MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 158 158th

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The photos cut out in the post are just a sullen side face. The paparazzi is for shooting Shen Huai and Ye Hao. Others just take a shot. However, this shot, the pixels are not high, but did not hide the beauty of the scene.

Everyone who enters the post will be amazed by the photos of the main building.

1 trough, this mother is too good to look at the male

2 so cute, of course, boys

5 self-frying

6 self-scraping a fart, z is just eating this melon in the process of seeing this photo, so sent out to see if anyone knows

10 This photo is too confusing, isn’t it clearer? But people are so beautiful.

18 Is this our country? This face is absolutely perfect. If the photo has not been passed, you can debut directly from this face.

24 This is Shen Huai and Ye Hao that melon. It was bursting out. It was on the side of the Hung Hom crew. It was the actor of Hung Hom.

55 is not a red actor, I have already found this treasure in the early days of eating melon, went to the crew to inquire, it is said that Shen always brought it.

56sgj, isn’t it a new artist from Shen, I’m excited about it?

112 latest photos, photos 1 photos 2 photos 3 before someone photographed at the airport, simply beauty crit

113 trough

114-slot slot slot

Before 127, I didn’t really see the high-gloss photo, but after watching HD, I fell in love.

151 little angels, mom, love you

222 latest news, the little angel is indeed signed by Shen, but not an artist, is the director.



252 is so good to be a director

253 spicy chicken morning star, and in the violent day, heartache

The post of the Entertainment Forum was soon built up as a tall building, but it was too mysterious. Plus, he is now said to follow the Xie Guide in the Hung Hom crew, but he can’t find anyone. a photograph.

After a long time, there is no new material, and most people will no longer pay attention to it. However, there are several people who have the heart, and found the press conference before Shen Huai, directly concerned about a wave.

The two things that Shen Huai announced at the previous press conference were indeed slowly advancing as he promised.

In addition to supporting original singers as always, I have recently tried to promote niche music.

Before Ye Hao's rock was also a niche at the time, but the sales volume was very amazing, breaking the record all the way. This also proves that the niche does not mean that there is no audience. Sometimes it is not good enough for the singer to do it, or it is just that the audience has never heard it, so I don’t know if I like it or not.

Ye Hao’s “Your Dad” trumpet has been promoting the unpopular original music. After these songs were discovered, there was also a strong vitality. Among them, singers and Morningstar signed a new album.

It is precisely because of these examples that Shen Huai and other talents have confidence.

Just how to recommend it is indeed a problem.

However, Shen Huai remembered, before Chu Meibo participated in the recording of travel with history. In the first phase of Liyuan, the Mr. Xue Lao who promoted Peking Opera has always made him remember deeply. After the broadcast in Liyuan, the beauty of Peking Opera displayed in it also attracted many people.

According to Chu Meibo, she recently called Mr. Xue Lao, and the old man was still happy to say that there were more people watching Peking Opera and Beijing Opera this year.

Shen Huai will consider whether he can do some similar variety shows like traveling with history. After all, variety shows have its natural advantages, grounding gas, can be easily accepted, and rely on this form to promote, perhaps far more than those Stiff propaganda is more appropriate, and this tailoring is more in line with the characteristics of the music itself.

His thoughts led the dean of the party, and it is said that he is currently approaching the team and is ready to consider it.

In the movie, Shen Huai also signed a few new directors that he is very optimistic about, but the film wants to see the results, but it is not a matter of overnight, and after Shen Huai and Yi Yi discussed it, there is about the film cloth. The bureau is not small.

As a part of Shen Huai's layout, it has been very busy recently.

Since he studied with Xie Dao, he has continued to show his familiarity with film production. As a result, he is gradually no longer limited to photography, props, lighting, fine art, and even post-editing. He has participated and is acting like a decent.

Suddenly grows well, the temper is good, but when someone asks him to help, he will pass without saying anything. It’s not too tall to watch, but the strength is amazing, not weaker than the two-meter strong man.

Thanks to the more you like, the more you want to leave people in the crew. Fortunately, not long after, the photographer's gastroenteritis was good and returned to the crew, and it would be a retreat.

These days, I am probably quite aware of the current crew.

He occasionally taught Song Yizhen some experience in filming, but he was different from Chu Meibo and Guo Wenyuan. After all, he used to be a producer, so he taught more from a global perspective.

Song Yizhen did not ask him to be young, why there are so many old-fashioned experiences, just listen to what he wants to listen to.

Sometimes when Lao Guo finished the play, he saw Song Yizhen standing beside him, listening to his teaching honestly, and he could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

Since Ye Hao deliberately said that the relationship between Tang and Jun is not the same, Lao Guo looked at it and it was not pleasing to the eye.

Nowadays, not only does it have a clear relationship with her goddess, but she also wants to take away her apprentices. Lao Guo’s heart is even more depressed.

Now that I have just finished a movie, Xie guides everyone to rest for a while.

Lao Guo gasped and sat on the recliner. The assistant quickly and diligently handed him a glass of water. Lao Guo took a sip and thought it was uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but mutter. "Well, what the point is, two All of them are going to him."

The assistant has a glimpse of his heart. Since he made an oolong last time and mad at the boss, he has been worried about being dismissed recently. This is a good opportunity to test his loyalty to please the boss.

The assistant immediately straightened up and acted with impatience. "It’s all they have no vision, unlike the boss, you are rich, handsome, and have acting and connotation. This is the talent that is one of the best in the world. It’s not a blank face with a face. Than"

Lao Guo ""

Looking at the assistant's face and looking for praise, Lao Guo faintly said, "The little white face in your mouth, the force value is probably two Shen total."

The assistant's face "brushed" was a bit white.

There was a burst of laughter from the side, and Lao Guo sighed and let the assistant go back to the hotel before turning to look at the Chu Meibo who was still laughing. "You don't look at the jokes, you also taught." Xiao Song has been so long, now he ran with others, don’t you have any idea?"

Chu Meibo’s eyes turned slightly and smiled and said, “I don’t want to eat the magic.”

Lao Guo was seen through his mind and coughed. He said, "I don't worry about Xiaosong, a stupid child. Is it a pure man?"

At this time there is no one else, Chu Meibo directly clarified that "it is worried about Xiao Song, or worried about Jun Jun"

Lao Guo ""

Chu Meibo actually understands the feelings of Guo Wenyuan at this moment. She and Tang Yujun have been together for so long, and she also treated her as a sister. However, Lao Guo is concerned about chaos, which is full of hostility.

Chu Meibo knows that he wants Guo Wenyuan to understand that it is not a one-night event, so he will not persuade him any more. He will turn to the road, "You and I understand, and the advantage is that you have good learning and understanding, and you are experienced. Multi-trovers, every line has to be involved, his vision is wider than us, he is willing to teach, is also a blessing. But this child is a bit blind, we really have to show up, he wants to learn again, I am afraid that I will take care of you and my mood, and slowly alienate it. Isn’t it a pity?”

She said that Guo Wenyuan suddenly realized that he had a remorseful expression. He was recently affected by the emotions too much, and he almost ruined the future of Song Yizhen.

Chu Meibo smiled and stopped. "I heard that you and Yi also have a play to shoot, you don't want to see, how will he behave after he has been tempted?"

Although Guo Wenyuan still refuses to admit it, but the heart is already thinking about it, when he and Song Yijun's opponents will collide with what kind of sparks.

The focus of their discussion is that they are talking to Song Yizhen about the scene.

Just this scene is the heroine Cheng Xinxin after the movie is over, and the male lead Zhou Hanjun meets, the two are tender and sweet, but may be interrupted by the appearance of Yokota. Yokota has already found a clue, pointing to Cheng Haoxin, and Zhou Hanjun knows nothing. He only wants to protect the people he likes. The three people are tit-for-tat on a small table, but they all have their own thoughts. The atmosphere is tense and it is very exciting.

Suddenly, "just the point of this paragraph is the sudden transition of emotions, and the rhythm of the drama is changing. As an actor, you must keenly grasp the point of emotional transformation, otherwise the rhythm will fall, this scene will be destroyed."

Song Yizhen thought about it for a while, and said, "The point that just changed this emotion is whether it was the moment that Yokota sat down. I felt that moment, the state of the three people changed."

Shaking his head stunnedly "This point is not certain, but it should be adjusted according to the reaction of the opponent. The good rhythm should be like playing table tennis, there is coming and going back. From the moment when Yokoda enters the door, it means that the ball has been served. Therefore, the two opponents’ dramas will be relatively simple to control. But in this scene, each of the three lines of each of them, each tiny expression, is interlocking. Once there is a person who has lost the chain, this scene It won't be what you see at the moment, so thrilling."

When the Xiangjiang film and television circle was the most prosperous, it was a well-known international guide. Even the new director is the one who has a great talent. Although I have only been filming, I have seen it more, and my eyes naturally go up.

Song Yizhen did not speak, and one person went to the side and silently pondered.

After a moment of activity, I was ready to take a rest, but at this time, there was a applause from the side.

Looking at the sound, I just saw a middle-aged man in the Mediterranean who looked at him with a smile.

I have been staying in the crew for a long time. I can be sure that this person is a raw face. He is preparing to ask. He will see the voice of surprise with a pleasant voice from behind him. "When will you come from?"

The name of this person is Yang Yizhou. He is the writer of Hung Hom and the most famous screenwriter in China.

He smiled and said, "I wanted to say hello to you. I heard the little friend say the play and listened to God for a while."

Thanks to this, the two people introduced each other, and then they took the people and went.

Yang Yizhou has waved his hand. "Wait, I have a personal person."

He said, from behind him, a girl who was born aunt, it was Tang Tang.

Yang Yizhou smiled and said, "This little girl is my colleague. I still have to call me a teacher. I think she and the headless flies are usually wandering outside the crew, and they bring people in."

What do you think of this, take out your phone from your pocket, and the phone has shown no power.

He usually doesn't play mobile phones very much, so he doesn't pay attention to the mobile phone's power. This leads to no power shutdown, no information and phone calls from Tang Tang.

Suddenly apologize to Tang Tang.

Tang sugar hurriedly waved his hand and his cheeks were a little red. In fact, before she saw the photos, she was a bit hesitant. After all, this face is too beautiful and too young.

At the moment, it is the most important transition moment for Tang Tang. She really dare not take her own career to gamble.

Just because of the trust in Chu Meibo, she decided to come to the crew to see the stunned, seeing him with his own eyes, talking to him and making a decision, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t notice it in advance, and I found that I couldn’t contact the door. On the other side, when she hesitated to call Chu Meibo, she saw Yang Yizhou.

When they entered the studio, the two just heard that they were talking to Song Yizhen, and the heart of Tang Tang fell into the stomach.

Yang Yizhou listened to the conversation between the two people and looked at it with enthusiasm. "You want to be a director."

Suddenly, he did not face the crampedness of the top domestic screenwriters and calmly nodded.

Yang Yizhou also asked, "You are missing a screenwriter."

Suddenly "Yes."

Yang Yizhou laughed. "What do you think of me?"

Tang sugar ""

Teacher Yang, you don’t take such a rush.

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