MTL - My C.E.O Wife-Chapter 1047 Cathedral of the Sun

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1o47 Sun Cathedral

"You don't have much confidence in me, either. 猎 文 文 w???????? N????? ??

Qin Chuan was uncomfortable. "I live by myself all the way to the present. When I crusade the five emperors, I'll take you out."

"You look down upon Shura too!"

Qin Hai shook his head. "It's not as simple as you think."

"It's because you are too lacking in self-confidence. Your hopes have been flattened by Shura Tian. I haven't."

Qin Chuan patted his chest, "I will defeat the five emperors and show you!"

"What a disobedient brother."

Qin Hai looked at Qin Chuan, and seemed to hate iron and steel. "When you meet the five emperors, even those hunters who are following you, you will know how outrageous you are."

"I will be careful."

Qin Chuan was too lazy to listen to Qin Hai's preaching, "If you take me as your family, you might as well tell me where the Sun King is."

"The Sun King? Are you going to kill the Sun King?"

Qin Hai was a little surprised. "This is the only refuge sheltered by the King of the Sun. Do you want to destroy it?"

"So what, where can Shuratian have a refuge?"

Qin Chuan doesn't care about the people here. "And there are no friends here, don't you say that. What do I keep in the sanctuary to sacrifice myself and be happy for others? I'm sorry, I don't have this kind intention. In order to return to Xingyuecheng, I can do whatever I can! "

"It's up to you, but I don't know where the Sun King is."

Qin Hai did n’t know if he really did n’t know, or he just did n’t tell Qin Chuan intentionally. He carried his dragon tooth knife and stood up. “I still have pity. These Shuratian people have no resentment against me. , I don't need to trap them and die. "

"Well, when are you so kind?"

Qin Chuan couldn't help laughing at him, "Don't make fun of it, do you think you are a doctor, the parents of the doctor? Don't make a fuss, you Qin Hai is more selfish than anyone else!"

"I'm not selfish, I never have myself in my heart."

Qin Hai emphasized, "There is only revenge in my world, and only Qin Long is killed! You are the truly selfish person. You do everything for your own happiness! So you become a sinner and enter this Shuratian, I have no wish for you at all. "

"Oh? According to you, you should be a good person, why did you come here?"

Qin Chuan felt that his elder brother was able to elevate himself so much that he did not wink.

"Because I have one of the greatest original sins ..."

Qin Hai seems to be feeling.

"Original sin? What original sin?"


After Qin Hai finished speaking, he jumped up to another building and disappeared without a trace.

"Fuck, just walk away? Where is the Sun King!"

Qin Chuan is very depressed. This girl, just walk away, is ruthless!

"Forget it, let alone find it myself."

Qin Chuan remembered that Jinmei had gone to the cathedral in that city. The cathedral in this city is quite famous, especially when it is snowing in winter, with white pigeons, the impeccable beauty. But it's not interesting inside. The church is a small commodity market in Russia. The key is that you have to buy tickets to enter.

But in this Sun City, the church should no longer be a shopping mall. Qin Chuan took a round boat and headed towards the church.

"Guest, are you here too?"

The sailing boatman paddled his oars and asked Qinchuan casually.

"Why, is this church in Sun City famous?"

Qin Chuan could not help asking.

"That is, of course. The idol of the Sun King is enshrined in this Cathedral of the Sun City!"

The boatman seemed a little proud, "It is the King of the Sun who has blessed us sinners, and the lord lady said that as long as we pray to the King of the Sun with all our heart, he will forgive our crimes a little bit."


Can anyone forgive their crimes? Isn't this a bullock, the Sun King really needs this ability. The sinners in Shura Tian have already been released from prison. Why are there hunters who have twisted their minds and hunted other sinners around.

"The Church of the Sun is also very famous. Many sinners will come here to visit our Sun King."

"Then I really have to say goodbye."

Qin Chuan pretended to look forward to it, but in his heart he was calculating how to find out where the Sun King was. Being able to show Akiyuki is considered lucky, but it is also inevitable. After all, each time Hui Yueji plays, the scene is so big. And she has to play once a day, unless she is blind, she can't see it.

"Sun City is a real sanctuary, and there will never be darkness here."

The boatman said with emotion, "Here, the light is with us!"

There will never be darkness?

Qin Chuan looked up and glanced at the shining sun above his head. The sun was so dazzling that even Qin Chuan couldn't look straight at him, and couldn't help moving his eyes away.

"The brilliance of the Sun King is so stunning."

The boatman said with a smile, "Under such sunshine, every sinner seems to be shameless."

"Our sins are many."

Qin Chuan murmured, "Boatman, let me ask, like Flying Dragon Valley, where should I go in the Golden Empire?"

"Oh, you asked where the five emperors were."

The boatman seemed to understand that Qin Chuan wanted to challenge, "This Sun City has five roads leading to the outside, and each of them leads to these five places. The gates of the five places are guarded by strong men. It is very difficult to pass. Almost to lose his life. Young people, it is already difficult to reach the Sun City, it is better to live here. The city is large enough to accommodate you. "

"Thank you, I will consider it."

Qin Chuan casually said that at this time the ship was slowly approaching the shore, and when it was two meters away, Qin Chuan jumped and landed on the shore.

"Thank you."

Qin Chuan took out two Sun coins and put them into the boatman's hands. These sun coins were all dropped from the red-eyed man. Although not much, it was enough to be a boat.

"You're welcome, I hope the Holy Light of the Sun King will bless you."

The boatman gave a blessing, then turned and rowed away. The water surface of Sun City is still very beautiful. If it is not Shura Tian, ​​this Sun City is indeed a good place. However, everything is just an illusion. There will never be peace in Shura heaven.

This cathedral is very magnificent. There are no pigeons flying around, but guards in golden armors, with two-handed swords in their hands, guarding the church.

Seeing Qin Chuan coming over, they didn't do anything, so they let Qin Chuan go into the church.

After entering, there was a huge statue on his face. It was a very handsome man, wearing a white robe and wearing a crown, how holy and holy the whole person was, how solemn and solemn it was.

This is the **** in the hearts of the people of Sun City, is the Sun King?

There was also a huge sun printed on his robe, which seemed to symbolize his power.

Qin Chuan stepped forward, and there were these sinners and believers in the church, all sitting religiously on the seats on both sides, hands folded, as if praying for something.

No matter what they pray, it is useless. In this Shura heaven, the only one who can rely on himself is. And Jin Meimei, the maiden said in this population, stood there. She seemed to feel the arrival of Qin Chuan. She was looking down and praying, raised her head, looked at Qin Chuan and said quietly.

"Are you finally here?"

"of course."

"But you did not come with piety."

The maiden seemed to be a bit capable, "I have felt your maliciousness, sinner."

She said, "You're so sinful, don't you even want the last forgiveness?"

"Forgiveness? Can this statue forgive me?"

Qin Chuan said politely, "Don't make fun, sister, if you have the ability to let the King of the Sun come out, let me see his true face of Lushan! Hui Yueji still has the courage to come out and protect her people, how about the Sun King? Yes, what a hero. "

"What a courage to insult the Sun King!"

When a nearby sinner heard this, he couldn't help anger, "Damn it! No one can forgive your sins! Get out of the cathedral, get out of the Sun City!"

"Yes, get out of Sun City!"

Believers around him followed, and were very hostile to Qin Chuan.

"Okay, I'll see if this Sun King will protect you!"

As the words fell, Qin Chuan pulled out the rose needle, held a sword flower in his hand, and then a sword stabbed the neck of the happiest believer next to him.

The believer's neck was immediately pierced, and then fell to the ground and whimpered. This kind of believer cannot contribute to Qin Chuan even if he has some ability. It's impossible to imagine how these guys escaped from the recidivist prison cell. Did they escape while they were dozing off?

"You are too presumptuous! How dare you attack believers in the Cathedral of the Sun!"

The maiden was startled and looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief. "Don't you want any redemption?"

"Redeem you a big head ghost! Pretend to be a ghost and preach a cult, it's a **** thing!"

Qin Chuan didn't believe her ~ ~ He waved the rose needle and said, "Without telling the whereabouts of the Sun King, believers here must die again!"

"Is there such a thing? It's stubborn!"

The maiden was also embarrassed and angry. She sang a peculiar scale. The guards outside the armor immediately pulled out the two-handed swords and entered the church in groups. The swordsman pointed at Qinchuan. Believers around are snarling at Qin Chuan, waiting for Qin Chuan to be executed!

"People who violated the Sun King are all sinners. Although you saved my life, it is not enough to make up for your crime! Here today, in the name of the Sun King, you will be sentenced to death! And eternal life shall not enter the Sun City ! "

After the maiden spoke, the armor guards moved again.


Sorry guys, I drank a lot of wine with my friends today. It was almost two games a day in Beijing recently. I stayed up late to write the morning update. Everyone looks at it today. I still have to continue my struggle to get the new book thoroughly. I booked it, otherwise I'm a little bit unwilling to write old books ... I will return to Harbin on the 18th and hope everything goes well.