MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 93 I finally found you

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Chapter 93 I Finally Found You

Ji Weixi hurried to run, but had no chance.

Seeing the car immediately hit himself, "squeak--"

The car came to a halt with an extremely harsh brake.

Ji Weixi looked at the car that was almost on his body, frightened his legs, fell to the ground, and the umbrella was blown away by the wind.

The back door opened, black shiny shoes landed, and her long legs came towards her with a little haste.

"Are you OK!"

A very gentle male voice sounded above her head.

Ji Weixi slowly looked up.

The man was holding a black umbrella over her head, and he stood there, in a black knee-length coat with a depression.

Under the silver hair, the amber-colored pupil is worried, his eyes are depressed, and there is always a kind of sorrow that cannot be separated.

He was white, sickly white, and even his lips had lost their original color.

The fingers supporting the umbrella handle are distinct and long and pale.

Ji Weixi thought that Li Shaoling's hands were good enough, but the man's fingers had a section longer than Li Shaoling's.

Looks like art.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Ji Weixi's unsettled eyes, the man uttered a voice again.

After calming down, Ji Weixi met his pupil, she shook her head awkwardly, and stood up embarrassedly.

The man wanted to help her, but she refused.

"Sorry to shock you." The man smiled apologetically.

Ji Weixi shook his head: "It's all right ..."

She had a strange feeling when he saw him.

It can't be said that it's strange and doesn't feel strange to him.

She was also wondering, and it was only the first time she had met.

The man took out a dark blue papa from his pocket and wanted to wipe the rain on her face.

Ji Weixi hid behind and smiled quickly: "I'll be fine ..."

The man smiled slightly and passed it to her.

Wiping it, Ji Weixi suddenly remembered that she had a son waiting for her in the toilet!

Ji Weixi ran away from the storm.

The man's outstretched hand stuck in midair, then fell, and he stared at the slender figure.

Slowly, the astonishment at the bottom of the eyes dissipated, and the amber eyes softly froze, and his pale lips evoked an arc.

He whispered, "I finally found you."


The little milk bag squatting legs and buttocks, he sighed with his hands on his cheeks.

He felt like he was about to lose his legs, and the little **** was cool.

"Son, I'm back!"

The small milk bag eyes brightened: "Mummy! Mummy has bought the paper! Give it to the baby!"

Ji Weixi looked at the handkerchief in his hand and silently apologized to the man.

"I didn't buy any paper, use this to wipe it."

The small milk bag took it, put it on the nose and smelled it: "It's so fragrant. After rubbing it, the baby's **** will also be fragrant!"

Ji Weixi: "... well, it will be very fragrant."

Out of the toilet, the little milk bag washed her hands, then opened her arms and begged.

Ji Weixi hugged him in his arms and tickled his nose.

The small milk bag pretends to be aggrieved with a small mouth: "Mum, baby's ass, pull cool, pull cold drops, you touch."

Ji Weixi: "..."

When Li Shaoling came, the wind was dusty.

He saw Ji Weixi's half-wet clothes and wet black hair clinging to his face, his sword frowning.

"what happened?"

Ji Weixi lied: "The umbrella was blown away by the wind and rained."

Li Shaoling raised his hand and tapped her head lightly: "Fool."

The little milk bag immediately fisted and said angrily, "Hmm! Mommy is not a fool, you are a dog!"

Li Shaoling shouted, "Excessive!"

The little milk bag immediately clasped Ji Weixi and pretended to be pitiful: "Mummy, Daddy is fierce again!"

Ji Weixi raised his eyes. "Li Shaoling, childlike, don't scare him."

Li Shaoling's Ethics: "I'm the one being scolded!"

How did she know to protect her son and not him?

Ji Weixi was speechless: "Li Shaoling, what do you care about with a child?"

And the child is still his son.

Li Shaoling walked with his umbrella on his own.

Shuangmu was angry again ...

Ji Weixi had no umbrella and could only dry him in place.

Seeing Li Shaoling approaching the car, suddenly, he turned and walked back.

The gloomy face was more scary than the sky.

His eyes were fierce: "Not ready to leave?"

He had just left, and she didn't bother.

It's too sad, it's too much!

At night, Ji Weixi was stacking freshly washed clothes and putting them in the closet.

She watched Li Shaoling squeeze on the coffee table, tapping her hands on the computer keyboard, and working seriously.

He frowned occasionally and stretched occasionally.

Since the night Mo Bin died, he slept here.

Never returned to my home.

Ji Weixi drove him n times, he always has a hundred kinds of excuses waiting for you, but you still have nothing to say.

Really ...

At this time, the cell phone on the bed rang.

It's a strange number.


Ji Weixi took it, there was no movement there.

Whom she thought the prank was about to hang up, and suddenly a nasty and weird voice sounded.

"Ji Weixi, are you happy?"

Ji Weixi frowned, "Ji Jianing?"

How did her voice change?

Ji Jianing smiled and made Ji Weixi goosebumps rise.

"You will not be happy!"

Ji Weixi taunted: "What breed of dog are you? It's so disgusting to be fierce?"

Ji Jianing didn't speak, just smiled, it was weird like a jumping god.

Ji Weixi couldn't help but hang up the phone.

A pen!

"Who hit?" Li Shaoling came over and asked.

Ji Weixi gave him a white look: "Your ex."

Li Shaoling's face cooled down, "I have no ex."

"Then who do you have?"

"only you."


Ji Weixi turned his eyes away, rubbing his shoulders and passing by in front of him: "I ... I'll drink water."

Suddenly, her arms were wrapped around her waist, Li Shaoling's lips came together: "Thirsty?"

Ji Weixi did not dare to look at him and nodded stiffly.

He smiled with a wicked charm: "I'm not thirsty when I hear a kiss."

How for the first time she heard about this magical way of quenching thirst.

She glanced through: "Li Shaoling, isn't that what you said?"

"Not what I said."

Li Shaoling corrected: "It was your man."

Ji Weixi's face was hot, and he took a hard breath: "Dog man!"

She threw off this sentence and hurried away, Li Shaoling was so anxious that when catching up, Ji Weixi locked his door with his eyes and hands.

He touched the ash of his nose.

The small milk bag patted the quilt, and Shi Xie said, "Daddy, let's have a room tonight!"

Think about it, the little guy was still a little excited.

Li Shaoling sneered, he would only sleep with his woman and little princess. What a bad boy, what did he say?

Li Shaoling turned off the light, his tall body squeezed on the narrow sofa, looked at the time, and closed his eyes.

After an hour of frustration, he took the key he had prepared and opened the door.

The woman in the bedroom slept soundly, breathing evenly, her pink mouth opened slightly, and she was pleasant.

Li Shaoling kissed and hugged her contentedly to sleep.