MTL - Mistress, I Was Wrong-Chapter 304 Divided

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"It’s about the Lance adults."

Thousands of jade books also looked at her with a smile. When I heard the word 'Lance', the smiles in the corners of the mouth converge, and the body exudes the breath of the stranger. If it is not the same, Minghui has become accustomed to such a seven sister. I am afraid that I will see the change of the face of Qian Yuyu, but also to be scared to run first.

As for the confession of being wide and resisting what is strict, it is not as important as life.

Oriental Minghui swallowed the mouth carefully, "Seven sisters, I have never told you, in fact, Lance adults are exhausted in the body, it is already exhausted."

The dark scorpion of the Millennium Jade is so quietly staring at the Oriental Minghui, for a long time, "Mother, do you know?"

This is another thing she wants to be confessed...

Oriental Minghui's little face is tangled into a buns. "Mother knows a little, but she doesn't know too much. I said that you will tell her personally."

At the end of the day, Dongfang Minghui had no sound. When he lowered his head, he occasionally licked the expression of Qianyuyu. "I--"

Thousands of jade jade stepped forward, grabbed each other's hand, and took a heavy bite on the back of the hand.

"It hurts and hurts, you can release the seven sisters."

"Dare to dare to see it now!"

"Seven sisters, I am wrong." Dongfang Minghui also felt that this approach was somewhat wrong. If it was left in the past, most of the circumstances that concealed the patient's condition would be expelled. "I don't want to see you and my mother sad. ”

Thousands of jade and a small glimpse, reached out to bring people into their arms.

Dongfang Minghui’s face was smashed on the chest of the Seven Sisters. She stretched out her hands and surrounded the slender waist. “Seven sisters, don’t be sad, I will definitely think of a way.” She’s only afraid of the wood. The blood of her blood and the effect of her blood are too slow. It is too short in a year. If it is more than two years or three years, it may not be so annoying.

However, if she can give hope, she will not even dare to say that the greater the expectation, the higher the disappointment will be.

Qian Qiyu’s heart is empty, she doesn’t know if she is sad. The body of her relatives is full of oil, but her face is calm, like a normal person, if it’s not nine sisters, she I don’t know if she and her mother know it. It’s not a taste for her. “Jiumei, how long?”

"less than a year."

"I know, I will talk to my mother."

Oriental Minghui immediately released the other's arms and opened his eyes. "Seven sisters, how are you going to talk to your mother, Wanniang--"

Thousands of jade licked each other's hair, "I will talk to my mother."

"Yuer, Xiaojiu, what are you doing there?" Qianyi Lingben has not found that two people have not followed up. It is because she looks at the white group and she is not surprised. She only finds it strange. The two hoes hug each other.

She couldn't help but smile and shook her head. These two gimmicks were so sticky that they had to sneak together and sneak together. It seems that they should return to the thousand homes.

"Come, mother."

Thousands of jade jade took the hands of the oriental Minghui, and quickly followed them up. They walked to the end and looked different. They thought about each other.

“Hey, is there a pill that lasts for a long time?”

"Your one is a continuation of the medicinal herbs." The small color reminded, "How many people dream of the pill, can not be met, but -"

Dongfang Minghui almost went to the wall with annoyance. The life-saving pill was used up. Now, I don’t want to worry about it. "Aside from the death of Dan, is there anything else?"

Pig fairy grass weeding tail, "In fact, your blood is also unique in this world, but this person is still a little bad luck."

She understands that it is a bad life. She has been using her current method for a year and a half. Maybe she can't keep a life. But she did not dare to say this, saying that she was using a knife to poke the heart of the seven sisters.

This incident, Oriental Minghui feels that it can no longer be mentioned.

The next road was a lot smoother. Everyone rushed for a day and sat down to rest.

The disciples of Qingzongzong were very vigilant at first, but after two days, they decided that they had not encountered anything on the road, and the vigilance was gradually put down. Seeing that Dongfang Minghui was in the process of refining pharmaceutical agents from time to time. Look, ask.

Dongfang Minghui answered patiently one by one, knowing why they were tempted, thinking about it, and honestly saying, "The injury of your little brother is quite good, and it will be as usual after a while. But, If you want to hurry or travel long distances, it will not help him."

When the flower book thought about it, he pulled the scorpion jade aside and whispered. "Thousand girls, we want to wait until the town in front is separated from everyone. Thanks to the girls for their care during these days."

Qian Yuyu didn't have any objection to this. It was just a good reminder. "I don't know how the people of the death corps found you and rounded up you. But if you choose to separate, I can't ensure your safety. ""

Hua Shu has long thought about it. The pros and cons are also considered very thoroughly. He and the Oriental Minghui also said in Changsheng Dingzhong. "I know that on this road, I would like to thank Qian Chiu and the Oriental girl for helping each other. I will forget, but I feel that no matter what, hiding is not a way, life and death, I want to do something for Qingzong."

There was a glimmer of appreciation in the eyes of Qian Yuyu. When she looked at them and gave them all the books for her life, she somewhat looked down on this group of people, but now she finds that this person has more responsibility than she imagined. "It seems that you are already planning."

Oriental Minghui listened to their conversations without missing a word. She thought of her own proposal and guessed that the four disciples of Qingzong were probably going to go to the spirits, but this meant The four of them must be separated...

When the time is separated, will the heart be together?

People are strange species. When they are tied to a boat, they can still share the same pains. But once they walk along each other, the original goals and ideals in the heart will change with the new environment, and the people will deviate.

"What are you thinking about?" Xuanzhu’s unique voice suddenly pulled the thoughts of Oriental Minghui back from various brain supplements.

"Ah!" She was thinking about how to get into the heap of the sorcerer, but she felt unrealistic. "I didn't think about anything."

Xuanzhu looked at the other side of the pot and the pot was smashed. Then he licked it. The medicinal juice that had been crushed had flowed outside. She grabbed it and helped to continue. "You will show your face when you are absent-minded." on."

Dongfang Minghui is not annoyed. Seeing that the other side is skilled in picking up her medicine, she can't help but hold her head and look at Xuanzhu. The more she thinks that Xuanzhu is different from her imagination, it seems that she has been trafficked to the orc race. The angular corner of the little princess was flattened. "Xuanzhu, Lajin priest, is he good to you?"

Xuanzhu’s hand did not speak.

Oriental Minghui couldn't help but frown, and the brain filled up a look that Xuanzhu was often reprimanded by the master. She guessed that the Lajin priest was so perverted, and the days of Xuanzhu were not good. "Pig grass, under normal circumstances. Isn’t the spirit teacher unable to touch the spiritual plant?”

"Yes." Dark spirits are different from ordinary people. When they touch the spirit, they will die.

"How can we make the dark sorcerer become a pharmacist..." In the past, Dongfang Minghui didn't even think about it. She felt that unless the sun hit the west, she saw Xuanzhu, she thought it The world should be something that she can't think of, something that she can't do.

The pig fairy grass was briefly silenced.

Dongfang Minghui did not rush, and quietly looked at Xuanzhu. She had some words to ask, and she felt that she had no position to ask, so her mouth squirmed for a while, and the sentence was overturned and chewed on the tip of the tongue. Did not ask for an exit.

"The master is dead."


The movement in the hands of Xuanzhu suddenly stopped, and the hoarse voice could not hear sadness.

But the Oriental Minghui looked at the other side sitting there, the little man was wrapped in the black suit, how to look a little pitiful, she reached out and wanted to hug this person who is his own sister, although in her heart I did not admit the identity of Xuanzhu. Her hand had not been able to touch the shoulder of Xuanzhu, and was held by a strong hand.

"Seven sisters."


Thousands of jade jade wrapped her hands and continued along the topic just now. "How did he die?"

Xuanzhu had a little bit of grinding, and her expression was quite erratic. She was still the robes, but when she was facing them, she also picked up the hood, occasionally showing an overly pale face, several times, the East. Minghui wants to ask the other person why the color is so bad, is it sick...

But then I thought that the other party is a pharmacist, and my physical condition is the clearest.

"It’s the death corps."


This answer is in the speculation of Qianyuyu. When I was in the Orc tribe earlier, the Lajin priest encountered an ambush and chase. She was almost a dead ghost at the time. "What should the Lajin Sacrifice say to you?"

Xuan Zhu looked at the calm face of Qian Yuyu with a little bit of hatred. She stuffed the medicine roller directly into the hands of Dongfang Minghui and left.

Dongfang Minghui was slow to respond, and there was still a bit of awkwardness. She thought that Xuanzhu did not want to say, "Seven sisters, Xuanzhu is in a bad mood, we should not ask."

Qian Yuyu couldn't help but pinch the cheek of Oriental Minghui, and felt helplessly, "You."

"It hurts, seven sisters, my face will be swollen by you."

"Where, show me."

She really stretched her neck so that the other person could look at her atrocities, and then she was scorned by a wet thing on her cheek. She stared at her eyes and looked at other people with guilty conscience. sister."

Thousands of jade jade stick out of the tongue, smack on the lips of their perfect sly, whispering in the ear of the Oriental Minghui, "excellent taste."

I have been waiting for people to go out, and Dongfang Minghui has reacted, and she has been teased by the seven sisters! ! !

"Hey, I really didn't see it. Now, in the sky, can you not consider our young minds?" The little color and the pig fairy grass slashed her in the sea of ​​souls.

Dongfang Minghui blushes her face, and the cockroaches behind her neck come out to join in the fun. Sitting on her shoulder, she has a serious look at the posture of the 婉 婉 那 勾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学 学Mouth, "Xiaojiu, the taste is very good."


"Oh, little nine dozen people -"

"Ha ha ha ha."


The happy time flies past, and when they continue to drive for three days, they finally see a city. The gate is much more majestic than the town of Cixin. There are people on the wall guarding them. They see pedestrians crossing the road. Always stop at the time.

"What are they doing?"

“Receive the tolls into the city.” Xuanzhu added to the side, “One person and one Lingshi.”

Oriental Minghui looked at her suspiciously. "Huanzhu, have you been to this place?"

Xuanzhu does not deny it. "I used to go to Tibet when I was hiding in Tibet. I still remember this place."


“Advanced City, find an inn to rest.”

"it is good."

The curiosity of Dongfang Minghui was interrupted by Qianyu jade. She looked at her seven sisters with a little sadness, counted a few heads, and took out a dozen or so spiritual stones from the space. "I didn’t think it was, now suddenly I found that defending a city gate can also earn a lot of spiritual stones."

Wood gave a laugh at the side, and the missing front teeth were exposed.

"The income of this spiritual stone is indeed very impressive."


"Stand up, where did you come from?" The person who stopped them looked like a villain, a sharp-nosed monkey, and both eyes swayed back and forth around them. "Hey, still four." a chick."

"We came from the town of Cixin." When Xuanzhu spoke, the blocker was scared to take a step back and quickly patted his chest. "Scared the uncle, I thought it was a beautiful woman. I didn't expect it." Is--"

If there are not seven sisters to stop, Oriental Minghui wants to rush to pick people.

"A total of thirteen people, this is thirteen Lingshi." Oriental Minghui directly asked Musheng to hand over the stone to the man. As a result, the man had a small eye and his eyes looked back and forth on their pedestrian. Look, I will look at the injured disciple of Qing Yizong for a while, and then point to Xiaoyan and Xiaoyan, and look for a variety of things.

Thousands of jade jade pulled out the water whip, and the purple thunder took a trace on the stone door. The long whip turned a circle and crossed the front of the man, scaring the man to squat and squat on the ground.

Millennial jade looked at him coolly. "Can we go now?"

The man was scared, or the person on the side nodded again and again. "Yes, yes."

Going out from the gate of the city, Dongfang Minghui couldn’t stop laughing, "Seven sisters are mighty."

Qian Yuyu put the little hand that she had only messed up in front of her hand, reminding, "Everyone should be careful."


They have thirteen people, and they have a total of six rooms. One of the disciples of Musheng and Qingzong, one of Xuanzhu and Lanlan’s sisters, everyone’s rooms are all next to each other. To.

Oriental Minghui knows that in this city, they may have to be separated from Huashu and others. When they are free, they will go to the next door to help check the disciple’s injury and dilute the added pharmacy. I handed it to Hua Shu. "You have to give him a drink every seven days, so you can't exceed it."

After Hua Shuo asked more questions, he only took the pharmacy bottle properly.

Qian Yuyu has been watching the East Minghui busy to go back to his room, can not wait to press the person on the door panel, close to the forehead of both of them, "Jiumei."

Oriental Minghui felt that the whole person's breath was melted by the seven sisters, and he couldn't help but sigh. She glanced at the sky outside, the blue sky, the shame in her heart and the unstoppable desire is like a star ignited, and it was itched by the low-browed smile of the millennium jade. She scraped it and directly blocked it. That mouth.

The two had been enduring the trepidation of the soul brought about by the double repairs. It was hard to be no one now, and they were unscrupulous.

Thousands of jade jade can not help but lose an enchantment in the room, so as not to be interrupted by people with no vision, then it really wants people to vomit blood, she caressed all the way. Pushing people directly into the bed, they pressed the past.

"Seven sisters."

"Small nine."

叮叮 叮叮 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两Behind the neck."

Dongfang Minghui also has a lingering fear. This small thing has a strong ability to imitate, and it is about to be taught by the Seven Sisters. However, before she thinks more, Qian Yuyu has pressed back again, and her hands are used to ignite on her.

"Hey, seven sisters, you are lighter-"

Not a moment, there was a low gasping in the room...


"Small nine small nine!!!"

The 叮叮 丢 丢 婉 丢 丢 丢 丢 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢 丢In the room, he was born alone. He was screaming at this moment. Then he ran to the room of Xuanzhu. When he saw Xuanzhu, he quickly flashed out. Finally, he went to Qianyiling and Lance. Inside the room.

"Lance Big Brother, take a break for a while."

"No." Lance said that he had rested for most of his life. He wanted to stay with his family for the rest of the time. He pulled the hands of thousands of elders. They were like old ladies and wives, sitting and hugging. .

When I came in, I first shouted, "Mother."

Thousands of spirits found a circle in midair, and finally saw the cockroaches on the window that opened a gap. For this little guy who has a look like a small one, Qian Yiling also gave considerable patience. .


"Small nine! Hey!" 叮叮 闪 闪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

After a thousand leans, I couldn’t help but laugh.

"Linger, who is it?"


Thousands of spirits took the scorpion off his shoulders, opened Lance's big palm, and placed the cockroaches in his palm. "The little guy is going to borrow a night from us."

Lance is also very welcome, but I can't imagine what it looks like. He feels itchy, and there is a soft little thing that is stepping back and forth in his palm. "Hey."

He looked at him with his head and then flew back to the shoulders of Qian Yiling.

This night, a few happy couples.

Early the next morning, the thousands of jade gods were refreshing. As soon as they opened the door, the cockroaches that had been waiting outside the door rushed in like a small cannon. As a result, they had not entered the door and were smashed into the door. I stopped the interception, thinking that yesterday's good thing was almost destroyed by this little thing, her eyes glimpsed, "Nine sisters are still sleeping, not allowed to go."

The next room was opened one after another, and Xuanzhu was cold. "This little thing has been quarreling for one night. Can you manage it?"

Qian Yiling was also very helpless. She was willing to stay in her house at the beginning. Later, she went out in the middle of the night and went out to make trouble.

Musheng came out with a yawn, and his clothes were still awkward. He felt very strange. He slept for a night, but he was sore. He knocked on his back. "I just dreamed that I was flying in the sky. I almost couldn’t breathe."

"You are not a dream, you are really flying in the sky." And the younger brother of Musheng's house is more clearly seen, because he did not sleep, has been in the master room to discuss the road, returning in the middle of the night When I arrived at the room, I found no one in the room, then went out to find a circle, and finally saw a black shadow in the air.

"Ah--" Musheng screamed and quickly went back to check himself.

"Who's the cry!" Dongfang Minghui started as soon as he sat down. After he got up, he felt backache and his body fell softly.

Thousands of jade jade pinched their two wings, whispered, "Nothing, you continue to sleep."

With my head in my head, I smashed into the house. Because of the enchantment, I couldn’t see Xiaojiu at all, but it didn’t prevent it from calling for help. “Small nine, help--”

Millennial jade gave it a look, "Shut up!"

I immediately licked my mouth, and I was very innocently carrying a thousand jade. The black eyes that are not slipping in autumn are very smart. If you look closely, you can see the meaning of grievances inside.

The door on the side was opened again. This time, Huashu and others walked out. Qianxiu saw that they still supported the injured disciple. They saw their posture and understood. "Is this ready to go today?"




Dongfang Minghui was awakened, and I could sleep, and listened to the words of a sentence from outside, she just got up and watched the flowers and told them to leave. Looking back, I found that the look of the Millennium is dignified. "Seven sisters, how do you frown?"

"I am worried that they are not far away..."
