MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 14 Break through the Yuanguan

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Chu Mo wants to hold this strange jade on his neck and ask: Where did you give me my peerless mind?

Because when Master gave him, he did not seriously look at it, but he knew that the back...can all have words!

Today, it is empty, blank!

Turn back... no words!


Turn it back... there is no word yet!

Still blank!

Until the end, the whole day is my intention, except for the first page, the words are not only less, but also a few more, the back is completely blank!


Chu Mo with his hand to help the amount, just the end of the excitement, almost lost.

Sitting in a chair with tears and tears, the brain is full of cold sweat, and it is simply puzzling.

At this time, the magic king suddenly greeted outside: "Come out for dinner!"

Chu Mo’s body trembled a little, and he thought to himself: This is a thing... I can’t say anything to Master now, it’s too weird!

When you have time to go back, you must make it clear.

Thinking, Chu Mo should have a voice, open the door and walked out.

A strong aroma instantly drifted into his nose, and the spirit of Chu Mo was immediately shocked.

Then I grabbed it and looked at the dishes on the table, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"This... is this what you did?"

Four dishes, one soup, not only the meat, but also the fish and two kinds of wild vegetables.

Not only is the taste extremely delicious, but the appearance is quite beautiful!

The demon faintly glanced at Chu Mo: "I really thought that my cooking is so good?"

"..." Chu Mo looked speechless, and even some forgot the changes in God's will, and looked at the devil in surprise: "Master... What else are you not?"

The demon is too lazy to pay attention to Chu Mo, take out a jug of wine, two cups, put it in front of Chu Mo.

Chu Mo was still stunned, watching the father of the teacher pour himself a glass of wine, and his mouth twitched: "Master... are you?"

"Come, come and drink with me." The devil said, sitting there, carefully looked at the ink: "Small, sacred, already getting started!"

"The future depends on you!"

Chu Mo’s heart was relieved, but after hearing the next sentence, he suddenly became alert and looked at the demon: “Master, you...”

The devil swayed his hand: "Drink!"

Chu Mo was not the first time to drink alcohol. He grew up in the army and some veterans, he had taught Chu Mo to drink.

Speaking of it, it is also a small amount of alcohol.

However, Chu Mo did not expect that the wine that Master took out did not feel special when it was drunk, but when the cup went down, the whole person actually had a feeling of fluttering and hoping to fly.

At the same time, I felt a burst of heat in Dantian, and the crack in the Yuanguan was getting bigger and bigger!

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sorrowful voice saying: "I still don't run the mind, shock the Yuanguan? What are you waiting for?"

Chu Mo’s subconscious, began to run the heart of the heavens.

The vast force in the limbs was instantly mobilized, and slammed into the shackles of the Yuanguan.


Like a flash flood!

That power, ruined and ruined the Yuan Guankai.

Chu Mo felt that in his body, in an instant, he produced an incredible power.

That power, as if you can open a mountain gravel!

Can shred everything!

At this time, Chu Mo, the brain is still a little dizzy, squatting on the body, full of strength, could not help but stand up and rushed directly outside.

Roaring, punching in the yard.

This set of boxing methods is naturally the most familiar army punch in Chu Mo!

Just, at this time, it is completely different from the previous concept.

Chu Mo fully believes that at this time, if he is to go to the long-lived ‘Little Tianjiao’ Fan Lizi, even if there are seven elders secretly helping, he can still blow Fan Lizi with a punch!

With a bit of drunkenness, Chu Mo roared and repeatedly practiced his own long-term military boxing that had been practiced for many years.

In the final blow, Chu Mo was punched in a towering tree that was held by two people.


The majestic power in the body instantly hits the arm, following his fist, squatting... on the trunk.

A sigh of silence,


This tree, which was held by two people, made a heartbreaking break.

Hey... Hey!


Crashing to the ground!

I was actually punched by Chu Mo, and I was cut off!

The big tree fell, and the ground shook under the feet.

Chu Mo's wine... also woke up!

He was a little dazed and looked at the big tree that fell to the ground in front of him. His eyes were full of shock!

"This is really, is it that I knocked down?" Chu Mo muttered to himself.

The monarch came to him at this time, took a look at the broken tree, nodded, said faintly: "Small."

"The power of the dragon elephant!"


"I am already the power of the dragon elephant!"

"How can you call it a tiger?"

Chu Mo pointed his finger at the broken tree and said with excitement: "Master, you see, this punch is going out, focus on it, and then other places, it is the power of the dragon elephant!"

"This fracture is just as neat as cutting!"

The demon sneered: "The high level of the refining level, I don't know, I thought you became a master."

Chu Moxiao smiled, and did not care about the devil's blow.

After sweating, the wine was almost awake. Chu Mo suddenly felt very hungry, so he ran back to the kitchen to eat.

After getting along for so long, Chu Mo has already understood the temperament of the demon, and he can get a "sloppy" evaluation from the mouth of the demon, which shows that he is actually quite satisfied!

The first, second and third floors of the yellow level are only idle on the first and second floors.

It is said that it is barely able to cultivate some vitality, but it does not open the warlords of the Yuanguan.

Although there is only an evaluation of ‘only waiting for leisure’, in fact, it can be regarded as the door to cultivation after being able to sense the vitality.

The yellow level is one, two or three layers, which is the refining period.

The warrior of the yellow level has the power of cattle and horses.

As you can imagine, as long as you can sense the vitality and step into the first layer, it is much more powerful than ordinary people.

Into the army, at least can also be a long-term leader or even a small captain.

The second-level warrior of the Huang class has the power of the tiger and leopard.

It is the level before Chu Mo, the power of the tiger and leopard, not only the power, but also the agility!

The warriors who have reached this realm, in the secular, can already be famous and have some status.

Entering the military, you can also be a big captain!

The third grade of the yellow level has the power of the dragon elephant.

This level is the peak of the refining body. It broke through the Yuanguan and really began to enter the room.

For the warrior, it is equivalent to swimming from a small stream to a large river.

I saw a wider world.

A bright future from the past!

Many warriors, for the rest of their lives, are stuck in the Yuanguan area, and they cannot break through to death.

Chu Mo, at the age of thirteen, broke through this realm.

Already have done this in the world, the vast majority of warriors, things that can't be done in a lifetime.

The warrior of this realm, in the army of some small countries, has barely qualified to become a general!

Although there is still a long way to go in the future, Chu Mo at the moment does have a feeling of temperament.

This time, the Monarch did not hit him.

Instead, I watched Chu Mo eating in that big mouth, and deep in the eyes, flashing a touch of softness.

Chu Mo ate a few big bowls of rice at a time, and after the dishes in the plate were almost wiped out, I finally felt full.

This put down the tableware and looked at the expressionless demon, and smiled: "Master's cooking is too delicious!"

"If you can eat every day..."

"It's better!"

"What do you want? You will pack up and go down the mountain." The monarch looked at the ink and said a touch.


"Let's go down the mountain?" Chu Mo was dumbfounded on the spot, looking at the demon: "Master, are you kidding?"

"Who is joking with you." The devil said indifferently: "I have taught you, I have taught you, and you have learned it."

"Don't go down the mountain, what are you doing here?"

"I...what have I learned?" Chu Mo stared at the demon king and said, "I shouldn't be on this mountain, at least three years and five years before I can go down the mountain?"

"Fart!" The demon snorted: "Those mouths are all the exercises!"

"Since I have learned it, the rest is a skilled process."

"You are here, back to the big summer Yanhuang, the time on this road is enough for you to be familiar with these exercises."

"From here... Back to the big summer Yanhuang?" Chu Mo to see the expression of the demon, not like a joke, the whole person suddenly stupid.

The monarch took him and flew for three days, almost no stopping in the middle, at least 20,000 miles.

If it depends on his legs, how long does it take to go?

Even if he has now broken through the realm of Yuanguan, but in the two thousand miles, even if he keeps on the road day and night, I am afraid that it will take half a year.

Besides, there is one more important issue.

He doesn't know the way!

"Yeah, this time, just enough for you to familiarize yourself with those exercises." The demon looks at you and looks at the thoughtful expression I want.

Chu Mo suddenly bitter face: "Master, the disciples can't bear you!"

"Less come!" The demon squinted at the ink: "Isn't it enough?"

Chu Moxi smiled and said: "No, the key is that the disciples don't want to leave Master!"

"Pseudo!" The devil is cold and cold.

"Really, sincere!" Chu Mo patted his chest.

The devil said: "Don't talk nonsense, it's set!"

Chu Mo sees that Master really wants him to leave, and his heart suddenly feels sad, but his face is not showing up, but the hippie smiles and says: "Master, you see, you don’t even have a magic weapon, Master. So powerful, there must be a lot of magic weapons? Just look at the bunch of people..."

"If not, if the mountain is high, the children will not fly. What should be done in case of danger?"

"Moreover, the disciples don't know the way!"

The demon's eyelids jumped straight and coldly: "No!"

"What do you give to other..."

"For example, the best Yuan Shi, the best yuan medicine..."

The monarch said: "No, nothing!"

"Master, you said before, bet if you lose, send me rich wealth of the enemy!" Chu Mo eyes light: "That's OK!"

"I have already sent you!" Mojun looked at Chu Mo: "Don't you think that what I taught you, worth the price?"

"That counts?" Chu Mo mouth twitched, his mouth whispered: "It's too stingy, a hairy!"

Said, Chu Mo looked at the magic lord: "If the disciple is gone, what about the poison in the master?"

"What does it have to do with you? There are so many nonsense!"

The monarch said, stood up and said: "I don't think you have anything to take away, so let's get out!"

Say, come straight, pick up Chu Mo, then go outside and throw it away!

Chu Mo's body suddenly flew up in the air.

"Hey, Master... you play really, don't chase me away!"

"Where will I go to find you later?"

Chu Mo shouted loudly, and then he was unable to speak because of the hurricane above Gao Tian.

Then he flew far beyond this mountain.


Dropped on the floor.