MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 446

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   "There are a lot of mahazi this year, and all the eggs in the nest have fallen out. When Xiaochao and I rushed over after eating, Uncle Seven had already picked up quite a few, and said he would light them up and roast them...

   As a result, when I went back to the grass shed to get matches, I saw a turtle crawling beside the bed.

After Xuecheng and I saw it, we used a torch to take a look around. Good guy, after a while, we saw several in a row. Pick it up and take a closer look. We just realized that this is the wheat field turtle we had when we were young. ?

   It made us very happy. "

  Wang Xuecheng grinned and preached.

  This kid has a good name and a good temper, but he looks a bit slutty, short, and likes to keep his head bald, which is very unpleasant to look at.

  His father is Wang Jukun, and he and Wang Jusheng are cousins, so the seventh uncle refers to Wang Jusheng.

   "I haven't seen them for many years. I only saw a few when I went hunting in the mountains the year before last. They were very small...

   These are big. "

  Chen Ling picked up a turtle from the tin bucket, held it in his hand and played with it over and over again.

  These wheat field tortoises have brown tortoise shells with beige textures on them. The shells and claws are covered with dirty sand, which is not much different from most tortoises.

   But this is not the kind of Brazilian turtle.

   It is a real Chinese native turtle.

   What is the specific scientific name, I really don’t know.

   Other things like badger, maggot, mountain raccoon, etc., some of which Chen Ling learned their scientific names by accident, and some of them suddenly recalled interesting childhood stories and searched for their true colors on the Internet.

  But there is no accurate answer for the wheat field turtle bar.

  As for why it is called the wheat field turtle?

  This is because this kind of tortoise likes to go ashore to lay eggs as soon as the fifth month of the lunar calendar begins, and it especially likes to get into the wheat fields.

  When the wheat is harvested in the village, villagers can often catch this kind of tortoise in the field, and even pick up tortoise eggs.

  Chen Ling heard from his father that when they were young, there were only a lot of turtles in the wheat field, and they were also very big, basically weighing more than a catty.

  And there are many river beaches, and you can accidentally step on them when you go down to the river to take a bath.

   It is said that Wang Xuecheng's uncle, Wang Jugan, once went down to the river to take a bath, and when he was tired from playing, he half-lyed in the shallow water to bask in the warmth and sleep.

  In the end, I met a bold turtle, which bit a vital part, and almost lost its offspring. This story has been circulated for several years, and it is not only well-known in Chenwangzhuang, but also known to many people in ten miles and eight villages, and almost became a figure as famous as Yang Gangdan.

Seeing Wang Susu and Wang Siyi also coming from behind, Chen Ling waved to them and shouted: "Susu, come and see, this is what we used to catch when we harvested wheat. The wheat field turtle, have you seen it?"

  Wang Susu has only been married here for four or five years. Where have I seen these things before?

Shaking his head, he said, "I've heard from the aunts and ladies in the village that when the wheat was harvesting, apart from the pheasants, rabbits, quails and hedgehogs, there were also tortoises that always crawled into the wheat field. The tortoise eggs in their nests are crushed..."

  She said this, but Wang Siyi, who was holding her arm beside her, was full of question marks: "Ah? Why did the turtle go to the wheat field? The wheat field is not a rice field, there is no water, and this wheat field is so far away from the river."

   As he spoke, he and Wang Susu went to the iron bucket to see the turtles crawling around in it.

Chen Ling smiled when he heard the words: "Didn't you hear what your sister-in-law said? People will step on turtle eggs, so they must go to the wheat field to lay eggs. This turtle, like the old turtle, goes to the shore to lay eggs. Some eggs like to climb Further…

  That is, we grow wheat in summer here. If we plant all watermelons, it will be the same for them to go to melon fields.

This stuff is really nothing unusual here, and some people here made up an allusion because of this wheat field turtle, which is called "catch a turtle in the wheat field - ten times sure", which refers to the turtle that crawls to the wheat field, which is easy to catch Very, one catches one.

  Ten years earlier, we could see this kind of scene. Every year when the wheat harvest comes, it is also the season for turtles to lay eggs. At that time, we often followed the adults to pick up turtles and their eggs.

  If you are lucky, you can pick up five or six turtles in one morning, and pick up half a pot of turtle eggs.

  The tortoise at that time was bigger than the one in this bucket, at least seven or eight taels, and the big one was more than two catties...

   Later, it failed. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers were used too much, and turtles could not be seen in the wheat fields in a few years.

   It is a good thing to see it now. "


  Wang Siyi opened her mouth wide in surprise, reached out and grabbed a half-sized turtle from the bucket, and looked at it again and again.

   "Of course it is true, wealth is not bragging..."

Wang Jusheng chuckled, and said proudly: "When we were young, not only the old river bend, but also the tortoise on the other side of the reservoir. As long as the weather is warm, there will be a long line of tortoises lined up beside the embankment, with the big ones carrying the small ones on their backs." , all come out to breathe and warm.

  When I go down to the river to take a bath, I often accidentally step on slippery things, dive into them and fish them out. They are either turtles or big snail shells.

  Actually, there were not only tortoises, but also more old turtles than now.

   If there were another thirty years in the morning, there would be more of that guy. In the words of the old people, in the 1950s and 1960s, the old turtles and tortoises in the nearby ditch could catch half of the basket whenever it rained. "

Wang Siyi thought it was very interesting. She had never heard of such a thing in Wandao, so she asked: "Since there are so many, don't you eat it? I have always heard that in the 1950s and 1960s, you Why can’t you eat meat here?”

Hearing her question, Wang Jusheng suddenly regained his spirits, but before he could speak, Wang Xuecheng interjected and answered first: "I don't eat it, as I said, the old turtle and the turtle are hairy things, and you eat too much of these two things." , It is easy to grow lumps in the stomach."

   "Have lumps?"

  Wang Siyi tilted her head in doubt, "Don't you eat that fish?"

   This time it was replaced by Wang Wenchao who answered, "Eat, eat fish, but there is no oil, so I don't want to let it go, it doesn't taste good.

   According to my grandpa and my grandma, there used to be **** fish over half a meter long, eels with thick and thin arms, and big carp that couldn’t fit in the washbasin...

  In short, there used to be big fish everywhere, but there was no oil and water, few and few, and it smelled very fishy. "

  The three old men, in front of Wang Siyi, a young and beautiful Bay Island beauty, showed themselves very actively and eagerly.

  Although it was said that when Wang Siyi drove a tractor to help harvest wheat for Chen Ling's family.

   It extinguished the hearts of many young and old men who were just about to move.

   But after all, such a beautiful beauty is still from Wandao. Even if she doesn't fit the Pan Jinlian in their fantasy, she is still a real beauty.

  Even Wang Jusheng, who has two children, couldn't help but want to show off a few times.

  Don’t talk about young people like Wang Wenchao and Wang Xuecheng.

   After a while, the three of them talked from the water to the mountain, just you and me.

  What wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, what other wolves, donkey-headed wolves, monsters and ghosts, made Wang Siyi scream again and again.

  Chen Ling didn't listen to their show off, so he took Wang Susu, Wang Zhenzhen and Ruirui to catch turtles in the melon field.

  These melon fields are the sandy beaches near Laohe Bend.

  There are many turtles in the wheat field.

  But because there are vigorous watermelon vines and leaves covering it, it is not so easy to find.

  And these tortoises stopped moving when they heard the movement and encountered the light.

  Sometimes it is under the feet, but it just stays motionless under the watermelon leaves.

  Even if it is illuminated by a flashlight, the shadow of the leaves blocks it, so I can't see it.

  But it is because of this that it has a lot of fun.

  Wang Zhenzhen has been studying here for two years. He has played with most things, but he has never played with catching turtles at night.

  He Ruirui giggled and ran around, rummaging under the watermelon leaves to see if there was a turtle. When they found it, they yelled happily, grabbed the turtle and ran to Chen Ling and Wang Susu, asking them to help hold it.

   Then he ran around laughing and joking to find it.

  Suddenly, under the bright moonlight, on the sandy beach next to the melon field, a small black shadow crawled over.

  Wang Zhenzhen shone the light of the flashlight, and he could see a turtle crawling.

  Ruirui's eyes lit up, she twisted her body, and called out to her parents to show them.

  Wang Zhenzhen ran over at this time: "There are also turtles on the beach, which are easier to catch than melon fields. Ruirui quickly follow."

  The little thing suddenly didn't care about calling Chen Ling, and hurriedly led Hei Wa over, and followed Wang Zhenzhen to search around.

   After a while, I got tired of catching the tortoise, so I sat on a watermelon nearby, panted and rested, and after resting, I bent down to eat the watermelon again.

  When Chen Ling talked about him, he grinned and smiled silly with his eyes bent.

Wang Susu looked at the bamboo basket, and there were a few turtles, so she dragged him back: "Okay, I caught five or six, enough for fun, I want to eat watermelon from Uncle's house, let your father pick one later." Okay, don't touch it yourself."

  This place is close to the water, and there are many mosquitoes. Wang Susu doesn't want her son to run around here all the time.

  At this time, Wang Jusheng and Wang Siyi built a bonfire on the river beach and roasted the eggs of Mahazi.

   Fearing that Wang Siyi would be bitten by mosquitoes, he lit an extra matchstick, and the fragrance of mugwort wafted around the campfire.

  Seeing that they came back from catching the tortoise, he gave them the roasted bird eggs for them to eat.

   "Fugui came out with a fishing net, is he here to catch fish?"

   "Yeah, I just learned how to weave a net from my fourth grandfather. I have made two small nets in the past few days, and I am talking about it."

   After he is familiar with the big net for dealing with strange fish, he plans to make it himself, without the help of Fourth Grandpa.

  Just out tonight to try out the nets and catch some fish.

   It turned out that the fish hadn't been caught yet, but the turtle was caught first.

   "Haha, guard the river, when can't you catch fish, this wheat field turtle will not be easy to see after a while."

  Wang Jusheng patted the dirt on his buttocks and stood up, "I'm going to pick a watermelon, let's talk while eating."

  Wang Wenchao said: "The watermelon in my field is big, so pick my one, Uncle Jusheng, Uncle Fugui has been eating your watermelon all day long, so he must have never eaten my watermelon."

   "Alright, let your baby show off."

Wang Jusheng went to his melon field to pick melons, Wang Wenchao continued to roast the eggs, and said with a smile: "I and Xuecheng have already got out of the cage, let's see if there are any eels and loaches getting in, it's cool tonight , There are many fish that come out to eat."

   "Yes, I will eat the grilled fish later. I will eat the grilled fish with watermelon. It is delicious and sweet. After eating the watermelon from Xiaochao's family, I will eat my watermelon and watch over the melon fields."

   Wang Xuecheng also shouted.

  Chen Ling laughed when he heard the words: "Okay, tonight I will accompany you to watch watermelons in the middle of the night. We are building roads everywhere here, and tomorrow we will go to Tenghe Township to take a boat and walk by water, so we are not in a hurry to go home and sleep."

   After a while.

Hearing what they were talking about, Wang Siyi secretly tugged on Chen Ling's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Brother Ling, are there really wolves in the mountains here? I heard from them that wolves have a human body and a wolf's head, and they are like grandma wolf. They like to come out at night to arrest people, drag them into the mountains and eat them."


Chen Ling paused for a moment, feeling speechless for a while: "Don't listen to their nonsense, I made it up for them myself, and said that I am king in the mountains, you just listen to it as a ghost story, that's all. It's to scare the little doll."

  These three old men are bad, what kind of supernatural stories are they telling girls.

  Wang Jusheng came over with a watermelon in his arms. When he heard this, he quickly denied it: "Hey, that's not to scare the little baby. Uncle Cunye also told me about gluttonous laughing ghosts and mukes. There are...

  Think about it, after Lord Turtle came out here, the wheat field turtles that we haven’t seen for many years have appeared, and more old turtles have appeared.

  Things in the water can do this.

   Isn't there something strange going on in the mountains? "

  Hearing this, Wang Siyi, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, felt his scalp tense again: "Stop talking, it's late at night."

  Guan Islanders are superstitious.

  The island is small, but there are many mountains, and there are many temples dedicated to it.

  The stories of various folk ghosts and gods that have been circulated are also particularly complicated.

  Many old people in Wandao believe in ghosts and gods.

  Wang Siyi was naturally somewhat affected.

   This is very taboo.


  Wang Jusheng talked about breaking open the watermelon, and simply divided it into several pieces and distributed it to several people: "Haha, sister Siyi is afraid, so I won't talk about it, come and eat the melon."

Just after finishing speaking, Wang Zhenzhen came over and said, "Sister Siyi, don't be afraid. I heard from my father that it's not scary. Wooden people trade wood with others. It will collect firewood by itself in the mountains. After meeting at night, take If someone loses something from someone's body, he will drop a bundle of firewood and run away, which is very kind.

  Even if it is a monster in the mountains, it is still a good monster. "

  Wang Siyi heard that, thinking about the scene, her body couldn't help shaking again.

  Fear is fear, but I am full of curiosity about these goblin ghost stories that are very different from theirs, so I couldn't help asking: "This wooden guest can exchange wood with others, but what about the gluttonous laughing ghost?"

  "Gluttor, you have a blue face, you can laugh loudly when you see people at night..."

  Wang Zhenzhen gnawed on the watermelon and started talking.

   Not to mention, taking advantage of the night, watching watermelons next to the melon fields, telling some ghost stories is really quite atmospheric.

  Slowly, Lian Wang Siyi, an outsider from Wandao, was afraid, but she couldn't help but immersed herself in it.