MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 104 104

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After Huarong got the news, he rushed to Dongjiang City, but she did not expect that the Chu family did not want to see her.

Hua Rong couldn't believe it, but when she called again, the other party was no longer connected.

Hua Rong looked at the person who provided her with information: "Don't you say that they have a bad relationship? Chu Chu also snatched their company, forced them to go abroad, now have the opportunity to get back these things, how could they not want to ?!"

"Yeah!" The other party seemed to be puzzling and whispered. "It’s impossible to suddenly have such a father and daughter..."

Hua Rong did not believe it. She felt that the Chu family had something to hold in the hands of the Chu, otherwise how could it be suddenly stolen from the company, and even revenge did not dare.

But now it is useless to say that the Chu family refused to show up, which means that she originally wanted to use the point of filial piety to ruin the reputation of Chu Meibo, lacking strong evidence.

However, Hua Rong was not reconciled. In Chu Meibo, she tasted too much frustration.

At the beginning, she wanted to dig Chu Mubo, and promised that she could become a female star of the whole country in a year, but she was rejected by Chu Meibo, and even arrogantly retorted, she did not need to use such a way of not flowing.

"With my strength, one year is enough."

At the beginning, Huarong believed that Chu Meibo was thinking about idiots and deliberately satirizing himself. But now Chu Meibo got the heroine of "Red Dragonfly". Hua Rong realized that she might not have planned to make fun of herself. She always thought so.

In this way, Huarong is even more depressed.

The better the Chumei wave, the more it proves that her eyes were poor, and this is the place where Huarong can't bear the most.

When Hua Rong returned to Zhongjing City with grievances, he knew that the press conference of "Red Dragonfly" was about to open. Huarong’s eyes suddenly darkened. She knew that if Chu Mubo appeared in the red "Oh," there is nothing more to stop her from going red.


Shen Huai is making final preparations for the press conference of "Hung Hom". The people who have been monitoring the Chu family have called him and the Chu family have already boarded the plane.

Shen Huai sighed and hanged up.

A few days ago, Hua Rong went to Dongjiang to find a couple of Chu family. Shen Huai already knew it. Fortunately, he had already prepared, and sent people to warn the Chu family once.

Huarong always thought that the Chu family had a handle on the hand of Chu Meibo, but did not know that the handle was held in Shen Huai, and Shen Huai already knew that she had gone to Dongjiang.

Now that the Chu family have gone abroad, the last factor that affected Chu Meibo has also disappeared.

Shen Huai’s tolerance to Huarong has reached its limit.

For Shen Huai, Hua Rong is nothing more than a bug that has been called "hey," and he doesn't care about the other party. But if the bug has been harassed in his ear, he doesn't mind shooting the person. .

In fact, after Song Yizhen’s incident, Shen Huai wanted to do this, but Du Yuping just became Guo Wenyuan. He worried that Hua Rong’s hand had Guo Wenyuan’s previous handle, and if this incident was exposed, it would be less It also caused two injuries, which was tolerated.

Now that the matter has passed for so long, Guo Wenyuan has solved all the troubles, and Song Yizhen has gradually stepped out of the shadows and has a new life.

Shen Huai has nothing to worry about. If Huarong is honest, there may be a glimmer of life, but she has to be awkward.

Then don't blame him for being unkind.

So for some time, Huarong had a very difficult time. The partners who had been in contact with it had refused. Even the original talk was good, and the other party would rather not breach the contract and continue to cooperate with her.

Hua Rong thought that his artist had offended the man, but the artist’s own contract did not have any problems, so at the end, he found that all the problems were directed at her.

At this time, she received another news, she had put the black material of Chu Bingbo before, and there was no media to dare to pick up.

Just kidding, anyone can see that Chu Meibo is now gaining momentum. Is it really necessary to send such news, isn’t he offending her, and he is still at such a node, isn’t he even offended with the Guanrui Group behind him? ?

More importantly, these people are faintly aware that Huarong seems to have offended a big man. Now someone is dealing with her, so no one wants to slap this drowning.

Hua Rong was almost mad, but when she even made seven or eight calls and was hanged up by the other party, she could not help but panic.

At this time, Xu Anqi pushed the door directly into her office.

Hua Rong didn't have a good air: "What are you doing!"

Xu Anqi took off the sunglasses and shook a paper contract in front of Huarong: "I just signed a contract with Lu, and came over to tell you, let me discharge the schedule, lest you give me some messy variety. And activities, but you shouldn’t get any work right now?"

Hua Rong suddenly blushes: "You deliberately came to see me joke!"

"Yes." Xu Anqi looked cold. "I just learned that "The Thing in the Hutong" was originally intended to be the heroine. You stopped the script and let me squat for so long."

"The Thing in the Hutong" is a big-pop TV drama broadcast this year. No one has thought that a short-cost TV drama in a parent will have such a high rating. With such a high evaluation, the actress’s role will become A hot female star.

After Huarong knew it, he also regretted it. After all, "The Thing in the Hutong" was originally looking for Xu Anqi. She thought that the crew was not well known. It was this kind of sesame thing, so she refused directly.

However, there are too few people who know this thing. Hua Rong did not expect Xu Anqi to know.

Her expression immediately softened: "An Qi, you listen to me first..."

Xu Anqi's lips and micro-hooks: "You don't have to explain to me."

Hua Rong lived.

Xu Anqi let go of the body, and later came to the company personnel department, the other party gave a letter of dismissal to her: "Hua Rong, you have been dismissed."

Hua Rong was stupid. After a long time, he returned to God and excitedly said, "What are you talking about! I want to see He!"

The other side smiled and laughed: "This is the word that He always personally signed." She walked two steps forward and lowered her voice. "Hua Rong, you privately receive kickbacks, forgery accounts, and all these things have already been known. Look at your work in the company for so many years, just dismiss you, if you don't know what to do, we can only send you to jail."

Hua Rong was stunned, and a face suddenly became pale.

She no longer has an image of scruples and falls to the ground. She knows that this time she is really finished.

Xu Anqi looked at her in no pity. After a while, she walked out of her office. Her assistant Ping Ping took a vacation for two days. She just learned that the news went to the company. The six gods had no idea: "How could this be? That An Qi, What do you do in the future..."

Now Xu Anqi is no more than just three years ago when she joined Menghe. She has passed the most red period. After she realized that Xu Anqi had a disagreement, Hua Rong suppressed her several times, which led her to be in a very awkward position. However, her contract is about to expire.

Menghe's capable agent also has outstanding artists. Naturally, he does not want to be thankful. If he falls into the hands of an unscrupulous agent, the competition in this circle is so fierce that Xu Anqi may not be forgotten for a long time.

Just when Ping Ping was in a hurry, a woman with long, maroon hair and a gentle smile came over: "Don't worry, Angel will give it to me later."

Ping Ping's eyes widened: "Ke... Ke Zong!!"

This is the vice president of Menghe Entertainment. Originally, she was also a very capable agent. After she had been a vice president, she had not accepted new people for a long time. I did not expect that the other party would be willing to reap the benefits of Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi looked at Ke Zong complexly, but the other party just smiled and said with a gentle attitude: "You will sort out your mood and come to my office."

When she finished, she turned and left.

There were still people who wanted to see Xu Anqi’s jokes. I didn’t expect her to have such luck, so I congratulated a few words sourly and spread out.

Ping Ping still can't recover from the excitement: "An Qi! Great! Ke is so capable, you don't have to worry!"

Xu Anqi slammed the ground.

Of course, she does not think that Ke is always optimistic about himself, and does not feel that this is sympathy for himself. If Ke really has the heart to put himself in the majesty, he has already done it, and Hua Rong simply can’t say anything.

And Ke, who is doing this now, can't help but let Xu Anqi think of a person.

Shen Huai.

She remembered the low-key but supernatural operations of Shen Huai, and thought that before she reminded him that Hua Rong had to deal with Chu Meibo, now there is nothing in Chu Meibo, Hua Rong has been fired, it is difficult to not let She associates with Shen Huai.

She understands that this is Shen Huai's return to Tao.

She took a long sigh of relief, and she was not willing and angry, as if it was relieved at this moment.

In Xu Anqi’s eyes, there was a fighting spirit, and he gestured to Ping Ping: "Let's go."

Although she no longer has grievances against Shen Huai, she still has to say that she must be the best female star!


After Shen Huai listened to the results of Huarong on the phone, he hanged the phone faintly, and then he told the story.

Because Ye Hao Studio was established, the company separately divided the work area for Shen Huai, and now it is his people.

Just did not wait for Shen Huai to finish, suddenly heard the commotion from outside.

Shen Huai frowned slightly, and he saw Guo Wenyuan walking towards him. He waved his hand when he saw him.

Lao Guo's face is still somewhat famous in the industry. On the identity, the CEO of Morningstar has to hold him. Who thought that he actually took the initiative to walk into the office of Shen Huai, causing people to fall through the glasses.

Shen Huai pressed the eyebrows and asked the assistant to bring two cups of coffee over. This closed the door and blocked those curious eyes.

"You came to me today, is there anything?" Shen Huai asked directly.

Guo Wenyuan looked at Shen Huai's office and said: "Don't you promise to show me the script? My assistant is really unreliable, or your vision is better."

Guo Wenyuan said, he placed the two scripts in his hand on the table of Shen Huai.

Shen Huai’s eyes crossed the script: “You can call or contact us on WeChat. There is no need to come in person.”

Guo Wenyuan touched his head: "The old man... these high-tech uses don't quite understand..."

"You were still inviting Ye Hao and Mei Mei to play the glory of the king with you last night." Shen Huai poked him mercilessly.

Guo Wenyuan: "..."

Guo Wenyuan took a haha ​​and revealed this incident. He said: "I came here to find you, and it really matters."

His expression is serious. "I just knew that Guanrui has been secretly suppressing the easy-to-follow movies, but although I am a shareholder of Guanrui, I have no real power. At most, I put people in the crew. But I know you. And Lao Yi is a friend, if you can, I want to ask you to help him."

Shen Huai did not speak.

When Guo Wenyuan saw it, he sighed and started to play the warmth card: "I know that this incident is difficult for some strong people, but I can have later achievements, because I am old, I don't want the old friend's foundation to be destroyed. In short. If you are willing to help, no matter what you let me do, I will do it. If I have a half-sentence, I will thunder!"

Guo Wenyuan has never been so solemnly asked Shen Huai, even if it is about his own affairs.

Shen Huai secretly sighed, Yi Yi is his friend, of course he would not sit idly by, so he said: "In fact, I originally planned to meet Elder today."

Guo Wenyuan’s eyes “噌” will light up: “Really?! Then I...”

He quickly realized that he was not Du Yuping. If he had a face with Guo Wenyuan, he would take him out of the ward with an easy temper.

Shen Huai saw Guo Wenyuan's look dimmed, and some could not bear it: "You paint a makeup, and then wear a mask, Yi Lao may not recognize it."

Guo Wenyuan immediately became spiritual again: "Good!"

So Shen Huai and he agreed to the time, and then at the entrance of the sanatorium, I saw Guo Wenyuan, a "new and new".

Shen Huai’s expression is quite difficult to say: “Do you have to be so exaggerated?”

Guo Wenyuan was wearing a purple hair, painted with smoky makeup, wearing a pair of leather pants, and killed Matt.

Guo Wenyuan is very proud: "How? My image, I am sure I can't recognize me!"

Shen Huai: "..."

Don't say that Yi Yi can't recognize it. It is estimated that Guo Wenyuan's mother is coming, and I can't recognize it.