MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1966 Can't sit still

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The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-six chapters can't sit still

Ghosts succumbed to a **** storm, with the power of God, swept three super group army.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of spaceships, the Terminator is constantly scrapped, so that the generals of the zero world are extremely distressed.

But in addition to their distress, there is no other way.

The ghost respects the woman like a ghost, she can't catch her figure!

“It’s really boring, it’s not a challenge.”

Ghost said through the communicator, "How are you there?"

"We are playing very tight here. It is estimated that there will be no wins and losses in one and a half."

Su Shi told the ghosts, "If you look at the situation, leave!"

"It doesn't matter, destroy a few more."

Ghosts open the power of the bow and arrow, constantly shooting, shooting some fish that slip through the net.

“Occasionally, it’s just good to abuse the food.”

"Well, you like it."

Su Shi has no way, this ghost deity finally finds a physical and mental movement, certainly not so easy to let go.

"They have someone coming out..."

At this time, Qin Chao noticed a small point on the screen and quickly reminded the ghosts.

"It’s all a bunch of waste wood, and everyone is the same."

The ghosts don't care, pull the bows and arrows, and the arrows are aimed at several ships.

"Just shoot it!"

She loosened the bowstring, and the five golden arrows screamed out of the string.

At this time, the figure that Qin Chao noticed suddenly appeared in the range.

He reached out and pointed at the five arrows that were flying.

"Absolute defense!"

From that population, this voice came.

Suddenly, the arrow that the ghosts shot was turned into invisible.


Ghosts were shocked.

She did not expect that her own attack could be blocked!

Not to mention the power of God, to say her own power, it is not a master of the general level can block!

The opposite person actually ignored his own attack!

Could it be that his power is more advanced?

"Mother, mother! Be careful!"

Qin Chao quickly reminded, "The power of that person is weird! I can completely ignore the power of the power of God, I have not encountered it! He seems to use a special ability!"

"I know... I will be careful..."

Just then, the man opposite the mouth spoke up.

"Who are you in Huangshaling? I dare to swear at the Zero Fortress and destroy my group army. My Vice President Alius will not let you go."

Said, he squeezed his fist.

There was a tentacle flying behind him. Each of these tentacles had red eyes, and the eyes looked at the defense line of the ghost. The ghosts looked a little hairy.

What is this doing...

Thousands of thousands of eyes!

"What a great eye!"

Ghost did not answer the question of Vice President Aleus, she used her own arrows to greet each other.

An arrow whizzed and flew to Aleus.

But Arius did not move, but just reached out and released the blue mans.

"Absolute defense!"

The arrow of the ghost is constantly being blocked, and there is no effect at all.

"Damn, what is the situation! Qin Xiaozi, is there really an absolute defense in the world?"

Ghost can't help but ask.


Qin Chao also asked the two old ghosts in the body, and then said.

"As long as it is strength, there is strength and weakness. Absolute defense is impossible. Master wife, you have a good look, those tentacles and eyes on him?"

"I saw it, I was cautious, what happened?"

The ghost can't help but ask.

"I suspect that he relies on those eyes and tentacles to distract the strength of the mother-in-law! He should not be an absolute defense, but the same as the Taoist Li Dai Tao... Dissipate the power and act on the other. Those tentacles, It should be the medium through which he transmits power!"

"What is the eye used for?"

The ghost respected a little and then asked.

"This... I have to observe it before I know."

Qin Chao frowned.

He only thinks that those eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

"Give up, your strength has no effect on me."

Arius smiled coldly. "The ridiculous Huang Shaling people, do you really think that we can fight against our zero world? Your strength, for us, is like an ant!"

"Rely, the old lady hates people who wear X!"

Ghostly remembered the Xuanyuan proud day guy, could not help but pull the bow again.

The power of the **** storm once again condenses on the bow and arrow.

Ten arrows were aligned with Vice President Aleus.

"It seems that it is really a fool who doesn't see the coffin."

Aliusi grinned and even opened his arms to the ghosts and opened his arms.

This is very straightforward. He is arrogant, meaning that he does not care about her attack.

"Damn! Too shameful!"

Ghosts are very angry.

Her ten arrows were entwined with red blood, and then she was released.


Ten arrows flew into the air, and then entangled, turned into a huge storm, like a golden red dragon, swallowed the past toward Arius.

"Useless... I don't know how many times I say, you will understand."

And Arius sneered.

The storm swept over him, and eventually it was slowly dissolved, and no harm was caused to him!

Destroying the **** storm of the three super-group forces, when faced with the vice president alone, there is no achievement.

" can it..."

The ghosts twitched in the heart.

My own **** storm, it is invalid?

Isn't it true that Qin Xiaozi gave this bow and arrow to himself?

"Mother, mother, run!"

At this time, the Qin Dynasty saw the clue.

"Your strength is absorbed by the guy's eyes! You see, his eyes are already shining to the extreme! I am afraid, next time, he will attack you!"


The ghost has not responded yet.

The next second, Arius's figure, suddenly wearing a blue-colored value-added armed, appeared in front of her.

This Arius is a blue attribute, good at speed!

"The people of Huangshaling, stay in this zero fortress forever, and be buried with my group army!"

Said, Arius suddenly reached out and grabbed the throat of the ghost.

Poorly demon, the strongest woman in the underworld, like a child, was directly lifted into the air by Arius's arm.

It is not that the ghost does not want to struggle, but that Arius's hand seems to have a bottomless pit, constantly sucking away her strength, making her feel very weak and exhausted.

What's happening here……

Ghost Respect feels that power is constantly being sucked away, and her ability to think is somewhat reduced.

"Hehehe... Are you ready to be buried?"

Vice President Aliusi smiled very proudly, his tentacles flew out, and then aligned in all directions to the central ghost.

"Let me use your power to kill you! Poor people, this is your destiny!"

Said, the eyes above the tentacles, all lit up with intense red light.

With so many eyes, I have absorbed the power of not knowing how many ghosts are.

This round of volley is enough to kill the ghost!

But at this time, Ghost Respect laughed.

"Hey, hey... It seems that my mission is also finished. Arius is it, you are very interesting... You guys, you will leave it to Qin Xiaozi to go to it... Lao Niang... I will not play with you! ”

"You have escaped."

Alius said with no mercy, "Death is your only way out, ready to meet death! You ruined my three army, this is the end you deserve!"

Said, the tentacles of the whole body, ready to launch the lore.

But in this millennium, the ghosts suddenly appeared a purple light, like a black hole, directly sucked the body of the ghost, and instantly disappeared in front of the Arius.


And Aleus’s lore was also launched.

Because of the loss of the goal, the red light on those eyes was sweeping around.

The spacecraft that survived the surrounding area, the Terminator, was hit hard again.

The flames are constantly blasting.

Wreckage, flying around.

Arius floated in the universe and trembled.

The prey he had reached, he ran like this!



At this time, Aussie was surprised to find that on the back of the space fortress, several huge energy boards began to emit strong white light.

"Destroy the gun! What guys want to do!"

Arius frowned, and the whole person instantly disappeared from space.

"Mother, you are fine!"

Ghost Respected from Huangshaling, Lu Meijuan suddenly rushed up and excitedly hugged his mother.

Just saw the scene of the battle on the She is really nervous to die.

If Xiaobai had launched the method of transmission in advance, I am afraid that her mother would be really fierce.

Sure enough, there are people outside, there are days outside the sky.

I thought my mother was a ghost, and she was already strong.

But I did not expect that the vice president of the zero world has the ability to absolutely defend against this kind of anti-sky!

"It’s awkward, your mother hasn’t hung up yet.”

Ghost Zun opened his daughter and patted his chest, giving Qin Chao a big white eye.

"Bad boy, this time almost gave the aging mother a pit! What kind of vice president, how wonderful it is! There is the ability to absolutely defend against this kind of anti-sky!"

"Let my mother-in-law get scared!"

Qin Chao said quickly, "But I think that the tentacles of Arius can not be infinitely defended. After the power reaches a certain level, he can break his defense!"

"Hope is it... I don't want to see him anyway!"

The ghosts are swinging their hands. "How are we doing here?"

"The Beastmaster seems to be unable to sit still."

Su Shi looked at the slave army camp in the distance.

The vision of the comprehension is against the sky. Although it is separated by three hundred meters, the beastmaster’s every move is in her eyes.

At this time, with the Yalong Knights casualties getting bigger and bigger, the Beastmaster's **** could not sit still, and constantly stood up from the throne and looked at the battlefield.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!