MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 415 accumulate strength

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  Chapter 415 Accumulating Strength

The location of this private island is excellent, and the climate is very pleasant. In August, the sun is scorching in most areas, but it is blown by the sea breeze, forming an effect similar to that of the San Francisco Bay Area. The summer is still refreshing. Can make people feel too hot.

  An Feng is lying under the coconut tree drinking coconut juice at the moment, and the bear boy has gone to play elsewhere. I heard that he is going to fly a kite. He is very happy and refreshed without being disturbed.

   But there is a lot of money and a lot of things, and some entertainment cannot be avoided.

   Matthew brought him a message, saying that he was going to engage in relationships every few days to accumulate some political strength.

  An Feng asked: "Here in Sardinia?"

Matthew sat down and said: "The district mayor and some councilors are holding a charity reception. We are close, so we will attend it by the way. You know that the consortium has some focus in Western and Southern Europe. Our fund operation plan has connections with here and needs The dual relationship of politics and economics."

   "Formal?" An Feng asked.

   "Yes." Matthew nodded, "Also know some political stars, maybe it will be useful in the future."

   "Like Anderson in the past?" An Feng knew that the political stars in the eyes of the consortium were generally very promising and worthy of investment.

   "Yes, Anderson is a successful example of our investment." Matthew said that in his eyes, politicians will always be a commodity that can be invested.

   "I'll go." An Feng said, it's not important, and Matthew won't specially call him, because the two big guys will play at the same time, and the benefits must be large enough.

   Each lay down and chatted a few words, An Feng received a video call and said hello: "Khalid, how are you doing?"

   "Looking for something to do," Khaled said. "Looks relaxed on your side."

   "I'm in a beautiful place with sunny beaches and absolute privacy." An Feng turned his phone around and asked Khaled to look at his surroundings.

   "I'm so envious!" Khaled said, "It's too hot here in Qatar, and I can only soak in the pool every day."

   "Why don't you come over too?" An Feng issued an invitation, "I'm on a private island in Sardinia. There are quite a few rooms, all of which are my own."

  Khalid seemed unable to stand it: "Okay, I'll be there this afternoon."

   Hanging up the call, An Feng shrugged at Matthew: "I guess there must be a relationship."

  Matthew said with a smile: "Continue to deal with it. They have cooperated with us very well in the past few years. Oil futures are still very interesting."

   Later, Khalid's plane with diplomatic privileges arrived in Italy, and later, the helicopter arrived.

  This time he is leading his family, his wife Heinie and two boys are here. Unlike Khaled who accepts Western culture on the surface and represents freedom, the family has the right to decide on marriage matters. In the end, Lebanese girlfriends and mixed-race supermodels all become a thing of the past.

But it’s not his fault. His wife is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Not only is she beautiful, but she also lived abroad. She and Khalid have a lot in common. An Feng attended their wedding banquet four years ago, but it turned out that she was pregnant. The news, and then two little boys were born, saying that there is no relationship is false.

  An Feng braved the wind and waves and embraced Khaled warmly, and performed the most cordial left and right face-to-face rituals three times.

   "Your speed is so fast, I thought you were joking!" An Feng said loudly, the plane was very loud.

  Khalid also whispered in his ear: "Qatar is too hot! If I don't come to you, I will choose other cool places for vacation!"

   "Welcome!" An Feng said loudly.

  Following Hai Niye, he also took the initiative to reach out to him, and An Feng shook hands with her.

Hai Niye is indeed different from ordinary Arab women. It can be seen from the clothes. She is wearing the latest Prada fashion, stepping on six-centimeter high heels, her hair is covered with a trendy headscarf, and she has a pair of sunglasses. No matter how you look at it A rich lady on vacation.

   "Welcome!" An Feng let go, and then said to the two children in Arabic: "Jihad, Kerim, hello!"

   "Nice to meet you, Mr. An." The two children said in English.

  This scene seems like it should be reversed...but it also demonstrates how open the Khalid family is. They left here quickly and took a battery car to the resort center area. The other friends had already had dinner, but they all came to welcome them out of politeness, saying hello or two, and they seemed very enthusiastic.

  Xiaoyu, who went out to play the next day, also arrived with her two friends, and the island became more lively.

  Khalid’s wife Heiniya has no taboos. She also wears a bikini, soaks in the hotel swimming pool, and communicates proficiently in English with her mother. The men are more active. There was a light rain last night, and the beach was a bit wet in the morning. They drove their all-terrain vehicles out for a blast.

   After playing enough, enjoy the cool under the coconut tree.

  An Feng, Matthew and Khaled are lying under a tree, with beer and juice in the portable freezer.

   There are a lot of things to talk about in this kind of leisure time, and not all of them are fun, but business things are mixed in. Qatar, as the Middle East agent of Bida Beverage, has frequent contacts with the consortium. With the cooperation in greening and seawater desalination, the local environment has been greatly improved.

This also avoids the conflict between new energy and oil. Khalid knows that new trends are inevitable. If GP does not produce new batteries, other companies will sooner or later. The gasoline industry has shrunk to 70% of its original size, but there are other industries. Support, it doesn't matter.

  After all, the world is not just cars burning oil. There is no need to rush to exhaust oil resources. They can be preserved as a kind of liquid gold. In this regard, they are more open-minded, and with the large-scale cooperation of Xin Energy, they coordinate the actions of batteries and stabilize the price of oil.

   Matthew was talking about oil futures with Khaled, as if he wanted to make a big deal.


   A few days later, they had a charity reception in the capital Cagliari.

  The host invited was District Mayor Mancini. This is his third year in office, and he needs popularity and support. Western politicians are similar. Although An Feng is not Italian, he has a lot of Italian friends, all of whom are important, and they control some big companies.

  Before the banquet, they experienced some snacks first, then changed into formal clothes and set off on time.

This is an official charity reception, which was notified ten days in advance, including the news media. The content is open to the public, and the venue is chosen at a local hotel. The guests include local investors and politicians, and like An Feng and his party of four, they belong to the Special guest.

  Even though Italy and the UK are quite far apart, it does not prevent the guests at the banquet from hearing Joanna's name, and many of them know her well. After entering the arena, there was a burst of frequent communication. Mancini personally acted as an introducer, introducing important guests to An Feng and Joanna.

  Mancini is in his fifties or sixties. He looks relatively strong, and he is very decent in a suit, if his abdomen is not slightly raised. His black hair is dotted with some silver threads. He belongs to Caucasian race but has a darker complexion, which is basically the characteristics of people from southern European countries.

  An Feng and Mancini have met many times, and have also cooperated with his nephew in business, and the relationship is very close.

   "Mr. An, this is Rez, a well-known local Democratic Party member." Mancini introduced a young politician in his forties to An Feng.

"Hello, Mr. Leizi, we meet again!" An Feng smiled and shook hands with the other party. He had a wide circle of friends. He met Leizi twice, and once was at the local president's banquet. At that time, it was a banquet for investors who had contributed to the national economy.

   "Nice to meet you, Mr. An." Rez shook hands with him enthusiastically, "Honorable Mrs. An, you are still as charming as ever."

   "Thank you, sir." Joanna also used an Italian sentence, which is a bit similar to French, and they like to address it in a very crooked way.

Rez was first introduced by Austin's cousin, he is a member of the largest left-wing democratic party in Italy, An Feng remembers it clearly, because the predecessor of the left-wing democratic party was the Italian Communist Party, the largest party in the country, these days It is also the largest in Sardinia for years.

  Rez is the political star in Matthew's mouth, a character with both sides, and he is very hopeful to go further. And he is still an inconspicuous role to An Feng now, but Rez knows how to grasp the relationship with international capitalists, touch his preferences, and chat with enthusiasm for a few minutes.

  Rez said: "We absolutely support Mrs. An's charitable cause, and the people of Sardinia will remember your love and contribution!"

   "I also hope that this will arouse the benevolence of more people." Joanna said in English, and her Italian can only speak simple sentences.

  An Feng translated appropriately, and Lei Ze nodded: "Society is lacking caring people like you."

Let’s talk about feelings again and keep going around. People are interested in getting to know Joanna and her husband. For tonight’s reception, these are the highest-ranking guests. The rest are locals. In terms of international influence It cannot be compared with economic strength.

  After the communication lasted for half an hour, the theme of the charity reception began.

This time it is for the construction of local health services, mainly for diseases with relatively high costs. In recent years, the research has brought a lot of benefits to world medicine and conquered incurable diseases, but the high cost of treatment is still a threshold. The family needs more people to show their love and help.

Other invited people donated money one after another, ranging from a few hundred euros to thousands of dollars. Joanna set an example by donating a check of 300,000 euros of love funds. Speaking of it, I'm afraid it's not as much as what she donated.

   Mancini applauded: "Thank you Baroness Joanna for your generosity, I thank you on behalf of the people of Sardinia! Everyone will remember it!"

  Others also applauded one after another. There is still some admiration, but there are also indignant thoughts that if I had money, I would donate so much. There are not many people in the world who can do this, but Joanna has become the most special one. Later she was invited to speak on stage.

She didn't prepare any speeches, but she also had the ability to improvise. She said a few words in English, and someone in the audience was translating. Soon, she continued to win applause and the cameraman's spotlight. This kind of public fundraising activity is naturally news Media attention, good deeds will be reported.

  The charity activities during the vacation were very successful. When we returned to the island the next day, the local news papers began to report. Sardinia is a peaceful place, usually nothing major happens, and things spread far and wide, such as the baroness's benevolent deed this time has become a hot topic.

  The place is small, and if there is something new, the residents will talk about it. The locals admire her kind deeds and remember the name. What no one expected is that in the future, her name will always be imprinted in people's hearts and is closely related to this land.

  (end of this chapter)