MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 16

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So Shi Huaiya walked out without looking back, leaving the others behind. Although she also missed these subordinates who had fought together, it was never based on their over-reliance. People should have their own goals .

"Where is the person who came to look for me? Er..."

When she came to the reception room of the Guard Bureau, she only saw a very strange little girl, not to say that she looked very strange, wearing a Rhodes Island uniform on her upper body and a short black skirt on her lower body. Law is very common among young students.

But Shi Huaiya also seemed to recognize the exoskeleton leg armor as a mechanical prosthesis.

"Little sister, I am Shi Huaiya, may I ask what you gave me?"

The girl stared at her blankly for a while, then tilted her head in a very cute manner, and the two bundles of Roman curly hair on the side of her head also swayed.

"Here, please sign for it."

A ferocious mechanical arm seemed to protrude from the void, and suddenly appeared in front of her, holding a glass bottle filled with pink bear's paw bubbles.


Shi Huaiya was frightened and lost several tail hairs. After finally calming down, she could only sigh and secretly rejoice while stroking her chest.

‘As expected of a company that can manufacture that kind of medical robot, the little money thrown to Wei Yanwu is worth it. '

Chapter 39 Do you want dignity or a rich woman?

"The item has been delivered as agreed. Please store it properly, Police Officer Shi Huaiya. It is best to avoid any form of direct contact,'s no big deal, but the fatigue stored inside will return to you again."

The girl's tone was like an emotionless mechanical voice, and her expression was covered with a pair of half-opened and half-closed dead fish eyes. Shi Huaiya didn't know why, she just felt an arrow in her heart.

'Aww! How can you be so cute? '

Seeing the innocence of ordinary children, and suddenly seeing this kind of three-none attribute that probably only exists in fantasy works, it is really unbearable.

Of course, the important thing is that Bronya is cute. If you change to a long, fat and round one, others will probably suspect that you are blocked by the lard you used to rinse your mouth last night.

Or try to use needlework to fully charge a mobile phone with zero battery, and the result is delirious.

The girl seemed to be startled by Shi Huaiya's sudden eager eyes. Her face twitched slightly, but she still couldn't show her expression in the end, but her body moved back half a step.

"If it's okay, I'll go first. Goodbye, Officer Shi Huaiya."

"Hey, wait a minute, little sister, I happen to be free, how about having morning tea?"

"No, no need, Bronya felt a chill on her back and needed to avoid danger in time."

"Dangerous? Could it be that there are bad guys trying to harm you! Don't worry, who doesn't know my name in Longmen, the police officer Shi Huaiya? Even the boss of the underworld has to give me a little bit of face, and I will protect you now! Hehehe, by the way Bronya is your name, little sister? What a funny way of speaking."

Shi Huaiya smiled and stuck her face to the girl's back. The girl's neck was already stiff, and her expression seemed to be starting to loosen. She couldn't use the mecha to punch the brain axe.

'Go away, you! I can't pretend anymore. '

Dr. Qiao originally just wanted to drop off something and leave, and then go shopping alone as planned. Naturally, at this time, you can't use the combat mode. What's the point of shopping without even feelings?

But I didn't expect Shi Huaiya to post it inexplicably, which made her extremely embarrassed now, and she didn't dare to expose her ugliness in this situation, so she could only sell Bronya's mouth addiction in a hurry.

"Bronya advises Officer Shi Huaiya to be cautious in his words and deeds. Although Rhodes Island is a trade partner of Longmen, the two are not allies. As a senior police superintendent of the Longmen Guards Bureau, he has worked with Rhodes Island officers before. Secrets would create unnecessary suspicion."

In desperation, Qiao Ge could only warn Shi Huaiya that as a police officer, he could not interact with other forces, otherwise he would be suspected by the public of having some shady deal with Rhodes Island, thus abusing his power to cover up Illegality in Rhode Island.

Longmen's gossip tabloid office is also very powerful. It is said that it employs many cheetah journalists of the Filin tribe, who are born to be the world's fastest sprinters, even faster than the Liboli ostrich journalists of Western city newspapers.

To put it simply, if Shi Huaiya's current behavior is secretly photographed, then he will be responsible for it in the future, understand?

I understand everything.

"It doesn't matter, I just resigned just now, and I'm going to Rhodes Island to submit my resume. Hehe, little sister, you will be my senior by then. Is there anything wrong with treating you to morning tea?"


Qiao Ge was startled now, not to say that he didn't want Shi Huaiya to come to Rhodes Island, who doesn't love a beautiful, resourceful and kind-hearted rich woman? But now it is really too abrupt, and it is still in the extremely inconvenient situation of Jogo.

This is not a game where you can recruit the mascot Shi Huaiya by randomly drawing a card from the pool to get a five-star. In reality, Rhodes Island is not capable of doing this kind of forced buying and selling of Longmen. The premise must be Waiting for her to hand over her resume, after all, she still has to respect Shi Huaiya's personal wishes.

But she is a senior police superintendent, probably at the level of the deputy director of public security, and she has a school-level military rank under Wei Yanwu's command, which means that when Longmen and Ursus start a war, she can immediately be transferred to an army commander.

So why does such a person suddenly go to a pharmaceutical company to become a small operator? Chen Huijie and Chen sir, who also have the same title as senior police superintendent but have a higher level of power than Shi Huaiya, parted ways with Wei Yanwu after seeing Wei Yanwu's black hand in the process of integrating and invading Longmen, but it hasn't reached that stage yet, right?

Furthermore, it would not be difficult for her family group to buy all of Rhodes Island, it just depends on whether Kelsey is willing to sell it.

Thinking of all kinds of strange things, she felt that her thoughts could not be stretched, and if she continued like this, she might be exposed, so she had to do something wrong.

"Reload the bunny, enter the battle mode."

'Match degree 60%'

After reading the command in a low voice, Qiao Ge suddenly felt that his mind was clear, and the annoyance just now disappeared completely, leaving a lot of room for thinking.

And the so-called combat mode does not mean that it will become a ruthless killing machine, but a state of preparation for battle with full power, and the detection equipment on the heavy-installed rabbit is also at full power, ready to annihilate the enemy at any time. Then rely on rationality and data analysis to find the optimal solution for the current choice.

In Shi Huaiya's eyes, she suddenly felt hairy all over her body, her tail seemed to be poked into an electric switch, and the hairs exploded and softened one by one. Shi Huaiya, who has rich combat experience, knew that this was feeling. Dangerous instinct, but this is still in the courtyard of the Guard Bureau, who is so bold to attack her?

Baopi... No, it's a sausage dragon!

Shi Huaiya vigilantly shook her head and looked around. Although she couldn't find Chen Huijie at all, she always believed that it must be her old enemy in the workplace who was looking for faults. What's the matter, did you become angry from embarrassment when you had no opponent after resigning?

However, she never suspected this girl in the Rhodes Island uniform, because she hadn't changed much from the beginning to the end, and she always had dead fish eyes with expressionless face.

However, although Jogo's goal of concealing her identity has been achieved, even she herself did not think that rationality sometimes does not allow herself to escape, but may abandon unnecessary dignity and choose the best and most cost-effective path.

Didn’t eat breakfast→The rich lady Shi Huaiya invites you to have morning tea→Longmen dim sum is full and you don’t have to pay for it→Saved wages bring transformation freedom one step closer→Perfect route.

"Officer Shi Huaiya, is it true that you just said that you invited Bronya to have morning tea?"

"Oh! Is my little sister really hungry? Okay, okay, I'll take you to the best time-honored morning tea shop in Longmen. I have experience in this kind of thing."

Seeing that the girl agreed to the invitation, Shi Huaiya was so happy that she even forgot the "threat" of the sausage dragon, then took out a car key from her bag, and tapped lightly on the row of parking spaces in the yard. according to.


A red top convertible sports car automatically backed out of the parking space with a roar, and stopped firmly in front of the two of them.

Chapter 40

Shi Huaiya was wearing sunglasses and controlling the steering wheel with one hand. The air flow above her blond hair was blowing, and a pair of tiger ears were swaying back, looking very comfortable.

Fortunately, Qiao Ge is not tall now, and her body is completely covered by the windshield. Otherwise, her two Roman curly hairstyles will soon start performing twin turbo ducks on the co-pilot.

"By the way, since I'm ready to join you, can you tell me what kind of place Rhodes Island is? There are rumors in Longmen that you are enslaving infected people to become black miners."

"It is impossible for a person with a family background like Police Officer Shuaiya to rashly join an organization without doing an investigation. Bronya has nothing to introduce."

Jogo, who maintained his fighting sane state, spoke directly and without concealment, choking Cerebellar Ax a little uncomfortable.

"Don't say that, although I do know that these rumors were deliberately spread by someone to slander you, but the information belongs to the information, and listening to the personal accounts of Rhodes Island's operatives is also a very important part of the investigation."

"But Bronya is not an operator."


Shi Huaiya glanced at Qiao Ge strangely, and found that she was still the same, as if she was really a robot girl.

Although Shi Huaiya came here for Rhodes Island's technological level, if she can really make a bionic robot that she can't detect the abnormality at such a close distance, then it is not just a problem of black technology, but a cross-age problem. Crush, aliens descend on Terra.

But Rhodes Island has been established for several years. If this idea is true, Shi Huaiya thinks they should not be so low-key.

Of course, it is also possible to use the Originium skill on the dead to make it into a controlled puppet, but that kind of puppet has a control distance limit, it is impossible to walk around like this at will, and even drive fast with Shi Huaiya.

Moreover, apart from being incorruptible, the puppet can also clearly see the characteristics of non-human beings on its body surface, such as pale skin, stiff body, and no body temperature. How can it be as rosy as this little sister named Bronya?

As for her saying that she is not an operator, Shi Huaiya made some simple speculations, since she can go out and walk around at will, of course she cannot be a patient, and she also carries a high-tech that is powerful at first glance, and can even be invisible Mecha should and cannot be something that interns can equip and control.

"Then you can't be the leader of Rhodes Island? Hehe, just kidding."

However, Shi Huaiya didn't get a response after saying this for a long time, which probably meant the same thing as acquiescence.

"Hey! No way, won't you really let me say it?"

"Bronya's identity is a secret. If the police officer can gain the trust of Rhodes Island, they will find out one day."

Shi Huaiya was ashamed when she heard the words. It's not uncommon for the company's management to look young, but Rhodes Island is too young. Even for some unique long-lived species, their infancy stage is similar to other races. Only then will the aging speed become extremely slow, so she looks like an underage no matter what.

No wonder Rhodes Island didn't develop. Is the relationship managed by a group of high-intelligence kids who don't understand the world?

However, Shi Huaiya was not disappointed by this, on the contrary, she was very happy, because Rhodes Island's shortcomings are her strengths, that is, management and business. Doesn't it mean that with these two talents, she has the opportunity to quickly contact The core of Rhodes Island?

Just as she was thinking about how to intervene in the management of Rhodes Island in the future, a voice around her suddenly rang out faintly.

"Bronya wants to remind Officer Shuaiya to slow down. There is a roadblock made of concrete piers ahead, which cannot be smashed by ordinary vehicles."

"What, a roadblock? Impossible, I walk this road every day, and if the road is to be repaired, I will submit a report to the Guard Bureau several months in advance."

Having said that, Shi Huaiya still slowed down her speed slowly, until she turned a corner of an overpass, only to see that there were indeed a few road blocks in front of her blocking her way.

This is not the point, the point is that there are four black cars parked in front of the road pier, and a group of guys wearing sunglasses, suits and leather shoes are standing on both sides leisurely, their arrogant posture is like waiting for a big fish to enter the net.

"Hey! Who is in charge of you guys! How dare you block the road at will?"

Based on Shi Huaiya's years of managing law and order in Longmen, one can see that these people are gangsters. Although she has a close relationship with the Shuwang family, the leader of the underworld, there are mixed fish and dragons here, and it is inevitable that there will be some young people who want to do something. Big news challenges the authority of the Mouse King.

So she didn't get out of the car at all when she was shouting, but was always ready to quickly back up and shake her head to evacuate here.

"We will leave soon, Officer Shi Huaiya, oh, I almost forgot, you are no longer a member of the Guard Bureau, so you shouldn't be able to control us, right? Hahaha!"

Not only Shi Huaiya did not expect the other party to be so arrogant, but even Jogo had a miscalculation, because before going out, Kelsey reminded that someone was following Rhodes Island, and she thought that these people were looking for them. Trouble yourself.

But judging from the thorny meaning in the other party's words at this time, it is very likely that they are aimed at the Cerebellar Axe.

"Bastard! How can I not control you? Even if the Guard Bureau doesn't take action, do you think you can still hang out in Longmen if you offend me?"

What Shi Huaiya was annoyed was not just the attitude of the other party, but that they actually brought up the matter of their resignation. How long did it take for this report to be handed over to Wei Yanwu? Only colleagues from the Guard Bureau should know about it, which means that there is an inner ghost tipping the news.

"Thank you for the reminder, miss, we understand that some people cannot be offended, so we are only here to express the meaning of the leader, please come with us, miss."

It wasn't until this time that the leader took off the round felt hat on top of his head, and pretended to give a gentleman's salute to this side, just in time for Shi Huaiya to see the wolf ears on the other side's head.

"Sicilians... oops!"

Shi Huaiya quickly recalled the details of the past, and almost subconsciously judged the other party's intentions.

The Sicilian is a gangster from Syracuse. It is said that after his godfather was assassinated six years ago and the territory of Syracuse was lost, one of the leaders brought some family members to Longmen to run a small-scale gangster business. , but actually had some secret calculations.

Anyone who has known the tradition of the Syracuse gang will know that they are very stubborn about the concept of family, and they must have a piece of "homeland" before they can give up. The slums of Longmen are the goal that Sicilians want to transform into "homeland". Due to the authority of the Mouse King here, things have not progressed.

After a little empathy, you can understand that to deal with the Shu King, of course, you need to target your weaknesses, and the Shu King’s weakness is his daughter Lin Yuxia. Someone must have witnessed the scene where Lin Yuxia tried to save Shi Huaiya yesterday, so the Sicilians thought There is no idea of ​​using poetry Huaiya to force Lin Yuxia to become a hostage.

Originally, this was only one of the preliminary plans, and it was unlikely to be implemented. After all, arresting a senior police superintendent would offend the Bai Dao of Longmen, and a gangster could not withstand the siege of black and white.

But what no one expected was that today they suddenly heard the news of Shi Huaiya's resignation from the Guards Bureau, and there was no armed guard around him for a while, so they came here to intercept in a hurry.

Chapter 41

"Sit tight, sister Bronya, it's time to show off my driving skills."

Although the laws of Longmen stipulate that it is not allowed to carry and use Originium guns and metal bullets in the city, in fact, air guns, BB bullets, rubber bullets and the like can be used instead. Every Longmen gangster is a guy who knows this well. A powerful air gun is also powerful enough to blow a car tire.

So Shi Huaiya had to pre-emptively use stunts to shake their heads out of danger before they could react.

"Officer Shi Huaiya, what do you mean, you don't take Bronya to have morning tea?"


Cerebral Axe couldn't laugh or cry for a while, are the Rhode Island gifted children's ideas so unique? Are they not afraid at all when they are surrounded by so many vicious Lupu gangs?

"I'm sorry, Sister Bronya, you have also seen that they are bad guys. I can only wait until tomorrow to treat you to dinner. I have to deal with these bold Sicilians first."

The chip in Jogo's brain suddenly buzzed. From the self-name in her combat mode, it can be known that when Jogo's own feelings are suppressed, a certain self-personality will appear in the CPU, and that is the name of Blow. Nia's smart girl, which is why Jogo used Bronya's mouth fetish as a cover in the first place.

Shi Huaiya treats guests to morning tea tomorrow → spends money to buy food today → the amount saved remains the same → but Bronya is not the one who will get the snacks tomorrow → a big loss.

Those half-closed dead fish eyes suddenly widened, the combat radar scanned the targets in front of the car one by one, his hands clenched and then loosened, his small head shook slightly to express his thoughts.

She was considering whether to rush over directly or kill all those who blocked her from eating.

Kill them all → On-site investigation by the Guard Bureau → Record a statement → Still can’t eat snacks×

Rush over directly → let the mouse king solve the rest → eat snacks√

"Miss, what makes you so hesitant, do you think there are other options? Since we have come today, it is inevitable, you don't want to escape, do you?"

Because Shi Huaiya procrastinated for a while muttering there, the werewolves of the gang also saw that something was wrong. The leader waved his hand back, and his younger brothers all pulled out the pistols hidden in their waists and pointed at him. Shi Huaiya's high-end car.

"I advise you not to act rashly. After all, we are not professional shooters. Sometimes the marksmanship is not in control. If you shoot a tire and accidentally float up and hurt the noble lady's face, then everyone will end badly, right?"


Shi Huaiya slammed her fist on the steering wheel bitterly. She knew that she was indeed careless today. What case did the senior superintendent not handle? If I had known that the surface of Longmen was peaceful but there were undercurrents surging, I should have been more cautious, not to mention that I had just skinned the police.

Having said that, she would never let anyone manipulate her, even if the other party didn't want to use her to kidnap Lin Yuxia, Shi Huaiya's experience of being kidnapped as a hostage when she was a child also made her hate it.

"Officer Shi Huaiya, get ready to speed up, let's rush over now."