MTL - Mistress, I Was Wrong-Chapter 307 chance encounter

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"Ah, what is this!"

The Tongtian rod smelled a smell and spontaneously smashed out of the space. Just emerging a head, he scared the two teenagers on the side, and Tao Shuang and Zhijie both frightened. With a hint of curiosity and inquiry, she looked at the pole in her hand with a gaze.

When Dongming Minghui grasped it, his fingers tapped gently on the pole, and the pole was settled down. "I smell the smell of the ghost tree."

"Cough, this is my crutches."

"Auntie, your crutches are so powerful that you will move yourself."

"What is this blush?" Tao Shuang is going to stretch his hand and touch it. The Oriental Minghui slightly blocked it and blocked the hand of Tao Shuang. "Yes, you know Xiaoguang should eat." What?"

This topic is a good way to divert the attention of the two teenagers from the sky.

Although Tao Shuang and Zhijie are light teachers, they have never raised a beast, so this problem has stumped them. "I remember that the elders seem to have a light rhinoceros beast, and that beast is only a weekday. Eat all the light in the fruit."

"What is the light system?"

"We are not too clear, we have seen it once."

"The fruit looks very good, and it also exudes Yingying white jade. Just watching it, we are all awkward." Tao Shuang subconsciously licked his lips.

On one side, Zhijie nodded fiercely. "I asked, saying that it is the fruit of the light saints who eat it exclusively. The light system inside is quite abundant, and the light spirits themselves can eat."

Oriental Minghui listened to what they said, hate can not directly pick the light of the holy fruit to pick a basket to eat Xiaoguang, this little thing is also pitiful, if it is in the hands of the light system, I am afraid to be used as an ancestor. Now, like now, the rice is not enough to eat, and she must be scared at all times.

"Do you know where the fruit can be picked?"

"not sure."

The two teenagers shook their heads.

Dongfang Minghui touched Xiaoguang and felt a little sympathy. "Poor little guy, you have to be hungry again." Then she looked at the two. "In this case, let's continue on our way."

Oriental Minghui’s willingness, Tao Shuang and Zhijie saw that Xiaoguang’s head shook his head and felt that some of them could not see it. The two men took a moment to take out the spiritual liquid dedicated to a little light in the space. He fed a little light.

“There is a lot of light power here.”

"Hey." Xiaoguang hated not to bury the whole head in the porcelain bowl of the Oriental Minghui, which was almost palm-sized. For a moment of effort, those spirits entered the stomach of Xiaoguang, and the little guy looked at Tao in his eyes. Shuang He Zhijie, the two and a half teenagers saw that the whole heart was soft, and could not help but feed it.

Oriental Minghui silently praised it in his heart, and then chatted with consciousness and Tongtian. "You just said that you smell the smell of small bean sprouts, where?"

The sky is burning and screaming, "In front, chasing after chasing."

Xiaoguang just finished eating, Oriental Minghui waited for it to sell Meng, immediately took the porcelain bowl back into the space, urging the road, "The light soul bells on your body are broken, just in case, we will hurry as soon as possible, I hope I can hurry soon. To the snow."

When they think about it, they immediately converge on the attitude of contempt.

Oriental Minghui has a cane in his hand, which seems to be slow, but she is running with the sky rod. The Tongtian rod has been squeezed in the middle of the space. It is very uncomfortable. Every moment, I am thinking about how to solve the small bean sprouts. The matter, so when I smell the smell of the ghost face, the moment is crazy.

Originally, Tao Shuang and Zhijie also wanted to respect the old and love the young, especially when they saw the things of the Oriental Minghui even the 'crutches'. It was expected that when the road was really in the way, the Oriental Minghui would be like a fly, half an hour later. Just left them behind.

"My Scorpio, Tao Shuang, how is this aunt going so fast?"

"I don't know, I am going to walk."

Two weak chickens rushed behind in the back, did not catch up with the pace of the Oriental Minghui, when they stood in place to stop, they encountered a robbery incident, the two suddenly became embarrassed, one wants to shout in front of the fast-moving East Minghui, one wants to be nosy.

"Auntie is gone, what should I do now?"

"Quickly hand over all the things, and hand over them can also bypass a dog's life. If you don't hand it out, you will call you and shout, call your mother, and ask for your life." The group of people is fierce, but Each one is bare in the upper body, and the trousers are very casual. It looks like a group of mad and desperate.

The three people who were robbed, dressed in green shirts, looked graceful, and there were long swords behind them, like the spirits, and like sword repairs. Tao Shuang always felt that the unlucky trio was familiar. "How do I I feel like I have seen it somewhere."

"I feel so too."

If Oriental Minghui is there, you will be stunned.

The man with the head has no expression on his face, his mouth is rising, and there is even a trace of irony. "It’s unfortunate that the empire has more locusts like you. We must kill the people."

"Yes!" The rest of the two have been gnashing their teeth.

"I think of it, isn't this a section of the big brother who is next to the big brother?" Tao Shuang slammed his head and then dumbfounded. "Someone actually robbed them...?"

"It's amazing, these few people who don't know how to live and die." The two only looked at the show and completely forgotten the aunt of the oriental Minghui.

Dongfang Minghui was slowed down by the reminder of Zhu Xiancao. When he turned back, there were still people who waited for a while in the same place and did not see anyone coming. "Do you want to go back and look for them now?"

Small color analysis said, "If you just want to catch up with small bean sprouts and chubby paper, you can continue to move forward. But if you want to break into the spirit of the spirit, you still need someone to recommend it."

"On those two stinky boys?" Oriental Minghui used the old-fashioned tone of the old woman. She couldn’t remember for a time. She was a little older than the two young people. "I suspect that it is useless to refer to them, unless they are useless. It’s the store’s song that I personally took me to join the Lingshi Trade Union.”

Speaking of this, Dongfang Minghui was secretly annoyed. How did he let the store listen to the song and leave? If she knew that the identity of the other party was so high in the Lingshi trade union, she would definitely want to be soft and hard, how to get into the union. .

"I don't know if I can't come now."

"Unless you accidentally meet him again."

Oriental Minghui estimated that he really couldn’t count on Tao Shuang and Zhijie, but he was somewhat uneasy. They struggled a bit, and they went back and saw them soon. "You two stinky boys, Why didn’t you have a figure at once? I don’t know if it’s dangerous in the wilderness.”

Tao Shuang and Zhijie are a bit embarrassed, especially the Oriental Minghui is teaching them, but the words are full of worry and make them even more embarrassed, the two stood up, touched their heads, and the attitude was excellent. "Auntie, we are not deliberate."

As they stood up, they exposed the three people who were sitting behind them.

Oriental Minghui saw the people who had lived in Xuanzi No. 7 and No. 8 before, and suddenly, "!!!"

"Auntie, I will tell you about this. This is the brother of Duan Yichen. These two are Yiyang and Yanran brothers."

"Section brother, this is a big mother." When Tao Shuang introduced it, he suddenly got stuck. He looked shocked. He seemed to know nothing about the aunt, even the name did not know. I used to call Auntie, so I called it.

Dongfang Minghui regrets a bit. I knew that it would be better to leave these two stinky children on their own. How can she hide Xiaoguang now?

The man named Duan Yichen had handed over to him, and the sword behind him was a little bigger than the normal sword. She saw it at a glance. As for the rest of the two, the one named Yiyang was one of the former couples, and the other one was familiar.

Through the introduction of Tao Shuang, Dongming Minghui is not a retreat. If it is this moment, most of it is to cause suspicion.

It happened that the dust had already looked up and looked at her side. First, I looked at her up and down, then my eyes fell on Xiaoguang. It was a glance, I saw her in my arms. When I was in the small hair group, I stood up and came towards her.

Oriental Minghui: "!!!"

"What does he want to do?"

"The sun is falling."

Dongfang Minghui is still thinking about her exposure, except for Xiaoguang’s exposure. She has always been confident in the seven sister’s Yi Rongshu. Then she suddenly thought of a major event, the seven sisters are not around. Her old face will peel off anytime, anywhere! ! !

When Yi Rongshu passed the hour, he could not protect it.

"Is this beast yours?"

"Of course it is mine!" Oriental Minghui simply broke the can and broke the old voice. "How can you be a ghost?"

Duan Yichen lightly wrinkled his eyebrows, and saw Dongfang Minghui directly tore the fake face on his face, revealing a white face, and he was a stunned color. "It really is you."


"Don't call Auntie, I am so beautiful and beautiful girl, I will be called old by your two stinky boys." Oriental Minghui turned a blind eye, but she also planned to use the image of this old woman to join the spirits. The trade unions seem to have fallen into the snow even if they don't have these three people.

Tao Shuang and Zhijie were stunned by this scene. After a while, they accepted the fact that this girl was the ‘big mother’ who had been with them for two days. She was taught by the Oriental Minghui and suddenly she blushed.

"It turned out to be you." Yiyang eyes exposed fierce light, rushed up and hated to hold on to the oriental Minghui, "Where did you go that day, but you-"


Duan Yichen screamed, and there seemed to be a warning in his voice.

Dongfang Minghui felt inexplicable, and quickly stepped back a few steps, and looked alert. "What kind of ghosts do you have to fight, you have to fight to kill when you meet, is this group of sorcerers so bad?"

Tao Shuang and Zhijie also felt that Yiyang’s brother was a bit strange. Almost instinctively stood behind the Minghui of the East. “Auntie, no, girl, do you know them?”

"Yeah, I didn't tell you before, I lived in a small village for two days after I came out of the mountains. I just met them."

"It turned out to be."

She did not mention it, and mention that Yiyang stared at her with fierce light.

Duan Yichen lightly raised his eyebrows. "Where is the girl going?"

"Go to Snow, join you in addition to the Lingshi Trade Union, but seeing you like this, I think I should consider carefully." Oriental Minghui watched the person named Yiyang, she found that person Her hostility is somewhat inexplicable.

She should have not offended this group of people...

"Be careful." The small color is in the sea of ​​souls. If you are not afraid of being stolen by a thief, you will be caught by a thief. This is not. Look at this person staring at the eyes of Dongfang Minghui, it seems to be eyeing her.


Duan Yichen seems to have not heard the sneer of Oriental Minghui, but is very casual, "Shun, together."

Oriental Minghui wanted to drop Xiaoguang's face. She pinched the soft and dry stomach of the little guy. "If that's the case, let's go."

After a warning from her, the Tongtian rod became a particularly well-behaved 'crutch'. The red hair at the top attracted the attention of several people. Duan Minghui turned a blind eye to these frequently-visited sights and walked straight ahead. .

"Tongtian, if you find traces of small bean sprouts, take me directly."

"it is good."

On the side of Tao Shuang wants to close, thinking for a long time, still asked, "Secretary brother, how do you leave the store brother?"

Dongfang Minghui also erected his ears to listen to it. Listening to Tao Shuang’s words, this piece of dust and storage songs still know.

Duan Yichen said bluntly, "I am different from your brother."

Tao Shuang is not clear, so I looked at the front of the Minghui, and looked at the two behind, whispered, "How come the girl met you..."

There is a staleness behind Dongfang Minghui. If these people will bring the songs to the store, then it will be troublesome. The store listens to the song but knows the identity of the seven sisters. The last time I left, I am afraid that I was playing with the death corps. Both lose and hurt.

If you meet him again this time, you must have not talked so well before.

"Girl, this is what happened to our brother."

"Ang." Oriental Minghui screamed and screamed, then smiled. "I see the bell on his shining sword is very big, much bigger than your body, and beautiful, I went up and asked him." ”

The next few people took a breath.

Tao Shuang and Zhijie have been silent, mainly because they feel that Dongfang Minghui lied to them, and they will not react for a while, and the other party suddenly changed from an old woman who is old enough to a young girl. The gap is still very large.

But I heard that the bell was not sent by the storage brother, but the girl’s own...

They immediately made up for a series of pictures of the girl and the song of the store, the bell, and the bell.

Except for Duan Yichen, there was no reaction at all, and the rest responded differently.

"You lie!" Yiyang angered and retorted.

Aside, he was afraid that his emotions were too excited, and he accidentally injured people. He stopped at the back. "Yiyang, brother, you are calm."

When Donghui Minghui’s footsteps were staggered, he disappeared behind Duan Yichen and asked. “What did you do with this younger brother? Didn’t it look good before? I’m sick, I am a pharmacist, I can help him for free. ""

"You are a pharmacist!" Duan Yichen’s face with a blank expression finally showed a strange look. His voice immediately calmed the rest of the two.


Oriental Minghui looked at them with vigilance. "The empire has regulations, you can't do it to the pharmacist, otherwise -"

Although the original text of this rule is that a spiritual master cannot harm ordinary pharmacists, Oriental Minghui does not mind turning himself into a general pharmacist. When necessary, she will wear the pharmacist's robes and seek pharmacists' unions. Asylum.

Duan Yichen chuckled and pointed to the ball of hair in her arms. "You are a pharmacist, how can you raise a light beast?"

Dongfang Minghui raised his head. "Who rules that pharmacists can't raise the spirits?"

"Oh." Xiaoguang agrees very much, that is, screaming in his stomach.

"What happened to it?"

"Hungry." Dongfang Minghui looked distressed. "Do you know where the light system is bought?"

Duan Yichen’s body was stiff, and then he took out a fist-sized fruit from the space. The fruit was silvery white, the surface was indeed Yingying white jade, it looked very holy, and the oriental Minghui couldn’t see anything. The scent is especially refreshing.

On the contrary, it is the little light in the arms. When I smell this smell, I will be screaming in one or four limbs. I can’t just jump from her arms to Duan Yichen’s hands.

"Little light."

"How many Lingshi do you need to exchange this fruit? The main thing is that Xiaoguang is too hungry. Since it broke out, I have never eaten anything. I am afraid that it will starve to death, you will exchange it for me." There is no light teacher around Minghui. Naturally, I don’t know that the baby is basically grown up in the beginning. The young fruit grows from young to grow up. Thousands of spirits, and these spirits need to go to the temple of light to exchange with the stone.

If she is still at the Royal Academy, ask a little and probably know.

Oriental Minghui patiently appeased the impetuous Xiaoguang, his eyes looked at Duan Yichen with a slight pleading.

Duan Yichen directly placed the light system in front of Xiaoguang. The little guy looked up at him and quickly took two front paws to pull it. When he clawed, he cut the holy fruit into a hole. Then, Xiaoguang ah, ah, ah, the sacred fruit will be divided, and after eating it is still unfinished.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Satisfied to eat a fruit, Xiaoguang automatically returned to the space, in the early days of the young, the little guy in addition to sleeping is to supplement nutrition, small light is special, it is shouldered since the eggshell The great mission of the 'world'.

Oriental Minghui coughed, "I want to ask you a question."

"Holy fruit?"


"At the snowy city, I will take you to remove the Lingshi trade union. If you can pass it, you have to look at yourself."

"Ah?" Dongfang Minghui later reacted, and the other party was planning to introduce her to the Lingshi Trade Union. "You don't doubt that I am a misbehaving person. Your brother does not seem to agree."

Duan Yichen didn’t have to look back and knew that Yiyang’s situation was wrong. He was silent for a moment. “Nothing, is Yiyang just a horn?”

"Drilling the horns? I think he is out of heart." Oriental Minghui said casually.

"What is madness?"

I didn't think that the other party was really serious. The Oriental Minghui took a moment and added to the knowledge of Duan Yichen. "Being out of heart, it is probably too sad or stimulated to cause confusion and confusion. It takes a long time to be good. ""

Some people can't be good for life.

Oriental Minghui was just talking about it. He didn't expect the other party to even nod after listening. "The younger sister died, and it took a lot of time to attack him. It takes a long time."


Duan Yichen looked at her and then stopped talking.

Oriental Minghui looked back at Yiyang, who was suppressed by the stunned, and immediately felt that this person was still a little pitiful. The younger sister in Duan Yichen’s mouth, I am afraid that the little girl who was holding the little light and refused to let go that day?

The two seem to be lovers, and losing the other half is really painful.

Dongfang Minghui thought about it and suddenly stopped and went to Yiyang to explain. "You asked me where I went that day. I can tell you that I arrived in the town of Cixin overnight and then met early in the morning. He has been following me for storing songs. If you don’t believe it, the next time you meet him, you can go to confrontation."

Yiyang glared at her, until after she finished speaking, the whole person was like a deflated ball, and could no longer afford a look of strength. "Know it."

Afterwards, Dongfang Minghui couldn’t feel the hostility anymore. The group of people walked together for two or three days, and saw that the snow was close at hand. It was only a short distance before they arrived. They were planning to enter the snow and say it.

At this time, there has never been a lot of movement in the sky, but suddenly pointed to a position, called, "Ghost face tree essence!!! It is there!!!"

At the foot of the Oriental Minghui, he was just holding his body, and the bell around his waist rang quickly. After that, the bells at the waist of Yiyang followed, and they were one after another.

"There is a death sorcerer!"

"And there is a clerk!"

They listened carefully and found that there were more than two bells. The bells of the Oriental Minghui waist were relatively large. It is said that the light soul bells are divided according to the size of the spirit division. The sound of the bells is clear and the area covered by the sound is relatively wide. And the small bell on Yiyang's body almost covered the sound of a hundred miles.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear a little difference.

"Go and see."