MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 450 to experience

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  Chapter 450 Experience

  But at the beginning of April, the queen and the duke were not in the United States and could not start work. They returned to Sardinia, and Joanna had to perform the duties of the queen and sign the bill on the time and form of the general election passed by the parliament. She agreed to hold elections in June, with results to be known by the end of June.

  The queen's duty is to convene citizens to participate in the election. After the election results come out, appoint the prime minister, approve the cabinet formed by the prime minister, and confer civilian and military titles. Although these people were nominated, and the Queen's approval rate was almost 100%, she did have veto power.

  After signing the bill, she called citizens on television to participate in the parliamentary election.

   Then the publicity work for the general election began. The advantage is that the country is small in size, with few people, and the communication and transportation are well developed, and the information can basically be notified all over in a few days. Everyone responds to the Queen's call, and citizens who have reached the age of eighteen can now find their own satisfactory candidates.

   After finishing, An Feng cared about other construction plans.

  For example, the construction of a school near the town of Moncalieri is currently in full swing. It is expected that his two children will study here in September of the second half of the year. At the same time, others who are interested in the English teaching environment can apply. It is the nature of private schools.

  An Feng is also looking for a site for the racetrack. He needs a 200-acre land, and the site is selected in the second area planned in the future, which is not far away and has fresh air. The queen will also appear in the future. Add another racing track, about 300 acres, just the right size.

   A series of plans to make the cities of the future prosperous.


   In mid-April, they returned to California.

   This will be Joanna's last appearance in the United States before her coronation. There will be a lot of work arrangements in the future. After the general election, you have to start preparing for the coronation ceremony. After the coronation is the National Day, and the National Day is also going to review the troops. At present, Colonel Korotayev is already working hard to train soldiers.

  After the two returned, the crew was also preparing to set off.

   Regarding the filming, An Feng and Joanna thought about it. This is also an opportunity to positively promote the Sardinian royal family. Exposure is not necessarily a bad thing, and the filming companies are all film companies he invested in, which makes it easier to communicate. In the end, three days were given for the visit.

   There are three people who have been chartered, the male and female protagonists plus the screenwriter.

  As the boss, Roger took them there in person and gave instructions on the way.

The actors, actresses and screenwriters listened carefully. They knew that this trip was rare. In order to familiarize themselves with the roles, they had been reading materials related to the Ans and his wife these days. They also learned that the Queen was busy with administration a few days ago. Take time out of your busy schedule.

  After arriving at the door, the bodyguard saw Roger's face in the back seat, glanced at the others, and let them go.

They walked around and stopped in front of the main entrance. The stern-faced butler stood aside with two male servants. The male servants stepped forward to open the door for them, but they were not that big. Only Roger accepted the servant. people open the door. After getting off the car, a man came out of the door.

  A black suit with a single button, and a white shirt without a tie inside. The decent clothing outlines his muscular figure well. Usually the skeleton of the upper body is wide enough to hold the shape in a suit, which is the so-called hanger, and the effect is the same in other clothes.

  So the clothes don't look good on me...sometimes weird.

  The butler Brandon saw An Feng coming out in person and nodded to him. An Feng stepped forward and hugged Roger.

  Roger introduced several people who came: "Mr. Terry, the screenwriter, Mr. Ma, the leading actor, and Miss Petra, the leading actress."

  Terry nodded to An Feng, then held An Feng's outstretched hand together, and said, "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness!"

   "Me too, Mr. Terry." An Feng said.

   "It's my honor to meet you, Your Highness!" Miss Petra, the heroine candidate, stepped back with her right leg, her waist was straight and her legs were squatting down, curtseying well.

  An Feng held her outstretched hand and pulled it up: "Miss Pecha, welcome!"

   "Your Highness." Mr. Ma, the actor candidate, also shook hands with An Feng.

   "Welcome, Mr. Ma!" An Feng used Chinese.

   "You can call me Ma Jun." Ma Jun said in Chinese.

   "Ma Jun, not bad!" An Feng nodded with a smile, and the butler, who was observing his words, answered, "Ladies and gentlemen, please come inside!"

  An Feng walked in front, Roger followed side by side, and the others followed quickly.

  In the corridor on the right, An Feng asked, "When do we start?"

   "As long as you allow, you can start at any time." Roger said, "They hope you don't care about them, just treat them as a transparent person."

  An Feng turned around: "There is a gap between ideal and reality, I hope you understand."

   "It's all right, sir," Terry said.

   "This way!" An Feng led them to the second living room, "She is discussing something with her assistant, so she may be busy."

   "We can understand, don't care about us." Terry said again.

  Along the resplendent and luxurious corridors, the few people who visited for the first time were shocked, and even lowered their voices when walking. This place feels like a palace, spacious and grand, full of carvings and gold-plated decorations. It can already be called a luxurious model of the modern palace.

  The butler stepped forward quickly, pushed open a door, stood aside, and An Feng led the way in.

  Here is a slightly smaller living room. Joanna is sitting on a European classical chair in front of the tea table, with delicate ceramic teacups and snacks in front of her.

  The female assistant Roberts and two other ladies were sitting next to each other. Unlike Joanna’s home, their buttocks accounted for only one-third of the room, their bodies leaned forward slightly, and they listened carefully. Ms. Roberts was talking about accessories for some clothes.

   "Wait a minute," Joanna said to Roberts, standing up and walking towards them.

She gives people a very different feeling. Although An Feng had the aura of a superior person before, she was really peaceful and did not take the initiative. However, the current hostess, from her movements, eyes and posture, all reflect her confidence. I am a country The attitude of the monarch, the queen.

   This aura is very strong when facing each other.

  Introduced by Roger, Joanna shook hands with them one by one, but with a smile on her face, which eased the tension of the guests.

   After getting to know each other, Joanna said: "I'm really sorry, I have to deal with some things, please feel free!"

   "It's okay, Your Majesty the Queen!" They said one after another.

  Joanna nodded slightly, then returned to the seat, changed her posture, and continued to listen to Ms. Roberts. From time to time, she gave some comments on the photos in Roberts' hands, usually like, not good enough, or dislike, and the assistant also marked them skillfully.

  Others sat down beside, An Feng chatted with Roger.

In addition, I didn't say much. Now is the time to observe the details and remember. Besides, I still haven't recovered. In this resplendent and luxurious place, facing the queen with a touch of majesty, and the boss of the company next to me, how much do you feel now? It's stiff and tense.

   Screenwriter Terry was the quickest to adapt, and began to write in a small notebook with a pen.

  After talking about the costumes, Joanna took some time to talk to them. Roger was not there. He wanted to take the tiger out for a walk. Terry also recorded it, and ideas flashed in his mind. In the conversation with the queen and the prince, I also learned the whole story of the original incident.

   Generally speaking, getting along is very pleasant, because of the various rules that are staged here, the guests are somewhat reserved and need to get used to it slowly. The three feel that the queen maintains her image and is majestic, while the prince is more casual and can joke around—but currently they are still focusing on friends.

   At lunch, Joanna asks them to stay.

  Different from the extravagance here, the lunch is very simple. The food is exquisite but not much in portion. There are only the same exquisite tableware and the meticulous care of the servants, which reflects that this is a high-standard royal meal. After it was over, the queen went on to discuss things with her assistants.

  An Feng is going to walk around and invite them.

  In the afternoon, they sat outdoors drinking afternoon tea, and then the two children came home from school, and Joanna smiled more on her face. When facing the child, the mother's performance is the most authentic. Although it still looks a bit unattainable, it has begun to have a breath of life.

  The observation of this day was very successful, and they left in the evening.

  Naturally, they will not be invited to stay overnight, so they will stay in a nearby hotel and continue the next day.

In the following time, An Feng and Joanna restored their original lives to the greatest extent. The title of the richest couple in the world lived up to it. After experiencing it personally, the three felt that the luxury they had seen before was not worth mentioning, and even Become a little childish.

   These three days are a rare learning opportunity for actors and screenwriters, try to remember the details as much as possible, and restore the character's character more realistically. They are very attentive and well prepared before coming. And the prototype characters they refer to are also showing their good side.

   is taken from reality, but it cannot be absolutely restored to reality.

  After all, you said that if the husband and wife have a quarrel or something, do you have to show it to the outside world? Or when Joanna asked An Feng to coax her willfully, where was the majesty of the queen? So, life is a play, and certain scenes are sometimes as wonderful as those staged in movies.

   But they didn't make it too fake, just a little more serious.

  (end of this chapter)