MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 13

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…it turned out to be a giant robot with a cute bear ear hat! And battle damage paint? So cool!

"Hello, Police Officer of the Guards Bureau, I am PX-0, the experimental medical robot "Pacifist" from Rhodes Island. I want to go to the Guards Bureau because someone sent something to the Guards Bureau from Rhodes Island. Superintendent Chen is her relative and old friend. "

I saw that giant bear robot took out an ornamental glass bottle, inside was a black bear's paw bubble floating in the center of the bottle.


"Although I don't know how you did it, I must thank you, Doctor of Rhodes Island. After so long, I finally have the opportunity to think for myself."

Outside a hut in Qiecheng, Tallulah gasped and knelt in front of Jogo, looking exhausted, but her expression was unprecedentedly relaxed, and even the patriots beside her were extremely surprised.

I don't remember when Patriot hadn't seen Tallulah speak with such a tone and demeanor. It seemed that only her incomparably stern appearance was left in his mind.

But at this moment, Jogo unexpectedly held two bear paw bubbles in his hands, one of which was a huge yin healing bomb, dark red, which was also its original unadjusted color.

On the other hand was a small air bubble that he separated from the wound healing bomb, but inside it contained a strange thing, it was a dark creature like a ghost, it seemed to be torn from the waist As before, only the upper body remains, the torso is as thin as a stick, and the head is also a fog of howling skulls constantly emerging.

Like a disembodied ghoul.

"Is that what your pain is?"

"No, it's just one of the fragments. Many people in this world are enslaved by it. I'm just the one who needs to stand on stage recently to speak for him."

The three of them remained silent like this for a long time, and Tallulah finally spoke when her breath calmed down.

"Can you ask the doctor two more things? I will pay you the most pure origin stone as a reward, and treat it as a small deal before our contract."

"Say it."

"Help me bring a gift to a relative in Longmen. As long as it's a small item that girls will like, anything is fine, but it shouldn't be expensive, and don't sign my name."

Tallulah stood up again, her gaze was extremely firm at the moment when she was in pain from being ejected.

"The other thing is, please help me put it back."


Jogo suspected that he had heard it wrong, although it was almost impossible for him who had awakened his domineering power.

"Like I said, it's just a fragment. Without this one, I still can't resist. Even without me, there will still be other enslaved people who will take over the integration movement. Instead of being discovered by him, it's better to find a solution." It's the same before the law, but you have to work hard, patriot, if I lose control completely, kill me before the worst happens."


Patriot's heart was like a turbulent wave, but he, who had also experienced countless pains, probably understood what the situation was now, so he knelt on one knee with his halberd supporting his body that was severely infected by the origin stone, and made up his mind Tallulah returned to life.

"Yes, subordinate, follow orders."

Seeing such a scene, Qiao Ge suddenly realized why he had tried every means, and the matching degree between Superman and Bear was only 60% at most, so there must be something missing. Something that requires him to actually do it, not something he can get by acting.

"I understand. I will comply with your request, and Rhodes Island will always pay attention to the movements of you and the integration movement, so as not to let the worst day come."

"Also, what color do you want to give to that person?"

Tallulah smiled, and even Jogo, who had already had many prejudices against her, couldn't help being moved by that smile.

"I don't know what color to choose, but if I give it myself, it must be black, and this is all I have left..."

Chapter 32

"So what is this? I have reason to suspect it's a dangerous item."

As soon as the screen turned back to the entrance of the Longmen Ice Room, I don’t know if I believed Jogo’s rhetoric that he was a medical robot in Rhodes Island, or because Shihuaiya Cerebellar Axe was such a straight-forward and simple-minded person who dared to question it in person, no matter how it looked, it was huge Humanoid weapons.

Shouldn't a good mother not suffer from immediate losses? Lin Yuxia hid behind the door sweating for Shi Huaiya, and at the same time secretly contacted the bodyguards of the Shu King who were always hiding near her, and told them to pick up Shi Huaiya and run away immediately when they received the signal.

But at this moment, the buffalo boss who was holding the iron lunch box before came to her side cautiously, and whispered something in his ear, Lin Yuxia raised her brows with surprise on her face.

"This is an accidental product of Rhode Island's medical technology experiment. Unfortunately, it cannot be replicated, let alone mass-produced. If Officer Shi is interested, I can prove it for you here."

Shi Huaiya thought about it for a while. If such a big humanoid machine wants to do something bad, it will definitely not be able to stop it if it is not assembled in the Guard Bureau. It is better to carefully understand the situation now.

"Then let me see it with my own eyes, but I warn you in advance, you are too big, don't do anything that hurts the citizens of Longmen and destroys public property."

"Rhode Island is a regular medical company serving the infected. Please trust our professionalism and never make such a low-level mistake. Then, what color do you like?"

Shi Huaiya was stunned for a moment, she thought she would take out some equipment to scan and test it like a high-tech film, but she didn't expect to ask others about their color preference first.

"Color? Is there such a thing as special? Then..."

She unconsciously glanced back at Lin Yuxia who was behind her with only one head exposed, and then glanced at her light pink hair.

"Just pink!"

"Okay, take it easy and don't be nervous."

Because he noticed that Shi Huaiya was still wary with knowledge and knowledge, in order to avoid misunderstanding, Qiao Ge mastered the rhythm of pushing palms, neither could he shoot too fast so that she thought he was going to sneak attack, and he could not move too slowly so that he was too slow. too suspicious.

In short, it's just... a slap on the face.

"Shi Huaiya!"

Lin Yuxia's senses were very keen, she already knew where he was going to shoot when Qiao Ge raised his hand, but at this moment, she was quite timid, but she flew forward with a loud cry, but unfortunately she still couldn't catch up with Qiao Ge's speed.

"Meat balls, vaginal bullets."

Boer~~ A pink bear paw-shaped bubble popped out from behind Shi Huaiya, and in order to prevent Lin Yuxia from bumping her head into the bubble and enduring the pain of others, Qiao Ge had to stretch out the other palm, The mouse girl was caught in the hand with just the right elasticity of the meat ball.

"Ah!" "Ah?"

The two sighed at the same time, but in completely different tones. Cerebellar Axe suddenly felt refreshed and radiant. She had never experienced such a state of strong physical and mental strength that was almost overflowing since she was a child. After all, she had finally overcome it. The arrogant and extravagant disease of wealth immediately fell into the toil of the Guard Bureau.

And the pink mouse girl fell into the "cloud" in her childhood dream. The huge soft meat ball with a little warmth made her indulge in it after a moment of shock.

She was born into a gangster family but has never been savage. At this moment, she even couldn't restrain the thought of asking Shu Wang to buy Qiao Geqiang back and use it as a bed for her.

"Hey, Yuxia, Yuxia!"


It wasn't until Shi Huaiya called her name from below that Lin Yuxia woke up suddenly. Seeing her girlfriend's narrow expression, she quickly climbed down from the meat ball with a blushing face.

"Yuxia, you didn't mean to save me just now, did you? I seem to remember that someone once said that if I was in danger, he would let me die. Hehe, who said that?"

"You get out!"

Lin Yuxia immediately became angry, gritted her teeth and trembled with anger, but because of the "giant bear" in front of her, she couldn't really fight with Shi Huaiya. Several bodyguards of the Mouse King who had just rushed out of the hiding place saw that their lady was safe Nothing happened, after looking at each other in blank dismay, they retreated consciously and continued to be invisible.

Fortunately, at this time, someone came to help them out.

"I'm Superintendent Chen of the Longmen Guards Bureau, that super big Usas man over there, quickly put the char siew...cough, let go of Police Officer Shi Huaiya and capture you without a fight! Otherwise, we won't guarantee that we won't use force to shoot you kill!"

Hearing the loudspeaker suddenly sounding from a distance, Qiao Ge shook his head helplessly, first moved the pink bubbles with a meat ball, and then put the black bubble bottle in his hand in front of Shi Huaiya.

"Please give it to Superintendent Chen for me. Just tell her what I said. As for the pain that comes out of your body, you can't touch it directly. You need to compress it and put it in a bottle. Leave it to you, Rhodes Island will arrange for personnel to be sent to the Guard Bureau tomorrow."

"Wait, Xiong, are you going to leave directly? Although I believe you now, the sausage powder dragon received a report from the masses to arrest you. Even if you are a robot, according to the Longmen law, you will follow ordinary people." Leave a criminal record as well!"

Shi Huaiya's attitude towards Qiao Ge, the "top rich woman happy big health care masseur", has completely changed. Of course, what she means is that she hopes that Qiao Ge will cooperate with the work first, and then she will explain it clearly before being released without charge.

But Jogo was only here to fulfill his promise to Tallulah, so he didn't have time to play games with the Guards Bureau. After all, Chernobog was still in a state of war.

"It doesn't matter, let's record it if there is a record. After completing this delivery, my priority has been changed to rushing to the battlefield to rescue civilians as a field medical unit. Maybe... there will be no such model as me tomorrow."

This means that tomorrow I may not have this skin.

"What, the battlefield? Where is Rhodes Island fighting? Hey, you..."

When Superintendent Chen arrived at the scene with a long knife on his waist and a loudspeaker in hand, the huge figure seen from a distance had disappeared, leaving only Shi Huaiya and Lin Yuxia staring up at the sky in a daze.

And a black-tech investigation record about Longmen's new trading partner, Rhodes Island.

"So that's not the battle damage paint..."

For some reason, Shi Huaiya felt the sadness from the words of a robot, and couldn't let go of it for a while, and even such a picture kept popping up in her mind.

A huge robot used its body to defend the fleeing civilians from the artillery fire, and finally fell in the ruins of the flames, and the damaged mechanical eyes gradually extinguished the light of artificial life.

If Jogo, who was rushing back to Qiecheng at this time, knew what Cerebellar Ax was thinking, he would definitely give her a thumbs up in relief.

"Miss Shi Huaiya, you've watched too much Terminator."

Chapter 33 The Joyful Noble Just Woke Up in the Morning

"Have everyone's tasks been completed?"

Jogo's head, which is taller than the villa building, has become a beacon in the eyes of all Rhode Island operators. It doesn't matter if you get lost, and you don't need a map. Just look for the bear ear hat.

If it doesn't work, you can call the doctor directly to pick up the person. The service is higher-end than Superman's trapeze.

"It is true that we have evacuated all the civilians we could find out of Che City. The remnants of the Ursus Army are protecting them and going to nearby cities. The rest is beyond Rhodes Island's ability to intervene."

Although Kelsey is the "Queen Dowager" of Rhodes Island, at this time she can only answer Jogo's question in person with the reports gathered here from various teams. The negotiating task was also messed up, and it was up to the doctor to actively fight fires around.

The second is that no one can make a high profile in the face of such a huge difference in body shape. How to describe the feeling of this gap, uh...

Hamsters eat bananas?

Cough cough cough, that's not what it means, it's just a simple metaphor.

"That has been done very well, and besides General Herag, there are several Ursas who volunteered to join Rhodes Island. Doctor Kelsey, have you seen them too?"

"Well, there is no problem. Although they are not infected, they can be included in Rhodes Island's project on dealing with the relationship between infected and non-infected people. They will be assigned according to ability and willingness after the physical examination. If you are not in the department, you can go to the logistics department or the medical department, and then take up work after training. "

Qiao Ge nodded slightly. This can also be regarded as Rhodes Island's first step from a medical bag company that shelters infected people to a powerful force that can affect the world. This is also similar to the Tower of Babel in the past. worlds apart.

Although the Tower of Babel is large in scale, it still serves national politics, and there is no self-assertive organization other than supporting Teresia, and the Rhodes Island envisioned by Jogo will be a more integrated The movement is stronger, but also a more idealistic alliance for peace.

Perhaps in the eyes of politicians, idealism is probably a derogatory term, which means a false fantasy that is divorced from reality, but for Jogo it is a very realistic life goal.

If they still disagree, talk to Superman's pecs.

But as soon as he thought of this, Qiao Ge was once again troubled by the problem of recharging "Dear Nikki-Dress UP Queen", so what kind of currency do you want? Does it mean that you have to get the skin of some characters with time and space ability to go to the original world to earn soft sister coins to recharge?

"Time is running out, and I don't know what I'm going to look like if I drag it on any longer. Since I've already achieved my goal, it's time for me to use my ability to send everyone back..."

"Please, wait a minute, Doctor of Rhodes Island, and Lord Kelsey."

The patriot who made a sound, his men drove a cargo vehicle that looked like a military truck. The open compartment was covered with dark green canvas, but its appearance was bulging like a carload of coal. Definitely not empty.

"Are you Bojocasti? How did you become like this?"

Kelsey's impression of the Patriots is still in the Kazdel period, and it has been decades since now. With Kelsey's medical level, she can see at a glance that the equipment on the Patriots is not so much armor. Rather, it is a custom-made infection suppression and human life support device.

He is obviously a typical strong Sarkaz man, why now he has turned into a sickly cyborg?

Of course, Dr. Qiao doesn't count, he is no longer within the understanding of Terra people.

"Infectious disease, that's all, Lord Kelsey is not needed, worry about it, I'm here to send the leader of Tallulah for the doctor, promise."

It was a rare thing for Kelsey not to persuade Patriot, saying that he should go to Rhodes Island for medical treatment. Since Herag told her that Patriot was a cadre of the integration movement, Kelsey was mentally prepared, but he didn’t expect There are so serious.

Even in Rhodes Island at this level, there is no better way than suppression and survival, and they will be restricted in their actions. This is absolutely unacceptable for patriots who want to realize the value of the rest of their lives.

"Talulah? Oh, you mean the most pure origin stone?"

The pure source stone refers to the energy part extracted from the source stone ore, just like gasoline and diesel extracted from petroleum. Almost all electricity in the world of Terra is produced using the pure source stone as energy. Those who use the Originium skill also need to use this pure Originium to charge the Originium utensils or staffs.

"Yes, please see."

The patriot opened up a corner of the canvas and stared at the Rhode Islanders including Jogo. The whole truck was full of small standard units of pure origin stones, and one standard unit was about It's as big as a Tangerine.

After calculating this car, there are more than 100,000 standard units, which is enough for a small mobile city to go to the global rally with full power.

"so much?!"

"It's a lot, but it's not worth commemorating. This is a certain force that we used to make. The rest of the natural disaster fuze can be seen. In order to cut the city, they are very generous and gave these to Rhodes Island. This is also the meaning of 'before', the leader of Tallulah."

Patriot deliberately put the accent on the first two words, and only Jogo understood it. It means that this is Tallulah's decision when he was still awake, that is, Jogo stuffed that ghoul-like thing back. Before.

And the natural disaster fuze is the thing that the integration movement buried in various urban areas of Qiecheng, using Tallulah's origin stone skills to trigger a chain reaction and then trigger a man-made natural disaster. If you want to create a natural disaster and generate new source stone veins, of course you can't do it empty-handed The white wolf, at least has to throw bricks to attract jade.

Jogo has roughly guessed the idea of ​​the forces behind the integration. No wonder someone jumped out so impatiently to assassinate Kelsey, because the integration of trade with Rhodes Island not only interfered with their war intentions, but also probably annoyed the whole article. Powerful chain of interests.

The most pure source stones in front of us are the investment made by Ursus or other countries’ elites in the integration movement. As long as Qiecheng becomes a natural disaster mining area, they will be able to recover the cost ten times and a hundred times through various channels. It's no wonder people are not in a hurry to grab the meat in the ordered pot.

But I'm sorry, Dr. Qiao just wants to grab it, and it turns out that the most delicious things are in other people's bowls.

‘Rechargeable units detected, calculating... a total of 128162 standard rechargeable units, do you want to recharge? A single recharge of 10,000 and above standard units can be promoted to VIP level 1 for free, unlocking the privilege of gold-plated skin. '

Qiao Ge suddenly stood beside the pure Origin Stone, which was slowly moving, and was silent for a while. When Amiya began to worry about whether the doctor's health was in trouble again, he suddenly sighed.

"...I am DNMD, is this the Xinyue nobleman?"

Chapter 34 Doctor's Traditional Performing Arts

"Xinyue Noble? Did you find any clues?"