Chuan used to play games in this way. When the twelve swords were attacking Qin Chuan, the flame wolf ran to the side of Supreme Supreme Sword, and then used his own jump to spin, and the large sword he carried toward the lower leg of Supreme Sword continued. Chop.

As expected by Qin Chuan, without the twelve black swords, Supreme Supreme Sword Master is like being ridden by a naked girl. The flame wolf slammed the big sword one after another and chopped down the blood of the Supreme Sword's calf. He growled one after another, and the twelve swords finally gave up Qin Chuan, flew back, and attacked the flame wolf together.

A smile emerged from Qinchuan's mouth, and the opportunity finally came! The Flame Sword Wolf is just a means of harassment. The real killer is here!

Qin Chuan's body gave a slight meal, and then the ground was shattered. He turned into a cannonball, and instantly came to Supreme Master Sword.

"Eighteen consecutive months!"

Qin Chuan has eighteen feet in a row, all kicked in the face of Supreme Master Zun! The body of this Supreme Sovereign was kicked and kicked up, bursting into the air again and again, the original ugly face was even blurred by the kicked flesh!

The twelve black swords were all set aside, as if nothing happened. Supreme Supreme Sword Emperor ’s huge body was kicked by a person as big as Qin Chuan. After the last kick, Qin Chuan put his hands together and slashed against Supreme Supreme Sword in the air. Came down.

"Fire Cloud Sword!"

Qin Chuan seemed to have a rolling red wave behind him, and a blood-red half-moon sword appeared in front of him. He was instantly chopped on Supreme Sword Master's body, and immediately divided the Supreme Sword Master's body into two, turning it into the sky. The blood rain fell around.

The twelve black swords swayed a few times in the air, and then they were inserted into the ground together to restore quietness.

All the swordmen around mourned, as if suffering from the death of their emperor.

Xiuluotian, one of the five emperors, was just killed by Qin Chuan! He fell back to the ground himself, also secretly fortunate.

Nima ... It's so great! If you are not lucky, you have Aotian to help. In addition, I have learned about the attack method of Supreme Sword Master and double-line operation. I am afraid that I have been sent back to the cell to restart the journey to the five emperors.

After the death of Supreme Sword Sovereign, the soul on his body was also collected by Qin Chuan. The familiar feeling made Qin Chuan very comfortable. After taking back the supreme sword, he had another killer! And it is indeed an emperor, the power is too powerful, far more than those previous Huiyue Ji, the Sun King does not know how many times!

Qin Chuan ate all at once and stretched a little happily.

"It's so comfortable, it's not so comfortable for a long time."

Qin Chuan felt that this was better than Papapa. After all, it was taking back part of his soul. The feeling of fullness was really exciting.

The copy of Drunk Heart Lake is finished, but there are four copies waiting for myself ~ ~ plus one of the ultimate oss of Shura Tian, ​​the guy known as the King of Shura.

The sword people of Jianzuo lost their master and surrounded them towards Qinchuan. There were at least a hundred swordsmen here, and Qin Chuanwei's water leaked out in an instant.

"Come here, just try the sword with you guys."

Qin Chuan said, stretched out his right hand and waved in front of him. For a moment, twelve swords appeared in front of him, and the sword's blades spun down.


Qin Chuan's **** were compared, and the twelve swords were like excited beasts, which instantly turned into black light and stabbed out from the surroundings.


The recent update is not very punctual, and Lao Yang himself feels sorry for everyone. I originally went to Beijing to talk about the new book, but in the end something went wrong and I had to write it again. At this juncture, it is really disturbing. The old books are also being written more and more tired, and my mind is on the new books. Anyway, Lao Yang will work hard and strive to write a new and interesting book, which is a gift for the wool next year ~