MTL - Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!-Chapter 651 Hunger marketing

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   Chapter 651 Hunger Marketing

  Before, Li Beibei had planned his escape route.

   This is the alley with the most complex terrain on Chang'an Avenue.

  And earlier, Li Beibei had already bought a house in the suburb of Chang'an Street.

  As long as you enter that house, you will be invisible.

   There are tens of thousands of households on Chang'an Avenue, even if the emperor wants to search at that time, it is impossible to search for every household.

   But right now, it's about getting out of everyone's eyes.

  The horse kept running.

   What was different from the established plan was that they tried their best but did not get rid of Chen Jingrui.

  Chen Jingrui deserves to have followed Chen Qi on the battlefield.

   He was in hot pursuit, and Li Beibei and the others had no way of getting rid of him.

  Riding a horse in the alleys of Chang'an Avenue inevitably attracts attention.

   If this continues, there will definitely be clues.

  Finally, Li Beibei immediately decided to abandon the horse and hide among the crowd.

   Fortunately, Li Beibei had already taken off her fine clothes before getting on the horse.

   Inside are the clothes she had prepared long ago.

  When Li Beibei was on horseback, Li Beibei had already loosened her hair and combed it into a man's bun.

  The clothes on her body are also men's clothes.

  Fu Jingmo also took off the armor of the Royal Guards long ago.

   Inside is also a suit of ordinary clothes.

  The two of them quickly mixed into the ordinary crowd.

  Watched helplessly as Chen Jingrui sat on the horse and stopped.

   Then his eyes scanned the crowd like a falcon.

   For a second, Li Beibei's eyes met his for a brief moment.

   But Chen Jingrui quickly looked away.

   Li Beibei's heart skipped a beat.

   Hastily dragged Fu Jingmo into a building behind him.

  According to Li Beibei's plan, they had to flee to a house in the suburbs to settle down.

   But now it seems that it is impossible to go.

  I can only find a place to hide for the time being, and then think of a way.

  Li Beibei didn't expect that what she walked into was Qingfeng Building.

  Different from before, the previous Qingfeng floors were full of seats.

   But after Li Beibei went in today, it was sparse and deserted.

   Only a few people.

   When Xu Niang saw a guest coming in, she hurriedly greeted her.

   You know, since the rise of Yushu Tower next door.

  Her Qingfeng Building no longer has any patrons.

  Of course the most important reason is that her backer, the Chen family, has declined.

  No one is covering, and it is difficult everywhere.

  When Li Beibei saw Xu Niang, she instinctively wanted to avoid it.

  But after thinking about it, I am now dressed in men's clothing, and Xu Niang should not recognize it.

   Sure enough, Xu Niang came over and greeted politely: "Guest officer, new here?"

  But unexpectedly, Xu Niang recognized Fu Jingmo at a glance.

  After being surprised, he pointed at Fu Jingmo: "You, are not that..."

  At this time, the uniform footsteps of the Imperial Guard came from the door.

  It seems that they have already searched the whole city for people.

  Li Beibei directly grabbed Xu Niang's arm.

   Handed over a bag.

  Xu Niang opened it, and it was full of gold leaves.

  Li Beibei said: "Help us, this is a deposit, and I will give you 10,000 taels of gold after that. If you dare to tell the truth, I will make Qingfenglou close within a day."

   After speaking, he took Fu Jingmo and fled to the backyard.

  Xu Niang only felt that the handsome face just now was very familiar.

  She has read countless people, so her memory is naturally good.

  Suddenly remembered, wasn’t that the emperor’s newly conferred empress, the Holy Maiden of the Lotus Flower?

  Xu Niang suddenly felt startled.

  Today is the day when the emperor canonize the imperial concubine.

   But Chang'an Avenue was in chaos just now, and the city was immediately closed.

  The streets are full of officers, soldiers and iron guards, as if they are looking for someone.

  The people are saying that the saint and a guard ran away together.

   Now come first, those two people just now, aren’t they just…

  Xu Niang only felt that her legs were weak.

   At this time, several officers and soldiers outside also came in.

  Xu Niang saw those people and quickly went up to meet them: "Master, are you here to play?"

  Xu Niang looks like a dusty woman.

  The two officers and soldiers were serious: "Did anyone come in suspiciously just now?"

Xu Niang said with a smile: "What kind of suspicious person, the people who come to my place are all looking for fun, I didn't see any strangers coming in just now, if the official doesn't believe it, you can search for it at will, we will definitely cooperate. "

  Li Beibei was upstairs looking at Xu Niang in the audience.

   Tan Tan Xu Niang's acting skills are really good.

  So natural, relaxed and natural.

   Sure enough, the two officers and soldiers casually glanced inside.

   Finding nothing suspicious, he left directly.

   Seeing that the two Bodhisattvas had been sent away, Xu Niang hurried upstairs.

  Li Beibei and the others were already waiting in a room.

   After Xu Niang entered the room, she quickly closed the door.

   "Holy lady, you really want the life of my servant, you are not a good concubine, what are you doing here?"

   Immediately, he saw Fu Jingmo beside him: "Didn't this fool be bought by an ugly girl? How could he be with you?"

Talking about the ugly girl, Xu Niang still gritted her teeth: "At that time, the ugly girl said that she would buy him with ten thousand taels of gold, who knew it was a lie, and she disappeared without a trace. In our Qingfeng Building, they are still considered members of our Qingfeng Building."

  The moment she saw Fu Jingmo, Xu Niang started thinking about it.

  Although this man is dull, he has an excellent skin.

   Just appeared before and became famous in one battle, and almost became the pillar of their Qingfeng Building.

  It's a pity that she was abducted by an ugly girl of unknown origin, and has never been heard from since.

   I didn't expect to return to Qingfeng Building now.

  Xu Niang naturally couldn't help thinking of him.

  It's just that now he is with the imperial concubine who escaped marriage.

  Xu Niang couldn't figure out his identity and could only test it out.

   Li Beibei said suddenly: "Can't you hear my voice?"

  Xu Niang was completely stunned.

   This voice is very familiar.

   "You are... that ugly..."

  Xu Niang hadn't reacted yet, she quickly knelt down: "Saint lady, please forgive me, I don't know it's you, and I don't know that you are so beautiful."

  Li Beibei quickly helped her up: "Don't kneel, I'm not a saint, let alone a queen. I'm grateful for your willingness to help just now."

  Xu Niang stood up, sighed and said, "Anyway, I'm leaving Chang'an Street soon. I have nothing to do with today's big things. You suddenly said that you would give me 10,000 taels, and I just got crazy."

   Li Beibei quickly asked: "Why are you leaving here?"

Xu Niang booed and pointed her finger: "I can't continue to open this Qingfeng Building. Now the daily income is not enough for these young masters' clothes. I have also lost all the old money I have saved over the years. If I continue to open, I will pay for it." For the rest of my life, I won't even have the money to settle down."

  Just now Xu Niang saw the bag of gold leaves and heard about ten thousand taels, so she decided to hide her without even thinking about it.

   At the time, I didn't think about who they would be or what crime they had committed.

  Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared.

   This is a noble concubine who escaped from marriage. If the officials find out, she will implicate the whole family.

  Li Beibei said: "This Qingfeng Building was so annoying before, why has it become so depressed now?"

Xu Niang said: "Our Qingfeng Tower relies on the General's Mansion. Now that the General's Mansion has fallen, without the backing, naturally everything is difficult. In addition, the rise of the Yushu Tower next door has poached many of my people. The boss of Yushu Tower relies on He is a relative of the housekeeper of the palace, and now he can be said to be a tyrant in this street. He often comes to my place to make trouble, and all the original regular customers have been robbed. I can't do it anymore."

  Li Beibei understood it,

   It turns out that there is no background and industry competition.

Li Beibei said: "Since you helped me, I will help you once too. I can make Qingfenglou rise again, but you have to help me hide my identity and let the two of us settle down for a while. Once the outside wind dies down, we will be together Leave, and I will never implicate you."

Xu Niang said: "Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope. If you are caught, can I still live? Don't worry about this, as long as you can restore my Qingfenglou to its former glory, I will do whatever you want .”

  Li Beibei and Fu Jingmo temporarily settled down in Qingfenglou.

  Li Beibei's saying that she can help Xu Niang is not just talking.

  In fact, Li Beibei knew in his heart that it was because of the downfall of the Chen family that Qingfenglou was like this.

   And the Chen family fell, and they couldn't get away from her.

  When it came to this matter, Li Beibei only felt that he owed a lot of people.

  Li Beibei discussed with Xu Niang.

   decided to close Qingfeng Building first.

   Reorganize for a while and reopen.

  At night, Xu Niang worried everyone in Qingfenglou.

   Perform in front of Li Beibei one by one.

  Li Beibei wore a mask and observed them one by one like an examiner.

   After all, Li Beibei has been in the entertainment industry for two lifetimes.

  You can see a person's talent at a glance.

  After watching everyone's performance, Li Beibei said to Xu Niang: "Go outside and post a notice. Three days later, our Qingfeng Building will reopen, and all drinks, fruits, and meals will be free."

  Xu Niang frowned and said, "It's free, why should it be free, what do we rely on to make money for free?"

  Li Beibei said: "Don't worry, as long as the guests who come in that day, I will make them unforgettable this day forever, and they will definitely visit Qingfeng Tower every day in the future."

  Xu Niang is dubious.

  Li Beibei said again: "You find a skilled painter and I'll ask him to draw a promotional poster. Then you hang it outside. This time we will launch a group debut, and the name of the group is F4."

  Xu Niang was confused.

   She has never heard of any combination.

   I don’t know what is called F4.

  Li Beibei said: "Anyway, you don't care about anything, just do as I say, and the four people I just selected will stay. I will train them strictly for the next three days."

  The next three days will be intensive training.

  From song selection, dance, costumes, props, Li Beibei did everything by himself.

   Finally came the day when Qingfenglou reopened.

  The artist at the door is painting a huge poster.

  There are four beautiful men on the poster.

  Their costumes and hairstyles are carefully designed according to the characteristics of each person, making use of their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses, which is eye-catching.

  The stage of the entire Qingfeng Building has also been rearranged.

   On this day, many people flooded into the Qingfeng Tower.

  Xu Niang came to the stage and made an opening remark that was nothing new.

  Finally, Xu Niang said: "We, Qingfenglou, are launching the F4 group grandly today, and now we invite Louis Koo, Nicholas Tse, Daniel Wu, and Takeshi Kaneshiro to play!"

   These are the stage names Li Beibei gave them.

  These four people were selected by Li Beibei from a hundred people in Qingfeng Building.

  Everyone is outstanding in appearance and talent.

  But such people can be found everywhere in Yushu Tower opposite.

  So it must be packaged and marketed.

  Li Beibei can see through everyone's idiosyncrasies.

  One is good at pipa, one is good at guqin, one is good at singing, and the other is good at flute.

  So Li Beibei used Jay Chou's "East Wind Break" as the opening song.

   Let these four perform on the same stage.

  When the prelude just came out, the whole Qingfeng Tower was instantly silent.

  They had never heard a song like this.

  But it seems like the sound of nature, hitting the soul directly.

   "Who is playing a piece of Dongfeng Po on the lute

  The years are peeling off the wall, I saw when I was a child

  I still remember when we were still very young

  But now the piano sounds faintly, you haven’t heard my waiting

  Who is playing a song Dongfeng Po on the pipa

   Maple Leaf dyed the story ending I see through

  I lead you through the ancient road outside the fence

  In the years of wild smoke and grass, even breaking up is very silent

  A pot of wandering wandering around the world is hard to get into the throat

  After you left, the wine is warm and the memories are thin

  Water flows eastward how to steal time

   The flower matures once it blooms, but I missed it...

  After the song is over, the pipa music is still lingering in the air, as if floating and crying.

  Everyone is immersed in the retro artistic conception as if time and space are broken.

   Waiting for all four people on the stage to retreat.

  All talents wake up like a dream.

   Suddenly, the entire Qingfeng Building exploded.

  Everyone is calling their names.

  Countless people threw silver taels on the stage.

   And ask them to come out and sing another song.

  Xu Niang announced that F4's performance today is over.

   Then arrange for other people from Qingfeng Building to perform on stage.

  But the more this is the case, the more the guests feel like scratching their hearts.

   Some people even spend a lot of money to get them to show up again.

   But they were all rejected by Xu Niang.

  Xu Niang said that F4 will perform another song at the same time tomorrow.

  Li Beibei stood on a high place with a mask on and looked at everything below the stage.

  Everything is as he expected.

  Actually, these four people were just ordinary "entertainers" in Qingfenglou before.

  Most of the guests have also seen it.

   But such a package seems to push them up to the clouds.

   It was out of reach all of a sudden, and everyone didn't recognize it at all.

   I don’t even know where Xu Niang dug a few god-like characters.

   Li Beibei turned and entered the room.

   Not long after, Xu Niang came in.

Xu Niang's face was full of smiles: "Saint, my saint, it's done, those guests are going crazy, and they are still throwing money on the stage desperately, you say we If they don’t let a few of them go up and perform another song, maybe they can make a lot of money today.”

  Li Beibei said: "No, if you agree to perform one song, this is the rule. Only by whetting your appetite can you get twice the result with half the effort. This is called hunger marketing."

  Mimi doesn’t know what hunger marketing is.

  But now she is completely convinced by this holy lady.

  (end of this chapter)