MTL - My Aunt is Three and a Half Years Old. She Holds a Milk Bottle and Tells Fortunes. the Whole Internet Loves Her.-Chapter 654 Have you even calculated this?

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Hong Jinshui heard Wen Dajiang's muttering clearly.

Seeing that Wen Dajiang seemed to be really reflecting, Hong Jinshui couldn't help but said: "If you really regret not treating your wife well, you should apologize to her when you have the chance."

Wen Dajiang was stunned: "My old lady has been dead for more than four years, do you still have a chance to apologize?"

Hong Jinshui: "Yes, I need help from my sister-in-law for this matter."

Wen Dajiang's expression suddenly changed: "Do you still need to ask her for help? That child is young and very minded. He deliberately played tricks on me before."

Hong Jinshui touched his nose and said with a sneer: "They didn't play tricks on you. At most, they just said it. What they didn't say was all that matter."

These words made Wen Dajiang's eyes widen and he was so angry that he didn't want to speak. Su Mianmian didn't say anything, so wasn't she still playing tricks on him?

“Let’s put this aside for now.” Wen Dajiang touched his sore neck and pressed a few acupoints to relieve fatigue.

He found his wallet but not the photo. He had trouble sleeping last night and his whole body was sore.

  When a person gets older, he is no longer able to do it.

No matter how much you maintain your health, your body will still have problems.

 Wen Dajiang sighed.

The days passed day by day, and soon it was the day when Mianmian took the last exam.

She updated her Weibo to say that the final exam for the medical qualification certificate will be held today. Many netizens living online immediately commented: [My aunt, please bless my aunt to pass every exam! ]

  Like a tongue twister, it made Mianmian giggle.

She promised herself that she would pass every exam. How could such a thing happen?

The exam venue this time is not the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, but the Beicheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

 Those elderly people in the association now only spend three or four days a month going to the hospital for free clinics. Everyone takes turns to arrange shifts, and there are Chinese medicine practitioners treating patients throughout the month. This is good news for people who seek medical treatment.

Today it’s Wen Dajiang’s turn to have a consultation.

Some people who wanted to see a doctor called Wen Dajiang in advance. When they arrived, they called the number and entered the room.

This time the person who asked for medical treatment was a young man. His eyes were black and blue. He was stunned when he entered the room.

"Sister-in-law? Why are you here too?" The young man looked surprised. "You said you are taking the exam for the medical qualification certificate here?"

Mianmian nodded: "Yes, yes, I am taking the exam here. So you got up early to see a doctor?"

 The young man nodded: "Yes, yes, let me take a look. I have insomnia every night and my neck is still stiff. Let's see if there is something wrong with my cervical spine."

 “Oh, come and sit down.”


Wen Dajiang suddenly coughed twice.

Mianmian looked at Wen Dajiang: "What's the matter?"

Wen Dajiang called to the young man with his neck raised: "Come, come here, I'll take your pulse first."

After feeling his pulse, Wen Dajiang motioned to the man to extend his hand in front of Mianmian: "Come here."

Mianmian took her pulse and asked, "Do you stay up late playing games every night?"

 The man nodded yes.

Wen Dajiang asked Mianmian to continue asking.

Mianmian said: "Your posture when playing games is wrong. You do have cervical spondylosis. The cervical spondylosis is still serious. Sometimes when you lower your head, does the back of your head hurt? This is a manifestation of trigeminal neuralgia. I will give you an injection to relieve it." , but the best treatment method is to play games with correct posture and do more neck exercises.” The man kept nodding, obviously very helpful to what Mianmian said, but he heard Mianmian suddenly change his tone: “Also, don’t put it in your head. You brought home some old things that you think are very good. Did you pick up a piece of vermilion wood with a strange shape outside before? "

 The man was startled: "You have even calculated this? You are indeed a great-aunt."

Mianmian glanced at Wen Dajiang secretly: "Some old things look very good, and they look good when displayed at home. The things inside are not good-looking. When you get home, take them to the temple. Your home is far away." The temple is a bit close, so send it there. Put it at home. Even if Mianmian cures it for you, you will still have insomnia when you go back."

According to Wen Dajiang's original character, when he heard Mianmian treating people like this, he would have long said it was ridiculous.

 But after experiencing the incident of looking for his wallet, Wen Dajiang could no longer say this. He said with a straight face and irritably: "After the explanation, we will start acupuncture. Let me see how good your acupuncture skills are! There are customers behind you."

 There is a bed in the consultation room.

 The man lies on the bed.

Mianmian asked him to put his hands on both sides of his body, and started by pressing the acupuncture points on the man's waist.

This made Wen Dajiang frown: "What are you doing here?"

Mianmian: "The meridians in the human body are all connected. Cervical spondylosis is also related to the weakness of the psoas muscles. Pressing here first, and then acupuncture the affected area can double the effect."

Wen Dajiang's philosophy since elementary school was different from Mianmian's. His master emphasized only treating the patient's disease focus, saying that if it was solved this way, the patient would not complain about other things, nor would other problems arise from the treatment.

Wen Dajiang, who is not exposed to high technology himself, has been looking at his mobile phone every day these days. He didn't say anything to refute, and just asked Mianmian to do it: "Come and give it a try."

 Any other patient who doesn’t know Mianmian’s abilities would definitely be scared when hearing this. It's okay to let a child get an acupuncture. The famous Chinese medicine doctor nearby seemed to have never seen a child treat a disease, and let him try it.

Who would be willing to let Mianmian do it?

 But the young man is different, he is a loyal fan of Mianmian.

At this time, he said happily: "I will post my experience to the fan group later. I don't know how much everyone will envy me. It was my sister-in-law who treated me... Ouch!"

One second he was talking happily, and the next second he was screaming with pain in his waist.

 The entire consulting room was filled with the pitiful screams of men.

 Ten minutes later, the man walked out of the consultation room, stroking his neck with a strange expression on his face.

Someone asked him: "What's going on? Are you screaming so miserably?"

The man said: "It's okay, I just haven't experienced acupuncture, so I'm afraid of pain, hahaha."

How dare he say that the pain was caused by pressing on his waist? Men can’t complain about back pain!

 The whole morning, the clinic was extremely busy.

Seeing that Mianmian's treatment methods were so standard, the last doubt in Wen Dajiang's heart was eliminated. He ended his shift early, saying that he had important patients to treat, and took Mianmian to the hospital bed.

 This patient is a cancer patient. He was transferred to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital because he wanted to use acupuncture to relieve his pain.

 He doesn’t want to die, but cancer cannot be cured.

  For a year, I have been tortured terribly by cancer.

"Give him some treatment." Wen Dajiang said directly, "He has bone cancer, and the entire lower limb has been necrotic."

Mianmian felt the patient's pulse, looked at his face and said, "The merits and demerits are equal to each other. I have done a lot of good deeds in this life. The pain in this life will not continue to the next life~"

The patient opened his eyes and looked at Mianmian, and asked Wen Dajiang with difficulty: "Doctor Wen, who is this little girl?"

Wen Dajiang did not dare to speak too fully, and only said: "This little girl has some real abilities. I will ask her to show it to you. Maybe she can help you alleviate your symptoms better."