MTL - Mr. Fu’s Wife Reincarnated-Chapter 269 270: Explosion 2

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  In the cloakroom, Jiang Yi took off his wet clothes and threw them in the laundry basket.

  As soon as Yi Tian's sight fell on the wedding photo on the drawer at the end of the bed, the door behind him was opened.

   She could barely look away, but Jiang Yi caught that strange emotion. She followed Yi Tian's line of sight to look at the photo at the end of the bed, and fell silent.

   "Father and elder brother are not at home, so you can live here, so as not to be bored at home alone."

  Jiang Yi said this when he was about to go downstairs with his arms around Yi Tian's shoulders.

  And Yi Tian seemed quite shocked, looking at Jiang Yi: "How do you know that father and brother are not at home?"

  Jiang Yi's face stiffened for a moment, she knew that Jiang Ze and Jiang Chuan were not at home, it was just because she had sent someone to watch them.

  Jiang Yi smiled slightly, and dumped the blame on Fu Xiting, probably knowing that Yi Tian would not ask Fu Xiting the truth: "Fu Xiting told me."

  As soon as these words came out, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't say anything. For a capitalist who controls the overall situation, it seems that it is not too much to know some news.

  The two were about to go downstairs when they saw Fu Xiting coming up. The man held a cigarette between his fingers, and the smoke spread as he walked.

  The well-worn shirt was a little messy at the moment, the sleeves were pushed up high, and the posture of the whole body was a little lazy.

   "Are you done?" Jiang Yi's soft voice sounded.

  Fu Xiting responded quietly: "It's still early, and I have to work overtime at night."

  Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows, staring at Fu Xiting as if asking why?

   "The kitchen is making dinner, do you want to go and have a look?" Fu Xiting didn't directly respond to her eyes, but turned her away instead.

  Jiang Yi looked back and forth between Fu Xiting and Yi Tian, ​​seeming to understand.

  Jiang Yi turned and went downstairs, Fu Xiting pushed open the door of the study.

  Going in, the smell of sandalwood that fills the room is very different from the sandalwood in the temple.

  The elegant fragrance shows the good taste of the owner.

   "Are you looking for me for something?" Fu Xiting poured a cup of tea and pushed it to Yi Tian, ​​speaking with the humility of a junior.

Fu Xiting is quite a strange person, he never distinguishes between high and low by his status, he only looks at whether it is worth it or not, whether he is willing or not, in Jiang's family, Fu Xiting only respects one person, and that is Yi Tian, ​​as for Jiang, he has nothing to do with Jiang Chuan this honor.

  Fu Xiting admires Yi Tian, ​​knows that Jiang Yi is not his own daughter but still treats each other wholeheartedly, and every step he takes is planning for her.

   Make every effort to make friends with Zou Yin, and invite Zou Yin to attend Jiangyi's wedding as a friend.

   While fulfilling Jiang Yi's wish, he can also let go of his sinful heart.

  Let yourself feel less guilty.

  Moving to the opposite side of Zou Yin and becoming neighbors with her, all these things, no matter which one is picked out individually, are admirable.

   "Zou Yin knows that Jiang Yi is Jiang Fu, let me tell you to avoid any unexpected situation in the future," Yi Tian wanted to tell Fu Xiting a long time ago, but he couldn't find a chance when he went to the hospital a few days ago.

  Every day this matter dragged on, she felt uncomfortable all day long.

  Fu Xiting guessed it, since the scene in the hospital late at night, Zou Yin knew 90% that Jiang Yi was Jiang Fu.

  Fu Xiting took a sip of tea and nodded slightly: "I see."

  Yi Tian was inexplicably relieved when he heard Fu Xiting's answer, as if getting Fu Xiting's answer meant he was guaranteed.

   "Those money——" she was talking about the money that Fu Xiting asked Guo Siqing to transfer to her.

"You take the money. Jiang Yi is my wife. Things like buying a house should be handled by me as a husband. If you contribute, you should not be asked to pay. Furthermore, as a son-in-law, It is right to honor your mother-in-law," Yi Tian didn't think there was anything wrong with Fu Xiting's previous words, but Yi Tian's defenses were broken by the latter words.

   "I am not Jiang Fu's mother," Yi Tian knew that Fu Xiting loved Jiang Fu who lived in Jiang Yi's skin, not her daughter Jiang Yi.

  If it was Jiang Yi, what ability did he have to make Fu Xiting fall in love?

   By appearance?

   Is there still a shortage of beautiful women in this capital?

  But Jiang Fu is different. An international negotiator, his knowledge, style of conversation, and experience are all enough to match Fu Xiting.

   "In my heart, you are," Fu Xiting said affirmatively while looking at Yi Tian.

  The sound of "You are" made Yi Tian's eyes almost blush.

  The trembling fingertips showed her inner panic at this time.

  Is she Jiang Yi's mother?


  Yi Tian is not sure, since the day she found out that Jiang Yi is Jiang Fu, she has a sense of strangeness to her "daughter". Although Jiang Yi comforts her and makes her feel at ease, the sense of distance is always lingering in her heart.

  To this day, Fu Xiting's affirmation that you are, reassured Yi Tian a little.

  Fu Xiting looked away from the teacup, then looked at Yi Tian, ​​with the attitude of a junior: "I care about you, you are still a mother, but at this moment, she is at a difficult point in life, we will wait for her."

   "If you know Jiang Fu, you will know what kind of person she is. In her heart, you are already her responsibility."

  Jiang Yi never thought of leaving Yi Tian alone, never.

  Although she was unwilling to accept the status quo, she still put Yi Tian in the column in her life where she had to take responsibility.

  That night, Fu Xiting never had dinner with Jiang Yi. When Yi Tian was dining with Jiang Yi in the study, two cats were squatting at her feet, blinking their big eyes and being slanderous.

  The two chatted about the current situation in the capital today.

  When mentioning Jiang Ze and Jiang Chuan, he deliberately avoided the topic.

  After dinner, Yi Tian accompanied Jiang Yi for a walk in Yuyuan Garden. The two cats staggered behind them, going into the woods from time to time, and coming out from time to time, bouncing around happily.

   "Have you figured out how to meet Dr. Zou?" Yi Tian asked.

  Jiang Yi casually picked a leaf from the tree and played with it on his fingertips: "Not yet."

   "Let's meet as soon as possible! Dr. Zou probably feels very uncomfortable," Yi Tian knew that feeling.

  Perhaps Zou Yin and Jiang Kuo were not Jiang Fu's most trusted people from the very beginning, otherwise, why didn't she find them immediately?

  No matter how many reasons there are, the heart-to-heart feeling between parents and children will always exist.

  Yi Tian thought about this matter for countless nights, but when he got the answer, he hesitated again.

   She thought, Jiang Fu shouldn't be such a person.

  She didn't know Jiang Fu, but she had heard Jiang Fu's name too many times.

  Kuotai, a wealthy family, always mentions this person at parties. She appears from two perspectives. One is Lin Jingzhou's fiancée, and the other is the first negotiator on the international stage.

   And often at this time, the discussion will inevitably be divided into two factions.

  One faction is belittling, and the other faction is raising it.

  Belittling her is nothing more than using the Lin family to step on her, saying that she relied on the Lin family to get her position.

The promotion is nothing more than saying that Lin Jingzhou is not good enough for her. Jiang Fu was already a figure on the international stage when she agreed to be Lin Jingzhou's girlfriend. What is there to be proud of as your fiancée?

  Without Lin Jingzhou, Jiang Fu would still be Jiang Fu, but without Jiang Fu, Lin Jingzhou might not be Lin Jingzhou

  In the tree-lined path, Yi Tian is sketching out Jiang Yi's appearance in his mind.

   Disentangled by Jiang Yi's casual words, she said: "I'm also very sad."

   This kind of discomfort comes from the entanglement in her heart. Zou Yin and Jiang Kuo are her parents. She does not deny it and thanks them for bringing her into this world.

   But are Zou Yin and Jiang Kuo good parents? Jiang Yi couldn't answer.

   Parents are loving, true.

  But in her life, the sense of participation of her parents is very little.

   She was able to accept Zou Yin and Jiang Kuo's way of educating herself before seeing her for a day.

  But after meeting Yi Tian, ​​she realized that love is hidden in the way of education.

"As far back as I can remember, I was always at home alone. Whether it was a stormy night or a scorching sun, the thing that impressed me the most was that there would always be money in the clay pots at home. The money was for my survival. They I often work overtime, and sometimes when I am busy with work, I can’t go home for a few days, and I will consciously take the money to solve the problem of food and clothing.”

"My parents have never held a parent-teacher meeting for me. In the first grade of elementary school, I was punished by the teacher to stand because no parents came to hold the parent-teacher meeting. I went back and cried. What I got in return was not the company of my parents, but their conversation with the teacher. , Since that conversation, during the six years of elementary school, the teachers of every parent meeting will tell me in advance to give me a vacation, or call me to the office alone to avoid embarrassment.”

"When I was in junior high school, I learned to explain the situation to the teacher in advance, and the teacher called my parents to verify. In the six years of junior high school, I had never participated in group activities, and I had no friends. When I arrived at university, I was recommended to Capital University. The first semester Before they started, they began to plan my life, maybe it was because work was not so busy, or maybe it was because they suddenly felt that they were not accompanied by me, but at this time, what I need is freedom, not companionship.”

Jiang Yi said, looking at the crescent moon in the sky, and sighed: "In the third grade of elementary school, I came home from the cram school. The night road was too dark. I didn't see the family courtyard was repairing the road. I stepped on a pit and fell. I was injured all over, I cried and went to the hospital to find my mother, just in time when an emergency came in, she glanced at me, told me not to make trouble, and let me go home."

"I thought I was going to die of pain, but she thought I was making trouble. Later I realized that the value of unhappiness in any era is equal. A catty of cotton and a catty of iron weigh the same on the heart , tears falling on the real silk handkerchief are still tears, joys and sorrows are not interlinked, and understanding cannot be long live. During those years in the negotiation court, I seldom went home. What country did I go to, who did I meet, what danger did I encounter? They will not take the initiative to mention it to them, on the contrary, everyone around them knows that they have a daughter who sat in a high position at a young age, which makes them proud."

"I was 16 years old, and I went to other provinces to participate in activities. It happened that my aunt hadn't left for half a month because of acclimatization. I called for help. They hurriedly told me which department to go to and which number to call, and then hung up immediately. It's as if if you care about me more, you can kill the person on the operating table."

  Jiang Yi's tone was very light, with no emotion. When she recalled these past events, she seemed to be telling other people's stories.

   As for Zou Yin, if she hadn't died once, they would have lived in this attitude forever, how sad?

   It counts!

  People always reflect on their mistakes after losing something. Zou Yin feels uncomfortable?

   Isn't she?

"Later, I was very busy, almost 300 days of 365 days a year, all over the world, and they started to blame me for not being busy at work and not going home. I thought, why is this? Empathy is a gift, but everyone Some parents just don't have empathy."

   This night, Yu Garden was very dark.

   There is no light in the dark night, and even the stars and the moon choose not to go out.

  Jiang Yi changed the leaves one after another, walked and picked them all the way, Yi Tian stood beside her, not like her mother. Like a friend who listens.

  She asked Jiang Yi: "Have you ever asked them about your need for company?"

   "Yes," Jiang Yi replied, and then smiled: "Most parents in country Z are like this. They never take children's requests to heart, thinking that they are making trouble for no reason."

  Yi Tian was silent, unable to refute Jiang Yi's words, and could only persuade from another level: "Dr. Jiang and his wife are excellent in the medical field, and many people have been given the chance to live because of them."

Hearing this, Jiang Yi lowered his head and smiled, as if he had heard some joke: "It is their professional mission as doctors to save lives and heal the wounded, but as parents, isn't it their responsibility to have daughters? I dare not agree with this statement, Fu Xiting He is a business leader in the capital and also a husband, although he can’t have both at the same time, he will try his best to balance, some things are not impossible, it’s just that they choose differently, and it’s their choice to give up their daughter and choose a career.”

  Yi Tian was speechless.

  Jiang Yi knew it all in his heart.

   It is precisely because I understand too well that I can't find any excuses to deceive myself.

  The summer wind was rustling, Yi Tian and Jiang Yi were in front, and on the other side of the bushes, Fu Xiting, who was looking for someone while taking a break, listened to Jiang Yi's words.

    She said: "Unable to decide that you should not have children until you are a good parent."

   "I will reconcile with my childhood, not because they regret it so much, but because I died once and was born again."

   This night, it was almost twelve o'clock when Fu Xiting finished his work.

  She was drying her hair, and Fu Xiting refused to let her wash her hair for several days in the hospital, it was extremely uncomfortable.

  I came back today and seized the opportunity, wishing I could rub off my scalp.

  As soon as he bent over to take out the hair dryer, he was picked up by someone. Looking through the mirror, he saw Fu Xiting standing behind him at a glance.

"Busy working?"

   "Not yet," the man reached out to plug in the hair dryer.

  Jiang Yi was puzzled: "Why are you here?"

   "They are sorting out the information and come up to see you."

   "Afraid that I would run away?" Jiang Yi looked at Fu Xiting through the mirror and raised an eyebrow.

  The latter bowed his head and kissed her wet hair, smiling helplessly: "I'm not afraid of people running away, I'm afraid my heart will fly away."

   Heart flies?

  Jiang Yi thought, with Fu Xiting's methods, he was so excited that he could get her back?

   It also allows her to have this opportunity.

   "Don't dare," she replied with a lazy smile.