MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 275

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At this time, Alfonso looked at a group of Hai Si who were gathering towards his feet, his face was turning black into thorns.

If there were knives in hand at this time, they must have been chopped into white-cut sea heirs.

It is obvious that these sea descendants are not very intelligent. Alfonso usually disdains hunting at all, so at this critical moment of life and death, the sea descendants recognize him as the most powerful compatriot in the vicinity and request He came out to protect the Clan.

"Damn it, I'm the hunter who hunted you! Not your parents! Get lost!"

Chapter 725 Why are the vests and flags thrown by Kelsey everywhere?

Originally, Alfonso wanted to observe the composition of this group of newly boarded people. Who would have thought that he would be exposed by these stupid Hai Si before he even started.

But now he was bare-handed, and he didn't dare to use too much force to cause a second injury to Garcia on his shoulder, so he could only use his feet to try to kick Haisi away.

So Alfonso couldn't get away from the haizi who surrounded him for a while, some haizi even took the initiative to hug his calf, and at the same time shook the tentacles behind it.

If it weren't for that slimy, slippery, disgusting touch, it would almost look like a puppy begging for affection.

After all, most Haizis are oddly shaped, and it’s not too strange that some of them “coincidentally” look cute. If it weren’t for Alfonso’s deep hatred with Haisi, he might really not have the heart to refuse it.

But now...


Alfonso kicked it flying, just in time to fly towards Ai Lini who was rushing towards this side.

"What? There are hidden weapons! Knock!"

Ai Lini's instinct was to kick the flying "sea dog" into the sky with the ancestral "meow" move of Yan Kingdom's martial arts, and then let it explode into a pile of sea scum in mid-air.

This move is of course the Neptune martial arts taught by the doctor, and it is also the most proficient martial art skill of Eleni. For some reason, she is always very interested in moves that can levitate the enemy into the air.

Perhaps this has something to do with Li Boli's nature. Even Li Boli, who can't fly, subconsciously feels that the sky has his own home field advantage.

After stopping this "sneak attack", Eleni of course immediately saw the "elite leader" surrounded by sea ancestry, and even regarded Garcia on her shoulder as a hai ancestral proliferative organ.

Then of course she would not hesitate to pre-empt the attack, so as not to give Haisi the chance to radiate nerve damage.

"Die, monster!"

"Saint" Alini jumped up in the middle of the run, and then used the movement of raising her legs and chopping down to summon a huge cat fist that fell from the sky, and it fell directly on the top of Alfonso's head.

"The milk is enough!"

However, what triggered Alfonso's vigilance was not the huge cat's paw. After all, it was just a "game" product made with Cybertron technology. Compared with stone craftsmanship.

For example, Tallulah's sunshine shines on Kyushu, Changhong pierces the sun, and fire dances whirlwind.

There are also Boss Leopard's real silver slash, real snow slash, real water slash...

What's more, Alfonso has only experienced the invincible crushing and ultimate insult of Shark Pepper, and this kind of gaudy thing in front of him can only be regarded as a child's trick in his eyes.

It was Eleni's inadvertent words and the familiar Iberian accent that really hurt him like a sharp sword.


Alfonso raised his head, and his eyes seemed to have the roar of thousands of cannons from the Iberian Armada.

"Sorry, my Garcia, now I must fight."

His infected left hand held Garcia tighter, and a burst of crimson brilliance shone on his right fist, which still maintained a human appearance.

It's not some advanced skill, it's just the basic strength increase that the Rhode Island guards who just graduated from the Doberman boot camp basically know.

"You little birdie, let me tell you, you've never seen... a real monster!"


It was such an unpretentious punch that made Ai Lini's cat-mao fist, which had seized the opportunity, burst in the air and dissipated in the sea breeze on the deck of the Fool.

The essence of Maomaoquan is to shape the energy shield, which is the same as the essence of armed domineering, which is actually using a hard shield to smash people.

As long as the strength you wield exceeds the upper limit it can withstand, of course you can successfully break through without any other skills.


After landing, Ai Lini did not continue to chase, but looked at the "head of Haizi" who spoke in Iberian, in amazement, in amazement.

Her first thought was the same as Gloria's, thinking that the other party was not as simple as an elite-level sea descendant, but a boss-level high-level sea descendant.

But the classic accessories and clothes on Alfonso's body, which are like cultural relics from the Iberian Golden Age, immediately attracted Elene's attention.

After contacting these clues, she looked up at the inexplicably familiar face as black as a sea urchin, and an unbelievable guess came to her mind.

"You are the heir who ate the hero Alfonso!" fucking...! ?

Alfonso almost lost his breath on the spot, spat out a second knife from Alini's mouth and plunged it into his chest again.

Alfonso originally thought that Shark Pepper's mouth smell was invincible, but he didn't expect someone to be more concerned than him. Whose subordinate are you, Iberian bird! ?

Fortunately, Dario, who has not been infected by Boqi's silly thinking, has arrived later and stopped her from continuing to explore.

"Are you, Monsieur Alfonso!?"

"Boy, who are you?"

Finally, a normal person came, and Alfonso's tone was not as aggressive as before. The successive painful experiences made him cherish this opportunity to communicate with people seriously.

"I am Grand Inquisitor of the Iberian Tribunal, Dario Bernadine."

"Trial? Since when did Iberia have such an institution whose name makes me sick?"

Although Iberia, which was extremely powerful in the golden age, is very domineering, it is undeniable that a confident country will also be extremely inclusive, and will only care about it when there is an irreversible decline.

Therefore, in Alfonso's concept, the former Iberia did not need a judiciary that worked part-time as a secret agent like the Tribunal.

"The Tribunal was led by my mentor, Saint Carmen, to save Iberia after the Great Tranquility, and the mentor himself is also the first grand judge of the Trial Tribunal."

"Saint Carmen? You said Carmen! Hahahaha, ridiculous! He doesn't even have the courage to become the pope and lead Iberia, so he can be called a saint? Isn't he ashamed!"

With Carmen's current prestige and status in Iberia, if anyone dares to speak such lies, there will naturally be judges who will let him experience what terror is.

But now only one person has this qualification.

At this time, Dario has fully confirmed that the person in front of him is the Duke of Iberia, the commander-in-chief of the Armada, and the heroic captain of the Fool, Alfonso.

Therefore, even if he heard Alfonso scolding his mentor here face to face, he couldn't even let a fart go. It's not that he didn't dare, but that he didn't have the qualifications.

"But the word will come, since you are that old boy's apprentice, then she..."

Alfonso indicated with his eyes that he had just accidentally pierced his heart twice with his eyes, and was stared at by Ai Lini trembling all over, as if he realized how offended he was. The King of the Golden Age.

But Dario, who was aware of it, immediately took a step forward, stretching out his hand to block Alini behind him.

"She is my apprentice and the most promising judge today. Please forgive me for her offense."

"Hmph! Of course I won't argue with such a little girl, but don't blame me for not warning you, get out now..."

Alfonso actually didn't want to have too much contact with the Iberians for the same reason that he didn't want to go back to Iberia, and on the other hand, he didn't want these compatriots to be brutally murdered by Shark Pepper.

So Alfonso immediately tried to drive Dario and others off the ship as the captain, but just in the middle of speaking, a pair of green cat ears that made him very familiar suddenly appeared in his vision.

"Wait, that Filin in the're Kelsey!?"

Dario was dumbfounded. He had noticed a trace of hostility in Alfonso's refusal from thousands of miles away, and was thinking about countermeasures there, but he never expected that the person who broke the situation was actually a big lynx.

What's the matter, isn't Alfonso the man he was at least sixty years ago? How could he be so impressed with Rhodes Island's leader that he recognized him at a glance? ?

Kelsey, on the other hand, maintained his usual calm expression, slowly crossing Dario from behind and coming to Alfonso.

"It's been a long time, Sir Alfonso."

"You're Kelsey! But why do you... still look so young?"

"Isn't your Excellency the same?"

"Okay...very good, a scholar actually ran here in person, did you come here specially to see me laughing? Laughing at me, Alfonso, for his lack of resourcefulness and wisdom, he didn't heed your warning, and let my fleet die in a moment of silence. destruction."

According to what Alfonso meant, it should be that before he led the fleet to sea as planned, Kelsey had come to him and warned him of an anomaly that might be about to erupt at sea.

But how could Alfonso, who was considered the top sailing person in Terra at that time, take a film scholar who had never been to sea seriously?

Because he estimated that the so-called anomalies were nothing more than strong winds and waves, and these disasters could be safely avoided in advance with the advanced Agor navigation technology at that time, unless it was a super disaster that spread throughout the Iberian Sea.

Who would have thought that the disaster not only spread throughout the sea area, but even the land of Iberia was included.

Such a scholar will certainly impress Alfonso, and I am afraid he has regretted it in his heart for decades.

Of course, Kelsey's appearance has hardly changed is also an important reason.

"Hehe, Your Excellency is serious. Judging from what has happened in the past, even if you didn't go to sea at that time, the result should not be much different. After all, your fleet is the key target of Haisi's attack.

But instead of wasting time talking about old times here, shouldn't you urgently need a doctor? Otherwise, why carry an unconscious 'person' all the time? "

"What! Where is the doctor?"

As soon as Kelsey mentioned this, Alfonso immediately remembered his original purpose of taking Garcia ashore for medical treatment, and his calm and calm expression just now inevitably became agitated.

"Of course it's me, the Rhodes Island doctor named Kelsey. From the day I left Iberia, I gradually realized that the knowledge of scholars alone cannot save Terra. What is really needed..."


Kelsey skillfully took out the medical gun on his waist and loaded it. It looked more like a seasoned sharpshooter than a doctor.

"It is the 'medical technique' that makes all the patients and their families in this land shut up obediently."

Chapter 726 Sharkmen Don't Lie to Sharkmen

Seeing such a professional attitude of Kelsey, and Dario also proved that Rhodes Island is the organization with the highest level of medical science in Terra and is also the main ally of Iberia, Alfonso completely let go alert.

However, what Dario didn't know was that his help had more counterproductive effects, and the main reason that really made Alfonso make up his mind was actually very simple.

That's what Kelsey just called Garcia as a "person."

As for why Kelsey was able to accurately poke Alfonso's g., of course it was because someone tipped off the news.

"Let the patient lean against the wall. I will check first, and the others will go around to guard and make sure they are safe."

According to Kelsey's instructions, Alfonso lowered Garcia gently from his shoulders. Although his movements were calm, he was very panicked inside.

Garcia is not only Alfonso's first mate, but also his lover. If it weren't for this special emotional connection, their spirits would have been unable to persist.

But even so, they are very clear that all this will eventually come to an end, especially Garcia, whose infection has spread all over his body, and the deadline will soon be reached.

And the last promise of this pair of guardians is to help each other die as a single person at the moment before the other party falls into the abyss.

Therefore, what Alfonso is really worried about is that after Kelsey's rescue is successful, the person who wakes up may not be Garcia, but a sea heir. If it really becomes like that, he will fail his life One last promise.

But Kelsey doesn't care what he's struggling with, she just needs to perform her duties as a doctor.

I saw that she first finished testing Garcia's whole body with an advanced portable instrument that Alfonso, who was used to the technology of the golden age, could not understand first, and then pretended to analyze the data for a while.

The reason why she is pretending is because Garcia's "illness" does not require such a complicated analysis process at all. She is just collecting detailed body data and then transmitting it to Shabo.

Of course, this process will have to be repeated for Alfonso later.

"Okay, it's not a big problem. You don't even need an injection. If you feed this capsule to the patient, you'll be fine in no time."

Kelsey took out a fiery red strange capsule and handed it to Alfonso, but what she didn't say clearly was that what was inside was not medicine at all, but a specially prepared charizard hot sauce.

This is a capsule specially developed by Rhodes Island to quickly wake up over-treated patients. After all, you can't wait for a whole day every time, or just stab someone, right? Even treating prisoners of war like this will affect the image of Rhodes Island.

The slow-release function of the capsule can allow the hot sauce that causes dermatitis to be released slowly in the stomach, so that the damage caused by the fire system can be offset by the overtreatment.

Next, Alfonso had to wait for a few minutes in extreme anxiety, so he readily accepted Kelsey's request for a medical examination.


The bottom floor of the Fool was originally the cabin of the power room, but now it has become the central lair for Haisi to breed. It is full of sea scorpions and **** hyperplasia tissues of Haisi, and egg cases of various sizes and shapes will make people Reminds me of monster movies like Alien.

But in such a terrifying environment, there is a well-dressed, tall, elegant woman leaning against the wall to rest, as if this is just a quiet and peaceful study room.

However, according to the judging method of dealing with aliens in "Men in Black", the normal people who appear inexplicably among a group of weird aliens are the most terrifying abnormal existence.

Of course, this woman could only be Amaya, Bishop of the Deep Sea.

Amaya was awakened by a sudden light coming in from the cabin door. She turned her head and saw that it was Urbian she was waiting for.

"Did you find it?"

"Of course, without breaking a sweat."

Urbian casually threw an unknown object forward, and after it settled down, he took a closer look, and found that it was a small sea scum **** with five flowers. It looked like a newly grown limbs, but the tail had not yet degenerated Tadpoles.

When she saw it, Amaya's expression was like that of a girl who was surprised when her boyfriend handed her a bouquet and engagement ring, and hurried forward to untie it.