MTL - Mistress, I Was Wrong-Chapter 12 Medicinal

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The lightning rat is full, just like when you come, it’s gone silently.

Oriental Minghui waited for the small, but also had to wait for the big one.

Fortunately, there will be a happy event to happen, and the female lord will not give her any look.

Oriental Minghui still blessed a rabbit meat with all his heart and soul.

"I am going to get married soon, I have to wear a big red dress. The environment here is simple, but I still have to say how to say the bride's red dress. I have a set of seven sisters." Throw it to the female hostess and signal her to look through it.

Her body owner likes big red clothes, so before she left the house, she brought a set of women's clothes in addition to several sets of men's clothing.

Mu Qing girl was so shy that her face was red. "Girl, you saved your five brothers, and now I am still very happy to take your clothes."

When the oriental jade jade turned over, it took out a set of red robe skirts, which was very festive.

"No problem, you two are married, I have not given any gifts, if you do not disregard, this red clothes right is your gift of marriage."

Oriental Minghui turned a blind eye. This is to take her clothes and borrow flowers to offer Buddha. The female hostess actually said that she was righteous.

The Oriental Yuyu Yuguang aimed at her movements and couldn't help but smile. "Don't say anything more, just change it. Let's see how beautiful the bride is."

Muqing nodded, and as the Oriental Saitama came to the inner stone cave, he changed his clothes.

This box, the Oriental Minghui men's clothing, naturally go to mix with Wang Fei. Although his life was saved, his body was still very weak, and even the clothes were changed by Zhao Sanqi.

In fact, there are not many things in the cave. Everyone moved a few large stones as stools, and Gaotang naturally did not.

After both Mu Qing and Wang Fei were ready, Dongfang Minghui acted as the master of ceremonies, shouting with a smile on his side, "a world of worship."

"Two worship high church."

Both of them are orphans without fathers and mothers. Zhao Sanqi is the closest person to them. This Gaotang naturally worships him.

"The husband and wife are worshipping."

Mu Qing’s eyes are smiling, and Wang Fei is also a brow and a smile. The two are looking at each other with deep affection. At this moment, they only see each other in their eyes and can no longer see others.

The etiquette was 10%, and finally I entered the room.

The Oriental Minghui three gave the cave to two young people. The three sat next to the campfire and sat around. "This rabbit meat is delicious, come and eat."

Today is a big day, have fun.

"Seven sisters, this big rabbit leg is for you, I am specially baked for you." Oriental Minghui did not forget the dog's legs to shoot the female master's flattering.

Zhao Sanqi looked at her busy, and couldn't help but praise, "Seven girls, this nine brothers are really good for you."

Oriental Saitama ate a bite of rabbit meat and was silent. Her nine brothers had a good time for her. She had already taught it before.

Dongfang Minghui laughed. "Dr. Big Brother, we will leave tomorrow. What are your plans?"

There is no never-ending feast. As soon as the topic of parting ways came out, the previous festive atmosphere disappeared.

Zhao Sanqi looked at the bonfire and suddenly said, "Where are the Seven Girls and the Nine Sons going?"

Oriental Minghui looked at the female hostess.

"I intend to take the nine brothers in the Purple Devils Mountain for another period of time." The oriental 婉玉如斯道, the rabbit meat on the handle is solved.

"Experience." Zhao Sanqi sighed deeply. "When the five brothers are injured, I will take them back to the Moon Empire."

Oriental Minghui looked at him with sympathy.

Probably the atmosphere is too sad, and in the end everyone is silent and talks about each other.

The next morning, Oriental Minghui and the Oriental Yuyu left.


Before going to the East, Ming Hui glanced at Zhao Sanqi, who was still leaning against the big tree.

"Seven sisters, where are we going to go this time?"

"Going deeper, you may encounter Warcraft at level four or above."

The expression of Dongfang Minghui immediately turned into a bitter gourd face. She couldn't even deal with the first level, let alone the level of Warcraft that was higher than her.

"Seven sisters are mighty."

The so-called thousands of wearing a fart is not worn, the Oriental Ming Hui first boasted.

Dongfang Yuyu did not know her in a deep sense, and she had plans in her heart.

They found a towering peak and found a cave nearby. There is a stench in the cave, the taste is particularly heavy, and nothing can be seen in black paint.

"Seven sisters, be careful."

Oriental Minghui followed step by step, fearing that something suddenly popped out.

The Oriental Saitama ordered the torch, and everything in the cave was clearly seen. Except for some rotten rotten meat, the stench smell was emitted from there. There was a pile of white bones on the ground, which looked like the bones of animals.

"This cave is no longer used, we clean it up." Oriental Saitama inserted the torch directly into the center of the stone, and put the bag on it, and began to work.

Oriental Minghui couldn't help, resisting nausea, throwing all the carrion on the ground, and bones, all out of the cave.

After simply cleaning it, they really used the cave as a place to stay.

"I am responsible for prey, you are responsible for preparing to eat." Oriental Saitama will give a clear understanding of the work of the two.

Oriental Minghui mourned, and she completely became a cook.

Since that day, the eastern jade jade white sunrise, when coming back at night will always come back with a huge Warcraft, dead. The female host also has different injuries.

Oriental Minghui guessed that this was the Warcraft killed by the female host. The first time I saw it, I was really shocked.

Sometimes, even if the female lord disregards her own wounds, she will meditate directly. That stock is desperate, so that Dongfang Minghui is afraid to step forward.

Oriental Minghui’s daily work is to find a way to dismember World of Warcraft, so that its bones can be used to cook some wild vegetables, and the meat will be eaten when it is used to cook. Over time, her hand craftsmanship was practiced, and she had a certain understanding of the body structure of Warcraft.

On this day, wait until the female hostess goes out. Oriental Minghui also ran quietly, she wanted to see if there were any fruits on the trees around.

Eating the meat of Warcraft every day will cause indigestion.

But looking for a big circle, the fruit did not see, she actually saw a few herbs, worried that she was wrong, she went up and asked.

"Helping you move."

Dongfang Minghui talked with the herbs by their own weak spiritual power, and then transplanted them to the outside of Dongfu.

"Reassured, I will help you water and fertilize every day, so that you can grow stronger."

When the herbs heard her reply, they shook their heads and agreed, and they settled completely outside the cave.

She also regularly watered the herbs and loosened the soil according to the agreement. Sometimes I will accompany them to talk a few words, and the days will be easy and comfortable.

However, every time she goes out, she will transplant some herbs back. Over time, the cave has gradually been occupied by the figure of herbal medicine.

When one day, the Oriental Saitama came back with a wound, and saw the oriental Minghui watering the herbs in the sunset, and promised from time to time, "Well, know, if it rains tomorrow, use something to cover you." ”

"who are you talking to?"

When Donghui Minghui turned around, she found the female hostess behind her and was shocked. "Seven sisters, you are back."

"what are you doing?"

Oriental Minghui refers to a large piece of herbal medicine outside the cave. "I am watering them. It will rain tomorrow, so I will be a tent when I will."

The tent was very simple. She tied the animal skin together with a rope made of hay. Then two straight trunks were erected outside.

Oriental Saitama looked at the sky at night, starlight, bright moon and bright, and it was a good day to see tomorrow. I am too lazy to pay attention to the oriental Minghui nonsense.

"Seven sisters, you will take off your clothes, I will help you with some medicine."

Oriental Minghui put the animal skin tents on the side, then picked up the stone sticks and beat the leaves that were picked from the herbs. The stone sticks beat until the juice flowed out. She packed some bottles with porcelain.

"What is this?"

Oriental Minghui used the pieces of clothes as cotton wool, dipped some, and gently applied it to the wound on the arm of the oriental jade. "This is a living star grass, which can be used to stop bleeding and eliminate bruises. You have so many scars on your body, just in case It’s not good to leave a scar."

A girl's family, no one likes to be covered with scars on her body.

As for the female master's experience in the Purple Devils, it should be related to the spiritual power of her awakening. She did not dare to ask more, afraid of causing doubts of the female hostess.

Oriental Saitama looked at Oriental Minghui Road with sarcasm. "Did you not always want me to die? Now I am worried that I will leave scars on me."

Also mention the old things, is this counted after the fall?

Dongfang Minghui did not change color, continued to wipe the wound for her a little bit, and was extremely patient. "Seven sisters, don't be angry with me. Earlier, I was used by the four sisters. I often do things that have no brains. Now I am really sincere. I know that I am wrong. If you still don’t hate it, do you do it again to me before I do what I did to you?”

If that is the case, it can be written off. Oriental Minghui is not allowed to do the act of the woman.

Oriental Saitama is not smiling.

"Seven sisters, do you think that the wound is cold and cold, not so painful?" Oriental Minghui asked tentatively.

After she said this, Dongfang Yuyu really felt that the wounds on her body were much better. I don't know if it was her illusion. She even felt that some parts had an itchy feeling.

"It's not that painful, but I think it's a bit itchy in this place." Dongfang Yuyu pointed to the place where the back was scratched by the Warcraft claws.

Oriental Minghui glanced at it and found that the wound seemed to turn red. He immediately wiped the medicine on it. "This place may recover faster. You should not scratch it. Wait a night, I will help you see it tomorrow." ”

After doing this, Dongfang Minghui went to the side. She remembered all the medicines of the living star grass. Without the pen and paper, she directly took the stone and painted it on the wall.

She used to study medicine, but after coming here, she found that many herbs are different.

They know her, she doesn't know them.

Fortunately, her half-waste power, so that she can deal with plants, scattered, she can communicate with some of the lower-level plants, this is simply the golden finger that sent her. Not good to use, I am too sorry for myself.