MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 196

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"Doctor, what are you... doing?"

"Ah, it's just a mission briefing from the Rhode Island Operations Department, don't worry about it."

Qiao Ge quickly put the "little figure painting" in his hand, and then pretended to answer Gloria's question nonchalantly, but...

Are you sure that's the mission briefing you're writing? Then why is it a crayon in your hand? Could Rhode Island be a kindergarten? ?

Gloria's brows trembled slightly, and she could only temporarily deceive herself by saying that she couldn't keep up with the doctor's advanced guiding ideology. After she calmed down like this, she opened her mouth to ask the question she really wanted to ask.

"Doctor, Skadi's problem is temporarily stable now, but I can see that her hatred has not subsided in the slightest, it's just that you gave her a sense of security that made her temporarily bury it, and one day it will It exploded again."

"Then let her explode. Is it possible that I have to replace Skadi to forgive the culprit who killed her family?"

Jogo's answer sounded very casual, but it still contained firm determination, which made Gloria feel an inexplicable chill.

"...No, that's not what I meant. I just want to ask, what will the doctor do with our Deep Sea Agor and help Skadi get revenge to the end?"

Hearing this, Jogo couldn't help turning his head to look at Gloria with those electronic eyes, and then pointed the red crayon between her eyebrows.

"First of all, it's not 'our Deep Sea Argor', you have come to land and agreed to join Rhodes Island to obey me, now you are no different from Skadi, if one day Rhodes Island wants to fight Deep Sea Argor , you don't need to participate in the battle, but you must not help them harm Rhodes Island, otherwise..."

Jogo threw the crayon to Gloria, and Gloria reached out to catch it firmly, and then opened her palm to look at it, but suddenly found that the crayon was intact, only the tip of the crayon suddenly started from the center. Split into two petals.

"I see, Doctor."

"It's good to understand. Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Rhodes Island does not advocate using violence to solve problems. The biggest possibility in the future should be that we use certain conditions to negotiate with Deep Sea Agor and let them take the initiative to hand over the murderer. .”


"Yes, a condition, a condition that cannot be refused."

Like hanging a black hole over their heads.

Jogo didn't say this, because it would probably make Gloria wary of him for no reason, thinking that the doctor is a war madman, anyway, as long as Gloria has witnessed Rhode Island's strength step by step, She herself would take it for granted.

After all, Gloria knows best that with Deep Sea Agor's prejudice against people on land, it is impossible to sit down and talk without showing some color first.

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"Kay, Dr. Kelsey?"

In the Dossoles Hotel, Amiya's timid long ears appeared in front of Kelsey's door. Kelsey raised her hair reflexively when she heard the familiar tentative tone, and quickly touched her body. The M3 Maomao on the side settled down.

"Amiya, don't tell me it's that kind of thing again."

"Yes, Dr. Kelsey, the doctor's briefing is back."

"...Aren't we at the Dosoles Hotel? This is not the Rhode Island office!"

"But the doctor just sent it over, and it says that Dr. Kelsey has personally read it."

...asshole stuff! Just know that TM will do something for me! Usually, the combat report is written in a hurry, and it is fine to replace it with a stick figure. Why do I have to go on a business trip and take a vacation with great difficulty and come to be tortured by you? ?

Do you know that all your sand sculpture reports are now hidden in my office, and the ones that are actually archived in the archives are all ghostwritten for you!

You **** know! Otherwise, why didn't they send it to the temporary person in charge, Ke Lucier, and why did they send it to Dosoles for me?

Kelsey rubbed M3's fur vigorously, making M3's face full of question marks. Finally, she calmed down and said in a tone that was so gentle that it was a little scary.

"give it to me."

"Ah, haha, I'm going to trouble Dr. Kelsey, I'm really sorry!"

The empathetic Tutu even apologized for the doctor, which made Kelsey dumbfounded, and at the same time, she even lowered her expectations for the seriousness of the report in hand.

Sure enough, it opened with a crayon-drawn four-panel cartoon, even f*ckingly titled, "Singing the Bible."


Click, this is the sound of Kelsey's medical shotgun being loaded.

Chapter 547 It's time for the show I'm most looking forward to

Qiao Ge didn't know what kind of grip force his death behavior would provoke. This is the same as the little sheep and the big bad wolf, which belongs to the restraint of the ancestors. Don't look at him now as a mechanical shark. Anyway, as long as it is a fish, cats and cats will I can catch it for you!

Even if Qiao Ge knew in advance, it would only make him more excited.

But now he doesn't care about it, because Jogo still has a crucial job to complete in Iberia, which is to render a great threat that makes them fear and unite, which is very important for the stability of Iberia at home and abroad. The near-term situation is also good.

Originally, this "task" was to fall on Hai Si, but Qiao Ge thought about it afterward. After all, there are still many Agors in Iberia, and there may be some individuals like Thorns who still retain the talent of ocean affinity. .

If Iberia sends such a person to investigate Haisi carefully, they may find doubts and loopholes in Qiao Gesong's attack, then the best way is to find another more terrifying "villain" to divert the focus and keep them While being wary of Haisi, he didn't have more energy to distract himself from investigating him seriously.

And if anyone dares not believe it, beat him, and keep beating him until he believes.

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"This, this place really used to be the ruins of Yanfeng City?"

A middle-aged man wearing almost the same style of religious clothing as the Bishop of the Deep Sea, except that the color scheme and overall style are completely opposite to that restrained and weird, is stroking the edge of the cliff that was "picked out" by the black hole with a face full of astonishment. And beside him stood many elite personal guards of the punishment army, as well as the two judges, Bernadin and Eleni.

He is the archbishop of Lateran on the map of Iberia, and he is also the actual commander of the punishment army.

The reason why his clothes are so similar to the Bishop of the Deep Sea is that Quintus was originally disguised as the Bishop of Lateran to act in Yanfeng City, but the aura of Hai Si on his body cannot be concealed at all, so he can only deceive some uneducated Ibi Leah refugees.

"It's true, my lord, the surviving refugees can also testify."

Bernadine answered the archbishop's question, but the archbishop did not reply immediately. Instead, he looked at the guards of the punishment army behind him. One of the guards was repeatedly checking the map and instruments to confirm that the coordinates were correct. Then he nodded to the Archbishop.

"...What a terrifying power this is!"

At this time, the archbishop had already trusted Bernadine's information to seven or eight points. As for the rest of the distrust, he didn't believe that an alien like Shark Pepper would be so kind and free to help them clean up Haizi. Even if he has a reason to travel back in time.

This difference in thinking comes from the different positions of the two sides, and it is also because of the different classes. Although Bernardin is also a top-ranking figure in Iberia, he is essentially a spy chief who is ordered by the king. Hostile relationship.

And the archbishop holds the military power of the disciplinary army, and even the king of Iberia kisses his hand with absolute power. Such a person's thinking circuit is naturally different from that of the chief agent.

Bernadine's first consideration was how to ensure national security and whether he could benefit from it, while the Archbishop's first consideration was whether he would continue to usurp Iberia after the aliens cleared the sea descendants The supremacy of the order?

In the eyes of these ruling classes, it is nothing for Haisi to kill a few untouchables who are not even considered civilians. Anyway, the current capital of Iberia is far away from the coast, but it is a terrible threat from mechanical descendants like Shark Pepper power in their hands.

Bernadine was actually very aware of the archbishop's thoughts, but in his capacity, he couldn't change this deep-rooted "tradition".

Even if you are the president of the Beacon Country, can you just empty your teeth and order those wealthy consortiums to give up harvesting leeks, and then use all resources to help the Beacon Country return to its golden age? Impossible, you, the president, are just an "idol entertainer" pushed by the consortium to make money for them.

The only thing that can make the two sides reach a consensus is only common interests and common threats.


A huge eddy suddenly rolled up in the sea in front of the Archbishop, and the personal guards of the Punishment Army rushed forward to protect it tightly. Even if the Deep Sea Church in Yanfeng City was still alive, it was impossible for a Dreadfish to break through these elites. Even the slightest formation of guards.

Because these bishop's personal guards represent Iberia's national-level guards, that is, the level of the inner guards of Emperor Ursus and the imperial guards of Great Yan, and everyone's combat power is at least one Kai.

That is to say, it is equivalent to a whiteboard Kelshiga Mon3tr who has not been influenced by Jogo in history.

But the next scene that appeared in front of them instantly collapsed their proud vision. They saw the huge and ferocious Overlord Sword Demon Mech once again standing on the surface of the sea covered in waterfall-like waves, that domineering figure like a **** The eyes of these punitive soldiers almost exploded.

But this time Batian Sword Demon didn't pull up the loudspeaker of all channels, but stuck the big sword vertically into the bank next to the punishment army with his backhand, as easily as inserting a table knife into a piece of birthday cake Freehand, but for the "ants" standing on the cake, it is already a shocking danger.


The guards of the Punishment Army jumped up from the ground together with the archbishop, and their unexpected antics caused the tight defensive formation to disintegrate in an instant, and this was only achieved by using the weight of the sword. Cut off the head...

Before the archbishop, who was still terrified after landing, woke up from his fear, Bernardin had already passed him and the small group of personal guards and walked up alone, because Shark Pepper was already walking along the blade of the big sword like a skateboard. slipped down.

"You came just in time, Bernadine, how is it? Did you see Lao Tzu's battle just now? Are you the most handsome man in the universe! Hahahaha!"

Shark Pepper's arrogant laugh, which seemed eager to show off to himself, made Berna feel relieved. This undoubtedly meant that the other party had recognized the existence of his "loyal servant", so he immediately offered his compliments , by the way to get more information.

"Of course, as long as there is the invincible Shark Pepper General, it will only take a flick of a finger to wipe out Haisi. Unfortunately, our carbon-based life forms cannot appreciate your majestic power with the naked eye, otherwise I will be able to kill you in Yibi. Leah has transmitted your heroic deeds."

Chapter 548 Feel the fear of Alice (crossed out) Megatron!

On the road, really on the road!

When he heard Bernard's words that were almost completely written in the script, Jogo couldn't help but appreciate him a little more.

"I almost forgot that you can't see black holes without a stand, um... how about it, do you have something that can display images, don't tell me that you are really a group of primitive creatures from the gunpowder age."

"Ah, yes, yes, this is the Iberia communication device I carry with me, it can display communication images, please take a look."

Jogo pretended to take Bernadine's communicator and checked it. Of course he knew there must be one. The majestic Iberian Grand Inquisitor didn't even have a communication phone, right? The difference is only civilian and internally made.

"Well, it's barely usable. I'll record Lao Tzu's heroic posture in battle, and let you go back to promote Lao Tzu's reputation."

"It must be, this is my honor!"

In such a harmonious atmosphere where everyone gets what they need, Bernadine has obtained the information that he thinks is crucial to the assessment of the danger of the Cybertronians, and Jogo also effortlessly finds a reason The "Black Hole Cannon Combat Record" handed over to Bernadine was sent out, and everyone was happy.

However, the performance is not always smooth, there will always be unforeseen accidents, or there will be fools who don't understand art.

"Bernardin Kiyana! Recognize your responsibilities and status. You are the grand judge responsible for monitoring Iberia's internal legal affairs, and you have no right to handle any diplomatic matters!"

Behind Bernadine, the Archbishop sternly reprimanded him. There is no doubt that the purpose of this remark was not to maintain the justice of the Iberian law, but to **** the Shark Pepper from Bernardine. Opportunity to negotiate face to face, by the way, blow the prestige of the court.

If this were the case in the past, Bernard would really have to give the archbishop this face, after all, this is indeed his usurpation of power, but now Bernard, who has made up his mind to become a "national traitor", can't control those who are not. of.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to take care of everything, maybe Iberia would have been wiped out by the shark chili master!

However, Bernadine did not intend to directly offend the archbishop with a tough attitude at this time. Instead, he lit a candle for the archbishop in his heart, because he thought he had roughly figured out Shark Pepper's temper. ask for trouble.

Sure enough, before Bernadine could turn around and reply to the Archbishop, Shark Pepper had roughly pushed him aside, and then stepped forward and glared at the gorgeously dressed Iberian religious leader.

Although he didn't express any expression, the red light in his eyes was obviously more scarlet.

"What kind of carbon-based trash are you? How dare you drag yourself into this oil pipeline in front of me? Wait a minute, your clothes... Fuck! Are you with those disgusting things that worship Haisi!?"

Jogo deliberately ignored the completely different styles and colors of the archbishop and the deep-sea bishop, and directly insisted that he was an enemy when he came up, so the knowing driver Skadi immediately manipulated the mecha and pulled out the giant sword in the soil, without saying a word It's just a slash and slash.

Before the sword fell, the strong wind pressure like a mountain falling straight down had already crushed the archbishop and his personal guards, and it was impossible to defend and counterattack. Who can stop a train so big with a single weapon? What about the giant sword?

"Please wait a moment, General Shark Pepper, they didn't intend to offend your majesty, and I can guarantee that they are definitely not deep-sea believers!"

Fortunately, Bernadine, who took the overall situation into consideration, did not intend to use the hand of Shark Pepper to eradicate dissidents. Instead, he opened his mouth to defend the archbishop. So at the very moment, Jogo waved his hand to make Batian Jiandi startled. Yichou turned slightly and passed over their heads in a thrilling manner.

But even so, the helmets of the personal guards and the crown of the archbishop were still violently blown away, and most of them were stuck with a few locks of hair or feathers that had just been unearthed from the scalp, and then fell into the giant sword. It cannot be traced in the split valley.

Afterwards, Jogo didn't even pay attention to the victims who were still in shock. Instead, he turned around and embraced Bernardin, and whispered to him.

"Are you sure? This guy's clothes are exactly the same as that deep sea bishop who was crushed to death by Lao Tzu."

"I'm sure, Lord General, he is the Archbishop of our Iberian State Church, not a counterfeit like the Church of the Deep Sea."

"...Hahaha, very good, if you hadn't reminded me, I would have almost messed with Autobot rules again!"

"Where is it, this is what I should do."

Shark Pepper patted Bernardin's shoulder as a commendation, but Bernardin was not very happy when he was praised at the moment. Instead, there were a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead that he didn't dare to reach out to wipe. Being with you is like being with a tiger.

The religious leader more noble than the king was almost slapped to death like a fly by the shark pepper's misunderstanding. Bernard must have deeply understood the weakness of the "stupid carbon-based natives".

"Oh, by the way, I have a good news and a bad news to tell you this time."

"Uh, huh? Please, please, General, but it's okay."

"The good news is that the plan to exterminate Hai Si may be faster than I expected, because the reinforcements from Cybertron have locked my space-time coordinates, and it should arrive soon, with an error of not more than one month."


This is actually not good news for Bernadine. Just serving Mr. Shark Pepper is already frightening enough, but a group of Cybertron robots will come in the end? ? Then the whole Terra may be turned upside down.

And for Bernadine, who wants to fish in troubled waters and obtain advanced Cybertron technology for Iberia, he will definitely have a better chance with a casual guy like Shark Pepper than facing the established Cybertron army. .

But he didn't dare to reveal his true intentions at this time, so he could only forcefully cheer up with a "joyful" smile.

"This is indeed good news. Of course, it is thanks to you, General Shark Pepper, that we have the opportunity to embrace the precious peace. So may I ask... what is the bad news?"

"Hey hey, the bad news is, don't think about your precious peace. The person who locked my coordinates is Megatron, the boss of the Cybertronist faction. He is a veritable bully. Although this guy is not as powerful as I am, It's half a catty, but he still has an army of Decepticons under his command, so it's impossible to expect me to save your lives."

After finishing speaking, Jogo even released a 3D projection screen from his chest for Bernard to watch. In the screen, a silver Cybertronian with a hideous face was standing on the bridge of a super-large space battleship, and behind him It is the cosmic stars passing by on both sides.

If the image and temperament of Shark Pepper is that kind of handsome guy who is both good and evil, then this guy with a villainous aura in front of him, even a carbon-based life that has never known the background of Cybertron, can see it at a glance. overflowing evil.

"Shark Pepper, my good brother, I didn't expect you to have such a talent, to cut off the root of the cosmic Zerg directly from the node of time and space, let's make a deal, as long as you give me this opportunity, in Primus Tianzun (Primus Tianzun) ), I will let you be my deputy to lead the Decepticons in place of me!"

Chapter 549 Wear it to go fishing, you don't have to worry about being shot in the head


Bernadine, who had shed a few drops of cold sweat just now, was even more sweaty after reading the news from "Desperate Overlord Megatron". He felt that even Autobot Cybertron would be difficult to deal with. Because their rule of not killing people is just a moral restraint, and they still treat the carbon-based race as an inferior life in essence.

But let alone the Cybertronians like the Decepticons, who don’t even put on a face. Judging from Shark Pepper’s narrative, they are basically war madmen who go wherever they go, and the planets where they pass are not natives. To be wiped out due to resistance is to become a slave to mine for them.

But the matter has come to this point, Bernadine can only force himself to calm down and think about the status quo, he is keenly aware of an unusual thing, that is, Shark Pepper seems to react too flatly to the news that Megatron is coming to seize the credit, and Not so long ago, he would have been ecstatic to have monopolized this moment in time.

Although this can also be interpreted as the bargaining chip of "deputy leader of the Decepticons" is enough to impress Shark Pepper, but if this is the case, there is no need for him to explain this news to himself.

After all, for such a proud Cybertronian, it is obviously not a glorious thing to show off after boasting in front of "stupid carbon-based natives" and then making a mistake.