MTL - Mr. Lu Wants To Promise By Marriage-Chapter 1107 Five years... (eight)

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  Chapter 1107 Five years... (eight)

   The little guy listened, with joy on his face, and smiled, "Thank you, Dad..."

  The father and son were chatting, but they both kept their voices down very tacitly, for fear of waking up the woman who was sleeping soundly.

   "Dad, I don't know how to pronounce this word..."

  Lu Jingchuan didn't forget the question just now, so he got up slightly, took the picture book on the bedside table, opened it, turned to the word he couldn't read just now, and pointed it to Lu Zhaoting.

  Lu Zhaoting took it over, glanced at it, and then replied, "Nest, bird's nest."

   "Nest? Oh, I see. Is that the bird's house?"

   Lu Jingchuan asked.

"Well, it can also be explained in this way, but it's just a relatively small term. Here it refers to the place where birds live, but this word has many meanings. Our Chinese characters are flexible and changeable, and a word usually has many different meanings. You have a lot to learn."

As Lu Zhaoting said, he also smiled, reached out and rubbed his son's head, and continued, "Dad believes that you can learn well, so come and sit in Dad's study when you have time, I asked them to buy a new batch of picture books , on the row of bookshelves against the wall."

  The little guy's eyes lit up when he heard it, he got up and hugged Lu Zhaoting, and said happily, "Thank you, Dad!"

   Lu Zhaoting was obviously also infected by his son's happiness, and he also reached out to support him, "Yes."

   "Dad, I'm going to play with my uncle and cousin tomorrow, can I bring my building blocks there?"

   The little guy blinked and asked.

   "No, it's fine to play with these little things at home. If you really want to play with your cousin, you can call your uncle and aunt to invite them all to come to your house as guests."

  Hearing what Lu Zhaoting said, the little guy thought for a while and nodded, "Okay then... I'll invite my cousin to come home... Dad, my grandparents taught me to play "March of Iron Torrent"..."

   "That song? Grandpa took you to see the military parade?"

  Lu Zhaoting asked.

  The little guy was really grinning.

   "That piece is quite difficult, can you do it?"

  Lu Zhaoting looked at his son in surprise.

   "Practice more, but I can't play very well... Dad, my hands are too small, how can I grow as tall as you?"

   The little guy said, and looked at Lu Zhaoting again, his eyes were also full of distress.

Lu Zhaoting listened, and suddenly gave a low laugh, and replied, "You are still a baby now, and you need to grow up step by step. No one can grow so tall all at once. When you are in your teens or twenties, you Maybe it will be taller than Dad... By that time, Mom and Dad will be old too..."

  Thinking about it now, Lu Zhaoting seems to have some old father-like feelings.

   "Dad, you and Mom will never grow old..."

  The little guy suddenly realized something, and immediately hugged Lu Zhaoting tightly, and said very firmly.

   "No one is not old. Look at grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, are they all getting old?"

  The little guy listened, nodded abruptly, and asked, "Dad, can't you take medicine? You won't grow old if you take medicine..."

   "Silly boy, there is no elixir of life in this world. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural laws of human beings, and there is no way for human beings to change them at present, so you should spend more time with them..."

  After Lu Zhaoting said this, Lu Jingchuan was silent for a while, then nodded, "I know Dad... I'm afraid that you and Mom will grow old, what should I do..."

Hearing this, Lu Zhaoting could only smile, then hugged his son in his arms, lowered his head and kissed him lightly, and persuaded, "It's okay, our family will be together forever. Well, it's already late, Go to bed early, you have to get up early tomorrow, huh?"

   Listening, Lu Jingchuan slightly withdrew from Lu Zhaoting's arms.

  Lu Zhaoting quickly put away the drawing book and put it back on the bedside table.

   "Go to bed early!"

  Lu Zhaoting said while pulling back the quilt.

  Lu Jingchuan lay down obediently, and then said, "Good night, Dad!"

"Good night!"

   As he spoke, he also covered him with the quilt, then pulled the quilt off the woman beside him, bent down and hugged her, and then turned and left the bedroom...

  Looking at the door that had been gently closed, Lu Jingchuan couldn't help feeling helpless—

  He knew that Dad would definitely come to find Mom!

   I don’t even know how many times this has happened!

   Every time before he falls asleep, his mother is still by his side, but when he wakes up, his mother is gone!

  At the beginning, he would still cry to find his mother, but later he would always find his mother in his father's room. Afterwards, Lu Jingchuan got used to it!

  No matter how hard he and his sister robbed him, they couldn't rob his father.

  Dad always said that his mother is his first, and then his and his sister's...

Sometimes Lu Jingchuan didn't understand. Later, I heard from Uncle Li that a man should marry a wife and live with her when he grows up. However, Lu Jingchuan felt that he didn't want to marry a wife at all, and he didn't want to live with her Together, he wants to live with his parents, sister, and grandparents...


  As for Yu Xingtu, she was carried back by Lu Zhaoting and put back on the bed, and she woke up!

  Opening his eyes, he found Lu Zhaoting in front of him. He frowned and couldn't help complaining, "Why... sleep well..."

   "You can also sleep well now, go to bed early."

  He reached out and pulled the quilt, and then lay down too.

  Yu Xingtu felt helpless for a while, so he had no choice but to reach out and pull the quilt, rolled it around his body, and fell asleep.

  But, of course, she couldn't just sleep like this. The next second, she was pulled into the arms of the man, and her soft voice rang in her ears—

   "Is that why I annoy you? I'd rather run and squeeze with my son than go back to the master bedroom..."

   "What nonsense are you talking about? It's rare to accompany the children once, otherwise you won't be able to tease them when you grow up..."

  While she was talking, she reached out and opened his waist pocket, and the nightgown on her body fell off immediately...

Lu Zhaoting was stunned for a moment, that noble and cold handsome face was still hot uncontrollably, even though he was the father of two children, he was still very shy and shy in front of her, this kind of emotion was simply It's out of his control!

   Moreover, as he grows older, his feelings for her have not only not weakened, but have increased day by day. Now, if he goes on a business trip and doesn't see her for a few days, he will feel extremely tormented!

  She hasn't changed, and she still looks the same, she can do whatever she feels comfortable with, not reserved at all, just like now...

  Lu Zhaoting felt helpless and soft in his heart, hugged her, and lightly kissed her on the forehead...

  PS: It’s an update today. I just got home and I’m a little tired. I don’t think I’ll write too much. I’ll try to open a new one as soon as possible, so that everyone can keep watching, okay!

  (end of this chapter)