MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1935 1010 Street S-class stronghold [finale]

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., Monster Paradise

Back at the station of the Sword League, Lin Huang felt a lot of joy.

He was still a little worried about what would happen to the first owner.

After all, the first landlord holds the authority of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao, and it is also possible to use the authority to cause some unexpected situations.

However, it was obvious that he thought too much.

The first landlord just used the power of heaven to integrate the chaotic universe, and did not do any extra little tricks. Dealing with the first owner also went very smoothly.

Although under the authority of Heavenly Dao, he has no way to kill the first landlord.

But the chaotic universe with more than 2 poles in exchange for the first owner's more than 40 days of hard work was almost assimilated by him into a part of his own kingdom of gods.

He also deliberately left a chaotic universe for the first owner.

This is not because of kindness, but because of **** advice.

According to Scarlet, this is to prevent the first owner from falling into the dominance realm, and then breaking through some special means and standing back to achieve overtaking in the corner.

Leaving a chaotic universe, he will most likely not find another way, and will only continue to integrate more chaotic universes along the previous path to improve his combat power.

It can be said that Bloody did not leave any room for the first owner to overtake.

Lin Huang himself, in fact, hadn't thought about these things at all, but he still followed Bloody's advice.

The first owner obviously didn't realize that he fell into the trap set by Bloody.

He only thought that Lin Huang left a chaotic universe for himself, just to better harvest the chaotic universe that he merged with one month later.

After all, if one's combat power falls to the Heavenly Dao Realm, it will take time to achieve the Domination Realm again. At that time, it will take at least a few days to advance to the Dominion Realm again, and the number of fusions is naturally far better than leaving a chaotic universe for yourself.

"Lin Huang, as long as you don't become a transcendence one day, I still have a chance to make a comeback one day!"

The first owner cursed Lin Huang bitterly while re-integrating the chaotic universe.

Although he holds the authority of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao, there is only one Chaos Universe left in the body, and the first master's fusion efficiency to the Chaos Universe is still a lot worse.

The fusion efficiency of the masters in the chaotic universe is affected by the combat power and the strength of the soul.

When the number of chaotic universes in the body was 1 ditch before, the number of fusions on the first day of the first master was only 1 ditch. Now there is only one chaotic universe left in the kingdom of God in the body, and he can only merge with one chaotic universe on his first day.

Although it is still growing exponentially every day, this base has undoubtedly shrunk countless times.

Taking 1 chaotic universe as the base, even if it doubles every day for the next 30 days, after 30 days, the number of chaotic universes he merges will be in the early 500s at most.

This is why, Lin Huang can safely let him develop for a month.

Anyway, when the time comes to project a clone, it won't take much effort to harvest it again.

The first landlord naturally knows that with his current chaotic universe base, let alone a month, even if he gives himself three or five months, he will not be able to make a comeback.

While integrating the chaotic universe, he thought hard about the way to break the game.

For Lin Huang, the current first owner is no longer a concern.

For the next month, he was still concentrating on the fusion of chaotic universes.

Now his goal is no longer to defeat Asa or the first landlord. It is to complete the fusion of all the chaotic universes in the entire infinite universe, completely control this infinite universe, and achieve the transcendence!

Of course, in addition to cultivation, Lin Huang's clone is not idle.

Without the war, the entire infinite universe began to enter a period of rapid development.

Lin Huang asked Asa to directly open up his entire dream kingdom.

The strange domains of different levels have been opened regularly, and they have completely become new copies of practitioners of all levels in the infinite universe.

Anyway, with Asa's strength and the characteristics of his kingdom of God, the abyss creatures in his dreams can be endlessly produced.

The opening and adjustment of Asa's dreamland has become the work of the Three Pillars of God.

As for the abyss powerhouse that dominates the realm, it has become a wave of SS in the strange realm.

Among them, around the headquarters of the Sword Alliance, the number of strange domains is the largest.

From the main **** level, to the Taoist realm, to the master realm, there are all levels of strange realms.

In addition, most of the members of the Sword League are from Lin Huang's kingdom of God, and have the characteristics of brushing monsters to upgrade. Everyone is very happy to brush monsters every day, and their strength is soaring every day.

As for Xueyu, Jiangong, Longdao and other top forces, they also found the Sword Alliance and asked them to help open the exclusive Weiyu.

They also signed a cooperation agreement with the Sword Union, and paid the rent for the use of the Bizarre Domain every year.

Only Xueyu, because of Xueluo's previous friendship with Lin Huang, was completely exempted from rent.

The abyss family has gradually become a new group in the infinite universe. Those members of the abyss family who are sensible and left have all restrained the abyss and occasionally appear in front of the public.

As for the Zerg, they have not been favored by the various races in the infinite universe before. Mainly because of where they go and where they destroy.

But this time, as an ally of various clans, fighting against the abyss clan finally made everyone have a preliminary change in the Zerg.

In addition, Lin Huang has an agreement with the will of the insect group, and the strongest tenth-order queen mothers and insect emperors in the insect race are all imperial beasts under Lin Huang.

Lin Huang also simply divided the Zerg into a resident, allowing them to maintain their own ecology and no longer destructive resource mining.

It also allowed the Zerg to join in business dealings with various races.

There is also a weak human race. Lin Huang also let Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and his apprentice Wu Hao lead, and started a human talent training program. Not only cultivate human beings who are gifted in practice, but also cultivate talents who are gifted in all aspects.

As for the Sword Alliance, all the geniuses and monsters of all races are absorbed, and the strength of the battle is not important. As long as the talent and temperament pass the test, they will not refuse to come, and even the members of the Zerg and the Abyss will not be rejected.

Time flies, two months passed quickly.

The number of chaotic universes in Lin Huang's body has exceeded 100 million, reaching 120 million.

He also discovered in the last ten or so days that the number of chaotic universes in the infinite universe is not infinite in the true sense.

At least the number of chaotic universes he has now is close to one-third of the total number of chaotic universes in the entire infinite universe.

He can almost be sure that in six days, he will almost be able to complete the fusion of all the chaotic universes in the entire infinite universe.

According to the previous agreement, Lin Huang once again cast a clone to the dimension where the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao is located.

In the first month before, the first landlord didn't make any trouble, he just spoke badly. After being cleaned up by himself, he assimilated the chaotic universe in his body, leaving him a chaotic universe again. Lin Huang retracted his avatar.

However, this time the clone came again, but he couldn't help frowning.

"What about people?!"

The first owner is gone.

To be exact, not only the first owner, but the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao is gone!

"This guy is hiding?" Lin Huang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why did the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao disappear?!"

Lin Huang's avatar was swept away, and he swept the entire dimension and the surrounding time and space dozens of times, but no trace was found.

In desperation, Lin Huang's deity finally dispatched.

In an instant, Lin Huang's spiritual sense swept the chaotic universes in the infinite universe, hidden dimensions layer by layer, time gaps...

It has been swept hundreds of times, but still nothing.

"He's still in trouble!"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, he really didn't expect that the first landlord could come up with this.

Not only did he hide himself, but even the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao disappeared. Obviously, he did something to the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao to prevent the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao from leaking secrets to himself.

"I want to see, after six days, where else can you hide!"

Lin Huang didn't waste time trying to figure out where the first owner went. In addition to sweeping the entire chaotic universe several times a day to search for it, he still focused on fusing the rest of the chaotic universe.

147 million big numbers!

173 million big numbers!

205 million big numbers!

In a flash, another five days passed, and the total number of chaotic universes he merged had soared to a large number of 285 million.

So far, the total number of chaotic universes that Lin Huang has merged has approached 87% of the total number of chaotic universes in the entire infinite universe.

After five days, he still did not find the slightest trace of the first landlord, and the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao never appeared.

Lin Huang didn't panic at all, his eyes were staring at the void.

"One day, I will be able to completely control the entire wireless universe. No matter where you hide, you will be invisible in my eyes!"

On the sixth day, Lin Huang had no distractions and continued to integrate the remaining chaotic universe.

Until late at night on the sixth day, all the 328 million chaotic universes in the entire infinite universe were fused by Lin Huang.

In an instant, Lin Huang's soul and body began to transform wildly.

His consciousness seemed to have left the entire infinite universe directly and came to an infinite height.

There, he finally saw the whole picture of the entire infinite universe.

It was a sphere emitting a dazzling white light...

As soon as he thought about it, he could easily see all the details in the entire sphere.

It was a massive chaotic universe, like light spots of different colors forming a whole sphere.

He can even clearly see the internal structure of each chaotic universe, the big worlds, the small worlds, the gravel worlds, and in the worlds, the nebulae are cold, hot, or nurturing life forms. …

On the planets where all ethnic groups live, there are busy or leisurely crowds, brightly lit nights, pedestrian-like days, cicada-sounding towns, snow-covered mountains, rushing rivers, and the beautiful red color under the sunset. desert…

Lin Huang instantly understood all the details.

He even caught a glimpse of the first master hiding in the depths of the heavens and the great chaotic heavens in a deep sleep. He didn't care at all, and was completely immersed in this special feeling.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Lin Huang suddenly came back to his senses and sighed.

"I've become transcendental..."

He understands that he has become a transcendence.

Just then, a voice came from behind.

"Congratulations, you have become a transcendence."

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard this voice.

He didn't sense anyone behind him at all, turned around and saw a young man with short black hair grinning at him.

The young man looked at his age, with a sincere smile, giving him a special intimacy.

Lin Huang suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked, "Are you a virtual emperor?!"

"Yes, no." The black-haired young man smiled, "Introduce myself, my name is Gu Ding, and I am also a transcendental person. Emperor Xu, is a clone of me."

"Senior Guding!" Lin Huang nodded slightly at the other party, he could feel that the other party had no malicious intent.

"You don't have to call me senior, just call me Guding, or captain." Guding said, and put his arms around Lin Huang's shoulders, very hearty and enthusiastic.

The next moment, the two appeared in a quaint pavilion.

On the stone table, the tea is boiling hot, and the fragrance of the tea permeates.

Lin Huang unconsciously sat on the stone bench opposite Gu Ding.

"Captain?" He was a little uncomfortable with the other party's social cow.

"I have been an interstellar pirate in the past, and this title has been retained." Guding explained with a smile, took a sip from the teacup, "this, we will talk later."

"Let me tell you first about your big chaotic universe. Where do you start..." Guding held the teacup and thought for a while before putting it down, "Let's start from the beginning."

"Your infinite universe is actually hundreds of epochs ago. I planted it with a seed of the universe. At that time, I got a total of nine seeds, and only one of you is not extinct. Today, you become a transcendence, control The entire infinite universe, finally my hard work has not been in vain."

"It turns out that I inherited the mantle of the former... captain..." Lin Huang really did not expect that something like the infinite universe was actually planted.

"You don't have to be so polite, it's all your own fate." Guding smiled and waved his hand.

"Are there many detached people like us?" Lin Huang couldn't help asking.

"It's just you and me." Gu Ding shook his head with a smile.

"So rare?!" Lin Huang really didn't expect that the number of detached people would be so small.

"Do you know the law of entropy increase?" Guding raised the teapot, poured himself another cup of tea, and asked with a smile while drinking.

"I heard it." Lin Huang nodded slightly, and he also picked up the teacup and took a sip, "In the natural process, an isolated system always tends to increase in entropy, the degree of chaos will continue to increase, and the disorder will continue to be amplified. "

When making this explanation, Lin Huang felt that after the tea was entered, his connection with the infinite universe was being strengthened by an invisible force.

I can understand some of the rules hidden in the depths of the infinite universe more deeply.

"A universe will perish as entropy increases. What about small worlds, big worlds, and chaotic universes with greater entropy? What about the infinitely more complex universe?" Gu Ding looked at Lin Huang and asked.

"So those infinite universes all perished in the increase of entropy?" Lin Huang understood instantly.

Guding nodded slightly and corrected it a little bit, "Actually, only you and me can be called an infinite universe. Those who are heading towards the end are not counted."

"Six of the nine great universe seeds I planted died before the number of chaotic universes reached a large number. If you compare the laws of biological growth, they actually died in the embryonic stage. Two surpassed a large number, and it was considered to be in its infancy. But one died when it was a large number of hundreds, and the other died when it was about to exceed a large number of 100 million. "

"Only this one you have managed to break through the 100 million large number, and even reached the 300 million large number. But if it wasn't for your presence, it would have perished before the 1 billion large number."

"Before you really control this big universe, He is not actually an infinite universe in the true sense. Only after you have the controller, you will enter a state of order, reduce entropy, and no longer move towards disorder and chaos. It's an infinite universe."

"Can't the outside world interfere in the process of entropy increase? Just like you suppressed the chaos at that time as a virtual emperor?" Lin Huang couldn't help asking.

"I thought it was possible at first. Anyway, as long as the universe becomes orderly." Guding nodded slightly, "But later, it was proved time and time again that this would not work. The more I interfered, the chaos that followed. It came more violently."

"Seven of the nine seeds of the universe are due to my interference, which caused the ultimate uncontrollable chaos and led to its demise." Guding explained, "This is why, as the virtual emperor, I did not kill it. All the guys who created chaos, except for a few guys who acted too badly, were mostly suppressed. Moreover, after hundreds of epochs, I have not interfered with the affairs of your great universe. "

"And the result of my intervention is that if you didn't turn out, the person who stood in front of me the day after tomorrow and became the second transcendence was the Asa I suppressed at the beginning." Guding explained seriously.

Lin Huang glanced at Asa, who was hiding in the depths of heaven and was in distress, and said with a smile, "It's a pity that he was cut off by me."

"Yeah, he found two special mechanisms for the authority of the Heavenly Dao. Not only did the original Heavenly Dao will fall into a deep sleep, but it also accelerated the efficiency of his fusion of the chaotic universe, allowing him to increase the fusion efficiency hundreds of millions of times every day." Gu Ding took another sip of tea with a smile, "Unfortunately, he was two days behind."

"I really didn't expect that he still has such a hand." Lin Huang drank all the tea in the cup and put down the cup, "If I hadn't merged all the chaotic universes, according to his current fusion efficiency, he would be able to do it in one day today. If you can fuse a chaotic universe with a large number, you can fuse 100 million large numbers tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, it will take only half a day at most to completely complete the fusion of all chaotic universes in the entire infinite universe. "

The next moment, Lin Huang waved his hand, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Huang and Gu Ding.

The person who came was the first master who was hiding in the depths of heaven.

The surrounding environment changed suddenly, and the first owner was taken aback.

He took a closer look and saw Lin Huang and the man sitting opposite Lin Huang. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "Emperor Void?!"

Gu Ding just smiled lightly, "The Emperor Xu is just a clone of me."

The first owner glanced at Gu Ding with some fear, and then looked at Lin Huang a little unwillingly, "You...really become a transcendence?!"

"Yes, you are still one step slower after all." Lin Huang nodded with a smile.

"If you can give me two more days, no, one and a half days, it will be me who will become the detached one!" The first owner was still dissatisfied.

"Unfortunately, you don't have this chance." Lin Huang's voice fell, he waved his sleeves, and directly included it in the kingdom of God.

In Lin Huang's Divine Kingdom, the body and soul of the first host began to disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end only a huge Divine Kingdom remained, which gradually merged into Lin Huang's Divine Kingdom and became Lin Huang Divine Kingdom a part of.

The first landlord, who had been unable to kill before, was finally completely wiped out.

After solving the first landlord, Lin Huang chatted with Gu Ding for a long time and learned a lot about the secrets of the infinite universe. Only then did he say goodbye to Gu Ding and return to the infinite universe.

After returning to his own infinite universe, Lin Huang immediately awakened the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao.

Then retain its will and integrate it into its own kingdom of gods.

At this point, Lin Huang has officially become the true controller of the infinite universe, and his mood has finally calmed down.

"The chaotic universe with a large number of 300 million can only be regarded as a seedling that has just sprouted in the infinite universe?" Lin Huang looked at the void, smiled and muttered, "It seems that I will be busy cultivating this seedling in the future. already."

"However, you have your crew to help, and I also have my relatives and friends to help..."

"Xiner, Xiaoxuan, let's go back to the gravel world to see, it's been a long time since I went back..." Lin Huang suddenly said to Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and Mr. Fu.

"The matter of the first landlord has been resolved?" Lin Xin asked quickly.


"I knew you were the best, brother!" Lin Xin's voice fell, and she appeared directly in front of Lin Huang, grabbed Lin Huang's arm, and looked at Lin Huang with a hilarious smile, "Let's do it now. Are you leaving?"

At this time, Lin Xuan also walked into the small courtyard, "It's true that I haven't been back to the gravel world for a long time, and I've been thinking about when I can go back and have a look."

"Then let's call Boss Chan and the others, pick up the teacher, and take a walk together." Lin Huang nodded with a smile.

"I just don't know if Wulin Town is still there..." Lin Xin suddenly felt a little sad.

"If it's not there, we will rebuild a Wulin Town!" Lin Huang rubbed Lin Xin's head with a smile, "Build Wulin Town into an A-level stronghold with 101 streets!"

"No, we're going to build an S-class base with 1,010 streets!" Lin Xin shouted excitedly.

"Okay, build an S-level base with 1010 streets!" Lin Huang agreed with a smile.

[On June 10, 2022, "Monster Paradise" will be officially completed! 】

[After more than five years, the book is finally finished! Sahua~ Finish this testimonial and leave it for tomorrow. There should be a small extravaganza in the back, with a little easter egg of the new book, you can also take a look if you are interested. By the way, there will be a lottery in the group tomorrow night, this time ten people will be drawn! If you haven't joined the group, you can add it~ Group number: 475785333]

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