MTL - Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend-Chapter 28 Inadvertently making friends

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"Xia Wei...裴承安..."

Xia Wei and Yan Chengan heard the sound and looked at the past. .しw0.

"Xue Nanjie, really clever." Xia Han snorted, and immediately looked at her leg and asked, "Is your leg good enough?"

"It's almost the same, it wasn't particularly serious, my parents are too nervous."

Xia Wei said a few words to her, but she couldn’t help but look at Yu Cheng’an with Yu Guang. Qi Chengan had previously indicated to Xue Nan, and then his look was faint. It was a normal expression, but it was not the expression when Xia Wei was together. When Xia Wei first saw him, he felt that he didn't like to laugh. He didn't look sneer, but he didn't know when he started. He always smiled at her.

Looking at his face with no expression, she suddenly missed his smile. Yan Chengan felt her gaze, turned her head and looked at her, then smiled at her. This time, Xia Yu was full, showing a satisfied smile.

This scene falls in the eyes of Xue Nan, and the heart is just like the needle. "My home is near here, do you live near here?" In the room, her eyes glanced at their shopping cart.

The items in the shopping cart are unobstructed and are some snack drinks.

Xia Xiao smiled and replied: "No, we just came here to eat, so I bought something here."

"Oh, this way, then you will continue."

Xue Nan pushed the shopping cart with only a bottle of soy sauce to leave. Xia Wei looked at the things in the shopping cart and found that he had picked up a lot. "What else do you want to buy?" She asked Qi Chengan, but before he answered, she said guiltyly, "It seems that I have too many snacks." Snacks contain additive preservatives, which are too much to eat. Xia Wei just did not care. This is a bit regretful now, but why didn't he stop it?

"You like it, but don't eat it often."

Xia Yan’s eyes, the scene of watching popcorn before watching movies is still vivid, how now “pampering” her?

"You have changed." Xia Yu concluded.

裴承安忍俊 can not help, "I am just used to it."

"In any case, your opposition is also invalid, right?" Xia Yan said his heart, and Cheng Chengan laughed and said nothing, it is the default, Xia Wei is proud, there is a feeling of victory.

Twenty minutes later, Xue Chen found Xue Nan, who took the shopping cart from Xue Nan.

"Do you see them in summer?" Xue Nan asked.

Xue Chen’s figure was slightly, and he turned his head and asked: “Have they been here?”

Xue Nan nodded. "It seems that they have cohabited."

"Cohabitation?" Xue Chen was amazed.

Xue Nan sighed and looked at Xue Chen with some sympathy. "Hey, look at their intimate look, it's not about the same."

Next, Xue Chen was very silent, and his mood was very complicated. He pushed the shopping cart and walked aimlessly. Unconsciously, he went to a place that was inaccessible. On Saturday night's large shopping supermarket, there were always a lot of customers, and the surrounding suddenly became silent. Xue Chen came back and looked up. The family planning items listed on the shelves were in sight. Combined with what he thought in his heart, he woke up and Xue Nan would not make such a guess for no reason.

He is very upset.

Xia Wei and Qi Chengan did not know that they had become an intimate pair. After coming out of the supermarket, Yan Chengan sent Xia Wei home, busy for a week, and rested earlier to meet the "challenge" of the next day.

In the evening, I took a flower bath in the summer, then steamed my face and applied it to the face. The final hydration process was much more careful than usual.

Ms. Tian took all of this into her eyes and said: "I asked you to take care of you the day before the blind date. You ignored me. Now I suddenly pay attention to maintenance?" That is to say, but Ms. Tian is in her heart. Very happy, my daughter finally fell in love, is it still far from marriage?

"Your daughter, I didn't need such maintenance before the natural beauty. Now it is because this time is too busy, too tired, the skin condition is not so good, so take care of it."

"Okay, the woman is pleasing to her own, this mother still understands."

Xia Yan shrugged and did not refute. Qi Cheng'an's sister came out of school, although his age is similar to that of Xia Wei, but after all, he still has studentism. Maybe it is a pure and cute girl. Xia Wei certainly does not want to fall behind.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Xia Wei took the initiative to talk to Yan Chengan about good night, then he really slept, did not play mobile phone. Also because I was too tired recently, I fell asleep when I fell in bed.

Going to bed early and getting up early is good. This is really true. After waking up at 7 o'clock, Xia Wei feels refreshed and suddenly understands why Qi Chengan is not tired when he gets up early.

[I am getting up. 】 Xia Wei sent a message to Qi Chengan, a little inviting ingredients.

[How is it so early today? I just finished running. 】

[I also did a good baby who went to bed early and got up early. 】

[Well, it’s awkward. 】

[Since it is so embarrassing, should it be rewarded? 】

[What reward? 】

Xia Wei thought for a moment: [You owe it first, and I will tell you when I think about it. 】

【it is good. 】

Xia Wei is in a good mood, get up and wash up. The weather is already very warm, and Xia Wei opens the wardrobe to consider what clothes to wear. At this time, the enthusiastic Ms. Tian came in.

"Daughter, today is very hot, do you want to wear a skirt?"

Xia Hao quickly nodded, Ms. Tian was very happy, went to the closet, and soon took a white dress out, and compared it to Xia Wei's body. "Just this one, it’s very fairy."

"I went to the suburbs and went fishing at the pond. What if I got dirty?" I think it's convenient for jeans.

"Afraid of what you are, no longer wearing a wardrobe, it will be yellow. You wear this to look like a lady, pure, and you will love it."

Xia Wei thinks that she must wear this for the word "clean". "Okay, this is it."

"The main thing is that the waist of this skirt is well designed to cover the belly."

"Mom! I don't have a belly! Isn't it from 62 cm to 65?"

"Well, you don't have it. Actually, it doesn't matter. Men actually like a little fleshy feeling. You can stop shouting after losing weight in the future."

"It must be reduced." Xia Wei is very firm, and said that she has a belly, how can not be reduced.

"There is no more breasts."

Xia Wei: "...Mom, I have to change clothes." Go out, don't say it.

Qi Chengan received 8 points to pick up Xia Wei. Originally they agreed to 8:30, but Xia Wei got up early today, so he was ahead of schedule.

There was a bit of cold in the morning, and Xia Wei added a pink knit sweater, which looked far away and really had the temperament of a lady.

"You are very beautiful today." Yan Chengan sincerely praised, the brothers once said, to praise the girlfriend beautiful, of course, can only cross the girlfriend, her girl even if it is a fairy sister, do not look not to boast. In the past, Yan Chengan was a little embarrassed to boast, but now I feel very natural.

Xia Wei was happy, but still deliberately killed and asked: "Is not beautiful yesterday?"

Qi Chengan couldn't help but smile. "Yesterday is also very beautiful."

"It feels so stubborn."

"Not reluctant, you are very beautiful."

"You have a vision." Xia Wei's face is getting thicker and thicker. She is exposed to familiarity and exposes shortcomings, but it doesn't matter, she does not intend to hide. "Let's go, let's pick up Xiaoli."

Xiaoli didn't have a car, and her family didn't want to. She said to her that she had to pick her up last night, but she said it was 9:00. Because of the early summer, she took the time to 8:30. . For this reason Xiaoli complained for a while, saying that her time for dressing has shrunk.

The car stopped outside the Xiaoli family's community, and she came out soon.

Finally I saw Qi Chengan again, Xiao Li was still calm. Well, at least the surface is like this, and an opening is exposed. "Mr. Hey, long-awaited."

Yan Chengan stunned and immediately greeted her with a smile. "Hello."

Xia Wei, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, smiled badly and said to Yan Chengan: "Xiao Li admires you."

Xiao Li was nervous and quickly explained: "Listen to Xia Wei, you are working in the institute. I have always admired the people who do research, hehe."

"Thank you." After Ruan Chengan finished, he asked: "Xia Yan often mentions me to you?"

The smile on Xia’s face condensed, and looked back at Xiaoli, who was sitting in the back seat, and warned her not to talk with her eyes.

So soon there is a chance of revenge, how Xiao Li will easily let go, she proudly smiled and said: "Yes, in addition to work, she does not leave you three sentences."

"Hehehe, she is too exaggerated, don't believe her." Xia Yan said with a smile, and then looked back and stunned Xiaoli.

"She said that she is more and more handsome yesterday." Xiaoli continued to uncover the bottom. Really, she did not say "one night and seven times" or something, and she has done her best.

Qi Chengan smiled and said to Xia Wei: "These words can be told directly to me in the future."

Xia Wei: "..."

"Ha ha ha, that is, save me to repeat." Xiaoli has a feeling of being with the enemy, but after a few seconds she reacted, and this is in love with the show!

She suddenly had the consciousness of becoming a bright light bulb.

From the Xiaoli family to the farmhouse in the southern suburbs, the journey was forty minutes. Xiaoli unveiled the bottom of the summer forty minutes and was also abused. Really, in the company, I feel that Xia Wei is invisible in the show from time to time. What she never imagined is that Cheng Chengan is a master.

She is very envious of Xia Wei, no, it is already awkward, there is nothing about a tall and handsome boyfriend, the key is that such a handsome man is so petting her! She hates it.

Xia Wei’s feeling for Xiaoli is also a good hate. She regrets that Xiaoli has come, and her*s have been violently exposed. It’s really a friend’s carelessness.